Can believers of Jesus Christ assist or promote productions that showcase homosexual acceptance?

I would like to know if the word of God means abstain from all appearance of evil relates to those believers of Jesus Christ who are marketable and beckoned to help in productions that clearly showcase homosexual acceptance. Should they do the production and set aside their religious faith as it is just fictional characters or is their evil intent behind bringing these productions to the mass population... meaning subliminal messages.

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The truth is bro, virtually all of the biblical copies of the original manuscripts have discrepancies in them. KJV, NASB, ESV, and many others. are NOT perfect copies. KJV, NASB, ESV, are all great bibles.
Ok thanks. I'm starting to feel real confused and not the kind of confused you want to deal with. How then can we have the true meaning of what God is saying if all bibles have discrepencies. I just can't believe that God wouldn't have a true bible in existance. This is very contrary to what I've been believing and disheartening to me. If there is one thing wrong in the Words then it's all wrong. I just can't believe that. I can't believe that God wouldn't know this and use men to write His Word as I feel he did with other men in His Word. I've got a lot of praying to do.
Brother John, just because there's a copyist error in one part, does not make the whole thing wrong. Thats illogical. Understand that the KJV does not contain the "original copies" of the bible. The KJV, along with all other word for word bible translations are "copies" of the original copies. Yes, there are discrepencies, but they can be dealt with, being that there is much scholarship dealing with Textual Criticism.

Makes you wonder though John, If there is a true bible, then why do we have dozens of bibles out? If the KJV is the pure word of God, then shouldnt there ONLY be a KJV in existence?

Yes, the best thing to do right now is pray for wisdom, and understanding. The truth will always stand. Those who say that the KJV is the only "pure" bible, have not really studied the fact that the bibles we have are copies of the original manuscripts. Be not dismayed brother. God's word is true, and can be trusted!
Trust me I do know His Word is true and I trust only Him. Man everyday I pray to Him for His wisdom, understanding and knowledge. It just gets disheartening to hear some of the things I hear. Sometimes I feel the belief in that God told men what to write and what to translate is just my own beliefs. Thanks for the words of encouragement Brother.
The Lord wants you to return to the true practice of his word, and that is to keep his commandments, and walk in the spirit.

The Lord came to me about the same thing. That library of books I gave you is a great start for you to set a solid foundation of God's word.

John, be blessed, and stay strong in the Lord. I give it an amen that you always ask God for KUW(Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom).
If none of the names in the KJV are transliterations then they need to toss the Strongs Concordance in the trash so we'll stop being confused. I rely on the KJV because of what I've said before. I don't feel God needed to rewrite what I feel He guided into English translation but once. I feel He is perfect the first time everytime and doesn't need to redo what He did the first time. I feel after that it has been all man rewriting these bibles and to me that is a difference. The NKJV is nothing in comparison to the KJV and Jerry Farwell stated that his self once it was completed since he had his hand in it. I just personally feel different than you and a lot of others in that I don't think man wrote the bible or were authors of it. I will always feel they wrote what God put in them to write no matter who they were.

whether it's KJV, NASB, or ESV.. Let God be true, and every man a liar!
Amen! Yes this is true in everything Brother James. Bottom line.
So in your mind or opinion God only inspired those in the Hebrew language days to write but He couldn't have inspired men to do translations from Hebrew to Greek and into English. That is all man's doings?

So are all these videos inspiration from God or did man just decide to do it? When someone says God to me I don't care who they refer to because I know that there is one God and one God only. I usually know if someone calls God by their religion but still that is them. I know Who I talk to and follow regardless of what anyone else thinks about it. When God shows me I'm wrong then He will correct me it won't be man. We've talked about this before. I'm just as zealous as you are and strong in my convictions as you are regardless or your opinions and I've said that before. I will call him Jesus and God until I die unless He shows me different. No way you're going to convince me that God would create a bible to confuse us. No way you're going to convince me that God would not put His Word into the dominant language of the times to ensure His Word is given. I'm not going to think He didn't think of everything before the foundation of the world. I just won't!

I know the Egyptians might have asked what god because they had tons. But I also know they knew if they were speaking to a Hebrew they knew what God the Hebrew were referring to. My understanding they never wanted to speak His name so they used something different if that is the case to let you know Who they were referring to.
I've told you about the KJV and no I don't think the others were inspired by God why would God need to do something over and over and over. He is perfect the first time everytime. When those people say Bhudda, Khrisna and what ever they aren't talking about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I'm not ignorant about the Brother. There is no universal god and that is what the Masons say by saying god is the Great Architect of the Universe, (GAOTU). They say it's ok to be here and pray to any god you want. I don't agree with that at all.

Now you have heard me or seen me write all the time that God inspired all the authors in the bible and not them do it them selves so I don't know where you're coming from with that. Do I feel God corrects me, absolutely. It certainly isn't man! You know how I feel about churches that are a religion base church. I only go to church to fellowship and learn God's Word not fellowship to learn man's word. I didn't say scripture said the Hebrews won't mention His name did I. I have had Jews tell me that.

But I do sense to you, you're right and I'm wrong and we've been down this road lots of times and as I've always said, we'll go down this road over and over and over until God shows me something different. LOL

So true, Brother. Obedience is the key.
Then teach the NT with a Hebraic mindset and don't worry about what the Christians are teaching today. I don't agree with what they are teaching today. I don't separate the bible meaning am just a NT believer and think of the OT only for people in those days. That is insane to me. My bible references the OT and NT and that's what I do is use and study the whole bible. I do believe in Obedience but let me ask this personal question and once again please dont' take this wrong. What allows you to feel what you do is correct and what others do is not? Did someone tell you personally or do you feel this because you are in the Torah first? I know two question instead of one. Thank you.

If I imply this it may be because all I hear (mostly) is OT understandings more than anything else. Don't mean to label you and I'm not trying to. I apologize if it comes off that way. I know you talk about NT I really do. I have to ask dumb or what appears to be dumb or even tough questions; in order for me to get my understanding of things. I'm not to tactful and as I've stated before I'm not the scholarly type even if I did go to college. LOL


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