Have a question about ushers the proper way according to the scriputres of the Bible.

I have been Ushering about 2 years now and the church I Ususher at before I was train to Usher a certain which I though it was the right way. Such as take of the Pastor, don't walk during prayer, responsive reading, testimony, discipleship and when late arrival  come hold the door. But the church I attend now it total diffrent and I now every church is not the same but respect God's house is number one priorty. But this church is totally diffrent my Pastor just trying to get members in and I guest doing the the proper way when I church get bigger. Any way I might been wrong and Lord forgive if I was, we were all late including the Pastor and I went in first and they started doing testimony service so I just hold the door and was not all that cold. But I got in trouble because I supposed to not keep noboby outside becasue it doe not says in the BIble so if anybody can help with scriputres becasue I am gettiing discourage in my spirit and the is a just about all family oriented church very few vistor that is not family realted. This the toughest church I every been at trying to Usher. And I know Obedeince is better than Sacrifice, I hard before I can to lthis church and I hear it every time. My spirit feels lost and confused and know God is not the author of confusion. I'm just try to satisfiy my spirit as if I'm doing anything wrong in God eye according to His scriputres please let me know where I can find scripteres to help my situtation.


Thank you and God Bless You.

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Technically speaking, the Usher's position falls under the category of the Deaconate ministry. With this in mind, each house has their own set rules and order, for each caters to different sets of people. Follow the rules of the house until the rules of the house hinder the move of GOD. It will be then that you are called to bring reform to your position and thus, the Church order as a whole.
Would you like to be paid for ushering?

Probably not - but I think if a person plays a piano and gets paid hundreds of dollars for it - why not the ushers?
Ushers have bills too :-)


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