Why is it when people come to a new country they bring there old culture with them?
Hint " New wine , old wine"

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When you have done something for so long, it becomes a routine and you get into what is called a comfort zone. So, when change comes you are hesitate or reluctant because you are stepping out of your comfort zone. So when you enter into a new country, you not only have to leave your culture behind, but you have to leave your old mind set behind as well and take on the mind set or the mentality of that country to adapt to their culture.You do that by learning that country and their culture.If you take your culture and your mentality into another country, you will be miserable, and it will cause chaos and confusion. You can't go into someone elses home and do what you do in your home. They may do things totally different. Neither can you come into another country and still abide by the rules of the country you left, even if you think what you left was better.
Very,very good answer.


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