if you go to church, read the bible, pray, fellowship, and even have a position in the church, does that mean your saved, or is based on your heart and lifestyel.


reason why i ask is because i see alot of well known preachers, or have been around ministers or brothers and sisters in christ, flirt, tease, drink, gamble, smoke, etc., and all they say is GOD is working on me brother.


so what do you tell these types of people in the church?

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Well, I just say there is a difference. Many get saved and do have problems, but really are working on it (and as proof you see a change occuring) but for those who use God is still working on me as an excuse JUST to sin then they are lukewarm an will only be spewed out of Hismouth because they haven't made up there minds. A lot of people are 'saved', but some have stopped there and have let no change happen and continue to happen which is the problem; and the 'church' likes to cover it up with "nice" lines like "God'll have mercy on me" but that only happens so long, especially if you KNOW that you could have been gottwn it right. We know deliverance takes time with different things, but there should be some long suffering, instead of countless and fruitless excuses. Not sayign people won't fall or things won't happen, but it's a problem when they use this as an excuse to sin...they are, however, saved (their spirit), but their soul is messed up and if they don't get their soul cleaned up and keep it cleaned then that 'saved' spirit will be condemned in the end.
Amen my brother.
All you can do is what Jesus did...tell them to repent, because that what the word of God tells us. You speak truth when you speak the word of God. Allow God's word to do what it says it will do, cut as a two edge sword and as the word of God pricks them there will be a change. Not in your time, but Gods time. When they say God is still working on them you know that is not of God, because there is no place in the word of God that say that. You do what the word of God say is impart the gospel and pray.

And yes, once saved...always saved, because its by grace. Living a saved life is a choice to live holy, because that is what God tells us...be ye holy for He is Holy.

Continue to pray for the backsliders, because we all have fallen short and just pray it won't come too late.

In Love, Sister Denise

P.S. But don't be discouraged, because who God has chosen no man can pluck him out...that in His word.
personel between person and God. not between man and man


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