Grace & Peace:

When "the Apostle of our Confession" CHRIST JESUS last left us, He left us unified under the leadership of His Apostles. Have we the audacity to want to prepare for His return, without such unity that He so properly installed? Churches are separated from one another, yet claiming the same GOD. Churches clinging to an autonomous status all while preaching "unity of the faith", and "being gathered together in one accord". The Body of Christ is in great of change from a governmental level. We as Apostles fully understand the ramifications of a unified Church, with Apostles as the Earthly heads set up by the Theocratic government of YHWH (JEHOVAH) GOD the FATHER, and the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

All of this seems to be something to work on "tomorrow", something for the "next generation", something that we are more inclined to leave within the category of "prophecy". This is not true at all. The time is now; the generation is ours; the prophecy is now "revelation". 

As we speak, my colleagues and I are working on a project to unify the Church, with Apostles in their proper leading positions in order to aide in the final global push for the preparation of the coming of the King of kings. We are developing plans for an "Apostle's Congress". This will not be a "Church fellowship to join under", "denomination", or "Apostolic Conference full of Preachers". This project's aim is for one overseeing ecumenical government. The kingdoms of the world have borrowed ideas from us and have thrived (i.e. the United Nations, the European Union, the North American Union). Its time that we the Church use the gifts that GOD has given us and thrive from them as well as we
once did (i.e. Acts Chapter 15, the Council of Nicea of 325 A.D.).

We are not calling for you to leave from under the covering of your fellowships; we are calling for all fellowships to join GOD's Theocratic government. Join us in this historic move of GOD, to prepare to finally unify the Body of CHRIST once and for all! Please contact me A.S.A.P. if you are ready to finally work towards the unity of the faith.

Remember, if the Kingdom of GOD is not unified, we are outside of GOD's will, no matter what we do.

be blessed, speak blessed....
to be a blessing, & speak a blessing.....

Your brother Trevor T. Greene
Apostle & International Overseer

Apostolic Congress Coordinator

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Apostles, if you have the urging and the calling to do and perform what I have spoke in this message deep in your heart from GOD, then DON'T be the fool and ignore it! This is NOT IMPOSSIBLE, and NOT UNHOLY to do! We are literally destined and called for such a Ministry for such a time! The time is HERE AND NOW!


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