Hello Brothers and sisters in Christ. As it seems to me, more and more of those who represent God
are giving way to the seductions of the enemy. There are in a number of black churches many gay
members and gay pastors. Many within the congregation know it and still support it. My question
for all today is what is your feeling on gay pastors and preachers, should those congregants who
know still support them? Would you take a scriptual approach or a judge not that you not be
judged approach?

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Thats funny, I re-read what I stated and didn't see what you claimed of me. Help me out here: can you, or anyone else for that matter, please show me say anyplace where I stated that I had a right to be rude, or flashed my title like a badge at you or anyone, or attacked you? Anyone is invited to jump on in...ANYONE! Why did you skip over what I stated? I stated clearly "and sometimes (not-so-proudly) been called rude". If you can find pride in that, please show it. Its not wrong to admit that sometimes you can be rude; its wrong to say it and wear it like a badge of honor. Please show me my badge of honor there.

The fact of the matter is this: yes, a person does speak from a young-minded and/or hurt perspective if they are constantly speaking against "Church folks", "personal biased and negative beliefs", and/or making statements like "I don't care what my family says about me you think I would honestly care what YOU say lol really?!" Where in your Bible did it say that you are allowed to hold such positions, even if offended? I'm asking you about your Bible because you may try to flip it and say "I don't know what Bible you're reading". Your Bible clearly states the following if I'm not mistaken:

Ephesians 4:26-32 "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil. Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."

I know I may not have come off for you as the perfect model of Christ, but come on! If you follow your Bible, would you say that you could care less about what your family has to say about you if you were earnestly trying to embody these verses?? Stop for one minute and think about that. Christianity is a family-affair, so to say such actually grieves the Holy Spirit, even if your family were a bunch of devils. That is a warning sign for any and all Ministers of the Kingdom. That says one of three things:

a) an immature Christian, needing desperately to grow in the fruit
b) a hurt Christian, who will not relinquish the pain and forgive past wrong doings against them
c) a fraud, a fake Christian
d) both a & b

I could be wrong, but I don't think that you're a fraud at all, therefore I'm ruling out "choice C". Its now a toss-up between the first two, and I quite frankly am leaning towards a combination of both. You saying that this is your last time defending any of your posts. Thats fine with me, considering the fact/truth that I didn't attack you at all. The wounded always guard their wounds with a sort of attack mode mentality, anticipating the event of someone coming to inflict pain, EVEN WHEN THEY KNOW BETTER. Its almost a reflex that one must conquer, otherwise it can drive a person to temporary madness.

Think I'm just talking to talk? Ok, try this: a person badly injured with head trauma or gun shot wounds, or whatever gets rushed into the hospital. The doctors have to fight the guy to lay down screaming calm down in order for the medical team to save his life. His pain and afflictions have brought on a temporary madness that causes him to even fight the ones that are here to help.

How about this scenario: A kid goes to the doctor with her parents, and kicks the doctor because they don't like needles. When one is being administered, they fight all the more until the process is done or everyone simply gives up.

How about this scene: An old man is feeling some pains and has some weird reactions. His family says "Pop, lets go to the doctor to see whats up". He says "NONSENSE! I aint getting cut by no quack! I never been to a doctor a day in my life, and I aint fittinna go now!"...Months later he dies because he never went to the doctor to detect with a simple check-up what could have been cured.

Be careful as to who you fight, bro. You're apart of the Church if you claim salvation. Therefore that makes you "Church folk". We aren't perfect, but neither are you by a long shot. Re-read what I said, and this time, check exactly how I said it before you react. You would be surprised to what you may find if you would simply not fight.........
My brother my point is this- if YOU can speak bluntly and (not so proudly) RUDE then so will I!!!
How do you get to speak your opinion bluntly and (not so proudly) RUDE and be full of wisdom but when I do the SAME thing I am called hurt and immature?
But you don't see a double-standard in ANYTHING you've said?
Okay, I'll let you have this on your own my brother.
You have only two choices- respect me or ignore me and pray for me!!!
Other than that you be blessed my brother.
You can be angry all you want my brother I don't allow "strangers" (especially someone such as you with your condescending attitude) to upset me.
God bless you!!!
Now, let's get back on topic and stop trying to get in MY business.
If you spent more time praying for me rather than trying to tear me down to build yourself up you'd gain more ground.
Now, read and check that, my brother!!!
Greetings Everybody,

This is a strong and sensitive topic. I think that we as leaders and members alike should
think like Jesus.

Point Blank God hates sin. No matter what it is. If a person chooses to repent. Then
the Father will forgive them.

As leaders we must work with everybody in the strength and wisdom of the Holy Spirit to
help and assist.

I have folks in my congregation who are alcohlics. Some have been delivered and some
its a trying time for them. (one example)

I am sure any other deliverance from bondages will go the same way. Point to the love of
Christ and we cant go wrong.

Every individual must walk his own path. We must help constructively.

In Christ
Pastor R. Phillips
Thank you Pastor Phillips.
These people act like they don't have ANY issues or strongholds in their life and that they are sin-free and on their way to heaven.
I will say this and I say this from experience the MAIN ones who always throwing the stones are the ones who need to be stoned.
When Jesus asked the question, "Let him WITHOUT sin cast the FIRST stone?" we did notice how the woman walked away with her sins forgiven.
We fail to realize that the MAN she was with was not brought.
We fail to realize that some of those SAME MEN who wanted her stoned had also darkned her back door.
Never trust church folk who always want to condemn they are obviously hiding something and calling themselves "doing the will of God" makes them feel better about their mess.
Anybody who has been IN the church long enough knows this fact is truth and nothing but the truth.
I know I would be apart of the "these people" category, so I will answer this:

No, I don't have any strongholds anymore. PRAISE GOD FOR IT!!
Yes, I am on my way to the Kingdom of Heaven to dwell with the LORD. PRAISE GOD FOR IT!
Yes I have sinned (recently even), but no I do not live with the curse of sin. PRAISE GOD FOR IT!
Yes, all have sinned and falen short of the glory of GOD. However, this should not be amunition against a brother. You are repaying those who you claim "attacked you" with your words. Does that actually help in any way, shape or form? No, it never will........

I remember dealing with a person while I was furious. Both of us were saints of GOD. I had to grip this one thought in order to bring me back to sanity at the moment: "Yes I'm mad, but do my angry reactions help or hurt the situation?" Therefore, I had to say the same thing to the person. They wouldn't listen at first, because angry is stronger than Crack/Cocaine at times. Anger management is more needed by the saints that Drug rehabs.

Your words were true when you said: "Never trust church folk who always want to condemn they are obviously hiding something and calling themselves "doing the will of God" makes them feel better about their mess. Anybody who has been in the church long enough knows this fact is truth and nothing but the truth." This cannot be denied at all.

At the same time, never take advise from a person who is so ready to talk down on" Church folks", and yet they are members of the Church. They can turn out to be more dangerous than anyone, a tool for Satan and they wouldn't even realize it, even after they are done. All that they did was justified with words like "look at what they did to me!", "he/she hit me first", "no one's perfect, so don't throw stones", and the like........

You want to conquer that enemy of yours? Love the person beyond what you can think of right now...........
Amen Trevor.

Your comment speaks truth with much wisdom.
Preach Preacher

In Christ
Pastor R. Phillips
"At the same time, never take advise from a person who is so ready to talk down on" Church folks", and yet they are members of the Church."

Paul also talked about the church and its evil ways was he also a "tool of satan" as you have called me?

"All that they did was justified with words like "look at what they did to me!", "he/she hit me first", "no one's perfect, so don't throw stones", and the like........"

Since you've never saw me post that type of victim-mentality then I will say this- I DO speak for those the church have hurt and even killed with their "thus saith the Lord" when God had NOTHING to do with it.

"You want to conquer that enemy of yours? Love the person beyond what you can think of right now....."

How about you take that SAME advice you just gave my brother!!!

I was always taught do't preach about something you haven't done. Sound like what Jesus said to the Pharisees, "swallow a camel but gag on a gnat."
The most hilarious part of all this is you have the audacity to tell me NOT to do something that you've been doing since the day I walked up in here lol!!!
I am attacking people with my words?
You called me "a tool of satan" but I am WRONG for responding to your accusation?
The, instead of your "amen corner" correcting you for the double standard and hypocrisy in your own words, they are just going along with whatever you say.
Now, you see why I don't deal with church folk???
However, seeing that I KNOW why I am looked at as I am it doesn't bother me- and it has NOTHING to do with what I say or how I say.
It's only preparing me for the true battle I will face!!!
I HEAR YOU AND FEEL YOU===. There are topics in the church that are accepted and those that are not .There are sins that are accepted and those that are set aside for stoning===gays/lesbeians===will be called abominations while adultery brushed over=========My mistake was to be transparent about sexual abuse===by authority figures in a family setting====rape==incest====abortion==drugs==suicide====people are praying for me because there is "something wrong with me"===i was told by a deconess that there are some things that God will forgive me for but man would not===that my testimony===which really was transperant(i was new did not know the difference---do now)===should have not been spoken aloud, church folk===do not do the will of God==they are a force unto themselves=====they have been IN church so long they forget what God's will is===mininstries===events====socials===honorary dinners====homosexuality===crack===incest==are not acceptables sins===
Gay preachers and gay congregants should receive the same kind of mercy that one would bestow upon someone thats sleeping with their sibling or the same kind of mercy one would bestow upon a 29 year old christian man who's sleeping with a 14 year old young lady.

Gays love Jesus (they say they do) and incest participants love Jesus ( I guess they do) and older men in relations with young girls love Jesus just as much as a gay apostle. (Surely thats true)

So spread the mercy around for everyone.

As long as they are being who they are, have morals, do not molest children, and are decent folk I would not judge them.

It is the ones who are in the closet and who marry and or have girl friends simply to throw people off on their homosexuality.

If you are gay, be who you are and stop with the deceit and lies!


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