Feel free to answer all questions or just one question or as many as you desire. I only ask that you share which question(s) you are answering.

Below are a few scriptures strictly pulled out by searching the word adoption. Of course there is more to each of these scriptures and I welcome your sharing even more than these:

Romans 8:15
For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

Romans 8:23
And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

Romans 9:4
Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;

Galatians 4:5
To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.

Ephesians 1:5
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will...

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What is the question from Sister Tracy though? Are we adopted in either one or both. We all know what Christ did on the cross for us. What is your answer to her questions.
Why yes it is. Adoption.... why do we RARELY hear anything about this subject mentioned by Paul. ????

I wonder what happens to those who are not biologically from the family of Israel but are "adopted" into the family by Ruach and can also say ABBA Father. What of the mention that the Father doesn't differentiate between Jew and Gentile once one is "in the family".

Sooooo many questions that spin off from one simple question of.... being "adopted"

I was wondering what my brothers and sisters thought of .... adoption.
My Sister I am going to redo my answers to you though I feel what I said is true for some. It is not true for me because I am not of adoption but of the firstfruits. I will explain when I have finished eating what He has fed me today. LOL
SMILING......I will drink my Kangen water and finish my homework and wait with baited breathe for your reply Johnny Appleseed (uhm.... that was a hint).
Well what can I say when you feel you have received something from God and feel it in your whole being. I'm still digesting but we all can relate to seek and ye shall find and ask and ye shall receive. One thing about me is that I am one that is so sincere in my wanting to know God's Word and His Truths. I pray every morning and every night before I retire and ask Him for this. This was something hard to swallow and maybe not hard but difficult because of so many things I have been brainwashed with growing up in this country. Now Brother Moreh can attest to what I'm saying because he and I didnt' start off our conversations and communications on a corgial note to say the least and I will take all the credit for that. Through ignorance I thought Brother Moreh was another Brother that was in to this "I changed me name because I'm of African heritage" and he was going to ram some African believe down our throats based on that. I'm much older than most of you and grew up in an era when we all wanted to display our so called heritage by changing our names and wear clothing that represented Africa to display our proud heritage. After communications I realize this wasn't/isn't what the Brother was doing or coming from. I remeber thinking when he told he was a Hebrew Israelite that he was out of his mind because Hebrews are those over in Israel with the white looking skin but coming from the line of Shem. Thinking and believing all of us with dark skin come from Ham so to me he was just tripping as we tend to do. You know sometimes we fight things because as Jesus said "they have eyes but can't see and have ears but can't hear". Not the exact words but you understand where I'm coming from. I've been asking in my prayers for some time for Him to open my eyes so I can see and open my ears so I can hear. You know the old clitche "be careful what you ask for". LOL Anyway some things had been coming my way that I didn't know how to receive it or whether it was from God or satan once again trying to confuse me. To me what it is, is God taking me out of some of the confusion I have been in. Though I contribute everything to God, His answers to me started coming from strange places and from individuals I never would have thought it would come from. One being Brother Moreh for sure but even some from white people telling me what Brother Moreh had been saying and some from my own research. Now I will always believe what I've been saying from day one since I've been on this site and that is I truly believe that God will speak to you and guide you and teach you in His Word even if you don't go to Seminary Schools (dont' worry I'm not going there). I'm a witness because I believe it is He that has given me the knowledge in His Word that I have received and is continuing to do so. I'm not going to get into all the things/ways that I've been blessed because it's also been individuals blessed by God in my initial understandings that are blessed in His Word. I still have somethings to deal with in my head such as names because of me believing a name can be pronounced in different languages and still mean the same thing but God will reveal to me in His time I'm sure. THIS IS LONG SO BEAR WITH ME OK, BUT I THINK WILL BE WELL POINTED! I always thought all of us with dark skin came from Ham and we were Africans in the since of Chaka Zulu, Kunta Kinte and things. LOL I'll try to make this short as possible from here because I will be posting some other things I'm sure. (My findings and revelations I feel from God)

I was watching a program and it was being presented by a white man! He was going to show me that Adam was a Brown Skin man from Africa by the 'Y' chromosome theory in science and that every person in the world had this and traced it back to one common person that it could have only come from Adam. It was short but then they put a face on this character and it looked like someone from Africa and not from Sweden. LOL I kind of said well I could believe it but my eyes and ears were half open. Low and behold another white man told me he was going to prove that Adam and Eve were BROWM SKIN and show everything based on God's Word and not from man's word/opinions/traditions. First he started talking about Melanin and skin color. What got to me was his whole audience was white for the most part (he is Australian and he was speaking to American whites with a few Blacks in the crowd). He was talking from the KJV so he had my attention. He started explaining some things I had known and that was we are all related because there was Noah and his family and no one else so we all came from his sons either Shem, Ham or Japheth. He showed how the Melanin works by the AABB Melanin produces dark skin tone (black), AaBb Melanin produces middle brown skin tone (brown), finally aabb Melanin produces white skin tone. You can see that two people with AABB will only have dark skin offspring and aabb couples will only produce white skin offspring but two AaBb couples can produce the whole skin range from white to black because of the Melanin. (you do the comparisons because I don't have time to do the chart..LOL). Well Adam and Eve had to be the AaBb Melanin couple in the first place to cause the genes to produce offspring of varieties in color. This will take too long to go into the whole thing but I think you see where I'm going and if not don't worry because I'm going to do a whole thing on this one for sure. LOL I'll get right to the point from here instead of lesson on genes and get to the lesson on people in history. We all know that caucasions produced the whites as we know from Japheth and the Caanites from Ham (dark skin) and the Shemetics (not Semetics) middle brown skin from Shem. Shem's offspring included the Hebrew Israelites.

We have been made to believe that the Jews we see in Israel today are the Hebrew Israelites and this is a total fabrication, and outright lie from satan. Those people we have taught to be the Hebrew Israelites are in fact white Jews from Khazaria who were actually offspring from Esau (Edomites) and Gomer's (Japheth's son) son Ashkenaz (Gen 10:2) or the Ashkenazis. The true Jew (Hebrew Israelites) are from Shem through Esau's brother Jacob (Israel - I know you know the story but just listen) who only were marrying others from that chosen line and they were not the white skin people that occupy the land of Israel today. Shem's people looked like the brown skinned Egyptians (real ones not the Arab looking ones there today that took over Egypt when the Muslims invaded all of North Africa and other parts of Europe - I said I know you know just be patient..LOL) You know how Moses could pass for an Egyptian and Paul and even when Jesus got away from the Pharisees Jesus blended in the crowd. They were people that looked like US and not Bush or even those in OUR land today calling themselves Jews but are Rev 2:9. I can go on and on but I won't because Brother Moreh is far far along than I am but I"m running I tell you to catch up. LOL Look in Deut 28 and that is US to. I had been struggling with all this. I know from my excitement I probably am soundling like some babbling fool and I apologize. I said all this to tell you I am not of the adopted because I'm not a Gentile but of the firstfruits of the chosen people of God and I'm reclaiming my heritage and my rights. I know that Paul says through our believe in God that there is neither Jew nor Gentile and I understand that. I am simply saying I'm not who I was told I am and that I am reclaiming who I truly am. I am from the chosen Hebrew Israelite though my ancestors were raped by Japheth and even the Khazars - white Jews. They had something going on to produce this world wide farce with the Vatican back in the 40's or even before then I believe. I'm like a new kid on the block so I'm not going to say things I don't know about but that's enough said. Come back at me with something to let me know what you think! Much love.
Yep...one tends to think others believe only one way because of what they say about a particular subject but a simple question reveals what one believes whether it is a new or old belief.

"Christians" aren't all the same Moreh. Some are grasping hold of the truths of God despite traditional thinking. Some are not satisfied with stagnate spirituality but are learning as they go...

Remember.....teaching is sowing seeds and seeds don't grow over night. Be patient with the process and don't be frustrated when you don't see the seeds producing harvest after ONE conversation. The seed must die first and then it will begin to grow.

I hope you understand what I am telling you (smile)
What's in a name?

Pisteuo (Greek for Believers)
Mathetes (Greek for Disciples)

I John 1:12


One, the other or all three?
Tracy I've mentioned this before and Moreh is correct, we go a long way back and it was really heated. I thought my eyes were open and my ears were open and they were to an extent but not totally. I think God was just feeding me a little at a time until I could first grow up in His Word and then start feeding me as I went. Now God is throwing truth at me it seems at times at warp speed and it is blind siding me to a degree until I have to literally lay down because my whole body is going through something. LOL I'm feeling like I'm back in kindergarten again and that's fine with me. I just believe that because God knows I am serious (can't fool Him as we can each other) He is revealing to me the hidden things of Him and of man. I will get there if it's His Will and I feel it is because I'm sure He wants us all to come to His truths. Peace and Love.
Truth is never relative...it is absolute....but it often believed to be relative because it is a journey for some and an instant revelation for others. Either way, truth never changes. (wow, that sounds all metaphysical and stuff.. but that is most definitely not how it is meant to be perceived...nothing New Age about this gal)

Ok, time for luncho muncho... going to have wonton soup, rice & veggies and wonton stuffed with crabmeat and cream cheese. (but I really want turkey necks and cornbread....LOL)
You know... I decided to look up our names again... I had done this years ago.

My son's name is Hebrew meaning descendant in the image of God (which I knew since his name was purposely chosen) Yared Miyka'el (folk just call him Jared Michael) I emailed him reminding him of this because I'm sure he has forgotten.

My name is Irish/French meaning reborn warrior (Tracy Renee' ). I knew these origins from my kinfolk.

My daughter is Greek/French meaning pure light (Katherine Elaine). Well little Miss Katie was named after her paternal and maternal grandmothers.

Their father's surname (Curtis) and my father's surname (Thompson) are both of British descent...which makes sense from his and my anscestry.

(I kept the last name Curtis after my divorce because I didn't want my last name different from my kids)

Again, as I posted on the other discussion board...in response to something you said over there Moreh and reflecting on what I have read from John here, I have difficulty with relating some of what you both have said since my bloodline is not pure in the least bit and my anscestry is traced back to wayyyy too many ethnicities that are not of dark skinned origins. But I guess one would say that a little leaven, leavens the whole lump ....LOL
the can of worms is that it is a hot topic for many...and those sensitive to that issue (basically those walking in ignorance, error or pride) may speak up about it in protest or in protection of their ideologies.

You've done great in answering my question but how many understand that point of view? Why are your words are rejected without any questions?

I agree that it is for Israel first and then to the Gentile... to not agree to that is to not have read the scriptures. It has always been this way. This is demonstrated in the parable of the Master who sent an dinner invitation to those of His house and they had many excuses as to why they couldn't come so he sent his servants to those in the streets...those who were not of the house... not in the family. It is wonderful how our Father works with us.

The unintentional naming of children can still be prophetic, most people don't realize that. One just needs to learn what "prophecy" it is putting over the child. What is it describing about that child's future? I can say this, as unintentional as it may have been...my name describes me perfectly. And my daughter's.....I prophesied over her in my womb from a vision that the Lord gave me about her while I was pregnant. I was ignorant of the importance of names but I did pray and ask which names to give her. When I look at the meanings.... heathen or not....she is fulfilling the vision. My son...without knowledge of Hebrew names... I desired to give him a name in the bible. When I later researched the names that were chosen, again, what was shown to me about him... is a fulfillment of his Hebrew names.

The question now is, do or should people change their current (heathen) names to Hebrew names, wiheher they realize that they are of the house of Yisrael or have been grafted in? The rich Hebraic heritage of our faith can't be ignored but how must it be explored and implemented? How much can it be?


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