In 1 Corinthians 11:3 we read, “But I want you to know that the
head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the
head of Christ is God.” In our bodies, the head gives direction to
the rest of the body. So when the Bible says man is the head of the
woman, it means he is the one setting the direction for the family.
From this verse, we know the order of hierarchy is God, Christ,
man then woman. God the Father and Jesus Christ are equally
divine, yet there is a difference in their roles. One submits to the
other. In the same way, man and woman are spiritually equal, but
their roles are different. By God’s design, one is to lead and the
other to follow. So although the wife is not inferior, it is her role
to submit to her husband’s direction.
Ephesians 5:22 says, “Wives, submit to your own husbands,
as to the Lord.” Some husbands use this Scripture to force their
wives into submission. This is not God’s way.
It is the right thing for the wife to submit willingly to her husband.
But she does this knowing that she is obeying the living God,
for it is God who has asked the wife to submit to her husband.
The principle of headship is something God established from
the beginning. It says in 1 Corinthians 11:7, “Woman is the glory
of man.” Woman was created to manifest man’s authority, just
as man was made to manifest God’s authority. Eve was made for
Adam’s sake, to be his helper.8 Obviously the helper follows the
one being helped. Before the fall, it was natural for Adam to lead
and Eve to follow.

Just as woman’s submission is directly linked to creation, it is
also tied to the fall. First Timothy 2:14 (niv) reads, “And Adam
was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived
and became a sinner.” She acted independently, and she was deceived.
The fall involved a violation of God-ordained roles for
the husband and wife.
Why is the subject of a wife’s submission to her husband such
a touchy subject? It is due to the curse that came upon mankind
through this rebellion and fall. In Genesis 3:16 (niv) we read
the consequence of Eve’s sin: “I will greatly increase your pains
in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your
desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” The
word desire comes from the Hebrew word teshuwqah. In this
case, it does not mean “sexual desire,” but rather “deep longing
for power and control, to be in authority.”
The curse is not that her husband rules over her, for in the beginning
Eve was created to be under Adam’s authority. It is her
desire to be in control of her husband that is the curse. It should
be no surprise, wives, that you find submission to your husbands
difficult, for this was passed down to you from Eve, just as pain in
childbirth was. This inherited desire, however, does not have to
determine the choices you make.


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God knows what He is doing, and His ways are always best. As
we have discussed earlier, submission is an attitude of the heart. It
is not simply obedience. It goes beyond that to a desire to understand
your authorities and to show them respect and honor.
It is an obvious overstatement, but still it bears saying—men
and women are different. Men feel valued and appreciated when
they are respected and their counsel and advice are taken, whereas
women feel valued and appreciated when they sense they are
loved and are treated with compassion. What if you were to question
a man at the workplace, “Do you want people here to respect
you or to love you?” He would screw up his face and say, “What
do you mean? I am not looking for people here to love me. I want
to be respected. I want my dignity.”
Nowhere in the Bible does it say, “Women, love your husbands.”
It says, “Respect your husband. Submit to him.” YOU DON’T SAY TO

A man who knowsthat his wife loves him may still wonder whether she respects
Him or trusts his decisions. Look at Ephesians 5:33: “Nevertheless let
each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let
the wife see that she respects her husband” (emphasis mine).
Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, marriage counselor and speaker, writes,
“For so many couples, respect is, indeed, the missing piece of the
puzzle.”10 He has received many letters from women writing that
everything changed once they took deliberate steps to submit
and show respect to their husbands.

Even when a husband is an unbeliever, a wife can win her husband
to the Lord through her submission and respect. “You
wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any
of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a
word by the behavior of their wives, as they observe your chaste
and respectful behavior” (1 Peter 3:1–2, nasb, emphasis mine).
Obviously, there can be excruciating circumstances in which the
situation for the wife is unbearable, and the husband does not
respond. Peter did say may. More often than not, however, just by
being respectful the husband is drawn to the Lord.

-Watchman Nee
Newview, we have over 50 of Watchman Nees books. This Chinese brother was indeed blessed. His teachings are needed in the churches. Newview when you get a chance come over to Rest Of We have some great discussions and topics there as well.
O my goodness, EW - I will visit for sure !! :-)

As far as Watchman Nee - I heard about this him years ago and was never interested in reading any of his books - but me o my - I am so happy that I came across this. Now I seek his writings out.

He's from Southern China. In 1920 at the age of seventeen he heard the gospel and became a christian. They say his ministry has been one of the most significant and spiritual to emerge during this century. He established hundreds of churches throughout Asia, wrote many books which. have become a rich supply to believers throughout the world.
He was imprisoned in 1952 for his faith and remained so for the last twenty years of his life.

Being imprisoned for ones faith or being persecuted for the Christ says something about the deepness of the messages of these people.

You know who else I think has deep eternal teachings from God - Pastor Wurmbrand. He was in imprisoned for 14 years in eastern Europe for his faith. He is the founder of Voices of the Martyrs.
He wrote Christ in Communist Prisons and Tortured for Christ, besides other books.
I guess these people locked away for the faith for such a long time have nothing but Christ to meditate on. As horrible as it is Gods grace is sufficient and more of God comes through their thoughts and message more than anyone living in leisure and at ease. I love their testimonies.

But I will be visiting Rest of God, Sis.
Although the word does not say wives love their husband...... simply by their respect and submission to their husbands, they are showing love. Husband should love their wives.... commanded in the Torah.. providing them food, clothing, and marital rights. In a real marriage.. both parties love each other, and the bible is not refuting this.. Its simply a matter of understanding the context and also the Torah. Love is ACTION, and it will always be ACTION.
"...In a real marriage.. both parties love each other, and the bible is not refuting this.."

James, I didnt get that from what he wrote. I got that - loving him would come easier than respecting him. It was apart of her nature already to 'love'.
I think we can be the sweetest of creatures - you know :-)
This subject of submission is a hard pill to swallow for today's over inflated egos. Women are shooting down anyone who steps on those spike heeled toes and tells them what thus saith the Lord. The Lord told me many many years ago that my ministry was first to my family (husband and children)

Charity begins at home then spreads abroad. How can so many women seek ministry outside of the home when their home life and children is in shambles. It doesn't make sense to me. How can you fix someone else's situation when your own children are living in sin and on there way to hell.

The Lord gave me a dream a few years back. Here is the short version of it. I saw a house on fire and the parents made their way safely out and sat on the lawn watching the house burn. They said to themselves, I hope the children wake up out of their sleep and get out before the house burns down. They made no effort to get the children out and only saw to their own safety. The Lord said to me that this is what parents in the church are doing. When you sit idly by and watch your children live sinful lives you are watching them go to hell and making no effort to travail for their souls. The Lord said, that just as a parent would naturally die trying to save their child's life from a fire, we should die to self in putting our children before the Lord in prayer and consecration for their souls. Pray your children out of hell and don't sit their watching the house burn down and your children perishing. Die for your children in a spiritual since. How can we do this if we are running around town and country trying to fix other peoples problems?

Stay at home and first minister to your family.

For the most part, american women have the hardest time submitting.
Yes they do James. Why is this? Have any ideas James.
"...Stay at home and first minister to your family. "

If women would only understand what power that she would have if she would do what God has called her to do.
Famous saying:
The hand that rocks the cradle - rules the world.
Look at what Eunice did and Lois did...
Timothy became one of bishops of the Church in Her infancy.


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