Can believers of Jesus Christ assist or promote productions that showcase homosexual acceptance?

I would like to know if the word of God means abstain from all appearance of evil relates to those believers of Jesus Christ who are marketable and beckoned to help in productions that clearly showcase homosexual acceptance. Should they do the production and set aside their religious faith as it is just fictional characters or is their evil intent behind bringing these productions to the mass population... meaning subliminal messages.

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Blasphemy???? No the spirit of Christ, that dwells within you once you invite Him into your life as your Lord and Savior, then you take on His likeness, His spirit which will lead and guide you to ALL TRUTH. There is no blame when you live a righteous life unto the Lord. He will guide you as to what to do and say if you TRUST IN HIM and not yourself. Cliche....nope I dare not say- Jesus promised not to leave us comfortless, that He would go back to the Father and send His spirit to guide us. This is that same spirit that is allowing you and I to dialog and me get tickled from your learnings and understand and love you anyway inspite of what my flesh want to say or do. LOL Gods love for us is tremendous if only we will truly humble ourselves.
First Denise you have to understand that some dispute the fact that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one! To them they are three separate entities so with that belief it is hard to grasp what we who believe in God being Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It didn't say it in the Torah so it's not real nor the word Trinity is in the bible so it's not real. If the Hebrews don't say it then forget about it. LOL See it takes the Spirit as you said that is the comforter to teach you that. LOL I'm can't wait for this reply.
The RSV, NIV and all those besides the KJV are bibles I have looked at to compare with the KJV and you can have those translations. Those books RSV, NIV, NKJV and others take away the deity of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and have left out whole verses, changed words. The KJV only has the name issue as we talk about. Trust me I agree that NT preachers, teachers for the most part miss the point and present wrong doctrine but there are some that don't. Just as I'm sure those that call them selves Hebrew Torah preachers, teachers do the same. I have done a lot of comparison with different bibles with the exception of the stand alone Torah (Hebrew Bible if that is the case) and each one of those that I did studies on I wouldn't recommend to anyone. The worst being the Jehovah Witness New World Translation bible.

It's only to me that I don't see Translations as calling someone a different name only a name in their language. If I can get an understanding on it then maybe God will show me. I'm going to do a study on those verses from the video because another thing I have learned is that man will take verses from the bible to use them to validate what he is meaning and not what God is meaning. After I've done that I will be able to make my own comments because I will see if the verses are to help man in his own validations or Gods. Now your last paragraph is not necessarily so. They could know him by their own pronunciation that meant the same to them as it did to the Hebrew not necessarily by the name Yah. Some said the God of the Hebrews.
You said "I understand your needing to study …that is what it will take to get the truth burning in you…It is usually the same process…When you feel something threatens what you believe there is a need to imply that possibly the scriptures have been taken out of context…The is a defense mechanism and is understood."

Is this not what you do also in your defending what is said? None of us really need to defend God's Word because His Word can defend Its Self wouldn't you agree. I don't feel threatened in my beliefs from reading His Word, truly I don't. Any one can say to me what they want because it is what I feel I get from God that will either keep me where I am or change my way of thinking. When I said scriptures taken out of context I was serious in the fact that preachers, teachers and other do actually do that and much more. I'm aware of this fact.

The thing is I will continue to listen to what you and others say with an open mind (as I've always said and do), but I dont' just jump on anyones band waggon until I've prayed and researched and read for myself. I'm too old not to realize that everyone even a Hebrew Israelite (don't take it personally my Brother) can be wrong in their assessments on things. I know I have been but am open to be corrected but it will be as God shows me and He does. Sometimes in His Word and sometimes from others that He puts in my path to correct me. I'm not a change over nighter for sure. All men and this time I do mean ALL, are sinners no matter what they think of them selves and beliefs.

Thank God that God's true believers do not practice sin.
speak english!! LOL
Explain what is practicing sin please. Thank you.
Great question. There's a difference between stealing, and being a thief. I am sure many of us have stolen some time in our lives, but, that does not make us practioners of thievery. But, if we have been stealing ever since the first time we stolen, then we'd be practicing thieves.

1 John 3:9 - No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God.

If you are born of God, then you are not a sinner--- you do not practice sin. Of course we sin, but we dont make a practice out of sinning. Believers are new creatures!
Ok I go along with that 100% and still labeled us as sinners because we do sin but don't practice sin. As you say and I recanted that we born of God can be sinners because God can not mix with sinners. Thanks for the response.
You are correct because I've been having a change in this for me as well. It was a bad choice of words as you said used because of habit. If we are in Christ and Christ is in God then how can we still be sinners. True as said in Rom 5:12 but when you come to Him you can not be in sin if He is in you. God doesn't mix with sin. That was my bad as they say. Thanks for the correction Brother Moreh.
I said nothing about any bible other than the KJV. I don't speak for the RSV, NIV, NKJV and any other besides the KJV. If you compare the KJV to any of those there is a huge difference with ommissions and deity issues. I'm not talking about satan's bibles but Gods bible. Of course I know God wouldn't say His name has no value only man with satan's direction does this. Now the Hebrew language was first written in Plaeo Hebrew and Modern Hebrew, has there been any change or is it all the same and if so then why the need to have a modern day Hebrew language?

I know man has tampered with the bible because if not there wouldn't be so many versions. I just believe that satan has all those that aren't Gods and I truly believe that God has the sense to translate from one language to another using men to do so. I also believe that satan tries to deceive man by creating his own deceit in his bible versions.
I know King James wasn't a believer and I was taught that since English was the dominant language to use it was put in King James heart to allow this to happen so those that spoke English had the correct translation and it was done by God just as the Torah was done by God through men.

So I ask again then, since the KJV too is corrupted because to me if anything is wrong then the whole thing is wrong and if so then no one can get the correct message from God in the NT because it is corrupted. Now why then since it seems the only true version of anything is in Hebrew doesn't someone that knows Hebrew and it seems there is so much availablilty in knowing the corrupt words, phrases and whatever in the KJV doesn't someone the knows Hebrew rewrite the Bible and correctly put Hebrew into English because I'm not going to learn Hebrew in my lifetime to understand then. Why am I even in the NT or any bible that is in English. If I am learning (and being real in my heart) God's Word and it is corrupted then I am doomed anyway. Everything I am learning is a lie.


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