James 4:7b
..... Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Do you notice that most often people are only taught HALF of that instruction? Why is the first part omitted?

James 4:7 READS...
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Why are people being taught to come against the devil when they haven't submitted to God?

Another question?

Matt 16:19 -- Is the devil bound just because we say the words "I BIND YOU DEVIL/SATAN"?

If so, who keeps letting him or his demonic forces loose? Is this what this scripture really means?

Is this what is being taught, to simply say, "I BIND YOU SATAN" and that's it?


Lastly, do you teach that to rebuke the devil is by saying the words, "I REBUKE YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS"? What is the specific rebuke?

Don’t you rebuke him with the specific Word of God for that specific situation that he is messing with? Didn't Jesus quote specific scriptures to the various temptations from the devil when He was in the wilderness? Every temptation had a scripture that was used to rebuke the devil.

How did Jesus handle Peter's demonically influenced rebuke as Jesus foretold of His death. Did Jesus stop at saying, GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN.. or did He say more? Matt 16:23

And Jesus’ use of "GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN.. to Satan, did He qualify it with a scripture? Luke 4:8

I've often wondered why spiritual warfare has been taught the way it has been taught. Since Jesus is our example, shouldn't we follow his example of dealing with our Adversary?

Shouldn't we follow His example of how to rebuke the devil?

How did Jesus deal with those He came in contact with who were possessed with demons? Matthew chapter 8

Following Jesus' example, how did Paul deal with the demon-possessed woman who was following them around? Do the scriptures show that Paul repeated "I rebuke you satan" or did he just command the demon to come out of the woman?

And Paul also tells us something else... 2 Corinthians 10:5

Does Ephesians chapter 6 look more like James 4:7 ??
Ephesians 6:1-0 submitting to God
Ephesians 6:10-12 resisting the devil

If what we are saying or doing is not how Jesus did it or how we have been instructed in scriptures, then is it even really working? Or are people being set up to come running back like the sons of Sceva (Acts 19:13-17)

The purpose of this discussion is NOT to teach teachers and preachers on spiritual warfare but to ask, what are you teaching?

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I didnt say that I know of any, I was wondering what your thoughts were of it IF they existed....

I guess my point is that we look for biblical examples or biblical principles for what we do.

So, are there any biblical examples of a change in people's lives as a result of the word being written before their eyes?


has anyone ever just read the word (the bible) and had a spiritual experience by just reading the text...

Do we "hear" anything when we are reading to ourselves or is there just utter silence?
Hmmm. Interesting concept. Never really thought about it or even heard of such a work going on, but it is quite provocative. I think maybe it could be successful if it were both intructional and interactive. Radio and television work because people can hear them. Faith cometh by hearing. Sound waves are natural and words that are carried or transported on these waves are spirit. The connection is made in the hearing. I think a cyber-deliverance ministry might prove fruitful if the reader can interact with it, e.g. Get them to repeat aloud the words pertaining to the operation of their deliverance throughout the process. It is not only important for them to hear the words, but the devils must hear them also. It would take some doing, but it is conceivable. Are you considering taking on the task?
Well, one thing I know for sure and that is my calling and what is in my hands.

Moses knew who called him becuase he knew God's voice. He was also reluctant because of what he saw as his weaknesses and even past history (blood on his hands). But he had to be reminided of what was now IN his hands. Its amazing how the words of people will keep you from FULLY trusting God. Especially when it is something that most people haven't seen before.

Ex 4:1-4

1 And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The LORD hath not appeared unto thee.

2 And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.

3 And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it.

4 And the LORD said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand:

The internet ministry was not a mystery to me. I started it as soon as the Lord told me to... but that was a bit different from what He is showing me now. When I questioned the Lord about this deliverance ministry (because I'd never seen it done online before), He reminded me of a experience I had chatting with a brotha who used to be a devil worshipper. You see, I don't go online blazing a title ... I'm just Tracy or Hope or whatever moniker I come up with. Most people who are in the dark and hiding, won't open up to Evangelist this or Prophet that... They'd rather talk to a regular Joe. I don't even consider myself anything other than just a minister.. a servant.. a friend. Having that mindset has left me open and available to operate however God sees fit in whatever the situation is. you understand?

Well in that experience, me and that fella were chatting, the best way to describe it was that it was a weird atmosphere (and I'm not trying to be Sally Super spiritual when I say it like that either) But the Spirit just rose up in me and I realized with whom I was chatting. I just typed (and spoke aloud while typing) commanding the demon to come out of the man. Honestly, I don't really recall all the words that I typed/spoke. I just remember the emotion of the moment. I remember that my natural thought was to ASK the man if he wanted to be set free but sometimes you don't ask a person who is bound, you just LOOSE them. Like Lazarus, Jesus raised him from the dead but told the people around Lazarus to unbind him so he could walk freely. Sometimes it is just obvious that a person is bound, no need to ask them if they want to be free. Other times, people like thier bondage and don't want to be set free... or they are USE to being bound becuase it is all that they know.

So the WHO called me ... I know for sure... the Lord God called me to be Biblical Counselor who also operates in the ministry of deliverance.

The WHAT is in my hands... I know for sure -- my "rod" is the internet and my ability to communicate.

My weakness... the WHY ME Lord... is my past failed marriages. Three to be exact. I tell the Lord that no one will want to hear what I have to say, what I know to be true about You. I'm just a woman in Houston, two kids, works hard, with a desire to work side by side my husband in ministry.. a team of two for YOU Lord. And I have found that the three preachers I had married... oh Lord.. I could write a book -- LOL

But the HOW is what behooves me. The internet... internet ministry is my rod. What am I to do with my rod Lord?

I did start an internet ministry... its still online since 2007.. with the sole purpose of just meeting people where they are and helping them with life's situations by God's Spirit and using God's word. But sometimes I won't just spout a scripture passage but give the spirit of the word or share biblical principles without saying chapter this verse that. Sooo many people (belivers and unbelivers) are online and just hurting, and hiding. They won't go talk to their pastor, or parents, or anyone in their city because of the shame of the sin that has them sooo bound. THOSE are the persons that I have a heart for... and it seems that those are the persons that tend to find me or I find them... thru simple convo online.

But last year, I had this pull towards "deliverance ministry". Deliverance Ministry? Are you serious Lord? How in the world do I do it? It's just me. (I was told that I had to be married to be truly effective in ministry.. you know.. 1 puts 1,000 to flight 2 puts 10,000). Once I FINALLY let go of that word that was spoken over me and let go of my desire to be "married and in ministry.. a team of two".. then this very strong desire of Deliverance Ministry came and won't go away.

Now I'm like... ok my rod.. what's in my hand is the internet... how in the world can I accomplish Deliverance online?

So, what I'm unsure about is the HOW.

Oh and the end result of the chat with the fella. He says he has never been the same since. He's been sending me videos of him playing his instrumetn in the church (he's a musician). He expresses a desire to help others who were once bound in devil worship and covens and witches and warlocks. He's sharing how things in his life have changed. And I've been watching him interact with other people.. his words (typed words) are not full of anger like before. Of course he could be totally lying but if he is, then it is on him .. not me.
To God be the glory!

Thanks for sharing this awesome testimony. No doubt, God has already prepared you for this deliverance ministry. Whether or not you desire to remarry, putting God first is the key to having all other desires met in His timing.

Shalom in Jesus
Well sis...

3 And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it.

I'm in no way saying I'm a "Moses" but I do look to the scriptures and my faith heroes in it to see what they experienced. It helps build my faith knowing someone else was as goofy as I am about things.

When the Lord first "spoke" deliverance ministry to me, like verse three.. i ran for the hills. LOL... it startled me.... no.. it FRIGHTENED me! Who in their right mind wants to go toe to toe with demons? I mean haven't we seen enough scary movies LOL

But even as a child, I've dealt with demons. When I was afraid of them, they would torment me... serious nightmares, I could hear them in my room, I would wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to move... literally pinned to my bed.

I would later discover that half my family were all ministers while the other half were witches. What in the world... I'm half and half LOL

As I studied my bloodline I discovered some disturbing stuff. There was a time when I stopped researching because ignorance is BLISS. And I wanted to remain blissful LOL

Years after I accepting my calling into ministry, I would watch others in deliverance ministry... some seemed far fetched while others seemed legit. I would see emotionalism verses straight up bible deliverance.

Some people would come with the expectation of immediate deliverance and get disappointed when they would go back to their old lifestyle. (don't get me wrong, some people do get immediately delivered..while others must go thru a process)

So people are groomed for quick fixes! But even after a spirit is cast out a person's mind must still be renewed. Putting off old ideaologies and habits and putting on the mind of Christ.

So I guess for me, I'm more interested in walking a person thru the process the change of lifestyle than that immediate moment. Albeit, a process starts with... a moment.

But even as a child, I've dealt with demons. When I was afraid of them, they would torment me... serious nightmares, I could hear them in my room, I would wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to move... literally pinned to my bed.

I would later discover that half my family were all ministers while the other half were witches. What in the world... I'm half and half LOL

WOW . . .It appears you may have been unintentionally in the middle of a spiritual war just because of the blood ties.

But, on the other hand, God allowed it for this very reason . . .Deliverance Ministry. Even then, you were being prepared.

I really enjoy reading your posts. Not only are they edifying, but enjoyable as well. I am so glad and thankful to God for connecting us.

Shalom in Jesus
I've always wondered why some people can believe so whole heartedly in angels but not believe in demons or believe in the existence of demons but totally not believe in angels.

Do they not see both existing in a very real way in God's word.

Have they not read Daniel 10???

Anywho... deliverance ministry is not something that should be strolled into. I've been praying, thinking, talking, wondering about this for a year now. And with 2010 here... my time is up says the Lord (smile)
In any case, I am being mentored by someone in deliverance ministry (offline).

It really is not something to take lightly nor is it something to just go into on a "whim".
I am glad to hear that you have a mentor.

Deliverance Ministry, as you know, is very serious and can be dangerous for the untrained. But, still, God would not have called you for this ministry without equipping you first and preparing you in every way and manner necessary. As long as you do not get ahead of Him, you will do fine.

I will continue praying for you without ceasing.

Shalom in Jesus
I wouldn't DARE try this online without first being trained offline... IZ YOU KIDDIN LOL.

I'm not trying to go out like the sons of Sceva LOL
HOPE . . .


Praise God!
HOPE, God bless you. I too have enjoyed reading your posts. I think your internet ministry is very admirable, and that an internet deliverance ministry is quite doable. Personally I think you are great for the job. When you are done with your training, I am certain you will be most effective. I perceive that your attitude is right, and that you have the ministry and will of the Father at heart. And regardless of all you've gone through, you still have your sense of humor. Believe me, as serious as deliverance ministry is, you gotta have a sense of humor. You're going to do just fine. I bid you God's speed. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.
Your friend and brother, Pastor Melvin


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