I now understand more and more about this so-call world of "Hip-Hop". I understand now why "Hip-Hop"has really no place in our churches and yet it's slowly creeping in our church doors. After hearing all of this, I will stand behind fellow clergy members by NOT allowing "Hip-Hop" into our churches.

Pastors,Ministers and Church Leaders, would you allow "Hip-Hop" in your churches? Is this a way in keeping our youth in church? I am interested in all feedback concerning this issue.

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Are one of your instruments at church an organ Bro. Tyrone? Do you know that it is in churches around America & Europe today as a result of being "entangled" with the world?
Sister Robynne,
Thank you for your testimony. You are right on point because you have seen it in your own home -- some will use their talents for the Kingdom of God; others will use it for the world. I'm sure your daughter, through her gifting, will win many souls for Jesus and edify many saints. Rap, hip-hop, or whatever you want to call it has a place in ministry -- only as long as the lyrics glorify God! God Bless You and Your Family!

Pastor Day
Dear Sister Moore,

Praise the Lord for your daughter turning her life to Christ! and bless God for you, I know as a parent you must be pleased with the choice that she made.

For the Record Sister Moore; my position was and is very simple; God is not against people of any age giving him praise. God is not against people of any age submiting expressing themselves. We are talking about is the use of theme songs to recordings like snoop dog and the like as a means in which to rapp...The position that I presented then and now is this: The same God that gave provides the talent to write anointed lyrics is capable of writing anointed music as well.

I really don't see anything wrong with that position.

God Bless You

Pastor Hodge
Greetings Pastor Hodge,

If I offended you I apologize. People have done worse to me. And absolutely, I will
take any criticism, cronstructive or not. You sound like a christian, so that makes
you my brother.

Now, some gestures that rappers tend to carry over they should stop. They should
be corrected. If they can't take correction then you can' t minister to the people.
Thats basicly our procedure in any ministry in our church.

And like I said any worldly song that piques a persons flesh should not be used. Thats
why I said pastors and ministers of music should prayerfully consider these matters.
Above all we are creative people and that should always be our first option in christian
hip hop. If you are going to use another artist song, then the second option should be
of the christian music. They are just as creative as worldly artist.

Hey man of God, Challenge your youth to be creative in CHrist. If they are saved trust the
Holy Spirit to teach them. It will be blessed.

Also you can have them practice at the church and then you can make suggestions
before they get their routine together.

If you give them suggestions and criticisms in love, they will respond in love.
And it will work.

In Christ
Pastor R. Phillips Sr.
Amen! Pastor Phillips,

I don't have any problem with young people coming with a new sound that the Lord gave them !I say be creative, the only problem comes when, if I am sitting outside the church I should not hear the theme song to "how to survive in south central" by Ice Cube or a B is B by whom ever.

I am sure that the Body of Christ has some young people that is capable of writing some hard hitting, fast pace music that can go with the hard hitting to the point lyrics. That being the case; we don't even have to call it hip hop; we really can call it something else...Holy Ghost Power or HGP! or somthing but you get the idea...we are a creative people and this can be done.

The main problem with using the name Hip Hop is that it is a "registered religion" that denies Christ; so to say Holy Hip Hop one would it essence be saying there is a Holy Budhist, or Holy Muslim, or etc. Since they deny Christ it is hard for me to see how one would call them Holy.


Pastor Hodge
Greetings Pastor Hodge,

HGP sounds good to me.

Pray about it, do it. I think you are on the verge of something great.
God Bless You.

In Christ
Pastor R. Phillips Sr.
Well Praise the Lord! Brother,

Peace and blessings!

Pastor Hodge
I agree on certain aspects. I also believe that it a time and place. I just get upset when pastors call christians (rappers)-ministers just some sort of entertainment. I love God and I spread the gospel Thru rap. We need to focus on relationship and stop complaining on what man feel like whats holy or not. The music and it context will tell you if it's God or not.There some christian rapper who heart is not in the right place but it there also rev and minister who heart is not focus on god.Hip hop artist do give thanks when receiving awards but just like u said thank to God.God Can be anything money sex satan what every they idolize. we dont know the god they serve. Just want to Thank my lord and savior for using me the way he does. We all call fishers of men all fish don't bite the same bait. so lets focus on kingdom business. We have to be careful with everything not just christian rap.Do your research before invited people to minister at your church. Speaking with love. REMEMBER KEEP RUNNING GOD'S RACE!!!! Campain watch?v=gLqYWCPCasU
Amen Bro. Campain,

You are absolutly right! As Pastors we have to pay close attention to every aspect of what goes on in our respective churches because in the end God will hold us accountable.

Much Peace Bro.

Pastor Hodge
So Pastor Hodge, what do you believe is proper attire for church?
What do you believe?
Deflection, obfuscation..


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