The same card is being solicited in Cleveland, Ohio, again. This time the lodge is called called King Solomon Lodge No.7 A.F. & A.M. State of Ohio. The contact person, NO NAME, number is the same as before 216-673-0818. Remember last time the were calling themselves Ishmai'l Lodge No. 6 A.F. & A.M. State of Ohio same contact number as King Solomon.

On the back reads "I want to be a Eastern Star" [women] Bathsheba Chapter No. 7. The Eastern Star lodge stayed the same, but the contact person, NO NAME, number changed to 216-322-2868 instead of 440-979-1016.

After you make contact, with whomever the person maybe, they will ask you to meet at McDonald's or a coffee shop. Mind you not the lodge or their home. On the phone the person is very vague on info. They want discuss who the founding members of the lodge were, does this sound like a legitimate fraternity or organization to you? Most folks know the so-called founder of the black freemason was Prince Hall. But most folks know lil' or nothing before joining unless they're told by someone else, mainly a relative, & that information is vague. "It's a very POWERFUL organization," the relative would say. Yes, we get that, any fraternity with a large body of members with a dollar or two to give is a very POWERFUL organization. Part of the due money can be used for charity or something corrupt or both. Most Freemason members have no clue where the money they give stops. "GET YOUR HAND OUTTA MY POCKET!"

It doesn't matter if you are Scottish Rite or York Rite, if you are asking people to join a lodge you should know who founded the Grand lodge & who gave that Grand lodge jurisdiction to operate. Anybody can learn who the founder of Black Freemasons. What are the traditions & the purpose behind the fraternity, besides brotherhood, fellowship, friendship & mutual support? Because all those thing can be manipulated & no man can see inside another mans soul, so how can a man teach the immortality of the soul. There is no real brotherhood when currency is involved. It cannot be proven that a mans life, regulated by morality, faith, and justice, will be rewarded at its closing hour by the prospect of eternal bliss. You can improve oneself & pursue excellence on your own. God can only redeem you from the death of sin & salvation is in Gods Kingdom.

Why this could be wrong? Because they have no real legal charter or Grand Lodge jurisdiction to operate.

The scandal is done by real masons & Eastern Stars that hide behind the name of a lodge or the organization. These folks either belong to a lodge & Grand lodge that has real jurisdiction to operate or they're no longer active, but they know how the organization work & they know also know a spiritual foundation can persuade most folks out of money. The scandal could work in a lot of ways, it's a very multi-level scheme. Filling out the application is the first set-up because some members check the LIFE INSURANCE BOX. Once you fill out the application & pay your money you are than taken through a series of degree rituals, kind of like a play. The important design of the degree is to symbolize the great doctrines of the resurrection of the body and the immortality of the soul, saved from the grave of iniquity, and raised to the faith of salvation.

Some lodges will raise you ° Entered Apprentice, ° Fellowcraft & ° Master Masonall in the same night. Some will give you degrees one at a time, depending on your ritual learning. Once you become a member you are given a ritual book, a pair of white gloves, a apron with a square & compasses on the apron, you are given a membership card & a hat. After you have read enough of your ritual book you are persuaded to move up in degrees, to move up each degree will cost you money & the due money in higher lodges cost a lot more than the lower lodges. But where is your due money going? The similarity in structure is so related that some folks have been members of a fake lodge for over 50 years, some past away thinking they were really masons, family & friends think they're real masons. After a while most members will stop going to the lodge meetings & will become inactive members, but still think they're real masons. Everything is modified and adapted to suit you, the one being hustled. There's no rush because you could bring in more members to the lodge. In fact, finding a member that can build the house, so to speak, & bring more & more members is like finding oil in your backyard.

Mind you a lot of these men & women are good brothers & sisters and are members of Church's & other fraternities & sororities. It doesn't take much to operate a lodge that doesn't have any Grand Lodge Jurisdiction. All people would have to do is lease or rent a space, it doesn't have to be a BIG temple style lodge, it could be a run down space in the inner city or at someone home. You only need 7 or more members to hold a meeting. Any space could be a lodge & because of that anyone can create a none jurisdiction lodge. And I do mean anyone. Memorizing the Bible & using religion & spiritual faith a large group of people could be persuaded into illegal activity. You name it, car theft ring, counterfeit money, gambling, drugs, you name it. They can run it like a mafia, but the members aren't really made men. Down low gays, bisexuals & lesbians could create a lodge to try & hustle people out of money & manipulate the ritual book to their liking & by memorizing the Bible & using religion, spiritual faith & persuasion they could try & change straight members into being gay or bisexual & if that doesn't work use the lodges to destroy that person for rejecting them. None of that have anything to do with enlightenment or being a Mason or Masonic.

Because most Christians do not know about Freemasonry, some are led to join a Masonic Lodge. After they join and become active in Freemasonry, they begin to understand what is being taught in Masonic ritual. Christians who think about the meaning of the words in ritual end up leaving Freemasonry. Many go quietly, because of fear. Others are under so much spiritual bondage, as a result of being involved in the occultic religion of Freemasonry, that they remain somewhat dysfunctional as Christians. Spiritual healing can be instantaneous, or it can take years, depending on the individual and God's will.

Be wary of any church leadership who are former Masons. Unless they are able to fully reveal the evil nature of Freemasonry, they may not be free of Masonic bondage. Former Masons should be examined carefully before they are allowed to take any teaching or leadership role in the church. Men, who have left the Masonic Lodge after coming to understand what Masonic ritual teaches, have sometimes felt compelled to reveal the contents of Masonic ritual to the public. Many are reluctant to do so because of Masonic history. During the early 19th century, Capt. William Morgan worked with a printer named Miller to publish the rituals, as practiced in New York. The printers shop was set ablaze and Morgan was abducted and murdered. As his body was never recovered, there was no conviction for murder. However, several Masons were convicted of his abduction. Even through intimidation and persecution can be intense for those who reveal the "secrets" of Freemasonry, exposures of Masonic ritual have continued since 1727, ten years after the founding of the Grand Lodge of England. Exposures of Masonic ritual have continued for more than two centuries for several reasons.

The most compelling reason is so that other men will not be ensnared in Freemasonry. Christians who become ensnared in Freemasonry sooner or later realize that Masonic ritual teaches a plan of salvation which is not based on faith in Jesus Christ, but rather on the basis of imitating Hiram Abiff, the prototype Masonic savior. Galatians 1:8-9 reveals that the penalty for teaching a false plan of salvation is eternal condemnation. Christians have no choice but to repent.

Eye Of The Phoenix

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How long has this been going on? For centuries, reportedly it started in Pennsylvania with Hiram Grand Lodge & the closing of their National Grand Lodge. Brother left & started their own lodges without jurisdiction, some had jurisdiction. Not all lodges folks consider Bogus or have no Jurisdiction from the Grand Lodge to operate are out to hustle you.

These groups pray upon the naïve profane, who almost never knows what regularity is or has knowledge that there is a difference between Freemasons naive people join sometime generations of relatives join these Bogus lodges. And than Prince Hall lodges will go after theses folks by slandering them behind their back spreading false rumors about the person or persons. All the profane typically knows is that he wants to be a Freemason, and from there he is taken advantage of - hoodwinked - robbed - victimized and left ignorant - shamed and branded by these Bogus Groups. That new Bogus Mason will go out and bring in five to ten more of his friends, family members & associates to also become foes to regular Freemasonry. A predominately Black University remains to be a microcosm of the Black Community and when we were faced with same threat at Central State and Wilberforce Universities [OHIO] in the mid 90's from the irregular Prince Hall Origin and International Groups, we significantly reduced their intake by educating our members that the Bogus Mason was not their Masonic equal and informed the public about regular Prince Hall Freemasonry through public seminars and lectures. Today these Bogus Groups still get a large amount of members from the campuses, but mainly they go after folks living below poverty & below middle class.

The Commission on Bogus Masonic Practices of the Phylaxis Society did an investigation on Bogus lodges.

All lodges posted at the bottom are Prince Hall lodges not International lodges. All Prince Hall Lodges consider all International lodges Bogus freemason lodges, the problem is that there are more Bogus lodges than real lodges.

This investigation was done by Prince Hall on their on lodges some of these Bogus lodges have been operating for over 50 years with generational members many good folks & are members of the Church & are devoted Christians & Baptist members. Many even work for the Justice department and are police officers. Note: Bogus lodges are huge in The Order Of The Eastern Star lodges as well. Black & white Scottish & York Rite lodges.

1. Most Worshipful National Grand Lodge of F&AAYM of U.S.A., Prince Hall Origin & Parent Body of All Legitimate Masons, York Scottish (AL)
2. Lincoln Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Colored Masons of America (AL)
3. Supreme Workshop of Modern Free and Accepted Colored Masons of America (AL)
4. King Solomon Grand Lodge, AF&AM (AL) (AR) (DC)
5. Grand Lodge AF&AM, Scottish Rite (AL)
6. The Most Worshipful King Solomon Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M., Scottish Rite of the State of Alabama, Inc (AL)


7. Ezra Grand Lodge, AF&AM (AZ)


8. King David Grand Lodge, AF&AM (AR)
9. St. John's Grand Lodge, AF&AM (AR) (CT) (DC)
10. St. James Grand Lodge, AF&AM (AR)


12. Sons of Light Grand Lodge, AF&AM (CA)
13. Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge, AF&AM (formerly "Fletcher Grand Lodge") (CA)
14. Eureka Grand Lodge, F&AAYM (CA)
15. King Solomon Grand Lodge F&AAYM (National Compact) CA
16. St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM of Canada and California (CA)
17. St. Anthony's Grand Lodge, AF&AM
18. Grand Lot of Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons (CA)
19. Pyramid Grand Lodge AF&AM (CA
20. Esoteric Grand Lodge of America (CA)
21. Enoch Grand Lodge AF&AM (CA)
22. St. Matthew's Grand Lodge (CA)
23. True Light Grand Lodge AF&AM (CA)
24. Mount Logan Grand Lodge AF&AM (CA)
25. Most Worshipful Mt. Tabor Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc., Scottish Rite (CA)


26. Harmony Grand Lodge F&AAYM (National Compact) on the Continent of North America (DE)
27. Orient Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc., Scottish Rite (DE)
28. Two Individual Lodges (DE)

They say Black International Mason are not real Masons
Washington, D.C.

29. Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc. (unit of McBlain Thomson's American Federation) (DC)
30. National Ethiopian Supreme Council of the Universal Order of Freemasons (Ethiopian Rites Exclusive) (DC)
31. Universal Grand Lodge AF&AM (DC)
32. Sovereign Grand Lodge AF&AM (DC)
33. Grand Orient of the District of Columbia (DC)
34. Washington Consistory No. I AASR (DC)
35. Benderson Grand Lodge (DC)


36. Prince Hall Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc. (FL)
37. Grand Lodge AF&AM (FL)
38. Most Worshipful Cypress Grand Lodge, AF&AM of Florida (FL)

They say Black International masons are not real.

39. Grand Lodge F&AAYM, Inc. (GA)
40. International Free and Accepted Masons (GA)
41. Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge F&AAYM (GA)
42. Supreme Grand Lodge of Modern Free and Accepted Masons of the USA (GA)
43. St. Joseph's Grand Lodge AF&AM (GA)

They say Black International Masons or not real.

44. Most Worshipful Sovereign Grand Lodge AF&AM of the USA - Regular Masonic Succession, Instituted A.D.1901 (IL)

45. St. Mark's Grand Lodge F&AAYM (National Compact) Prince Hall Origin (IL)
46. St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM (IL)
47. Grand Lodge AF&AM (IL)
48. St. James Grand Lodge AF&AM (IL)
49. Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM (IL)
50. W.T.M. Grant Jr. Grand Lodge AF&AM (IL)
51. King David Grand Lodge AF&AM (IL)
52. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons - Working In and For the USA, Its Dependencies, Territories, Canada and the Free World (IL)
53. Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge, AF&AM of Illinois, Inc. (IL)
54. Most Worshipful St. Ezra Grand Lodge (IL) (est. 1999)
55. The Original Most Worshipful St. John's Grand Lodge of Illinois, AF&AM (IL)
56. Most Worshipful St. Paul Grand Lodge (IL)
57. Moses Grand Lodge (IL)
58. Shadrach Grand Lodge (IL)


59. Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM (IN)
60. King Solomon Grand Lodge AF&AM (IN) (KS)
61. King George Grand Lodge AF&AM (IN)


62. King David Grand Lodge AF&AM (IA)
63. St. James Grand Lodge AF&AM (IA)


64. St. John the Evangelist Grand Lodge AF&AM (KS)
65. St. Mark's Grand Lodge AF&AM (KS)


66. United King George Grand Lodge AF&AM (LA)
67. Universal Grand Lodge AF&AM (LA)
68. United St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM (LA)
69. St. Andrew's Grand Lodge AF&AM (LA)
70. Jerusalem Grand Lodge AF&AM (LA)
71. St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM (LA)
72. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of F&AAYM (PH origin) Compact (LA)

They say Black International masons are not real.

73. Alpha Grand Lodge AF&AM (MA)
74. Eureka Alpha Grand Lodge of AF&AM Scottish Rite Colored Masons of Massachusetts (MA)
75. George W. Carver Grand Lodge AF&AM (MA)
76. Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM (MA)


77. Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc (MD)
78. Zerubbabel Grand Lodge (MD)

They say Black International Mason are not real.

79. Mt. Nebo Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)
80. United Grand Lodge, Inc., Scottish Rite Masons (MI)
81. Mt. Sinai Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)
82. Atomic Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)
83. St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)
84. Pride of the East Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)
85. King Solomon Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)
86. Mount Olive Grand Lodge of AYM (MI)
87. Universal Grand Lodge of AYM of the Provinces of the Continent of North America (MI)
88. International Free and Accepted Modern Masons, Inc. (MI)
89. King David Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)
90. Tyree Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)


91. Prince Hall Grand Lodge AF&AM (MS)
92. King Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM (MS)
93. King David Grand Lodge AF&AM (MS)
94. Cuey Grand Lodge AF&AM (MS)
95. King Solomon Grand Lodge AF&AM (MS)
96. Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc. (MS)
97. W.T.M. Grant, Jr., Grand Lodge AF&AM (MS)


98. St. Matthew's Grand Lodge AF&AM (MO)
99. St. Mark's Grand Lodge AF&AM (MO)
100. Tyre Grand Lodge AF&AM (MO)
101. Grand Lodge AF&AM (MO)
102. St. Andrew's Grand Lodge (MO) Afro-American Free and Accepted Masons of U.S. (MO)
103. St. Matthew Grand Lodge (MO)

New Jersey

104. Oriental Grand Lodge AF&AM (NJ)
105. St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM (NJ) (NY)
106. King Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc., Scottish Rite (its constitution styles it as "William Hiram Pilgrim") (NJ)
107. King David Grand Lodge AF&AM (NJ)
108. D.U.B.F.K.S. and K.M.T. Grand Lodge No. 1, AF&AM (NJ)
109. King William Grand Lodge AF&AM (NJ)
110. King Solomon Grand Lodge AF&AM (NJ)
111. York Grand Lodge (NJ)
112. Union Grand Lodge AF&AM (NJ)
113. Most Worshipful New Birth Grand Lodge(Break-off from the United Masonic Brotherhood) (NJ)
114. Most Worshipful Garden State Grand Lodge (Break-off from Oriental G.L.)(NJ)
115. United Masonic Brotherhood (NJ)

New York

116. Enoch Grand Lodge AF&AM (NY)
117. United Grand Orient (NY)
118. Universal Grand Orient, Inc. (NY)
119. King Solomon Grand Lodge AF&AM (NY)
120. Orient Grand Lodge AF&AM of the State of New York (NY)
121. St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM of the World (NY)
122. Esoteric Grand Lodge of America, Inc. (pending) (NY)
123. Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM No. I (Bronx) (NY)
124. Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM No. 2 (Manhattan) (NY)
125. Mecca Grand Lodge AASR (NY)
126. Unity Grand Lodge AF&AM (NY)
127. King Cyrus Grand Lodge AF&AM (NY)
128. Grand Lodge AF&AM of the State of New York (NY)
129. United Grand Lodge AF&AM Scottish Rite (NY)
130. St. John's Grand Lodge, Scottish Rite (NY)
131. Oriental Grand Lodge AF&AM of State of New York (NY)
132. Alpha Grand Lodge AF&AM (NY)
133. Most Worshipful Doric Grand Lodge AF&AM, State of New York, Inc. (NY)
134. Most Worshipful Mystic Tie Grand Lodge (NY)

New Mexico

135. King Solomon Grand Lodge AF&AM (NM)
North Carolina
136. Brotherly Love Grand Lodge AF&AM (NC)
137. Grand Lodge AF&AM (NC)
138. Keystone Grand Lodge AF&AM (NC)
139. Omega Grand Lodge AF&AM (NC)


140. North Star Grand Lodge F&AAYM (MN)
141. Sovereign Grand Lodge AF&AM of U.S.A. (OH)
142. United Grand Lodge AF&AM (OH)
143. Most Worshipful Grand Lodge AF&AM Under the authority of Haiti (OH)
144. Titus Grand Lodge AF&AM (OH)
145. St. John's Grand Lodge

Note: this list was done sometime ago, lodges have grown in numbers & other lodges have opened.

Eye Of The Phoenix
You can see how this can be manipulated. See the manipulation, belittling God turning into human.

Many secret orders have an Outer Head - a non-corporeal entity who is recognized as that order’s true Grand Master, for whom the corporeal Grand Master is but a representative. It is similar to the concept of the patron deity. For us, we understand the Ordo Lapsit Exillis to be under the guidance of the spirit of Cain, the god-king of the ancient world immortalized in legends as mankind’s Forgotten Father.

Cain is said to have created civilizations across the globe, and to have shared with certain chosen men a secret, forbidden wisdom: the Hermetic doctrine of the occult, symbolized by the Lapsit Exillis, or the Holy Grail. These actions brought him into conflict with other members of the divine hierarchy, an occasion immortalized in the Biblical story of the War in Heaven, and in other myths from various cultures that tell the same story. He is also said to have interbred with mortal females, creating mankind’s first royal family, the Grail bloodline, which carried with it the seed of the divine. Their descendants became the lords of the earth, resulting in many, if not in fact most of the world’s royal dynasties throughout history. The Grail gene can even be found in numerous other important personages from both the past and the present, including every single president of the United States.

The archetypal figure of Cain can be found in an astonishing variety of myths and legends from divers places and periods. Notable ones include:
South American gods such as:
And although Cain is himself a Biblical figure, major elements of his story are repeated in the Biblical (and Apocryphal) tales of:
King Hiram of Tyre
Archangel Michael
even Christ himself
However, the Cain archetype is most famously represented in the villains of the Bible, such as Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan, and the Anti-Christ.
Cain is even portrayed in the church at Rennes-le-Chateau, as the statue of the demon Asmodeus - Rex Mundi, the Lord of the Earth - which stands in the church entryway. Cain is not always depicted as exclusively male, for in occult symbolism he is sometimes conjoined in Hermaphroditic fashion with his female consort, represented by the Venusian goddess archetype. In this manner Cain was worshipped by the Knights Templar in the form of their androgynous idol, Baphomet.

The secret doctrine passed down from Cain to his descendants has been preserved in the various secret occult societies that the Grail families have formed throughout the ages, albeit in sometimes fragmented and incoherent form. It is the goal of Lapsit Exillis to rediscover the secret doctrine of the Grail - the forbidden knowledge first taught by Cain - and restore it to its original glory, in a pure and unblemished state.

In the Bible, Cain was exiled to the Land of Nod, and what became of him after is not specified, except that he is known to have founded great kingdoms. Of his death and burial, nothing is said. But the legends of other cultures pick up where the Bible leaves off. In numerous myths, the body of the Forgotten Father is said to be entombed within a subterranean chamber, located in the cave of a sacred mountain in the center of the Earth. There he is, not dead, but eternally sleeping, and his dreams still have the power to influence the actions of mortal men upon the Earth’s surface. One day, it is said, upon the arrival of the new Golden Age, he will return to once again shepherd his flock. Until then, his servants work in secret to prepare the way.

We need not speculate about the literal truth of notions such as these in order to derive use from them. To us, regardless of the scientific principles which may or may not be involved, the divine influence of the spirit of Cain upon the work of the OLE (Ordo Lapsit Exillis) can most definitely be felt. Because of this, we are obliged to acknowledge the insight and guidance that we have received from him, and thus are compelled to pledge our steadfast, unswerving obedience to him and his principles. It is a pledge we feel quite confident in making, and a servitude that brings us nothing but joy. To us, Cain will always be the rightful Roi du Monde.

Conventional wisdom has it that the Grail bloodline is sacred because it came from Christ, a man still considered by much of the world to be the true son of God. And yet the dynasty of kings who descended from this bloodline were known as sorcerer-kings, some of whom hinted or even stated outright that they were in fact descendants of Lucifer. A number of authors claim this thesis is true, but they are predominantly hardcore Christian conspiracy theorists, and stop well short of explaining why they believe this, or of giving any tangible details to substantiate their claims. Says one: “In typical Gnostic fashion, descendants of the Merovingians claim to have the blood of both Christ and Satan in their veins.” Given the fact that this theme (or a variation of it) recurs with some regularity, and given that it would appear to be consistent with the sort of dual vibe which permeates the saga of this bloodline, I began to wonder if there might not be some traditions from which such a notion could have arisen. At length, several were discovered.

Firstly, let’s remember that this bloodline descended from a figure who equates with the Biblical Cain. In certain rabbinic lore, we come across the very interesting notion that Cain was not the son of Adam, but of Samael. It was thought that when Samael appeared to Eve as a serpent, he seduced her. The fruit of that union was Cain. Now Samael was a fallen angel, essentially the Judaic Lucifer. If the Merovingians knew of this version of the story (which they no doubt did), and believed it, it could be the basis of their alleged assertion that they possessed the blood of both Christ and Lucifer.

An alternate version of the Cain saga, equally Luciferian in its connotations, says that he was the son of Adam’s first wife, Lilith. She had been the consort of God before coming to Earth as a fallen angel. The full details of her story are probably too well-known to bear repeating here, but it’s interesting that of the two alternate traditions concerning Cain’s parentage, both involve the Luciferian Nephilim bloodline. Also of interest is the fact that the lily is known to have taken its name from “Lilith”, and the heraldic device emblematic of this bloodline is the fleur-de-lys (widely accepted as symbolic of the lily.) Could not this symbol, viewed within this context, in fact be the “Flower of Lilith”?

The Lilith/Samael connection is also pertinent in regard to the Grail saga insofar as the two have a son of their own who seems to play a recurring role in the whole mythos: Asmodeus. Not only is Asmodeus the dominant image (shown mirroring Christ) in Rennes-le-Chateau, he is said to have played the central role in building the Temple of Solomon, the edifice from which the Knights Templar took their name. The recurrence of this strange figure in Grail lore has long perplexed observers, yet it would appear that both he and the descendants of Cain may in fact have shared a kindred ancestry. It is even said in some traditions that it was Asmodeus whom Moses called upon to part the Red Sea, and not God. Though portrayed as a demon or devil figure, his name reveals that he may not always have been viewed as such, for Asmodeus translates simply to the Lord God (Ashma = Lord, and Deus = God).

Another possible genesis of the idea of a Luciferian bloodline may have come from the Elohim, who in the Bible say: “Let us make man in our image.” Elohim is generally thought to be a plural of God, or to be “the gods.” But it is also widely believed to denote the Nephilim, the fallen angels known as the Watchers in The Book of Enoch. It is believed that the word “Elohim” comes from the much more ancient Babylonian word “Ellu”, which means “Shining Ones.” This phrase has a distinctively Luciferian connotation, because the name “Lucifer” literally means “light bearer.” And the descendants of Cain, who were the deified kings of Sumeria, bore the title of “Ari”, a term which also meant “Shining Ones.” The Sumerian pictogram for “Ari” is an inverted pentagram, a symbol long associated with Lucifer. And the phrase “Shining Ones” would be a very apt description for the descendants of Enoch’s fallen angels, who were said to have hair white as snow, pale eyes, and pale skin which seemed literally to glow and fill the room with light.
The Sumerian Ari are almost always depicted as wearing crowns bearing horns, and some of their descendants were said actually to have had horns. For instance, the most famous statue of Moses (that of Michelangelo) depicts him with horns atop his forehead, not wholly inappropriate for someone who may be a blood relation of Asmodeus. Theologians protest that they are not horns, merely rays of light. But even rays of light suggest a Luciferian subtext. Alexander the Great declared himself the son of God, and he too was said to have horns. In fact, to this very day, if you talk to people on the streets of Iran (who remember his invasion as though it happened last week), they will tell you in all solemnity that it’s a historical fact that Alexander had horns, which he wore his hair long to cover up.

In closing, we note the fact that Cain seems to have engendered his own tradition, as evidenced in a strange Gnostic sect called the Cainites. Like the Carpocrateans, the Cainites believed that no one could be saved except by “making the journey through everything.” Epiphanius describes them as a group “consecrating... lustful or illegal acts to various heavenly beings” as a sort of sacrament. Interestingly, many scholars compare them to... Satanists.

The extent to which the Merovingians knew of these alternate traditions is uncertain. Whether or not they believed in them is more uncertain still, yet it remains likely that they both knew about these traditions and took them quite seriously. To this very day, the coat of arms of the capital of the Merovingian empire, Stenay, bears an image of the Devil. And the original name of Stenay was “Satanicum.”
See the manipulation, belittling God turning into human to explain their bisexual lifestyle.

In chapter 13 of her book, Love, the Law of the Angels, Gwen Shaw introduces the Gnostic concept that God is androgynous.

“God is not only ‘male,’ He is ‘female.’ One of His names is El-Shaddai, which means ‘Mother-God.’ We see the completeness of God only as we realize this truth. He is both male and female… So when God created Adam, He made him like himself, creating in him the male and female characteristics.” (Love, the Law of the Angels, p. 67)

Chapter 23 begins with a passage from a Quaker book, Feminine Aspects of Divinity, which sexualizes the Holy Spirit as a feminine deity:

“In the first few centuries A.D. Aramaic versions of the Old Testament introduced the word ‘Shekinah as a reverent circumlocution for God. In Exodus 25:8 an ancient translation reads, ‘I will let my Shekinah dwell among the children of Israel.’

     “‘It is interesting to notice that the Shekinah is referred to as feminine in more than a grammatical sense from the third century on. The Shekinah is called 'she.' 'She' is spoken of as being omnipresent in the world, but more often 'she' is physically localized. The Jerusalem temple was built to be 'her' permanent home. When this temple was desecrated and destroyed, Ezekiel saw 'her' move out from the Holy of Holies and stand over the threshold of the house (Ezekiel 10:4) Jewish history tells us that the Shekinah wandered to the Mt. of Olives or into the desert and waited vainly a few more months for Israel to repent, then for a while went to heaven... When the temple was destroyed for the last time in 70 A.D., 'she' moved on to the principal synagogues of Babylon, where ‘she’ not only appeared from time to time but made ‘herself’ audible in the sound of a bell. 'She is believed to be a comforter of the sick, a helper of those in need and especially tender toward repentant sinners. ‘She’ would descend and rest upon any who performed good deeds, even if they were pagan idolaters, and would also rest between worthy husbands and wives. ‘She’ accompanied her people through the centuries of exile and mourned with them ('she was seen by one mystic in widow's garb by the Wailing Wall), 'she' came to be identified with the Ideal Israel the faithful Community which awaited redemption.*…

“The feminine aspect of the eternal God is the ‘El-Shaddai,’ the mother-nature of God. It is in this realm that the Shekinah is revealed and does its high office work.”
  “ff. *Feminine Aspects of Divinity (a Quaker publication) by Erminie Huntress Lantero.” (Love the Law of the Angels, pp. 164-5)
Following the above citation, Gwen Shaw states that God is androgynous and BISEXUAL. Her authority for this teaching is the early Jewish rabbis, of whom more will be said later.

“You remember us mentioning in chapter 13 that God had created Adam male and female. If God created man male and female, it was because bisexuality somehow belongs to His own nature. The fact has been recognized by early rabbinic commentators that this is true.” (Love the Law of the Angels, p. 165)


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