Lower-level Mason are misled by false interpretations & again, not all lodges nor do all masons are involved so if you have a family member are friend or you yourself belong to a lodge don't get offended, but be aware.

Unless the culture and nuances of language were known to the translators, errors in interpretation could easily be made. I mention this because religion is used a lot as a master tool for manipulation. Folks always have the shield down & are willing to trust someone when others are masters at interpreting the bible, it's even worse when that person truly believes in what he or she is doing. This is how individuals or groups of individuals in secret societies try & manipulate religion in order to justify their homosexuality in order to manipulate others & at the same time they're manipulating the organization sorority or fraternity they belong to as a member. They appear as well known, respected prestigious, illustrious members, hard working, mentors & partners, brothers & sisters. They will try & bring you closer to Christ or build a stronger relationship with others that share the same love & spiritual bond with God. Through secret doctrines and initiations the manipulation begin.

Jesus said " When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside, and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female.....then you will enter the Kingdom ".

A ritual garment worn by a Sumerian gender-variant priest, in the Bible the coat survives but the context does not. It seems clear for example that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah was actually a tale re-moulded by the scribes to suggest a battle between two religious traditions that of the town of Sodom or Qadesh and the warrior cult of Yahweh. There are many other Biblical examples, certainly the homo-erotic relationship between David and Jonathan in the Old Testament come to mind.

In the white Scottish Rite lodges Aryan traditions suggest a special elite homosexual priestly class. The Epic of Gilgamesh has a special relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu, the Druids and Celts were renowned for homosexual priest activity and certainly the Shaman traditions of early cultures focused on gender variant activity.

"The word 'sodomite' is not found in the original Hebrew, nor is it found in the Greek. It was not until AFTER the rise of the hierarchy in the institutional Church that the account of Sodom and Gomorrah began to be equated with homosexuality. The word 'sodomite' then came into use. If the truth be known, the original use of this word referred simply to a person who was a resident of Sodom."

In chapter 13 of her book, Love, the Law of the Angels, Gwen Shaw introduces the Gnostic concept that God is androgynous.

“God is not only ‘male,’ He is ‘female.’ One of His names is El-Shaddai, which means ‘Mother-God.’ We see the completeness of God only as we realize this truth. He is both male and female… So when God created Adam, He made him like himself, creating in him the male and female characteristics.” (Love, the Law of the Angels, p. 67)

Chapter 23 begins with a passage from a Quaker book, Feminine Aspects of Divinity, which sexualizes the Holy Spirit as a feminine deity:

“In the first few centuries A.D. Aramaic versions of the Old Testament introduced the word ‘Shekinah as a reverent circumlocution for God. In Exodus 25:8 an ancient translation reads, ‘I will let my Shekinah dwell among the children of Israel.’

“‘It is interesting to notice that the Shekinah is referred to as feminine in more than a grammatical sense from the third century on. The Shekinah is called 'she.' 'She' is spoken of as being omnipresent in the world, but more often 'she' is physically localized. The Jerusalem temple was built to be 'her' permanent home. When this temple was desecrated and destroyed, Ezekiel saw 'her' move out from the Holy of Holies and stand over the threshold of the house (Ezekiel 10:4) Jewish history tells us that the Shekinah wandered to the Mt. of Olives or into the desert and waited vainly a few more months for Israel to repent, then for a while went to heaven... When the temple was destroyed for the last time in 70 A.D., 'she' moved on to the principal synagogues of Babylon, where ‘she’ not only appeared from time to time but made ‘herself’ audible in the sound of a bell. 'She is believed to be a comforter of the sick, a helper of those in need and especially tender toward repentant sinners. ‘She’ would descend and rest upon any who performed good deeds, even if they were pagan idolaters, and would also rest between worthy husbands and wives. ‘She’ accompanied her people through the centuries of exile and mourned with them ('she was seen by one mystic in widow's garb by the Wailing Wall), 'she' came to be identified with the Ideal Israel the faithful Community which awaited redemption.*…

“The feminine aspect of the eternal God is the ‘El-Shaddai,’ the mother-nature of God. It is in this realm that the Shekinah is revealed and does its high office work.”

“ff. *Feminine Aspects of Divinity (a Quaker publication) by Erminie Huntress Lantero.” (Love the Law of the Angels, pp. 164-5)
Following the above citation, Gwen Shaw states that God is androgynous and BISEXUAL. Her authority for this teaching is the early Jewish rabbis, of whom more will be said later.

“You remember us mentioning in chapter 13 that God had created Adam male and female. If God created man male and female, it was because bisexuality somehow belongs to His own nature. The fact has been recognized by early rabbinic commentators that this is true.” (Love the Law of the Angels, p. 165)

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This is not up to date because fake lodges pop-up on a regular bases & some have been around for more than 30 years. How long has this been going on? For centuries, reportedly it started in Pennsylvania with Hiram Grand Lodge & the closing of their National Grand Lodge. Brother left & started their own lodges without jurisdiction, some had jurisdiction. Not all lodges folks consider Bogus or have no Jurisdiction from the Grand Lodge to operate are out to hustle you.

These groups pray upon the naïve profane, who almost never knows what regularity is or has knowledge that there is a difference between Freemasons naive people join sometime generations of relatives join these Bogus lodges. And than Prince Hall lodges will go after theses folks by slandering them behind their back spreading false rumors about the person or persons. All the profane typically knows is that he wants to be a Freemason, and from there he is taken advantage of - hoodwinked - robbed - victimized and left ignorant - shamed and branded by these Bogus Groups. That new Bogus Mason will go out and bring in five to ten more of his friends, family members & associates to also become foes to regular Freemasonry. A predominately Black University remains to be a microcosm of the Black Community and when we were faced with same threat at Central State and Wilberforce Universities [OHIO] in the mid 90's from the irregular Prince Hall Origin and International Groups, we significantly reduced their intake by educating our members that the Bogus Mason was not their Masonic equal and informed the public about regular Prince Hall Freemasonry through public seminars and lectures. Today these Bogus Groups still get a large amount of members from the campuses, but mainly they go after folks living below poverty & below middle class.

The Commission on Bogus Masonic Practices of the Phylaxis Society did an investigation on Bogus lodges.

All lodges posted at the bottom are Prince Hall lodges not International lodges. All Prince Hall Lodges consider all International lodges Bogus freemason lodges, the problem is that there are more Bogus lodges than real lodges.

This investigation was done by Prince Hall on their on lodges some of these Bogus lodges have been operating for over 50 years with generational members many good folks & are members of the Church & are devoted Christians & Baptist members. Many even work for the Justice department and are police officers. Note: Bogus lodges are huge in The Order Of The Eastern Star lodges as well. Black & white Scottish & York Rite lodges.

1. Most Worshipful National Grand Lodge of F&AAYM of U.S.A., Prince Hall Origin & Parent Body of All Legitimate Masons, York Scottish (AL)
2. Lincoln Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Colored Masons of America (AL)
3. Supreme Workshop of Modern Free and Accepted Colored Masons of America (AL)
4. King Solomon Grand Lodge, AF&AM (AL) (AR) (DC)
5. Grand Lodge AF&AM, Scottish Rite (AL)
6. The Most Worshipful King Solomon Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M., Scottish Rite of the State of Alabama, Inc (AL)


7. Ezra Grand Lodge, AF&AM (AZ)


8. King David Grand Lodge, AF&AM (AR)
9. St. John's Grand Lodge, AF&AM (AR) (CT) (DC)
10. St. James Grand Lodge, AF&AM (AR)


12. Sons of Light Grand Lodge, AF&AM (CA)
13. Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge, AF&AM (formerly "Fletcher Grand Lodge") (CA)
14. Eureka Grand Lodge, F&AAYM (CA)
15. King Solomon Grand Lodge F&AAYM (National Compact) CA
16. St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM of Canada and California (CA)
17. St. Anthony's Grand Lodge, AF&AM
18. Grand Lot of Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons (CA)
19. Pyramid Grand Lodge AF&AM (CA
20. Esoteric Grand Lodge of America (CA)
21. Enoch Grand Lodge AF&AM (CA)
22. St. Matthew's Grand Lodge (CA)
23. True Light Grand Lodge AF&AM (CA)
24. Mount Logan Grand Lodge AF&AM (CA)
25. Most Worshipful Mt. Tabor Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc., Scottish Rite (CA)


26. Harmony Grand Lodge F&AAYM (National Compact) on the Continent of North America (DE)
27. Orient Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc., Scottish Rite (DE)
28. Two Individual Lodges (DE)

They say Black International Mason are not real Masons
Washington, D.C.

29. Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc. (unit of McBlain Thomson's American Federation) (DC)
30. National Ethiopian Supreme Council of the Universal Order of Freemasons (Ethiopian Rites Exclusive) (DC)
31. Universal Grand Lodge AF&AM (DC)
32. Sovereign Grand Lodge AF&AM (DC)
33. Grand Orient of the District of Columbia (DC)
34. Washington Consistory No. I AASR (DC)
35. Benderson Grand Lodge (DC)


36. Prince Hall Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc. (FL)
37. Grand Lodge AF&AM (FL)
38. Most Worshipful Cypress Grand Lodge, AF&AM of Florida (FL)

They say Black International masons are not real.

39. Grand Lodge F&AAYM, Inc. (GA)
40. International Free and Accepted Masons (GA)
41. Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge F&AAYM (GA)
42. Supreme Grand Lodge of Modern Free and Accepted Masons of the USA (GA)
43. St. Joseph's Grand Lodge AF&AM (GA)

They say Black International Masons or not real.

44. Most Worshipful Sovereign Grand Lodge AF&AM of the USA - Regular Masonic Succession, Instituted A.D.1901 (IL)

45. St. Mark's Grand Lodge F&AAYM (National Compact) Prince Hall Origin (IL)
46. St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM (IL)
47. Grand Lodge AF&AM (IL)
48. St. James Grand Lodge AF&AM (IL)
49. Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM (IL)
50. W.T.M. Grant Jr. Grand Lodge AF&AM (IL)
51. King David Grand Lodge AF&AM (IL)
52. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons - Working In and For the USA, Its Dependencies, Territories, Canada and the Free World (IL)
53. Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge, AF&AM of Illinois, Inc. (IL)
54. Most Worshipful St. Ezra Grand Lodge (IL) (est. 1999)
55. The Original Most Worshipful St. John's Grand Lodge of Illinois, AF&AM (IL)
56. Most Worshipful St. Paul Grand Lodge (IL)
57. Moses Grand Lodge (IL)
58. Shadrach Grand Lodge (IL)


59. Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM (IN)
60. King Solomon Grand Lodge AF&AM (IN) (KS)
61. King George Grand Lodge AF&AM (IN)


62. King David Grand Lodge AF&AM (IA)
63. St. James Grand Lodge AF&AM (IA)


64. St. John the Evangelist Grand Lodge AF&AM (KS)
65. St. Mark's Grand Lodge AF&AM (KS)


66. United King George Grand Lodge AF&AM (LA)
67. Universal Grand Lodge AF&AM (LA)
68. United St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM (LA)
69. St. Andrew's Grand Lodge AF&AM (LA)
70. Jerusalem Grand Lodge AF&AM (LA)
71. St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM (LA)
72. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of F&AAYM (PH origin) Compact (LA)

They say Black International masons are not real.

73. Alpha Grand Lodge AF&AM (MA)
74. Eureka Alpha Grand Lodge of AF&AM Scottish Rite Colored Masons of Massachusetts (MA)
75. George W. Carver Grand Lodge AF&AM (MA)
76. Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM (MA)


77. Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc (MD)
78. Zerubbabel Grand Lodge (MD)

They say Black International Mason are not real.

79. Mt. Nebo Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)
80. United Grand Lodge, Inc., Scottish Rite Masons (MI)
81. Mt. Sinai Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)
82. Atomic Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)
83. St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)
84. Pride of the East Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)
85. King Solomon Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)
86. Mount Olive Grand Lodge of AYM (MI)
87. Universal Grand Lodge of AYM of the Provinces of the Continent of North America (MI)
88. International Free and Accepted Modern Masons, Inc. (MI)
89. King David Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)
90. Tyree Grand Lodge AF&AM (MI)


91. Prince Hall Grand Lodge AF&AM (MS)
92. King Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM (MS)
93. King David Grand Lodge AF&AM (MS)
94. Cuey Grand Lodge AF&AM (MS)
95. King Solomon Grand Lodge AF&AM (MS)
96. Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc. (MS)
97. W.T.M. Grant, Jr., Grand Lodge AF&AM (MS)


98. St. Matthew's Grand Lodge AF&AM (MO)
99. St. Mark's Grand Lodge AF&AM (MO)
100. Tyre Grand Lodge AF&AM (MO)
101. Grand Lodge AF&AM (MO)
102. St. Andrew's Grand Lodge (MO) Afro-American Free and Accepted Masons of U.S. (MO)
103. St. Matthew Grand Lodge (MO)

New Jersey

104. Oriental Grand Lodge AF&AM (NJ)
105. St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM (NJ) (NY)
106. King Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM, Inc., Scottish Rite (its constitution styles it as "William Hiram Pilgrim") (NJ)
107. King David Grand Lodge AF&AM (NJ)
108. D.U.B.F.K.S. and K.M.T. Grand Lodge No. 1, AF&AM (NJ)
109. King William Grand Lodge AF&AM (NJ)
110. King Solomon Grand Lodge AF&AM (NJ)
111. York Grand Lodge (NJ)
112. Union Grand Lodge AF&AM (NJ)
113. Most Worshipful New Birth Grand Lodge(Break-off from the United Masonic Brotherhood) (NJ)
114. Most Worshipful Garden State Grand Lodge (Break-off from Oriental G.L.)(NJ)
115. United Masonic Brotherhood (NJ)

New York

116. Enoch Grand Lodge AF&AM (NY)
117. United Grand Orient (NY)
118. Universal Grand Orient, Inc. (NY)
119. King Solomon Grand Lodge AF&AM (NY)
120. Orient Grand Lodge AF&AM of the State of New York (NY)
121. St. John's Grand Lodge AF&AM of the World (NY)
122. Esoteric Grand Lodge of America, Inc. (pending) (NY)
123. Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM No. I (Bronx) (NY)
124. Hiram Grand Lodge AF&AM No. 2 (Manhattan) (NY)
125. Mecca Grand Lodge AASR (NY)
126. Unity Grand Lodge AF&AM (NY)
127. King Cyrus Grand Lodge AF&AM (NY)
128. Grand Lodge AF&AM of the State of New York (NY)
129. United Grand Lodge AF&AM Scottish Rite (NY)
130. St. John's Grand Lodge, Scottish Rite (NY)
131. Oriental Grand Lodge AF&AM of State of New York (NY)
132. Alpha Grand Lodge AF&AM (NY)
133. Most Worshipful Doric Grand Lodge AF&AM, State of New York, Inc. (NY)
134. Most Worshipful Mystic Tie Grand Lodge (NY)

New Mexico

135. King Solomon Grand Lodge AF&AM (NM)
North Carolina
136. Brotherly Love Grand Lodge AF&AM (NC)
137. Grand Lodge AF&AM (NC)
138. Keystone Grand Lodge AF&AM (NC)
139. Omega Grand Lodge AF&AM (NC)


140. North Star Grand Lodge F&AAYM (MN)
141. Sovereign Grand Lodge AF&AM of U.S.A. (OH)
142. United Grand Lodge AF&AM (OH)
143. Most Worshipful Grand Lodge AF&AM Under the authority of Haiti (OH)
144. Titus Grand Lodge AF&AM (OH)
145. St. John's Grand Lodge

Note: this list was done sometime ago, lodges have grown in numbers & other lodges have opened.

Eye Of The Phoenix
This is by Sandy Frost Online Investigative Journalist, Author.

Disclaimer: This story contains sexually-oriented adult content which may include written references to nude adults, adults engaging in sexual acts, and other materials of a sexually-explicit nature. Permission to read this article is strictly limited only to consenting adults who affirm that they are over 18 years old, that you intend to read the sexually explicit material in the privacy of your own home and that you are familiar with your local community standards and that the sexually-explicit materials which you have chosen to read from this Website are well within the contemporary community standards of acceptance and tolerance of your community for sexually-explicit materials of that nature.

Most would think that the Shriners Treasurers Association Meeting Minutes (STAMM) would record dull and boring presentations from bean counting number lovers.

Au contraire.

There were some eye-popping, jaw-dropping little tidbits hidden away in the archives until the Shrine Treasurers' Minutes were taken offline. The minutes include references to crime, mismanagement, suggestions to disobey the law, shocking financial disclosures, sexual harassment and dirty jokes.

First, let’s take a look at how we got here.

This story began last April after receiving an email from Vernon Hill, a Shriner whistleblower, who’d been working the two years previous with Paul Dolnier, a non-Shriner tax accountant with a Masters Degree in Taxation and three years experience as an IRS Revenue Officer.

Dolnier spent months examining hundreds of pages of 990 tax returns and began asking online questions as he posted the results on his “Charity Watch Center” (CWC) website. He also presented his findings to investigators from Pennsylvania. Discrepancies were allegedly found on the tax returns of the two non profit groups involved; the Shriners Hospitals for Children charity group and the Shriners fraternal group.

The Shriners Hospitals for Children is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization that oversees a $9 billion plus endowment to provide free medical care to burned and crippled children through a network of 22 hospitals. The Shriners temple fraternal group is a 501(c)(10) tax exempt organization that oversees the 191 temples who work as a “collection service” for the hospital group.

Before going on, let’s make one thing very clear.
This story is not about the nearly half-a-million fraternal Shriners who want to have fun while supporting the hospitals.

It’s not about the Shriner who rolls out at zero dawn thirty on a Saturday morning to set up for a pancake breakfast.

Or the Shriner who carefully applies his heavy make up and dons his colorful costume and doesn’t care what anyone thinks of a clown driving down the road as he goes to put a smile on the face of a badly burned toddler.

Or the Shriner who drives his goofy little car in local parades.

Or the Shriner who faithfully transports sick or crippled children and their guardians hundreds of miles for free medical treatment at a Shriners hospital.

This story is about those who would silence their "brothers" for asking financial questions. This story is about those who are sworn to uphold the laws of the land, yet, in the face of ongoing temple crime, silently obey Shrine law.

Twenty years ago, the Orlando Sentinel described a similar situation when the newspaper investigated allegations of a Shrine circus ticket scam. The tickets were re-sold so that an estimated $8,000 to $30,000 in charitable proceeds was unaccounted for. It was also reported that two law enforcement officers received complaints about the missing money, but failed to act.

They were also Shriners.

Twenty years later, there are more than just two law enforcement officers aware of Shrine crimes, as the details of which are broadcast worldwide through the online archives of the Shrine Treasurers Association Meeting Minutes. These include current and former state governors, FBI agents, U.S. Marshalls, Judges, Public defenders, District Attorneys, members of state House of Representatives, State Senators, Sheriffs, Police, Assistant Attorney Generals, Supreme Court Judges, Attorneys, CPA’s, bank founders and a retired Insurance Company Chairman.

The common element here is that these Shriners have professional backgrounds that require swearing to or affirming to uphold the laws of the land rather than being selectively silent about Shrine crimes.
The Orlando Sentinel articles also found that most of the circus’ charitable proceeds did not go towards the hospitals but were instead used for entertainment, trips and building maintenance. The investigation also described unusual real estate loans that were made from the charity to executives and employees of both groups; loans that were not reported to the IRS.

Back to Vernon Hill
He spent years volunteering his time for the Sudan Shrine Temple. As he asked more questions, a letter from the group’s corporate offices directed the head of the Sudan Shrine Temple to do what they wanted to him. Hill found himself removed from the Road Runners, the group that drives the sick and crippled children to the hospitals as well as from the temple’s PR committee.

Today, Shriners and non-Shriners are still asking “Where does all the money go?” though they have been expelled or, in the case of Hill and Dolnier, sued for defamation.

In a September 1, 2006 complaint filed with the 13th Judicial Circuit Court of Hillsborough County, Florida, both Shriners tax exempt groups accuse Hill of using emails and the CWC website to “publish false and defamatory information” about the Shriners.
The lawsuit alleges:

“These publications falsely communicate to the public that there are facts which would support the messages that the Plaintiffs are violating the law by not properly using or applying contributed funds; that there is corruption within Shriners which has led to investigations by law enforcement agencies; and that money donated for charitable purposes is being used for non-charitable purposes.”

In contrast, the Shriners Treasurers Association Minutes (STAMM) broadcast temple crimes for all to read, either online or in their Shrine temples.
These include:

Credit card fraud of $5,000 by a past Potentate, STAMM, Summer, 2004, pp22

30 temples with crime and fraud, some of them up to $300,000, STAMM, Summer, 2006, pp2

Bingo theft to the tune of $1.2 million, STAMM, Winter, 2005, pp 22

A quick aside about Bingo.
The New York Times ran a story on Tuesday, November 7, 2006 that described how a Cahaba Shrine temple sub-group, the Decatur Shrine Club of Alabama, held bingo games but allegedly failed to obey Shrine law that mandates that 100% of the charitable proceeds go directly to the hospitals. The club’s leader claimed he followed a city ordinance and, instead, sent 51% of the charitable proceeds to corporate.

The Times reported that the Decatur Shrine Club was closed on Sunday, November 5 by Robert Utley, Potentate of the Cahaba Shrine, the regional group that also oversees nearly 20 local Shrine clubs in northern Alabama.
“I guess Shrine law supersedes the city ordinance,” said club member Lucian McCulloch, who was quoted in both the Times article as well as in a story run by the Decatur Daily on Wednesday, November 8, 2006.

Though McCulloch was quoted in both stories, neither newspaper reported that his comments had to have been cleared and approved through the Shrine chain of command. A May, 2006 directive "By Order of the Potentate and in Concurrence with Imperial Shrine," signed by Robert Utley, Potentate, states:

1) No one has the authority to speak outside the Temple to anyone on legal matters of the Temple without permission of the Potentate.

2) No member of any Temple will give interviews to any media without the permission of the Potentate who must know what will be discussed.

3) Members are forbidden from requesting Shrine Unit or Shrine Club records from any source.

4) No one has the authority to contact the Imperial Potentate without first contacting the Potentate with a copy of the signed complaint. If the Potentate refuses to forward the communication, then the member may transmit it directly to the Imperial Potentate. A representative may communicate directly with the Imperial Potentate. (the Imperial Potentate is the head of the Shriners fraternal governing body otherwise known as a divan.)

5) It is also ordered that no Shriner enlist the help of a non-Shriner to get around Shrine law.

6) Anyone conducting an investigation of a Shrine Club or Shrine Unit without the Potentates' permission is hereby ordered to cease and desist. McCulloch officially spun the story by blaming a former Potentate who “called the Times and Alabama officials, alleging the Decatur Club was stealing. ‘We had one man that shut us down,’ McCulloch said. ‘A former potentate had a vendetta against us. He called this gal at The (New York) Times. He went to (Morgan County District Attorney) Bob Burrell and (Alabama) Attorney General Troy King, saying we were stealing, but no money was ever missing.’”

In what seems to be a case of mixed signals whether the decision to sell was based on the former potentate’s allegations of theft or the discovery that the temple had misappropriated $110,000, Utley made sure the building was locked up until the ultimate decision could be made.
Here, now, are the excerpts from the treasurers’ minutes.

Ongoing crime:
“I can give you a litany of examples where credit cards have been misused at temple level and you know, it’s a hell of a problem when a Potentate owes the temple $5,000 for illegal credit card use or credit card use that was not approved, and he’s going out and is now a Past Potentate. It’s tough to get that money.”

- Cumpstone, executive VP, Shrine fraternal, STAMM, Summer, 2004, pp 22 “I have to tell you that we’re still experiencing theft at temple level. I know you’re tired of hearing me talk about it but we’ve got a lawsuit going on now, looks like about $1.2 million that’s out of bingo. Bingo can be a lot of fun but it’s fraught with all sorts of headaches. So just keep in mind theft, cash particularly at the small temples and even some of the larger ones, where you don’t have cash control, we’re still having theft both by temple employees and by temple officers.”

- Cumpstone, executive VP, Shrine fraternal, STAMM, Winter 2005, pp 22 “Noble Charlie Cumpstone addressed the meeting and repeated his concern about Cash Control. That subject is becoming an increasingly common problem among several Shrine Temples. Over 30 Temples have discovered fraud in their Divan this year, some of them up to $300,000.”

- STAMM, Summer, 2006, pp 2
“The last five and a half years, we’ve known in our office eighteen occurrences…There are two in the last fourteen months that we’re aware of…Now of these eighteen situations, I’m only aware of three that have been prosecuted. The reason they don’t is they don’t want their names in the press. They don’t want to give a black eye to the Shrine. They just want to sweep it under the table, release the person and nothing else is done about it.”

- Phillips, Director of Temple Accounting, STAMM, Summer, 2003, pp 21 - 22 Editor's note: If we look at the fact that 3 out of 18 crimes are prosecuted, this equates to a 16% prosecution rate or an 84% crime acceptance rate. Hypothetically, if each incident amounted to $10,000, the total missing would be $180,000, with only $30,000 prosecuted. This means that a loss of $150,000 would be acceptable.

“At the current time, I can tell you what we see in the lists we get from your temples, it would be a disaster. Records are not well kept, not well kept at all.”

- Cumpstone, executive VP, Shrine fraternal, STAMM, Winter, 2005, pp 24 “First of all, the revenues and expenses on our Imperial Council, our fraternity, you’ll look back in 1999, the revenues were $3,628,000; the operating expenses were $3,972,000; and when you see that you’ll notice there’s a difference. We went in the hole some $344,000 back in 1999. Jump over here to 2003 and you can see the situation is really exacerbated there because the revenue was $3,124,000 and expenses were $4,468,000. We went in the hole $1,344,000. That’s down $1,688,000 in two years. You can quickly see why the per capita was so necessary last year to get us out of a situation where in a couple of years we would be pumped financially; and that’s the truth of the matter.”

- Bracewell, Imperial Treasurer, STAMM Winter, 2004, pp 19
Editor’s note: According to this, the Imperial Council admitted that in 2003, they overspent by 143%. In other words, for every dollar taken in, $1.43 was spent. There is no suggestion that the Imperial Council reign spending in; rather, it is suggested that the deficit be paid by raising the members’ per capita payments. Also, there are 14 members on the Imperial Council or an average of $319,142 per member.

Suggestions to minimize or disobey legal requirements:
“Going to the second page (of the IRS tax return form 990), there’s too much work being done, I’m not being over critical, I’m just saying let’s just do the minimum disclosure to the IRS. There’s too much work being done on part 2.”- Phillips, Director of Temple Accounting, STAMM, Winter, 2003, pp 72

“By the way, if someone comes to you with $100,000 or $1,000 or $10.00 and you don’t have the proper forms, take it, write a thank you letter, write another and say when are you going to do it again, Keep taking the money.”

- Semb, Past Imperial Potentate and Chairman of the Hospital Board of Trustees, STAMM, Summer 2004, pp 29

“I was touched one time in Hawaii when they were introducing some of the patients to us. This was before HIPPA (Health Insurance Protection and Accountability Act), to hell with HIPPA, go talk to the children, guys, we’re not going to pay attention to that stuff. I’ll pay your summons if you get a summons, okay? There isn’t anybody out there writing summons. Let’s talk to the children.”

- Semb, Past Imperial Potentate and Chairman of the Hospital Board of Trustees, STAMM, Summer 2005, pp 11
Sexual harassment: “This morning I spoke with your Recorders about a problem we’ve been having at too many temples recently of sexual harassment. Many of you as Treasurers are not in the office a lot, some of you are, and the problem has really gotten problematic recently because one of our temples is looking at two lawsuits put together that are going to cost them about $160,000 to settle.”

- Cumpstone, executive VP, Shrine fraternal, STAMM, Summer, 2004, pp 21 “Let’s talk a minute about sexual harassment. Laurie Spieler, a lawyer from our staff at headquarters will be over to talk with you about basically sexual harassment. We still have it going on guys, and Laurie is going to put it in nicer terms than I am, but keep your hands off the help. Unfortunately, we see a great deal of it in our temple offices where we’ve got new, younger employees rather than the old girl who used to work there and she’s 65 years old and was happy as hell anybody would touch her.”

- Cumpstone, executive VP, Shrine fraternal, STAMM, Winter 2005, pp 22.

After Laurie Spieler, attorney for Shriners Hospitals for Children, gave a presentation about sexual harassment at the Winter, 2005 Treasurers meeting, she concluded with “Don’t flirt, don’t touch, don’t talk about sex, and don’t joke or comment about body parts…” (pp 67) after which the following was said at the afternoon session:

“Unidentified Noble: What’s the status with Hooters? I understand they used to publish a newspaper and put the Shrine Hospitals in the newspaper and then there was some argument and people said they didn’t want it in there.

Noble Bob Phillips: With Hooters corporation? I’m not aware of any problem…We have no problem with Hooters. Elevator eyes, right? (Laughter)”

- Phillips, Director of Temple Accounting, STAMM, Winter, 2005, pp 85.

And finally, the dirty jokes:
“Boy it’s nice to be with the guys with the money. I’ll tell you. Have any of you gotten crabs, I mean eaten any crabs since you’ve been here (laughter). How many have had crabs since they’ve been here? Boy, that’s good. Blue ointment works great, they tell me.”

- Frevel, Imperial Potentate, STAMM, Summer, 2005, pp 9
“Just a little story about what happened, just one incident, probably the only one we can talk about on the cruise. One night the ladies were tired from the long day in the sun and shopping downtown and they retired early. Our secretary-treasurer, I won’t mention any names, says Bruce why don’t we go up to the casino? I said, well, I’m not a gambling man, really. He said come on, we’ll have fun, they have great slots up there that are lose, blackjack, roulette, we’ll have a lot of fun, we’ll make some money. I said no, I’m not a gambling man. He said, he’s twisting my arm. I said look, I’m going to go out and smoke my cigar. Here’s $100, get lucky for me. You know, the next morning I’m out on the deck having breakfast and who do I see? I won’t mention his name. I said how you doing? Sleep well? Have a good time at the casino? You remember I gave you $100? Yeah. You said you were going to get lucky for me, was I lucky? He said Bruce you were damn lucky, you got laid.”

- Thompson, President, Shrine Treasurers Association, STAMM, Winter 2004, pp 113 “I went up to the Daughters of the Nile when they were trying to find out if there was a wholesale distributor for oxygen (laughter). You know what’s the similarity between a lady and a screen door? You hear that yesterday? Bang them a few times and they loosen up. (Laughter) Anyway, they were looking for oxygen.”

- Semb, Past Imperial Potentate and Chairman of the Hospital Board of Trustees, STAMM, Summer, 2004, pp 27

In conclusion, the Shriners' oath states:
"...in willful violation whereof I may incur the fearful penalty of having my eyeballs pierced to the center with a three-edged blade, my feet flayed and I will be forced to walk the hot sands upon the sterile shores of the Red Sea, until the flaming sun shall strike me with livid plague, and may Allah the God of Arab, Muslim and Mohammedan, the God of our fathers support me to the entire fulfillment of the same, Amen, Amen, Amen."

It appears that those who uphold this oath and learn about the unprosecuted crimes through the Shrine Treasurers Meeting minutes will be able to do so with both eyes wide open.

This is by Sandy Frost Online Investigative Journalist, Author.

These groups are the Shriners Hospitals for Children and the Imperial Council of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine for North America. The first is a 501c3 charitable exempt organization. The second is a 501c10 fraternal exempt organization that rules over approximately 190 Shriner temples and, according to their Articles of Incorporation, "Maintains, controls, conducts and superintends any and all charities, benevolences and hospitals now established...and to create and maintain a fund for the purchase, erection, operation and maintenance of Shriners Hospitals for Children." Both share headquarters in Tampa, Florida where the Hillsborough County property tax assessment is over $450,000. Since both groups are classified as tax-exempt, they don't pay it.
Yes, to their credit, the 22 hospitals do provide free medical care for burned and crippled children.

Use charitable contributions to punish and sue their own for defamation after they ask questions like "Where does all the money go?" and "Why are there no cash deposits after bingo?"

Hard to believe because a lot of these members, Sheriffs, FBI agents, US Marshalls, Supreme Court Justices, District Attorneys, CPAs and others who are sworn to uphold the laws of the land, are sworn to up hold the law
& are present during the semi-annual Treasurers Meetings.

Less than 20% of crime and fraud found in the Shriners temples are prosecuted.

14 men as well as six out of seven hospital officers to serve on both the charitable and fraternal boards of directors.

Belong to groups that discriminate against blacks and women.
Belong to groups like the Masons, Knights Templar, the Scottish Rite and Jesters, yet fail to report these affiliations on their tax returns.
Record Resolutions in a nearby county, yet fail to report these changes to their governing documents on their tax returns.

Use charitable donations for multiple executive and employee mortgages, yet fail to report them on their tax returns.

The Orlando Sentinel investigated allegations of a Shriner Circus ticket re-sale scam, sweetheart contracts and the possible theft of between $8,000 to $30,000. The matter had been reported three years earlier to government attorneys, convention center managers and police officers who did nothing.

ANDREW ELLIS has been fighting since 2002 after being expelled from the Zuhrah Shrine Cycle Corps Inc. for asking questions about finances and unethical behavior.

Those getting too close to the Shriners’ dirty little secret are targeted and retaliated against in ways that would make Machiavelli proud.

One must first be a Master Mason before joining groups like the Knights Templar, Scottish Rite and the Shriners. One must be secretly invited to join the Jesters, currently under investigation for sex trafficking, prostitution and child sex tourism. And that’s the secret so many are trying so hard to protect, yet their activities continue.

The taxman spent months examining hundreds of pages of 990 tax returns and began asking online questions as he posted the results on his "Charity Watch Center" (CWC) website. He also presented his findings to investigators from Pennsylvania. Discrepancies were allegedly found on the tax returns of the two nonprofit groups involved; the Shriners Hospitals for Children charity group and the Shriners Temple fraternal group.

The Shriners Hospitals for Children is a 501c3 tax exempt charitable organization that is, according to their 2008 tax return, worth just over $6 billion. The Shriners operate a network of 22 hospitals that used to provide free medical care to burned and crippled children before voting to take insurance at last July’s national convention. The Shriner membership is organized according to a 501c10 tax exempt fraternal organization that oversees the 191 temples for about 300,000 members who live their retirement years in service to help their hospitals still provide free care whenever possible.

The taxman spent months examining hundreds of pages of 990 tax returns and began asking online questions as he posted the results on his "Charity Watch Center" (CWC) website. He also presented his findings to investigators from Pennsylvania. Discrepancies were allegedly found on the tax returns of the two nonprofit groups involved; the Shriners Hospitals for Children charity group and the Shriners Temple fraternal group.

The Shriners Hospitals for Children is a 501c3 tax exempt charitable organization that is, according to their 2008 tax return, worth just over $6 billion. The Shriners operate a network of 22 hospitals that used to provide free medical care to burned and crippled children before voting to take insurance at last July’s national convention. The Shriner membership is organized according to a 501c10 tax exempt fraternal organization that oversees the 191 temples for about 300,000 members who live their retirement years in service to help their hospitals still provide free care whenever possible.

Now, let's make one thing extremely clear.
Law enforcement officers aware of Shrine crimes, as the Shrine Treasurers Association Meeting Minutes report. These include current and former state governors, FBI agents, U.S. Marshalls, Judges, Public defenders, District Attorneys, members of state House of Representatives, State Senators, Sheriffs, Police, Assistant Attorney Generals, Supreme Court Judges, Attorneys, CPA's, Bank Founders and a retired Insurance Company Chairman.
The same card is being solicited in Cleveland, Ohio, again. This time the lodge is called called King Solomon Lodge No.7 A.F. & A.M. State of Ohio. The contact person, NO NAME, number is the same as before 216-673-0818. Remember last time the were calling themselves Ishmai'l Lodge No. 6 A.F. & A.M. State of Ohio same contact number as King Solomon.
On the back reads "I want to be a Eastern Star" [women] Bathsheba Chapter No. 7. The Eastern Star lodge stayed the same, but the contact person, NO NAME, number changed to 216-322-2868 instead of 440-979-1016.
After you make contact, with whomever the person maybe, they will ask you to meet at McDonald's or a coffee shop. Mind you not the lodge or their home. On the phone the person is very vague on info. They want discuss who the founding members of the lodge were, does this sound like a legitimate fraternity or organization to you? Most folks know the so-called founder of the black freemason was Prince Hall. But most folks know lil' or nothing before joining unless they're told by someone else, mainly a relative, & that information is vague. "It's a very POWERFUL organization," the relative would say. Yes, we get that, any fraternity with a large body of members with a dollar or two to give is a very POWERFUL organization. Part of the due money can be used for charity or something corrupt or both. Most Freemason members have no clue where the money they give stops. "GET YOUR HAND OUTTA MY POCKET!"
It doesn't matter if you are Scottish Rite or York Rite, if you are asking people to join a lodge you should know who founded the Grand lodge & who gave that Grand lodge jurisdiction to operate. Anybody can learn who the founder of Black Freemasons. What are the traditions & the purpose behind the fraternity, besides brotherhood, fellowship, friendship & mutual support? Because all those thing can be manipulated & no man can see inside another mans soul, so how can a man teach the immortality of the soul. There is no real brotherhood when currency is involved. It cannot be proven that a mans life, regulated by morality, faith, and justice, will be rewarded at its closing hour by the prospect of eternal bliss. You can improve oneself & pursue excellence on your own. God can only redeem you from the death of sin & salvation is in Gods Kingdom.
Why this could be wrong? Because they have no real legal charter or Grand Lodge jurisdiction to operate.
The scandal is done by real masons & Eastern Stars that hide behind the name of a lodge or the organization. These folks either belong to a lodge & Grand lodge that has real jurisdiction to operate or they're no longer active, but they know how the organization work & they know also know a spiritual foundation can persuade most folks out of money. The scandal could work in a lot of ways, it's a very multi-level scheme. Filling out the application is the first set-up because some members check the LIFE INSURANCE BOX. Once you fill out the application & pay your money you are than taken through a series of degree rituals, kind of like a play. The important design of the degree is to symbolize the great doctrines of the resurrection of the body and the immortality of the soul, saved from the grave of iniquity, and raised to the faith of salvation.
Some lodges will raise you ° Entered Apprentice, ° Fellowcraft & ° Master Masonall in the same night. Some will give you degrees one at a time, depending on your ritual learning. Once you become a member you are given a ritual book, a pair of white gloves, a apron with a square & compasses on the apron, you are given a membership card & a hat. After you have read enough of your ritual book you are persuaded to move up in degrees, to move up each degree will cost you money & the due money in higher lodges cost a lot more than the lower lodges. But where is your due money going? The similarity in structure is so related that some folks have been members of a fake lodge for over 50 years, some past away thinking they were really masons, family & friends think they're real masons. After a while most members will stop going to the lodge meetings & will become inactive members, but still think they're real masons. Everything is modified and adapted to suit you, the one being hustled. There's no rush because you could bring in more members to the lodge. In fact, finding a member that can build the house, so to speak, & bring more & more members is like finding oil in your backyard.
Mind you a lot of these men & women are good brothers & sisters and are members of Church's & other fraternities & sororities. It doesn't take much to operate a lodge that doesn't have any Grand Lodge Jurisdiction. All people would have to do is lease or rent a space, it doesn't have to be a BIG temple style lodge, it could be a run down space in the inner city or at someone home. You only need 7 or more members to hold a meeting. Any space could be a lodge & because of that anyone can create a none jurisdiction lodge. And I do mean anyone. Memorizing the Bible & using religion & spiritual faith a large group of people could be persuaded into illegal activity. You name it, car theft ring, counterfeit money, gambling, drugs, you name it. They can run it like a mafia, but the members aren't really made men. Down low gays, bisexuals & lesbians could create a lodge to try & hustle people out of money & manipulate the ritual book to their liking & by memorizing the Bible & using religion, spiritual faith & persuasion they could try & change straight members into being gay or bisexual & if that doesn't work use the lodges to destroy that person for rejecting them. None of that have anything to do with enlightenment or being a Mason or Masonic.
Because most Christians do not know about Freemasonry, some are led to join a Masonic Lodge. After they join and become active in Freemasonry, they begin to understand what is being taught in Masonic ritual. Christians who think about the meaning of the words in ritual end up leaving Freemasonry. Many go quietly, because of fear. Others are under so much spiritual bondage, as a result of being involved in the occultic religion of Freemasonry, that they remain somewhat dysfunctional as Christians. Spiritual healing can be instantaneous, or it can take years, depending on the individual and God's will.
Be wary of any church leadership who are former Masons. Unless they are able to fully reveal the evil nature of Freemasonry, they may not be free of Masonic bondage. Former Masons should be examined carefully before they are allowed to take any teaching or leadership role in the church. Men, who have left the Masonic Lodge after coming to understand what Masonic ritual teaches, have sometimes felt compelled to reveal the contents of Masonic ritual to the public. Many are reluctant to do so because of Masonic history. During the early 19th century, Capt. William Morgan worked with a printer named Miller to publish the rituals, as practiced in New York. The printers shop was set ablaze and Morgan was abducted and murdered. As his body was never recovered, there was no conviction for murder. However, several Masons were convicted of his abduction. Even through intimidation and persecution can be intense for those who reveal the "secrets" of Freemasonry, exposures of Masonic ritual have continued since 1727, ten years after the founding of the Grand Lodge of England. Exposures of Masonic ritual have continued for more than two centuries for several reasons.
The most compelling reason is so that other men will not be ensnared in Freemasonry. Christians who become ensnared in Freemasonry sooner or later realize that Masonic ritual teaches a plan of salvation which is not based on faith in Jesus Christ, but rather on the basis of imitating Hiram Abiff, the prototype Masonic savior. Galatians 1:8-9 reveals that the penalty for teaching a false plan of salvation is eternal condemnation. Christians have no choice but to repent.
Eye Of The Phoenix
Ecci Orienti
The OES functions under the authority of the Lodge. A Master Mason, called the Worthy Patron MUST be present at all Star meetings. There is also another Mason, an Associate Patron, usually present. Otherwise, all the offices are held by women. To ask what the Star does is a bit like asking what a Lodge does. The easy answer is: Not much. However, the Star does what little it does with a tremendous amount of pomp and ceremony.
Star meetings, like Lodge meetings, consist of opening the meeting with much waving of rods and banners and the singing of hymns. The officers ritually declare their stations and functions and Grand Chapter officers are introduced and honored with tedious predictability. This can easily kill a half hour to forty-five minutes.
Then, minutes are read, sick members are mentioned and any items of mundane business transacted, much like any other club. If members are to be initiated, that is done, and that can take at least an hour.
Then the chapter is solemnly closed, with a lot more ceremonial ado, followed by a social hour. Ultimately, the chief function of a Star chapter, like a Lodge, is to make more members! Everything else is secondary to that.
The Star is regarded by Masonic women as a fine Christian institution within Masonry.
Classics like How Great Thou Art are sung. The motto of the chapter is right out of the Bible: "We have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him'" (Matthew 2:2).
Sadly, one of the key strategies a cult uses is to play upon the common interpretation of words. Dealing with any cult involves getting through a jungle of definitions.
The cult will use words which have common meanings, like "Jesus" or "saved," or well known Bible verses, but will carefully not explain to potential members that they have applied a subtext to these terms, a second layer of meaning!
This is the problem with the OES. The people who put the order together back in the 19th century relied upon the familiarity with Matthew 2:2 as a common "Christmas verse." However, in light of the satanic symbolism involved in the OES, we need to look for another layer of meaning applied to that verse of scripture.
The A.V. 1611 text does not say "eastern star." It says "star in the east."
The phrase "Eastern Star" has a specialized meaning in occultism.
It refers to the star, Sirius, which is the most significant star in Satanism!
It is sacred to the god, Set. Remember Set as the evil Egyptian god who killed Osiris? Set is probably the oldest form of Satan! The Eastern Star is the star of Set.
However, deadly word games are being played here. Though most women involved in the OES doubtlessly assume they are worshiping Jesus as they kneel around a huge satanic pentagram, it is obvious that the "his" actually refers to Set's star, not Jesus' star.
In Albert Pike's commentary on this degree, we find the usual duplicity found elsewhere in the Lodge. He explains:
"To find in the BLAZING STAR of five points an allusion to Divine Providence is fanciful; and to make it commemorative of the Star that is said to have guided the Magi, is to give it a meaning comparatively modern. Originally, it represented Sirius, or the Dog-star, the forerunner of the inundation of the Nile�"
Pike readily casts aside the bland lie of the degree and confirms that the blazing star is neither Divine Providence, nor is it Jesus' "star in the east." It is an Egyptian idol, the symbol of Sirius!
There is another critical problem in the Star�a reason why no Christian woman would wish to be a part of this organization.
Set (Lucifer) is the acknowledged god of Masonry. Thus, what does it mean for a Christian woman to be adopted into the Star? She is submitting herself to the spiritual authority of Lucifer.
She may not know it, but in bowing before the altar of the Star, the inverted pentagram of Baphomet, she has surrendered herself (however innocently) to the gods of Masonry. That WILL give Satan an entry point into her life, no matter how devout a Christian she may be.
See the manipulation, belittling God turning into human to explain their bisexual lifestyle.
In chapter 13 of her book, Love, the Law of the Angels, Gwen Shaw introduces the Gnostic concept that God is androgynous.
“God is not only ‘male,’ He is ‘female.’ One of His names is El-Shaddai, which means ‘Mother-God.’ We see the completeness of God only as we realize this truth. He is both male and female… So when God created Adam, He made him like himself, creating in him the male and female characteristics.” (Love, the Law of the Angels, p. 67)
Chapter 23 begins with a passage from a Quaker book, Feminine Aspects of Divinity, which sexualizes the Holy Spirit as a feminine deity:
“In the first few centuries A.D. Aramaic versions of the Old Testament introduced the word ‘Shekinah as a reverent circumlocution for God. In Exodus 25:8 an ancient translation reads, ‘I will let my Shekinah dwell among the children of Israel.’
“‘It is interesting to notice that the Shekinah is referred to as feminine in more than a grammatical sense from the third century on. The Shekinah is called 'she.' 'She' is spoken of as being omnipresent in the world, but more often 'she' is physically localized. The Jerusalem temple was built to be 'her' permanent home. When this temple was desecrated and destroyed, Ezekiel saw 'her' move out from the Holy of Holies and stand over the threshold of the house (Ezekiel 10:4) Jewish history tells us that the Shekinah wandered to the Mt. of Olives or into the desert and waited vainly a few more months for Israel to repent, then for a while went to heaven... When the temple was destroyed for the last time in 70 A.D., 'she' moved on to the principal synagogues of Babylon, where ‘she’ not only appeared from time to time but made ‘herself’ audible in the sound of a bell. 'She is believed to be a comforter of the sick, a helper of those in need and especially tender toward repentant sinners. ‘She’ would descend and rest upon any who performed good deeds, even if they were pagan idolaters, and would also rest between worthy husbands and wives. ‘She’ accompanied her people through the centuries of exile and mourned with them ('she was seen by one mystic in widow's garb by the Wailing Wall), 'she' came to be identified with the Ideal Israel the faithful Community which awaited redemption.*…
“The feminine aspect of the eternal God is the ‘El-Shaddai,’ the mother-nature of God. It is in this realm that the Shekinah is revealed and does its high office work.”
“ff. *Feminine Aspects of Divinity (a Quaker publication) by Erminie Huntress Lantero.” (Love the Law of the Angels, pp. 164-5)
Following the above citation, Gwen Shaw states that God is androgynous and BISEXUAL. Her authority for this teaching is the early Jewish rabbis, of whom more will be said later.
“You remember us mentioning in chapter 13 that God had created Adam male and female. If God created man male and female, it was because bisexuality somehow belongs to His own nature. The fact has been recognized by early rabbinic commentators that this is true.” (Love the Law of the Angels, p. 165)


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