God bless you people of God. The Holy Spirit has impressed upon me in the passed couple of weeks that there is no urgency in the body of Christ to correct the life of sin and backsliding. With this I have found that people have no fear concerning the things of God and the church of God. But the Lord has revealed to us that His gospel must be preach to the ends of the earth not just his birth (virgin Birth), Life (signs wonders and miracles, death (redemption by the blood of the cross) resurrection (justification and glorification) but that He is COMING BACK AGAIN!!!! ( I felt that)

See before the Body began to preach prosperity, and prophetic and apostolic, they preached Jesus and that HE IS COMING BACK AGAIN!!!! (Glory to God). I am a prophet and I believe in prosperity and prophetic anointing and to Apostolic flow. But there brings a since of urgency to get your house in order when you since the rapture is about to take place. Earthquakes in diverse places who would have heard of it. China flood in Iowa calamities all over what is the world coming to. I will tell you The King is Coming for His Bride and she has to be without spot or wrinkle, She must have here lamps burning bright, I is high time for the people of God to be sanctified and holy. YES HOLY they act like it is a bad word now but without HOLINESS NO MAN SHALL see the Lord. For the hour has come saith the Lord of Host that I will not suffer long because of your faults for this is the time I shall raise up a people saith the Lord that will live for ME. They will walk as i walked and do as I did. Sign and wonders shall be there portion and I will be with them, See this is why we lack sign and wonders because the saints are not fasting and praying as they should............ I will leave the rest to you comments and I will have necessary scriptures for you as well God bless

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1- From James Pierce:

"The doctrine of the pre-trib rapture came around in the 1830s. It is actually not supported by scripture, but by over 100 yrs of false assumptions..."

Dear brother Pierce, can you explain me the following biblical passages?

-1 THESSALONIANS 4: 13-18?

- REVELATION 11: 3-14; ROMANS 11: 1-36

Will the different events related to the biblical passages above take place in the same period at the second coming of Yeshua (JESUS)?

2- From Moreh Yehoshua Ben Yahweh :

“Very well said...(except for the jesus name LOL) Shalom…Prounounciation may be different because of accents etc…but the fact is that The father and mother of Yashua were Hebrews therefore the name that would have been told to call their son would not have been Jesus…”

Brother Moreh, why don’t you preach into Hebrew on the Black Preaching Network?

I’m sure that you don’t preach into Hebrew because you wish your message would reach many people who don’t even know how to say “Hello” in Hebrew.

Indeed, my Country is called “Côte d’Ivoire”, but English people call it “Ivory Coast”. Ivory Coast is the English translation for “Côte d’Ivoire”.

Moreover, someone is called “Peter” in the Bible. English people call him “Peter” while French people call him “Pierre”.

I don’t know the Hebrew meaning for Peter. No matter the language in which you may translate the name “Peter”, it will remain the same; it will keep its meaning.

Do you want all of us to learn Hebrew before becoming good worshipers?

Let me tell you that Yahweh is the Creator of all the languages (Genesis 11: 1-9).

God understands all the Languages.

I’ve already told you that the Hebrew name for Jesus is “YESHUA”

“…The Hebrew name for Jesus is Yeshua, a name found 27 times in the Hebrew Bible, so we know exactly what his name was. (The name is accented on the second syllable: ye-SHU-a). Yeshua is short for Yehoshua (= Joshua), which means Yahweh is salvation. The first trace of the name is found in connection with Joshua, the son of Nun, Moses’ assistant. Originally his name was Hoshea (Num. 13:8). The name Hoshea is derived from the hiphil stem of the Hebrew verb "yasha" [yod, shin, ayin] (BDB, 446; Gesenius, 435), which means "he saves, delivers." So the name Hoshea means "salvation" or "he saves, delivers." Moses changed his name to Hebrew "Yehoshua" [English: Joshua]… »

Please, it is time to stop your legalism and you false teachings!

Bo. Germain

Hi brother Moreh !

I pray God for you! May God open your eyes sothat you can see. Then, something like scales will fall from your eyes, and you will see again(Acts 9:18).

Because If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit(Matthew 15:14).

May GOD bless you!

Bo. Germain


1 Thess 4:13-18 is explicitly about the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.

Revelation 11:3-14 is biblical imagery about the roman empire. In fact, the whole book is about the roman empire.

Romans 11:1-36 I am not sure what this scripture have to do with anything
Yep bro, that is what they do. They do not see that at all. Pre trib started around the 1830's
Forget a rapture. What I want to know is "Will the Messiah return?" If the answer's yes, that's good enough for me. I do believe there will be a ressurection of the dead. I do not seek a rapture. I seek His face.

From James Pierce:

"Revelation 11:3-14 is biblical imagery about the roman empire. In fact, the whole book is about the roman empire."


Let us see what the Bible truly says:

“The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John,”

1- Was it a revelation intended for Jesus Christ’s servants from the roman empire?

Moreover, it is written:

“He, who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

Revelation 3:13

2 - Is what the Spirit says intended for believers from the roman empire?

It is written:

“In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.”

Revelation 1:16

"Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later. The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.”

Revelation 1:19-20

3 - Dear brother Pierce, please explain me the mystery of the seven stars that are the angels of the seven
churches(Revelation 1:11)?

Even if the whole book is about the roman empire, according to you, there must be an explanation to the biblical passages above though!

4- Can you give me an explanation of the Mystery of the seven seals described in Revelation Chapter 6, 7 and 8?

It is also written:

“A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.”

Revelation 12:1-2

5- Please, tell me, what does the WOMAN clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown
of twelve stars on her head stand for?

“Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.”

Revelation 17:3

6- Moreover, what does the WOMAN sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns stand for?

Please, answer my questions above, then we will start a new discussion about the RAPTURE itself. Amen!

I’ve come to the conclusion that it is high time we opened a new discussion about the RAPTURE. Amen!

Before starting our discussion, I’d like to ask you this question: Are you a Man approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel (1 Thessalonians 2:4)?

Brother “Do not add to His words, or He will rebuke you and prove you a liar.”

Proverbs 30:6

Bo. Germain

Hi Brother Pierce, I'm waiting for your answers!

Then, we will start our discussion about the RAPTURE!


Bo. Germain


It is written:

"The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life."

Revelation 22:17




Brother Pierce, I'm waiting for your answers, then we will start our discussion about the RAPTURE.


Bo. Germain

Praise the Lord people of the Most High God, Wow I did not know that this subject caused so much contreversy. I have been studying the bible for over 16 years and I have studied many other doctrinal beliefs such as Jehovah Witness, Buddism, Muslim, Afirican American Muslim(Farrakan), Orthodox Muslim , 5percenters, Black Isrealites so on and on. But what I have found is that they all have error yess error. Even though they are correct and accurrate on there points of there doctrine on many things they error concerning the CHRISTIAN FAITH.

These issues stated by these individuals that call themselves 5 percenters, or Black Isrealites are confused and brainwashed, The have been stagnated in dispensational doctrines and beliefs. Concerning the rapture it must be understood that it for the Christian believers to look for the hope of the second coming of Christ, Those who witnessed Christ's ascension into heaven after his death and resurrection heard the angels declare in Acts 1:11, "Men of Galilee…why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." The Second Coming is the literal return of Jesus Christ Rapture the church out of the beggining of a 7 year tribulation.

Now concerning the my brothers who stated Pre TRIB has only been around for about 100 years may be true, But what must be realized is that even though the doctrine may only been around for about 100 years the resignation of truth has been around since the begginning of time. It is the Law of First Mention. The Rapture is not only the Rapturing of the Saints but It is the beginning of JUDGEMENT of the the non believers gentile and ISREAL. Now Has G_d ever allowed His church to go through sufferrings of judgement with the non believers NO, Isreal was always taken care of. SO, when G_d judged the world as we know it during the time of Noah did he NOT rescue those that would believe from the great flood and fore-warn them before it took place. POSITIVELY YES!!!!! So the Law Of First Mention becomes the pattern that we see that will carry us throught the HOLY WRIT. EVen with Isreal being in bondage for 400 years Yaweh (Jehovah) G_d almighty always promise Isreal a savior. So When Moses brings them out through the RED SEA you see G_D uses the MODE and METHOD of deliverance for the children of Isreal to destroy his enemies THE LAW OF FIRST MENTION.

So God will not allow the belivers of His Son Yashua the Christ to be destroyed or suffer with the sinner and ungodly. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and the trumph of God and the dead in Christ will rise first and WE WHO ARE ALIVE AND REMAIN SHALL BE CAUGHT UP IN THE AIR. Now from this you must read the bible from the understanding of DESPENSATIONS and still realize the order an manner and patterns of His judgements.

Paul wrote these things to us A HEBREW of HEBREWS a PHARISEE, taught be Galmalia concerning the Law he was flawless, Learn from you predicessors
I am trying to send this again I will have time later to say some of the things a stated before but here you go. Brother with no disrespect you as I stated before are in the wrong dispensation

"Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. - Matthew 24:29-31
The foregoing scripture from Jesus' Olivet Discourse is perhaps the most misinterpreted abused passage in the entire Bible. It is unequivocally not referring to the Rapture, as I shall prove to you in this segment.
In demonstrating that Matthew 24:31 is not referring to the Rapture, we must first expose the false, pre-wrath rapturist view that there is but one sign (cosmic disturbance) announcing Christ's coming. There is no singular sign indicating the coming of Christ. That was made clear by Jesus himself, as he articulated 15 different signs of His Second Coming in Matthew 24. Furthermore, if there was just one particular "sign," it would not be cosmic disturbances: "And they asked Him, saying, "Teacher, but when will these things be? And what sign will there be when these things are about to take place? And He said: "Take heed that you not be deceived" (Luke 21:7,8). If there were just one sign, it would be, as our Lord indicated - "deception in the last days."
But doesn't it say that the "sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven?" Yes, but your guess is as good as mine as to precisely what that sign might be; perhaps it is the sign of the cross or the Star of David. But it is not the cosmic disturbance that attends His coming. Why? Because there are multiple occurrences of cosmic disturbance before, during and after the Tribulation Week:

Before the Tribulation - Joel 2:30, Mark 13:8

First year of the Tribulation - Ezekiel 38:19

Middle of the Tribulation - Revelation 11:13,19

Second half of the Tribulation - Revelation 16:18

After the Tribulation - Joel 3:15, Amos 8:9
The linchpin to the pre-wrath rapture is the allegation of one sign (The Sign by Robert Van Kampen). The foregoing scriptures remove that linchpin, resulting in the collapse of the pre-wrath rapture theory.
".. Then all the tribes of the earth will mourn.. " This portion of Matthew 24:30 reveals to us who Jesus is speaking to, and it identifies the people involved in the described events. Who do you suppose they are: the Church, the lost, angels, Israel? If you chose the latter, you are right. Matthew 24:30,31 has to do with ethnic Jews (Isaiah 45:4)! These are the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel. Unless you can prove your ethnic origin from one of these tribes, then you are not the subject matter of this passage. It has nothing to do with the Church or the nations and, and therefore, can have nothing to do with the blessed hope of the believer, the Rapture. (1)
It is generally not disputed (by pre-wrath rapturists, or otherwise) that Matthew 24:29-31 refers to the physical return of Jesus Christ to the earth. In that connection, Acts 1:9-12 and Zechariah 14:1-4 plainly teach that Jesus will plant His feet on Mount Olivet at His Second Coming. This, however, is not what happens at the time of the Rapture, as described in 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17. There, we are "caught up" into the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. He "pulls up" nine miles above the surface of the earth, not once descending to the Mount of Olives. But there in Matthew 24:31, as clarified in Acts 1 and Zechariah 14. He does descend the remaining nine miles (distance between the surface of the earth and the cumulus cloud layer above). This is one of several proofs that these two events (the Rapture and Christ's return to earth) are separate and distinct.

I am kinda in a rush now I was looking forword to your response I will be in touch until them Bless You


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