The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan will speak live on June 26, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia at the Civic Center!


Please call the number on the flyer if you are interested in hearing this Historic message for yourself, your church / congregation! It will be one of the most widely viewed events in the history of this country. (Please see attached)

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There is nothing honorable about Louis Farrakhan...
Thank you for your opinion. May God bless you with a magnificent day! Peace to you!
LOL...I thought this was an invitation...

In Love, Sis. Denise
Yes maam, it is. You just have to sidestep people who don't share your opinions. Much love to you and your family dear sister!
What would Mr. Farrakhan have to do with the children of Israel?
What does he know about who a REAL child of Isreal is from a bowl of fruit?

Oh boy...may he find Jesus before its too late.
Thank you for your opinion. May God bless you with a magnificent day! Peace to you!
I am having a phenomenally outstanding and magnificent day. There is no need for you to wish upon me that which I already possess. Everybody knows that the Israelites were people of color. There is no profound revelation in Farrakhan's findings. He has been a distraction from the truth and have caused many to dishonor God's words because of his propaganda. And promotion of hate and division. My words to Lewy is let it go man! I do not deny that some of the things he say needs to be said. But let's separate that stuff and keep it in the secular arena. His words do not promote the Kingdom of our Father. We give honor to whom it is due. I see no reason to honor this man above any other.
Whatsa matter, bean pies not bringing in enough revenue?
Arrogance continues to choke you out my brother. Please do not grind your personal axe of profound jealousy and insecurity against the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Please don't be angry with him becuase God has blessed him to work for the last 50 years and speak to millions of human beings all over our planet. Please don't be angry because you have no real tangible track record of work that you can cite that you have done in the world on behalf of God and His Christ. You need a little bit more of Christs teachings in you my brother before you can even comment about what the Minister has or has not done. God and God alone is the judge and not someone of your unfortunate ilk. Again thank you for your opinion. May God bless you with a magnificent day! Peace to you!
Good puppy.
If I hadn't been taught so thoroughly by the Minister I would tell you that yo momma is the dog that you ascribe to me and you are a son of a you know what... But he has raised me better than that...Peace to you inspite of yourself.
I agree. I think you responded exactly the way your master taught you. He has taught you well. You are truly his disciple. he has raised you exactly as you are and as he is. Congratulations You are truly his ambassador a disciple of satan.
Fellow BPN members. This man invites you to come and hear a man who promotes division, and hate. This is his master. If you can say he has restrained himself on that last post, this meager attempt at restrain was done not for Christ sake, but for his master's sake. He admits that Louie taught him and even raised him. lucifer unfair-a-conman is nothing more than an unfair con-man. A man who stirs up strife and division, hate and malicious notions among people. He is an evangelist of satan who tries to pedal this garbage in the Church. He is not Christ, He don't believe the scripture. He is a member of a very dark and secret power that is in complete opposition to the Church. He pretends that he care about blacks, but he don't. This is just the way the devil can get his garbage preached to the blacks in the church. He knows whites aren't going to hear this garbage. And when they do they despise blacks. When blacks hear it, they despise whites. There is no love. There is no peace in his words. Yet church folk flock to him, and bow the head in agreement with the stench that comes out of his mouth. You are responsible for what you allow in your spirit. Marky hear boasts of what louie has accomplished. But I see nothing that this creature has contributed to life, or the kingdom of God. I say let him do what he do, but keep it out of the Church. It is written that our Father's house is to be called the House of prayer. Pipping this con-man's devils doctrine into the Church is not unlike making God's house a den of thieves. If you are a born again child of God, and support this mess, you should be ashamed to hold your head up before God and His Holy angels. It is a disgrace. I say this in love. Will we honor this man? If you honor him, you dishonor God. Think about it. Think about it. Think about it.
Oh, and marky, when I said "good puppy". It was to flatter you on how well you serve and defend your lord. I only wish more christians were so faithful and devout. May farrakhan continue to bless you as you wish. Sorry, I couldn't bring myself to capitalize his name, as I don't fell he deserve the honor.
M King
The Minister told me to tell you brother, "If you took out an ad in the New York Times and cussed him out line by line, he'd still be the winner". Every knock is a boost in a work such as this! May God bless us all with the light of understanding. Remember Jesus also came to his own but his own received him not.


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