Excerpt from the film "Good Hair" by Chris Rock showing the inner-workings of the "human hair" weave trade. Featured is a religious ceremony called "tonsure", practiced in India. Also featured is hair stylist Elgin Charles Williams, who sought the spiritual guidance and support of Ever Increasing Faith Minister Dr. Frederick K.C. Price and received a ministry diploma from Crenshaw Christian Center Ministry Institute.

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Because that was not the question....i'm sure if they were to read it (which even if they did, they won't care because they don't see it as important) but ok...READ THE PACKAGING!!!
We have to take in consideration WHO Shauls letter was speaking to, we are under the blood of Jesus, what was spoken to Israel does not apply to us in all cases.

If you're grafted into Israel, then whatever applies to Israel... applies to you.
I agree James, that is why I stated "in all cases" one of things that Shaul spoke on was the refusal to submit to "false brothers" who wanted to take away the Gentile converts' freedom and to enslave them (2:4-5)

Now I don't wear a weave or wig, however I don't see anything wrong with a sister wearing one, and I think it's wrong to make a yoke out this issue .

It's similar to some Pharisees insisting on the necessity of circumcision and observance of the whole Mosaic law (15:5).

Well, we're still commanded to keep the "Mosaic law." Yeshua made that clear in Luke 11:28. There are hair styles sacrificed to idols, such as the round about hair cut of a man. Babylonians and many near eastern people wore this hairstyle as a symbol of sun worship.
Yes, that is true James about the sun worship, however that style was worn here in earlier times and now, and ones put no emphasis on Amon Ra, it's just bowl cut..... no worship involved
That's the trick of ha shatan to have you believe that because you don't call on a name or do something for a purpose as they did that it is ok...not says Yah...we are not to be awed or mimic them...thus being set apart..

I never realized that living set apart away from idolatry was a yoke..
yup and Yah said to learn not the way of the matter what era you are in...
but they have not learned the way of the heathens, it is just a hairstyle to them, they don't shaved their heads to an idol, or even know anything about Amon Ra to offer it up to him, this is the structured way of the heathens, what we need to be concerned about, the mind that says I AM DOING THIS BECAUSE I WORSHIP THIS IDOL.

We cannot bring bondage to those who are free, YAH says HE sees the heart, only HIM, and HE does not judge the outward appearance
So i guess because people do not "literally " bow or worship a "x-mas trees" we should rip out JerimiYah 10? and everyone practice it...(most of you do anyway..LOL)

Carnality at it's best...

Yah said NOT to do it PERIOD (learn or practice their ways) He did not give a generation the ok to do it because your not doing the same...he said learn not... PERIOD do not PERIOD practice not PERIOD.....
The pharisees were against the Mosaic Law.....They carried on the traditions of men just like the Christians do....they rather keep Christmas than the days Yah instructed to keep.. Your putting numbers but what book are you attempting to reference?
You are missing the point, if they never know the way, they can't learn it, or put it in practice, we are not talking about a tree here, we are talking about how someone would fix their hair and with what.


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