Can believers of Jesus Christ assist or promote productions that showcase homosexual acceptance?

I would like to know if the word of God means abstain from all appearance of evil relates to those believers of Jesus Christ who are marketable and beckoned to help in productions that clearly showcase homosexual acceptance. Should they do the production and set aside their religious faith as it is just fictional characters or is their evil intent behind bringing these productions to the mass population... meaning subliminal messages.

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Let me ask this question. Do you believe in the Strongs Concordance or do you use another book to get your meaning of words from?

God H410, 'el, masculine noun, 1) god, god-like one, mighty one a) mighty men, men of rank, mighty heroes b) angels c) god, false god, (demons, imaginations) d) God, the one true God, Jehovah 2) mighty things in nature 3) strength, power

God H430, 'elohiym, masculine noun, 1) (plural) a) rulers, judges b) divine ones c) angels d) gods 2) (plural intensive - singular meaning) a) god, goddess b) godlike one c) works or special possessions of God d) the (true) God e) God

God H433, 'elowahh, masculine noun, 1) God 2) false god

So in the bible it seems that God has different meanings for translations in the scriptures.
I pray I'm not leaning on my own understanding! Now answer me this question, you and James or both. If then the NT is so corrupted with words then why haven't the Hebrew Israelites taken the NT and fixed things? It seems everything that I speak of in the NT comes back to be something wrong and if that is the case why are we even using it. Ok I lied here another question. Why do you feel the Torah (OT) hasn't been tampered with and everything in it is true is it because it was done in Hebrew? I'm not being funny and you know I have these kinds of questions.

I know what you say about the N word and I don't even accept that name as something that means something to me so I never own it. That's how I am about life. You can say to me what you want or call me what you want. Doesn't mean I have to own it (accept it). I did in my youth when I knew no better. But it kept getting me in trouble for kicking some you know what. LOL Don't forget I grew up about 20 years before you did when we really didn't get along at all.
Brother John a question for you and Brother Moreh..did Shakesphere write Psalms 47 on his birthday and put in the Bible and Torah?if you read Psalms 47,, count 47 letters from the beginning it spells SHAKE,then count 47 letters from the end it spells SHERE,,is there a psalms 47 in the TORAH?if this is true there is alot of Gravity in this scripture,,the Bible says that it was men moved by the Spirit of GOD that wrote it ,,OK,,Lets say I wrote it under GODS watchful eye then you ,,then Moreh,,then Bro James,,then others came and Duplicated it were they moved by the instructions and the watchful eye of God? or there own selfish plans? we know that the OT and the NT was written but when all of these other translations come in,,OK,,First lets get back to shakesphere
What are you trying to say?
Hey I am trying to hear everyones opinion,,while outreaching these are some of the questions that come up from Brothers that are incarcerated
Oh ok.
Brother John you still there?
and it is psalms 46 not 47 I deeply apologize
psalms 46 not 47 I apologize
Gossip to me is not nice,,however you did get back to me with your view and so did brother james..My God is there anyone else out there who study that we can here from? this is a web site that we need to network with each other so when we are out there witnessing we know these things..the Ministry is not just in the church it is beyond the four walls
I have done alot of prison work and there we have brothers on fire for the lord and when release it is like that they leave God in the jail cell,on one knee lord when you bring me out and after there release ,I'll take it from here lord,,I have seen Christians 'believers' mentally get talked out of being a militant for christ and become a millitant for the Islam.Now I am a Christian and love the Gospel of NT and the OT,,I dont mind reaching for something if it can be validated by the dead sea I heard you say that your not a Christians you are Yahweh,every religion to me is like a Garden you have your flowers then you have your weeds,,,but I learned that it is not the Garden ,,it is the Farmer that corrupts it,this is why we need to pray and study to show thy self approved,,I'll continue to live Holy,,I WANT TO MAKE IT IN and make God happy that is where I stand,,I never claim to be anything else but God made to be or called me to do,,only he sits real high and looks down on us ,Knowledge is good ,it unlock doors,people will hate you for knowledge and it scares certain people because they're one trick ponys. I'll continue to do what I was called to do and will look at your site as well..may God rest on you and this web page and bless all of you and yours ,,I pray for every need to be met
What bible are you seeing this in. I don't get than in the KJV.


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