God bless you people of God. The Holy Spirit has impressed upon me in the passed couple of weeks that there is no urgency in the body of Christ to correct the life of sin and backsliding. With this I have found that people have no fear concerning the things of God and the church of God. But the Lord has revealed to us that His gospel must be preach to the ends of the earth not just his birth (virgin Birth), Life (signs wonders and miracles, death (redemption by the blood of the cross) resurrection (justification and glorification) but that He is COMING BACK AGAIN!!!! ( I felt that)

See before the Body began to preach prosperity, and prophetic and apostolic, they preached Jesus and that HE IS COMING BACK AGAIN!!!! (Glory to God). I am a prophet and I believe in prosperity and prophetic anointing and to Apostolic flow. But there brings a since of urgency to get your house in order when you since the rapture is about to take place. Earthquakes in diverse places who would have heard of it. China flood in Iowa calamities all over what is the world coming to. I will tell you The King is Coming for His Bride and she has to be without spot or wrinkle, She must have here lamps burning bright, I is high time for the people of God to be sanctified and holy. YES HOLY they act like it is a bad word now but without HOLINESS NO MAN SHALL see the Lord. For the hour has come saith the Lord of Host that I will not suffer long because of your faults for this is the time I shall raise up a people saith the Lord that will live for ME. They will walk as i walked and do as I did. Sign and wonders shall be there portion and I will be with them, See this is why we lack sign and wonders because the saints are not fasting and praying as they should............ I will leave the rest to you comments and I will have necessary scriptures for you as well God bless

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Amen! He is coming for a church without spot or wrinkle (Eph 5:27), whose members have done greater things than He did while He walked with us (John 14:12) and have asked, received, and are operating in all the gifts of the Spirit (1Cor 1:7). He is not coming for all believers, but for the believers who have run to receive (1Cor 9:24) and are conformed to the image of Christ (Rom 8:29), the few chosen of the many called. The rest, being grafted into the promise, will be tried by fire (1Cor 3:15) along with the enemy-of-the-gospel-elect (Rom 11:25-29).

I belonged to a non-denominational, pentecostal church where the pastor did not preach the rapture because there were so many different rapture beliefs. His preaching was limited to preaching the pan-millennial rapture: There is a rapture and it will all pan out in the end. We need to come into agreement on the rapture, and to help in the effort I have a page on my website on the scriptural rapture of the church. It targets nay-sayers, but provides a scriptural overview in the process. Contrary to popular opinion, the earliest church fathers were not silent on the subject: www.selah-tx.net.
You say the why aren't preachers preaching the RAPTURE?

Because it is not supposed to be preached..

I wiould like to know why aren't they preaching THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM.........

Thought you wouldn't see this one LOL

Thanks brother for all the challenges, for when I know better I do better, no need in believin alot of feel good lying doctrines..........
And you my brother........................

I like to debate the facts, yet I will do my homework, but thanks again Moreh..


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