Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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Talking about Mother Stubs or Cerstin the willsons....please i know these people!!!

Cerstin and Mother Stubs did so much for the femalses in church.

Its not okay to talk about these people...smh

omg I been reading the things that Wanzo is posting..and is making me sick!!! How can you call yourself a believer thank go and post these things about Apostel Howell?

Pretty sad!!!  Is that gods will?

Does any of you guys really know that whats being posted really happened??!!! thank you thats my point.... sad sad.... whats wrong with the world...most of u went back home and now u posting bs on here for no reason..... smh



Begin on page one and read everything.  I am not sure which things in particular that you disapprove, but I am sure that any of us posting are able to defend our remarks.


It is God's Will  for TRUTH  to come out.  Of course Ronald Howell doesn't want the world to know that he has molested women, lied about his finance to his congregants, purposefully lied and slandered people, people for which you have just taken a favorable position.  I for one welcome your thoughts pro or con.


I know that your mom and sister are current members of LCI; it must be pretty heartbreaking to read about a man that takes advantage of women, wouldn't you agree.  Just think, you have a beautiful sister in a cult with a monster that molests women.  How much do you want to be that the old goat Ronald Howell has been eyeing little sister Roxy?  How would you feel if your sister told you that Howell had taken advantage of her and he is suppose to be her spiritual leader?


I cannot speak for Wanzo, or anyone else when I say that during the past months I have done my civic and christian duty in reporting Mr Howell and his organization to several agencies and I am getting ready to report him to others.  That could be my mother, sister, daughter, or a friend that Howell is molesting.  Just think it could be me, and I would want someone to help me, and warn me.  I can tell you that the word of God says do to others as you would have them do to you.  Mr Howell is using several aliases such as NIMROD, HEANEY, KEITH and others slandering people.  For years Howell has slandered, intimidated and smeared people and now although many of us are using aliases we are telling the truth about Ronald Howell and the vermin that he is.  Howell has attacked several of the local clergy and their churches and basically declared that at least two famous preachers were preaching his messages. 


Just think, if Roxy ever decides to leave LCI she will be cut off from Brother Matthew because Howell and Bonny Williams will tell him that he is unequally yoked.  Howell will declare your sister as an unbeliever just like he publicly has done to all past members that left him.  He will do to your mother and sister the same as he has to Mother Stubbs, Cerstin, Mother Bailey, Carmen, both Wilson familes and several others who Howell says are disloyal. 


Again, I am unsure of your position, but I appreciate and respect your candor.


Sister Shelly     

Sister Shelly,

I do get your point!

like I said I was a teen when I went to LCICC the reason why i left was not because of Apostel Howell

I  left because my Mother put my life out there when I needed a mother!

Put me on display just because she waqs trying to be a good Christian.... anyway..

I have to say if anyone would do anything close to that to my sister I would physical hurt them,plus report them.

My point is all these people that claim Apostel Howell did them wrong were talking nothing but good about him back when I went to Church!

Thats why I dont understand? how can someone talk nothing but positiv then a few years later the come up with amazing stories...  If all that really happend then fine i would understand, but I know for sure that the majority of people that post and talk bad about Apostel Howell are just saying things because they feel like it.

They way I see it ... Lets say Mr Howell would be innocent.. how would the puplic see him now?!

Im a strong person,I would not letting anyone talk me in to do anything... I dont care who u is... because when I leave this world...nobody will go with me god will ask me why?!  There is noone that will speak for me...nbo Apostel no brother sister or mother...

I unt´derstand what u saying but nobody put a gun on anyones head telling them to stay..

I dont even go to Church because of that... people talk about other,some people go to the club on sat night´s then go to church on sunday morning...  telling me how they think I should deal with life... thats when I have to say get the fuck out off my face...  excuse my french...

I have 2 kids and dont know if I can trust anyone around me because of people that post things about pastors...

Im so confused with religion.. I was a Christian converted to Muslim... I did that bac k in december....  now as time passed I feel like I dont know what to believe in anymore...  and one of the reasons why was Christians around me...   My point..  we all wanna  go to heaven and we all wanna do right so why cant we be people of god and do good for others... there is nothing that can change what had happened...even if all that went on... then i would say its time to forgive... I hope u understand what im trying to say.

Once again,


I cant speak for you or others...but one thing I can say is that most people that claim Apostel did them wrong didnt leave the Church until it was they time to go back home. That tells me alot.

Im not saying that all that have been made up,but Im sure taht most of it didnt happen. I mean I went to Church for over 10 years.. I didnt see any of that. Everyone is responsible for them selfs.. I dont understand why people claim all that had happened but never said anything while they were going to his Church.  If I would wanna help other people or try to tell them about what Mr Howell is about... lets see I would not wait till its time to pcs...  I just hope what u guys say really happened...   thats calld slandering...  and Im sure thats not gods will. but anyway I hope

The sad thing is that its been posted all over the Internet... u guys should think about his Fam...  selfish. Im asking myself whats wrong with the world...  people lose they trust in god over bs like taht....

I'm not saying its wrong to talk about things that happend,but it is wrong to post it all over the place.. have you heard of Innocent until Proven Guilty,

I mean If MR Howell really did all that, why is he still out doing his work?  please  tell me?!

I can say in this community you cant get away with anything. I mean Polizei had the Mps hold me at the gate for 50 euro that I didnt pay on time... so you tell me someone that abused all this females..is still out doing whatever he wants... sorry I dont think so.

Lets say Apostel did sleep with a female... whats the point?  For any female that had sex with Mr R. D H dont you think you made a choice?   People like my Mother trying to impress other people by putting they kids on the spot.  YOu  cant tell me thats about god... thats trying to Impress other people.

That happend when I was 16..now should I get mad with Apostel? No...  noone could make me turn my back on my kids...   Its amazing how   the government  lets a abuser be free....

go ahead and post whatever you want!!!

It's all in the title. I do not tolerate bullshit in any form. I don't flatter people, I don't encourage the inflation of fakeness, and I do not feed into other people's narcissistic pathology. There's already so much bullshit in the world as it is. I think the human race needs a break. It's time for the **** to hit the fan.


I dont even know why people hide under fake names.. say what you need to say but let people know who you are... 

respect to the people that can deal with the things that happend... Im not god I cant say it did or didnt.. 




for one my mother did not make me go to church... I dont think its right to say i was there in body but not spirit... I would leave that up to god.

 Apostel Mr Howell what ever we wanna call him is human just like the two of us.. even if he did  promise marriage to her just so he could get in her pants. 

thats between god and him.

I could name former Brothers of LC that were trying to get with me knowing Im married... so even if its so many men that do that... what are we gonna do??? report them?

ther numbers of Females that  get played day by day..   it takes 2.

Im not defending anyone. I just think if there is something to say there is a great way. face to face!

as we speaking of Bischop Cook. I rember all the great things she told me. She NEVER said anything bad about Apostel. And I know for sure that Bischop Cook would had said something.

She is a strong Person, there is noway she would have left all these sisters under someone if all that went on.

Once again, I have not been to LCICC for a long time. SO telling me im defending someone...Nope I dont think so.

I didnt leave the Church because they was a problem.. I just dont have the time. And the other reason Is I cant put up with bs.. Im not gonna call out any names but there are people that i dont get warm with.

So If I ever feel like going there i guess i will. Its just amazing how strong people are behinde fake names and the cyberworld... Toooo much for me.

All Im saying, " can you all proof what you posting?" thank you my point.

And by the way I would not trust anyone that went to church being a leader the next thing u know they out and about at the club, having they 12 year old kid go to the club and having guys all over them... please all i have to say to these people is...get a life..... thats sad so sad how we try to make everyone look bad..

Its funny how one girl told me  that same old bs about Apostel that I read here... hahha so i happen to see her and guess what she was telling me that she is going back to church.... so i was like didnt u tell me Apostel was abusing you.... she said oh no that was something a girl told me that went to church back in 2010. I go so nothing really happen? she: No I just said that because I was mad ..... thank you : ) well If I would go to a church where a Apostel is abusing Females I would say something right there, i would not go back home wait 7 years than say, oh im saying this to warn the other females... i guess u guys didnt care about these sisters back then for not saying anything...

Have fun posting the truth or lies...who cares...  something dosend sound right here...

*smile* like I said I havent been to church in the last 17 months i think. And No nobody is using me to do anything.

I dont know were this is coming from. my dauther wants to go to church. I went on google to read about churches and here i look up churches in  kaiserslautern and look what came up the webpage here.

I dont give a who what u think im here for.

Im not like SOME PEOPLE that go to church to impress a person ; )  And i would not give all my money to the church, I work 2 jobs the hell i aint gonna pay all my money in a church. I do pay my 10% every month  to my church in selma. but u know what I get  a Tax Statements every year and I turn it in when I do my tax return. So I see where my money is going.

If i ask you to give me you money would u do it?  go ahead : )

And yes I reject!!! 

I could name u # of peopel taht told me that Mr Howell is teaching nothing but the word of god... now years later they use the net to make other people  look bad.

People do mistakes and now they trying to blame others.


I wasnt a good Mother because I was to busy trying to impress Apostel! Thats why I didnt take care of you my child!

Or I have bad credit because Apostel *made*  me pay all my money to the Church!

My house wasnt clan because of Apostel.

I didnt make it to your  graduation becuase i was to busy staying at church trying to impress people.


Talk is cheap!!!

Lets see... i didnt have a mother becuase Apostel has a Church in kaiserslautern..... smh...

No I didnt have a mother because my mom is one of the poeple thats is and wa trying to impress people...


I dont care about anyone that goes there or about people that post bs on here... i cn tell you why....

none of you BROTHERS AND SISTERS is doing anything for me or my fam.... my grandmother past away nobody had the courtesy to come to my grandmother's funeral or anything... It I get mad when yall trying to be so damn holly posting bullshit about a Person u dont know shit about...  i like it when people trying to fill me with bullshit.

I dont care who u guys think u are thats wrong..go up to him say whatever u need to say but posting bullshit is nothing but fake and falls info.

Now People ask me again why I dont go to church....  because people like u went all these years..now turn and come up with this.






Andrea I hope you doing well.  I didnt  say things  to disrespect u.. a just said these things because some people here use fake names.

Like I said! Im not mad its not about me here!


For a female I would understand not to stand her ground. but to all brothers that left  the church.... no words....   You know what I would show some respect to real peopele with real names and Pics...  but It looks like we trying to hide here :)


Im out this here is Crazy... All I can say is... If anyone would put my name on the line here...it would not end nice... that could be because IM ONLY HERE WITH MY BODY AND NOT IN MY SPIRIT...... ;) .

Wrong again, you are on here with a picture and not your spirit.   Again, I respect your opinion and welcome it.  It does get lonely at times, and it is nice to have someone to respond to once and awhile since Noble Son left me.  I sure miss him.  (smile)  But you will do just fine.  Don't leave us, stay awhile and chat, it will be very rewarding.


I suppose the brothers had their reasons for doing what they do, I am not sure. But again Desiree, could you qualify that remark?  We do not owe Ronald Howell no respect, he has not earned it. How much respect should we give a molester, liar and a cheat?  Several have extended an opportunity to Howell to come on this network and give his side of the story and instead Mother Stubbs and several other women were slander on this network and other sites. 


At least I am satisfied that we have established that you are PRO - HOWELL


Sister Shelly

Now I'm speechless...


I cant stop by the mp station telling them my name is Wanzo : )  and tell them i been abused.

Same here come up with a real name please maybe people would trust in what u saying.

If I ever make up my mind to go to church..it would not be to  tell anyone about anything.. it would be to save my soul.

Im a muslim former Christian.

Im confued in what i should belive in. i hope god hears my payers and leads my in the right way... but I do remeber the bible well.

 If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you've gained your brother. But if he will not hear you, take with you one or two or more that by the mouth of two or three every word can be established  And if if he refuses to hear them, tell the church. But if he refuses to hear even the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector." matthew  18:15-17



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