The Bible teaches that, "Truth crushed to the ground is rising again!" (Ps. 85:11 PP). A part of that truth that is springing forth from the earth is the truth about God and women. Scripture tells us that the 'the letter killeth, the spirit giveth life' (2 Cor. 3:6). A lot of things are written in Scripture that seemingly forbid women participation in the church. However, research has found that Paul's words were taken out of context and in fact, had more to do with protocol going on in the newly established churches of that time.

In the meantime, God's wisdom has taught me many things with regard to His will for women. The first thing taught is that God's will was always for 'men and women' to speak and Glorify His name everywhere, including in the church. Let us remember the original word from God concerning 'Adam/man' and 'Adam/woman' (Note:Scripture tells us that God originally referred to the man and woman as 'Adam' (Gen. 5:2) Adam then called the 'woman,' 'woman' and God honored that (Gen. 2:23-24). It was only after the fall that the 'woman' was named 'Eve' (Gen. 3:20). Talk about the '3 faces of Eve,' eh?

At any rate, the original will of God was 'equality' for man and woman. Scripture tells us that 'God put His Spirit in both WOMEN and men' (Mal. 2:15). As so, if the spirit of the Living God abides in women just as it does in men then it is impossible that God would mean, 'women can't speak or preach in church' for how else can one express the power, might, glory of God but by speaking it?

Where else can we glorify God amongst our own but in the church? Besides, Scripture says, 'the body is the temple of the Lord' and therefore we must glorify God in our 'Temple/body.' How much more shall we glorify God amidst a united temple of believers who dwell in church buildings? (1 Cor. 3:16). It is wrong to teach otherwise. The original command was 'God blessed, 'THEM', not just HIM but HER as well and stated, 'have dominion (subdue with kindness) the Earth and all that is therein" (Gen. 1:26-28). That's 'dominion' over the Earth and NOT each other.

Now, that said, the function of men and women is quite different. Masculinity does act as a figure head, that Femininity just naturally yields to within a marriage setting. I cannot tell you how many women want to feel protected with a strong, intelligent, righteous man. Unfortunately, with men so screwed up today, they are going to stay in 'want.'

At any rate, this function is proper in a marriage setting alone. Amidst that setting, the woman enjoys playing the nurturer, co-counselor in all 'decision' making aspects for Scripture says, 'it was not good for man to be alone' (Gen. 2:18). What that means is, not only physically alone, but as well alone, in making decisions. Hence, God would emphasize the importance of the woman's role when God brought His creation 'woman' to man. He more or less told Adam, 'now listen, you've been enjoying naming animals and the such, but now, this wonderful creation 'woman' is not for you to 'take authority over' in the sense that you have had the joy of naming animals I brought to you. She is now co-namer of all things with you. She is your equal and you must listen and heed her wisdom as that which is as great and important to your survival than your own thinking. In fact, she is your survival, your 'helper!' You cannot mentally, spiritually, etc, function right without her wise input!' (Gen. 2:24).

God seemed to instinctively know that He would have to strongly get that point across to the man as if he didn't, trouble would surely, erupt. Through the subsequent actions with regard to the 'fall', we see God was right to emphasize the importance of equality. That is, the first thing Adam did after the fall was 'blame' 'God and the woman.' He stated, 'it was that WOMAN that YOU gave me who is responsible for this' (Gen. 3:12).
That un-repentant mindset of Adam was passed down to men and to this day, men 'blame and fault' women for the wrongs of the world. Women in Scripture have always been portrayed from a negative perspective. In fact, women have been lied upon and blasphemed (Rev. 13:6).

For instance, Mary Magdalene has always been portrayed as a 'prostitute' when research now tells us that she was not. The same thing with 'Rahab'. Research now finds out that her alleged 'prostitution' was in reality, idol worship. Yeah sure, that Philistine woman, Delilah seduced Samson but he was just as guilty for going after that worldly type of woman in the first place. However, preachers curse her more than Samson's stupid, downright ridiculously flaunted 'worldly' behavior amidst being spirit-filled. (Jud. 13-16).

At any rate, back to the 'fall' and the different mentality that was about the man versus the woman. The woman fessed up to her wrongs. She admitted that she willfully listened to the deceiving serpent (Gen. 3:13). In so doing, she left no un-repentant ground for Satan to use. This is why righteous women throughout Scripture have always been the first to know of, and proclaim the might of God. Just look at the case of Samson's mother. The angel came to her, and she preached the truth to her husband, who doubted and was later visited by the angel (Judg. 13:2-25).

God's spirit was in Deborah and she was 'Judge' of all Israel (Judgs. 4). This truth alone, proves that God could not have meant that 'women shouldn't preach' as this woman not only preached, but led the whole nation.
Remember, Scripture says, 'God is the same today, yesterday and forever' (Heb. 13:8). Meaning, He did not mean for only these women of Old Testament Biblical history to lead and preach. Just look at the greatest miracle in American history, the woman Harriet Tubman. She bore witness that God raised 'HER' up. 19 times she went into the south and freed groups of God's enslaved people and 19 times, she successfully came out with men, women and children. No man, equalled what this valiant woman of God did. See then, God through his 'actions' is teaching us that 'He uses whom He will and His will is for women to preach, teach, prophesy and do exploits.' (Dn. 11:32).

Also, because of the King Barack's 'doubt and fear' during the reign of Deborah, the spirit of the Lord used the might and strength of the woman Jael to shame the 'man's' weakness and fear. Yes, Jael is the 'woman' song and praised throughout the ages for bringing down the enemy King Sisera (4:17-24). Can we hear a "Michele's in the white house representing?" :-)

Again, God's spirit is in both men and WOMEN and niether were meant to be constrained via demented males purposely misinterpreting the role of women. Male's misinterpretation stifled and destroyed many a good woman. Also, let us remember that God's testimony is, 'I hate divorce (Mal. 2:15). Yet, out of love and concern for women God allowed divorce in order to stop men from destroying women (Mal. 2:15).

In other words, 'divorce' was a gifted weapon from God to women. Fallen male's treatment of women can destroy the woman's role and function and so wreak havoc on planet earth. This happened in the past and it is happening today. In fact, it is prophesied that the anti-Christ will have no 'desire for women' (Dn. 11:37).

It is the spirit of Satan working through the hardhearted, un-repented mindset of fallen males. That 'Adam-ic' 'blame God and women' mentality is seen in males mistreatment of women worldwide. See, when Adam did not take responsibility for what he did, that part of his mindset became 'corrupted fertile ground.' As a result, Satan has had a field day using males to destroy God's precious creation, woman.

Just look at the so-called religion of Islam. The woman is oppressed and sorely afflicted. In Africa, the woman is chattel. The same with Asian nations. The male's warped, twisted mindset with regard to women keeps women and those nations steeped in darkness, chaos, destruction and death. This is the state of mind Adam unleashed for Satan to abuse when he did not repent of his evil participation in the fall and instead, 'blamed God and the woman' (Gen. 3:12).

Yet, we saw God's remedy towards Adam's action of standing there allowing the woman to be deceived (Gen. 3:1-8). God stepped in as husband to the woman and stood the ground that Adam should have stood by immediately expelling the serpent. At any rate, the serpent thought God's wrath would be upon the woman. However, instead, God stood up for the woman and informed the serpent that He too, would use the same trusting nature of the woman to bring down Satan's evil that he had just pulled off. In other words, God is proclaiming, "He still loves and cherishes the magnificent 'woman' He created."

However, let me say this, God did warn the woman of one of the consequences of her disobedience, he stated with regard to her husband Adam, 'your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall have rule over you' (Gen. 3:16). Male preachers have erroneously taught that that means God was giving the man 'rule over the woman.' However, reality is, God was warning the woman that the once 'equality' relationship she had with her husband in the garden was now 'destroyed'. The man would take 'illegal' rule over the woman. She would think or desire to be like it once was, but it was no more.

At any rate, God would use a woman to bring forth the redeemer to get back what Adam had just given away (Gen. 3:15). God would also 'put enmity' between Satan and the woman. Meaning, though Satan now had fertile ground to use the man's un-repentant state, the righteous women throughout the ages would be the key vessels used by the Most High to destroy the works of the devil.

Hence, we are told of mighty women used by God. There was Miriam the prophetess and leader of Israel right along with her brother Aaron and Moses. (Ex. 15:20; Mic. 6:4; etc.). Ruth and Naomi would come forth obediently setting the stage for the birth of King David who would be a type of Christ (Ruth 4:13-22). Esther would come forth and be the vessel God would use to stop a satanic genocide (Est.). Rahab a gentile African woman would be used to destroy idolatrous Canaanite factions (Josh. 2). Etc.

On and on the list would go of women being used mightily by God. As well, prophecy says in the last days, 'God would pour out His spirit on our sons and DAUGHTERS' (Joel 2:28-29). God said, the 'daughters' i.e. females i.e women would prophesy.' Well how can women prophesy i.e speak the profound truths of God if they are not allowed to 'speak or preach' in the church? Besides, in the New Testament this prophecy was fulfilled as Scripture makes mention of the 4 DAUGHTERS of Phillip 'prophesying' (Acts 21:9; 2:17). Again, the 'letter' i.e. 'written word' killeth but the Spirit through it 'actions' towards women gives life and truth with regard to God's will for women.

As so, on Pentacost, the Holy Spirit sure didn't believe women couldn't preach as the Holy Spirit came upon men and WOMEN and both were heard to be speaking the wisdom of God (Acts 2:17).

Not only that, prior to pentacost it was 'women' who were the first to know of, and speak the might and praises of God with regard to the Messiah's entrance on planet earth. Whereas, disobedient man was unaware of what was going on with regard to prophecy. Just read Luke's account of Elizabeth and Mary whose Hebrew name is Miriam. (Luke 1:39-56;) The fact is, the man Zachariah was stricken deaf and dumb for his 'unbelief' but not so, with the women. They with a loud voice, proclaimed, preached, annouced, and praised God before all of heaven for the miracle messiah that was now on Earth residing in the womb of young Mary/Miriam (Lk. 1:18-25).

Also, know this, it was women alone, who were the FIRST to know of the resurrected Christ (Matt. 28:1-11). It was none other than angels of the Most High, and Jesus himself, who commanded 'WOMEN' in the form of Mary Magdalene and the other 'women' to PREACH the first resurrection message (Mk. 16:1-8). The fact is, the might and righteousness of women gave them the strength to go to the tomb with intent to fulfill the Hebrew burial laws of God come what may, soldiers or no soldiers.

Whereas, the men were all cowardly hidden away. However, the women's fearless strength caused them to be the FIRST to PREACH of the resurrection. How then can preacher's erroneously preach that 'women must be silent, can't speak or preach?' The fact is, Paul must, have meant something else as he himself, often commended women preachers.

There was priscilla who was called an apostle right along with her husband (Acts 18:2, 18.26; Rom. 16:3). Phoebe was called a 'servant' but the Greek word for 'servant' was 'minister or preacher' (Rom. 1:16). Oh, and what happened to the many women on Pentacost who were baptized in the Holy Spirit? (Acts 2:17). Do you think they just kept silent after that day? No! It would have been a sin if they had. Instead, they too, went forth 'preaching and teaching.' We know that there were active spiritual groups run by women as Paul came upon the woman Lydia (Acts 16:14). Of a surety, she and the women with her were baptized in the Holy Spirit (Acts. 16:14-15).

In all these matters, please know of a certainty, that the 'letter' of the word taught erroneously has been a violation of God's will with regard to women. Women, like men, were ordained by Jesus/Yahshua Himself, to "go into all the world and PREACH' the gospel' (Mk. 16:15-18).

Bottom line, as all are baptized in the Holy Spirit, then 'all,' meaning both men and 'women,' should preach the word of God to a lost and dying world. We should not forsake the assemblying of ourselves together. We must come together as righteous men and WOMEN to preach, teach, prophesy within the church (Heb. 10:25).. It is the will of God. As such,, who can withstand it and prevail?!

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MarQuiese "Bishop" Smith stated: "The more I read my Word the further I see the church getting away from the foundation. That is why there is so much mess in the house now. When you move God out you move everything else in."

MY REPLY: When you say, 'you see the church getting away from the foundation' do you mean the foundation of the true apostles that 'didn't justify enslavement, segregation, discrimination, and racism such as the white so-called churches of America adhered to and in many ways, still adhere to? Is that the 'mess in the house you are referring to? If so, I'll 'Amen' you all the way and ask what are the name of your specific sermons that addressed this 'foundational' crucial issue that needs to be restored? Where can I locate them?

Is it the Black color identity 'foundation' of the nations of antiquity such as Egypt/Mizraim (Gen. 50:11/Ps. 78:51; 105:22,27; 106:21-22), Cush, Phillistia, Canaan and the original Hebrew nation itself that you are referring to as the 'foundation' that the 'church got away from' (Gen. 10:6-20; 38:1-2,6,24-29; Gen.41:44-52; etc.)? If so, do you portray those nations in their true 'foundational' color and person which would lead to portraying the Hebrews in their true 'black' color? I agree, such truthful Biblical 'foundation' needs to be re-established like the 'original ancient church' knew it to be as this truthful Biblical weapon of our warfare would not only destroy the 'white racist' imagery the devil put forth to demean blacks worldwide, it would also re-establish that original old "foundation" you're so concerned about. As so, where is your Biblical message or books or imagery so used in bringing back the original foundation?

Or, could it be, you are referring to getting back to the 'foundation' with regard to correcting the 'lie of Ham' doctrine that the white churches of the world put forth to justify enslavement? Do you teach the black children that their 'color' or 'person' was 'not cursed?' In fact, do you teach them that Ham, was not 'cursed' and though his youngest black son was, it did not mean it was a economic or racial or political curse as the Canaanites intermarried and co-existed with the original black Hebrews? If this is the foundation you are referring to 'getting back to in order that 'this' 'mess' could be removed out of God's church then I reitierate, I'm all with you.

Yes indeedy, if you are truly concerned about God's 'foundation' you've got to know that this 'color' correction of God's word would surely get the black man back in the church and sort of balance out that 85% women to 15% men attendance disparity. Don't cha' think?

What of the Biblical 'foundation' imagery detailed of God the Father "woolly hair" (Dn. 9:7). God the Son, copper/bronzed/amber described image with glorious lights emanating all about him? (Dn. 10:5-6; Ezek. 1:26-28; Rev. 1:15). Surely, this is the Bible 'foundation' you want 'all' to exalt in order to destroy the 'mess' is it not? The original believers were in just this "one accord," standing solely upon this truthful foundation and as a result, the Holy Spirit exploded into their midst (Acts 2).

So you see, as a believer, I can relate to you in getting such 'mess' out of the church. Moreso, as an African/American woman I can relate to you about 'lies, distortions and deceits' that brought the 'mess' in in the first place. In fact, I'm sure all these African/American women and men responding to this post can relate to the damage those lies and deceits wrought against us as a people.

Make no mistake about it, we know how liberated we felt when the Holy Spirit revealed the truth in His word about race, how much more are we proudly 'liberated' and will not let any man bring us back into bondage now that the Holy Spirit has revealed the truth about gender? Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! Yes, the Holy Spirit is bringing willing believers back to the true gender 'foundation' that Lisa, Dawn, Trevor and myself are showing exists in God's word. Ain't God good? Oh yeah!
I refuse to read all that GARBAGE you just wrote to me.
You are most definitely playing on my intelligence so I will most definitely ignore all that foolishness you just posted to me.
The issue is YOU, the rest of these disobedient women and the weak men who follow you have is that you want to twist the Word of God to fit your PERSONAL agendas when there should only be one agenda- that which first starts with OBEDIENCE to the Word of God.
When ORDER is set in the house then the Spirit of God can flow as it SHOULD.
God is the head of man- man the head of the woman!!!
God gave Paul the instructions of how to set the house of God in order and WE have decided to do as we please because we have taken our LIBERTY and overstepped our boundaries into disobedience guised as "doing the will of God."
Disobedience is as the sin of witchcraft.
No matter how much "history" you give me and "feminist" statements, gender statements, racial statements it YET will not change the Word of God.
Yeah, you 'would' ignore this truth white-boy. heh..heh
My heart is so grieved today. Why is it that we spend so much time arguing or debating, if that is what you would like to call it, trying to decided who God will allow, or not allow to Pastor. Let me tell each of you something, I am very much sure of my calling. I know my purpose, and I also know my destiny. I know these things because of my relationship with the Father through the Son. Now I have studied both Hebrew and Greek Bible. I preach from the Jewish Bible. I spend ample time in the presence of God preparing to preach, and teach to the flock. I am an Associate Pastor, and I Pastor under the anoiting of the Holy Spirit. I speak through Him, I move through Him, and I decide through Him. While the argument of who should Pastor is going on, the people are perishing for their lack of knowledge. In other words, we are so busy arguing among ourselves that we are neglecting our teaching the people. God created both man and woman at one time. There was no seperate creation. Read it!!! The division came about to meet both of their needs, as as well as, God's own need. Yes, God does have needs and one of them is for us to stop being foolish in the things we have no knowledge of. Bishop Smith, how many churches are you over? Please don't think that I am bashing you because I am not, I guess I am just a little hurt reading this conversation. Furthermore, a Bishop, Pastor, Elder, etc are just servants. It is not about us people, it is all about Jesus.
Moreh.......I must say, of all the people on this board sir, you are another 'out of order', unstable, judgmental character to burst on the scene. I cannot believe you scrawled this 'madness.'

You came forth with a spirit of judgment which is wrong. You came forth not man enough to express to me personally the thoughts you have put up to 'Elder.' That is insane.

In the post where I first saw your name, I graciously greeted you, and politely answered your question. You replied at that time with, 'I may not be so happy to speak with you.' I replied, and told you I would be honored to discuss/debate anything with someone who is sincere.

Unfortunately, that someone isn't you. You are deeply troubled. Again, you should have been man enough to ask me about the accusations you have put forth about my post. A real man would have.

Instead, you are playing Almighty YHWH full of Judgment in deciphering my post. The Bible says, 'speak little and listen much.' Had you heeded that advice you would have known that all that you put forth has already been answered. This has been an ongoing discussion/debate.

You sir, jumped in as Scripture would say, 'like a madman whirling firebrands' not even knowing what you are talking about. YHWH rebuke you!

What you need to do is APOLOGIZE for your 'judgmental, self-righteous, ignorance' with regard to these on-going discussions.

You have to scroll back to the beginning and follow the topics rather than jumping in, bringing up things that have already been eloquently answered. Then come back, APOLOGIZE for being out of 'order' and speak on these topics.

Yes, YHWH is all about order, so do the orderly thing and take time out to read the entirety of these conversations. You want to know about the Adam/Eve conversation, scroll to the post where the matter has been eloquently answered by Dawn, Trevor, and myself. It's the orderly thing to do.

I will NOT correspond with you until YOU APOLOGIZE to myself and Satin. You have, speaking of lies, 'lied' on Satin by inferring she 'apologized' for her disposition when in reality, she apologized to YahsNiviim for saying 'shut-up.' She is not defiant for who is there to be defiant of? YOU?! Get real!

You've come forth as if YOU are YHWH, passing nonsensical judgment. "Ah ha, you seem to utter, see she is feminist here.' Uh-hmmm....see this part is where her trickery be....ooooh, see this section is proof of her defiance."

Again, defiance of who? YOU?! You sir, are the senseless woman hater spewing vileness, throwing out insults, and proclaiming you're sitting back eating 'chicken wings' WHOA! and gawking in. That's INSANE!

All you had to do was be a gentleman, be a righteous man of whom I have nothng but the utmost respect for and then give your views. You could have said to me what you uttered to elder and I would have graciously answered and explained what I mean. Instead, you, almighty YOU, judged me, tried me, convicted me, without being man enough to speak to me... Anyway you look at it Moreh....that's INSANE!

That is a spirit of SATAN not YHWH.

Finally, for the record, earlier on in this conversation some male said, he thought my 'post was attacking and denigrating men' and I already explained to him that I wasn't. I then went on to explain that the post is written to elevate women yes, but not to denounce righteous men, rather to denouce 'male abuse of Scripture with regard to women.'

In other words, unlike you, it's nothing personal. I have the love of God in my soul, the righeousness of Christ in my Spirit and the Salvation and strength of Yahshua in my mind. You are a stench and offense to Yahshua. Make no mistake about that.

You are a fool in this your dispositon that you burst forth spewing. You need to repent before YHWH and the righteous believers on this board who have done you no harm as afterall, it's all about the WORD OF GOD, TORAH. That is ALL we are lifting up and we are lifting up to the glory of our GOD AND SAVIOR!

After you apologize and so get in order, then I'll gladly respectfully discuss any issue or point you to the exact posts where all the issues you brought up to elder have already been discussed.
That is all!
Good Morning Elder Beverly, thanks for your well thought out reply. It is a blessing and comfort to hear your gracious words with regard to this matter. May God continue to bless your each and every work with triumphant success.

I've got to tell you, when I posted the subject "Women are ordained by God to preach the gospel" I did so because of a conversation I saw going on in another post. Rather than re-tell my views verbatim, I just put up a commentary the Holy Spirit put on my heart to write a while back.
I hoped it would be a blessing to young people who may check out this wonderful site.

The correspondence and sincere debate was what I thought delightful, gracious, with no personal ill-will towards anybody. In fact, I, myself am learning a lot more just from the replies of the saints, who have shown me that 'they do know their God.' I've still got to purchased Dawn's book. Praise God!

I actually thought to close the board yesterday before Satan working through ignorance erupted in the manner in which he did. However, I prayed and reconsidered in that the Holy Spirit reminded me that His word as spoken through the righteous was feeding not just me, but others out there.

Trevor, Lisa, Dawn, and all the others who participated just put forth such rich truths that fed my spirit, how much more others believers? As so, this is why I left the subject open for commentary.

I also enjoyed respectfully debating the sincere ones' who disagree with our Heavenly Father's working through women. I, nor any of the believers', from what I could sense took their disposition personally but rather, sought to enlighten with the truth as is in the Word of God.

As long as sincere, respectful ones' among them want to talk about the Word of God or Torah, in a respectful, sincere manner, I'm all open for it. I can respect their right to see it different as long as they respect and acknowledge our rights to show the truth through that same word of our Heavenly Father.

Afterall, Scripture says, the apostles after returning from going forth casting out demons proclaimed, 'they saw a man casting out demons in Jesus name, but they forbid him for he was not in their group.' (Lk. 9:49). Whereas, Jesus/Yahshua rebuked them, and said, 'you should not have done that for He who is not against us, is for us.' (Lk. 9:50).

As such, no one is in any position to 'judge' women as the Holy Spirit works through us in whatever calling 'women' hear him call for them to work. God bless every righteous woman out there and make no mistake but that I am delighted to see so many on this board. If God be for women of God, who can be against women of God and prevail?
Dear Trevor,

Perhaps you are in favour of feminism. You can fight for women emancipation and the promotion of their rights. All this is very well! But the Sons and the Daughters of God strictly believe what the Bible declares. When God speaks, creation should make silence! Thus, let us stop philosophizing, reasoning and speculating about the position of the women in the Assemblies! Let us stop Debates because the Bible is very clear on this subject.

Trevor, if you are a true Preacher of the Gospel,

If you are really entrusted with the Gospel, then I challenge you to explain the biblical verses below:

1- “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace. As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. Did the word of God originate with you? Or are you the only people it has reached? If anybody thinks he is a prophet or spiritually gifted, let him acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord's command.”

1 Corinthians 14: 33-37

2- “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing-if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.

1 Timothy 2:11-15

Travor, be careful and pay attention to the warning below:

“I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

Revelation 22:18-19

“He, who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches”
Revelation 3:22


Bro. Germain
Question for Ms. Elaine Johnson,

How come in your entire post do you seperate MAN as Unrighteous/ and WOMAN as righteous???

I will have too stand my ground and say though you quote many scriptures/ you are using them in error/too much spiritualization....

When the Prophet Isaiah states that there were none righteous/no not one, and when our righteousness is as a filthy rag.

it is therefore that I will ask too give us scripture on the subject/ not some group of un-related stories, that you have spiritualized, and used to tear down man????

And please explain to me what the Apostle Paul meant when he wrote Christ the head of the church/Man the head of the Woman?????????

Min. West
Hi Min. West, thanks for your reply. Let me first say, the subject of the post was the 'woman's' role and function as God designed her. The subject was not to infer men are unrighteous and women righteous for as Scripture states, 'all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.'

I was correcting the 'sexism' that men who claim to be "of God' have elevated for centuries. I put forth Biblical Scriptures with regard to women of faith that cannot be denied. I put forth the Biblical facts with regard to how God used women to do exploits not only in Bible days, but in slavery days all the way to the present. You know the saying, 'action speaks louder than words' well the 'actions' of God with regard to women are where believers with eyes to see and ears to hear can learn what Scripture does and does not mean.

Scriptures says, 'women can't preach' yet, Yahshua himself, ordained Mary Magdalene to 'preach the first resurrection message.'

Scripture says women can't teach yet 'Anna the prophetess prophesied over the Christ-child. The Bible says she taught all, both men and women the word of God for she was just that, a prophetess (Lk. 2:36-38).

You asked about the verse, 'Christ the head of the Church and Man the head of woman?' Well, as said in my post, I don't argue with the designed order of things for it is what it is. However, that Scripture itself has been misconstrued by males to teach female subjugation which is wrong and it is the 'acts' of Christ that prove that.

Hence, the woman who anointed Christ's feet was found to be more in tune with the spiritual matters of "Christ who is the head" than the 'man who is head of the woman.' Meaning, the disciples were cursing this woman. Jesus rebuked the disciples and told them they were ignorant to the spiritual significance of what the 'woman' was doing. (Matt. 25:6-13). In other words, 'head of the woman' or not the man was wrong and the 'woman' was right to ignore him and do what Christ the head told her to do.

At any rate, Jesus then went on to bless the woman, lift her and her actions' up over the 'man who is the head of the woman.' He proclaimed her to forevermore be 'blessed and honored' (Matt. 26:6-13). Again, Scripture says, 'the letter killeth but the Spirit gives life' to the in-depth meaning of all things within Scripture (2 Cor. 3:6).

We all who are believers must allow the spirit to teach us the in-depth meaning of all things lest we be found like the disciples to be rebuked of God for refusing to allow God to use whom He pleases to exalt the spiritual truths of God that the captive may be set free.

I sincerely hope I have satisfactorily answered your inquiry. Please feel free to comment.
If you can't argue with the divine order of things then why this post.

Mary Magdelene was not told to Preach the message/ yet she was directed too tell the Disciples...

And the Woman at the feet of Jesus/ she had been forgiven and delivered/ so she loved much/.

Christ did not tell her too do anything, it is quite possible that she understood more than the others/ yet it does not usurp the divine order of things as you suggest.

Anna as you suppose was not a leader of anything in the TEMPLE/rather she served Yaweh with fastings and prayers/

She (ANNA) spoke of him with all that were looking for redemption in Jerusalem.

none of that proves what you are trying to confer to us..

For the message to be preached was the Kingdom/ please show me where Women preached the Gospel of the KINGDOM?????????

This is my in-put/ if man is so ill suited/ then why are the Women the ones fighting for the right too choose??

Obedience is better than sacrifice...............
Hi again Min. West, listen let me clarify what I meant by, "I can't argue with the Divine order." To be exact, the Biblical TRUTHS I posted 'do not argue with the divine order' rather they clarify what Scripture meant as it says, 'the letter killeth, the Spirit giveth life" to the in-depth meaning of all things spoken in Scripture (2 Cor. 3:6).

The facts according to Yahshua/Jesus is that the 'woman wiping his feet' better understood who He was and the spiritual hour that was about to come upon humanity via Yahshua's upcoming crucifixion/resurrection than the men did.' Yahshua said that, not I! I'm just quoting, comprehending and walking in Christ's mindset.

Now, 'man' may be 'head of the woman' but this woman knew more than all those men disciples put together. Again, according to Christ Jesus! This is why he severely rebuked, the 'head of the woman'- male disciples telling them to 'LET HER ALONE!'

Speaking on this truth does not disrupt the divine order for that woman nor does it disrupt or violate the divine order for women today who hear the voice of God and go forth preaching, teaching, healing, casting out demons, etc. Again, those are the facts! Scripture is teaching 'those with eyes to see that it is the will of God' no matter how men misapply the statement 'Christ the head of the church and men the head of women.'

Men may be the head of women but Mary Magdala was sent forth to proclaim to the 'head of men' who by the way, were all cowardly hidden away, that 'Christ Has Risen.' Throughout all eternity that will be the truth, the facts just as it is the truth, facts of history that shows us that God used women throughout the Bible history as well as all eras of history to preach, teach His word without it being a contradiction that Christ is the head of the church and men the head of women." Men have simply abused that Scripture to teach women subservience to their voice whereas we see from the Scriptures quoted and the actions of Jesus that that is not how the Holy Spirit meant for males to apply that Scripture.

As for Anna, Scripture proclaims her a 'prophetess' and it not only says she 'fasted, prayed and worshipped' but as a result, she was given divine insight to see the Christ child for who he is just as any 'man' preacher is so given (Lk. 2:36-39).

By the way, I am so sorry you got the impression that I was putting down righteous men. I am not. I thank God for righteous pastors, ministers, evangelists, apostles, etc. Telling the spiritual truth found in the Bible about God's true will for women does not equal me negating God's true will for righteous men who lift up the gospel of Christ. I applaud them. I especially applaud the ones' who understand that God can and IS using women as well to do His will.

Okay, hope that clears the matter up for you. May God open your heart and mind to embrace ALL of His word and actions as found in the Holy Bible.
You have where does it say that in scripture about anna's insight??????

Don't add to it, you see a Woman is not meant to be the HEAD/ just look at all of the families today/

As for your assumption that ADAM did EVE a disservice/ read again/ EVE gave the correct answer the first..... So it was by her own free will did she eat and then through the spirit of enticement/ she gave to her husband.....

Let's be truthful here, there are circumstances when GOD use women/ Yet she is not too Head anything be it Church/ Home or Government...

And by the way most women in leadership don't even know how to keep her home. It is downright sickening that Women want to head the Church and divorce the Man/ yet she can't even keep the Home.....

Does The Word of The Most High Deal with That........


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