My husband and I are now on our journey starting his ministry for God. After the service, I had a woman approach me and say..."I guess you will have to give up your stilettoes..." Excuse me??? Now I am someone that loves shoes!!!! I do not feel the shoes I wear shoe has anything to do with my relationship with God. I understand, being a Christian woman, we have to set examples. But do I have to give up my shoes???

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I like that...Be Blessed and Stay Dressed...can I borrow that??? LOL!!! It's important to me as I continue this journey with my husband into Ministry, that I incorporate just who I am, who God created me to be. I don't want to get lost or caught up in what "church" people thing. I want to live my life to give God Glory, and I just don't think He see's me any different in my Stilettoes. It's a part of my responsibility to lead by example to the younger women that you can still enjoy dressing, but it can be in a "God-fearing' way. I look forward to sharing with you.

its funny you have this topic up here. im fairly young and my husband is in the ministry. we had this conversation recently because i am an artist at heart, and i want to feel comfortable in rthe skin i am in, but the norm is for the wife of a minister to wear a pink hat with a pink suit and a pink pair of heels. thats not my thing.

while i am god-fearing and am always trying to set a good examply for the younger women i come in contact with, i still want to maintain my sense of individuality, as long as its not wild. thats how i feel.
and btw, im loving the picture. but unfortunately, as a minister's wife, i probably would be encouraged to go with the black sling-backs on the floor on the left in this picture.
I understand what you are saying as far as how you are expected to dress. Although my husband and I are just starting out, I know this is going to be an issue, because he feels I should wear a hat, and the only hat I am willing to wear is a baseball cap. I am going to fight to hold on to my individuality as long as I can. Maybe as I mature things will change, but right now, I am living for The LORD, and enjoying my life. And I like the black and white stripe shoes : )

i think i agree with you. my taste and choices may change with maturity. but i dont want them to change because i suddenly become weak and choose to give in to the church's idea of "first lady attire" but im lovin the shoes in the box the guy is showing her. really nice ;)
My dearest Sis in Christ. God bless You. I am a pastor's wife , and a fashion designer, shoes, hats, access.,-boutique owner. My comments are in love and wisdom, wyt truth. Truly the Lord God is royalty. He says in His word we are a royal priesthood, yet a holy nation. My style,upbringing and background has been one of royal style out of the British Colony of England, a multi racial mixture. Yes, God wants us to look as His people, and not as the world. 2Cor.5;17, clearly tells us, if we are in Christ "We are new creatures, old things have passed away, behold, all things are become new! I love the fact that you have a style about you, and a concern what people willl say about how you dress. But dearest woman of God, it is HE GOD who wants you to be concerned about what He thinks about you, what He feels how you look, and what image you exemplify., not only to Him, but also to those who look up to you as a woman of God. I once was a high fashion model and worked in the fashion industry in NY, Paris, Europe, travelled within the fashion.My choice was to alway look decent. Many people still call me Barbie Doll, because of how I look (I just smile) and how I looked even back then. That was the first thing that my husband spoke on when we met, even before we were engaged to be maried. She looks like a woman of God, and her style is holy yet impeccable."quote my current husband. When I came to the Lord, God taught me how to change, look holy, dress holy and live holy. It was a struggle withmany things, even my make-up, and the coloring of my hair. (Burgundy Color) Holinesss is a state of mind. The mind must first be re-generated, yet willing and with discipline, before we can conform to the new things God requiries of us. When we search the scriptures,and ask God to reveal to us how He wants us to live nd walk, when we do not know, He will surely tell us. I learned to give up, and adapt. Many still think of me as preppy, hoity toity, because of my British/Hebrew background, but I am glad that I make my Father in Heaven pleased. That is all that matters to me.There are many scriptures in the bible that talks of holilnees, and change. We are representing the body of Christ. The Bible says also we are to dress modestly. I love excellence, hi-fashion, taste, class, yet a HOLY look, and not to attract or get the wrong attention.Looking like hollywwod, and the world or as if we are going to a nightclub, sends the wrong signal. I also represent Teh Kingdom of God, my husband, children, and all that looks at christains. We are being watched every day. Souls must be drawn unto to us, not run away from us. Yes they will still say things about us, but never mind what they say. Blessed are they that are persecuted for rightousness sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Matt 5:10. It is better to be accused for doing good, and the right thing than to be accused and slander for looking like hollywood, doing evil and living un-holy, looking like the world.We must give an account to God for all that we do and say. When we are ignorant or un-learned of God's heart or principles, He will not hold us accountable, but when we know the truth (it shall make us free) and wisdom is imparted in us, and we rebel and walk stubborn, He will then say, I sent help, and I sent instruction, but you refused & rebel.The leaders in the Body of Christ must teach the truth, and what the Holy Spirit gives them, and not be afraid what people might say. (Jer 3:15) So I must continue to walk upright even in my dress code, shoes and all. My dressing should be one of holines and class with style 7 days a week. We are married to God, as his bride. So woman fo God, I say unto you,listen to God and hear His voice. He will speak in all that concerns you (Psalm 138) May you contine to love Him and look to Him for guidance. I pray the blessings of God and His anointing overshadow you always.

The Queen", who has Power with God"
Spoken with authority. i have found that as my relationship gets closer with God, the Spirit leads and directs. me. if I put something on that is inappropriate, i immediately feel it in my Spirit and get rid of it...(the Spirit is still cleaning out my closet). but if i put something on and i feel good in my Spirit, it's a feeling that I am pleasing my Father, regardless of what anyone else thinks. our dress should be modest, but it does not have to lack fashion (my opinion). because everything we do is led. what i have to get use to is the fact that people are always watching me. they are looking at me for things that i don't know if i can do. i feel the pressure of people putting to much "trust" in the fleshly man/woman and not in God. i am not a super being. BUT...i know that this is something the Spirit will help me through. i am honored that God see's me as worthy, that is why i pray sooo hard to not only be the woman i God he has designed me to be, but wife he has designed me to be.

i love you all!!!!!!!

Ok - (I know this is an older post but I can't resist)... First the photo - I'm sure my First Lady has the black & white mules. The tan mules and the sling backs are indeed acceptable. My First Lady is Latina, a little over weight, conservative in dress, demure in demeanor but goodness me she has some taste in shoes! And she can wear some mules! I always envy a woman who's foot does not look flat and wide sticking out the sides of a beautiful mule. I am not that woman. Let me say what woman I am - the woman God has revealed me to be...

I too come from an artist’s background - a singer. (I used to sing back up with an all white glam rock band in 2000!) Now I am a minister, called by God, sent by God and blessed with the gifts of prophecy and discernment among other things. I am 43 and I have locks. And God has told me this about myself:

He has created me to be exactly who I am and every thing I have experienced, while the enemy may have meant it for evil, He has intended it for good - to comfort, exhort, edify, rebuke, encourage and teach. At the very core of me is who He created (Psalms 139) - He knit us all together in our mother's wombs and He made me funky, edgy and different. And He has called me to be outside of the norm - my ministry is purposed to be outside of today's religious "norms". And I am a virtuous woman. Stilettos don't detract from modesty - lack of modesty does. The "virtuous woman" was clothed in scarlet and fine linen - she was the bomb - don't be mistaken!

If you are used to dressing with your dress to your ying and your yang then discipleship dictates Romans 12:2 change - not whose wife you are. And who is your husband trying to please by wanting you to "wear the hat?" His congregation of believers who need to be taught, or God who gave him the woman he fell in love with when she wasn't wearing the hat - the same God who will work on the wife, just as He is to be working on the husband.

Here's an example: There is a deaconess at my church who wears the BOMB stiletto and half-calf boots, and I always cringe by what she is wearing on Sunday mornings and especially during her deaconess duties... But her shoes are not the problem - it is the tight, light blue, straight leg jeans rolled up so you can see the shoes and boots - what!? It is also the short - I mean, mid-thigh short skirts and no nylons (like that would really help), that are the problem. I hate nylons - but I know when it is appropriate (or warmer) to wear them to church and when it is acceptable not to. I know what an acceptable length of my skirt is for ANYWHERE - especially since I'm not in the clubs tryin' to be all hoochified and singing with a rock band any more.

I am a hip, creative, fun, colorful, wonderful, delightfully respectable, virtuous, righteous woman of God! Trash those other three shoes in the photo and wear your stilettos - wear your uniqueness and wear your respectability with style. Teach in your example and be proud of who God has made you to be!

p.s. just wait until you are SURE God has led you to the perfect shoes at the perfect price... now unless shoes are your vice... then you'll know for sure!

~Min. Dez (too bad you can see my boots on my website) (or this one either)
I love your post!!!! God has given me a comfort with who I am. Yes He has also changed my style, but I love the style He has me in. It just amazes me what people in the church will attack. But, as I continue to grow Spiritually, and as I continue to understand the "purpose of the church", I grow stronger. The Spirit is truly working to prepare me for what God has for me.

The funny thing is, my husband (my minister husband), will bring me home the nices shoes. I look at that as a wink from God : )

And I will check out your web pages. Hate I can't see the boots.

Keep walking in Unity...In your Stilletoes!!!



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