The Bible teaches that, "Truth crushed to the ground is rising again!" (Ps. 85:11 PP). A part of that truth that is springing forth from the earth is the truth about God and women. Scripture tells us that the 'the letter killeth, the spirit giveth life' (2 Cor. 3:6). A lot of things are written in Scripture that seemingly forbid women participation in the church. However, research has found that Paul's words were taken out of context and in fact, had more to do with protocol going on in the newly established churches of that time.

In the meantime, God's wisdom has taught me many things with regard to His will for women. The first thing taught is that God's will was always for 'men and women' to speak and Glorify His name everywhere, including in the church. Let us remember the original word from God concerning 'Adam/man' and 'Adam/woman' (Note:Scripture tells us that God originally referred to the man and woman as 'Adam' (Gen. 5:2) Adam then called the 'woman,' 'woman' and God honored that (Gen. 2:23-24). It was only after the fall that the 'woman' was named 'Eve' (Gen. 3:20). Talk about the '3 faces of Eve,' eh?

At any rate, the original will of God was 'equality' for man and woman. Scripture tells us that 'God put His Spirit in both WOMEN and men' (Mal. 2:15). As so, if the spirit of the Living God abides in women just as it does in men then it is impossible that God would mean, 'women can't speak or preach in church' for how else can one express the power, might, glory of God but by speaking it?

Where else can we glorify God amongst our own but in the church? Besides, Scripture says, 'the body is the temple of the Lord' and therefore we must glorify God in our 'Temple/body.' How much more shall we glorify God amidst a united temple of believers who dwell in church buildings? (1 Cor. 3:16). It is wrong to teach otherwise. The original command was 'God blessed, 'THEM', not just HIM but HER as well and stated, 'have dominion (subdue with kindness) the Earth and all that is therein" (Gen. 1:26-28). That's 'dominion' over the Earth and NOT each other.

Now, that said, the function of men and women is quite different. Masculinity does act as a figure head, that Femininity just naturally yields to within a marriage setting. I cannot tell you how many women want to feel protected with a strong, intelligent, righteous man. Unfortunately, with men so screwed up today, they are going to stay in 'want.'

At any rate, this function is proper in a marriage setting alone. Amidst that setting, the woman enjoys playing the nurturer, co-counselor in all 'decision' making aspects for Scripture says, 'it was not good for man to be alone' (Gen. 2:18). What that means is, not only physically alone, but as well alone, in making decisions. Hence, God would emphasize the importance of the woman's role when God brought His creation 'woman' to man. He more or less told Adam, 'now listen, you've been enjoying naming animals and the such, but now, this wonderful creation 'woman' is not for you to 'take authority over' in the sense that you have had the joy of naming animals I brought to you. She is now co-namer of all things with you. She is your equal and you must listen and heed her wisdom as that which is as great and important to your survival than your own thinking. In fact, she is your survival, your 'helper!' You cannot mentally, spiritually, etc, function right without her wise input!' (Gen. 2:24).

God seemed to instinctively know that He would have to strongly get that point across to the man as if he didn't, trouble would surely, erupt. Through the subsequent actions with regard to the 'fall', we see God was right to emphasize the importance of equality. That is, the first thing Adam did after the fall was 'blame' 'God and the woman.' He stated, 'it was that WOMAN that YOU gave me who is responsible for this' (Gen. 3:12).
That un-repentant mindset of Adam was passed down to men and to this day, men 'blame and fault' women for the wrongs of the world. Women in Scripture have always been portrayed from a negative perspective. In fact, women have been lied upon and blasphemed (Rev. 13:6).

For instance, Mary Magdalene has always been portrayed as a 'prostitute' when research now tells us that she was not. The same thing with 'Rahab'. Research now finds out that her alleged 'prostitution' was in reality, idol worship. Yeah sure, that Philistine woman, Delilah seduced Samson but he was just as guilty for going after that worldly type of woman in the first place. However, preachers curse her more than Samson's stupid, downright ridiculously flaunted 'worldly' behavior amidst being spirit-filled. (Jud. 13-16).

At any rate, back to the 'fall' and the different mentality that was about the man versus the woman. The woman fessed up to her wrongs. She admitted that she willfully listened to the deceiving serpent (Gen. 3:13). In so doing, she left no un-repentant ground for Satan to use. This is why righteous women throughout Scripture have always been the first to know of, and proclaim the might of God. Just look at the case of Samson's mother. The angel came to her, and she preached the truth to her husband, who doubted and was later visited by the angel (Judg. 13:2-25).

God's spirit was in Deborah and she was 'Judge' of all Israel (Judgs. 4). This truth alone, proves that God could not have meant that 'women shouldn't preach' as this woman not only preached, but led the whole nation.
Remember, Scripture says, 'God is the same today, yesterday and forever' (Heb. 13:8). Meaning, He did not mean for only these women of Old Testament Biblical history to lead and preach. Just look at the greatest miracle in American history, the woman Harriet Tubman. She bore witness that God raised 'HER' up. 19 times she went into the south and freed groups of God's enslaved people and 19 times, she successfully came out with men, women and children. No man, equalled what this valiant woman of God did. See then, God through his 'actions' is teaching us that 'He uses whom He will and His will is for women to preach, teach, prophesy and do exploits.' (Dn. 11:32).

Also, because of the King Barack's 'doubt and fear' during the reign of Deborah, the spirit of the Lord used the might and strength of the woman Jael to shame the 'man's' weakness and fear. Yes, Jael is the 'woman' song and praised throughout the ages for bringing down the enemy King Sisera (4:17-24). Can we hear a "Michele's in the white house representing?" :-)

Again, God's spirit is in both men and WOMEN and niether were meant to be constrained via demented males purposely misinterpreting the role of women. Male's misinterpretation stifled and destroyed many a good woman. Also, let us remember that God's testimony is, 'I hate divorce (Mal. 2:15). Yet, out of love and concern for women God allowed divorce in order to stop men from destroying women (Mal. 2:15).

In other words, 'divorce' was a gifted weapon from God to women. Fallen male's treatment of women can destroy the woman's role and function and so wreak havoc on planet earth. This happened in the past and it is happening today. In fact, it is prophesied that the anti-Christ will have no 'desire for women' (Dn. 11:37).

It is the spirit of Satan working through the hardhearted, un-repented mindset of fallen males. That 'Adam-ic' 'blame God and women' mentality is seen in males mistreatment of women worldwide. See, when Adam did not take responsibility for what he did, that part of his mindset became 'corrupted fertile ground.' As a result, Satan has had a field day using males to destroy God's precious creation, woman.

Just look at the so-called religion of Islam. The woman is oppressed and sorely afflicted. In Africa, the woman is chattel. The same with Asian nations. The male's warped, twisted mindset with regard to women keeps women and those nations steeped in darkness, chaos, destruction and death. This is the state of mind Adam unleashed for Satan to abuse when he did not repent of his evil participation in the fall and instead, 'blamed God and the woman' (Gen. 3:12).

Yet, we saw God's remedy towards Adam's action of standing there allowing the woman to be deceived (Gen. 3:1-8). God stepped in as husband to the woman and stood the ground that Adam should have stood by immediately expelling the serpent. At any rate, the serpent thought God's wrath would be upon the woman. However, instead, God stood up for the woman and informed the serpent that He too, would use the same trusting nature of the woman to bring down Satan's evil that he had just pulled off. In other words, God is proclaiming, "He still loves and cherishes the magnificent 'woman' He created."

However, let me say this, God did warn the woman of one of the consequences of her disobedience, he stated with regard to her husband Adam, 'your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall have rule over you' (Gen. 3:16). Male preachers have erroneously taught that that means God was giving the man 'rule over the woman.' However, reality is, God was warning the woman that the once 'equality' relationship she had with her husband in the garden was now 'destroyed'. The man would take 'illegal' rule over the woman. She would think or desire to be like it once was, but it was no more.

At any rate, God would use a woman to bring forth the redeemer to get back what Adam had just given away (Gen. 3:15). God would also 'put enmity' between Satan and the woman. Meaning, though Satan now had fertile ground to use the man's un-repentant state, the righteous women throughout the ages would be the key vessels used by the Most High to destroy the works of the devil.

Hence, we are told of mighty women used by God. There was Miriam the prophetess and leader of Israel right along with her brother Aaron and Moses. (Ex. 15:20; Mic. 6:4; etc.). Ruth and Naomi would come forth obediently setting the stage for the birth of King David who would be a type of Christ (Ruth 4:13-22). Esther would come forth and be the vessel God would use to stop a satanic genocide (Est.). Rahab a gentile African woman would be used to destroy idolatrous Canaanite factions (Josh. 2). Etc.

On and on the list would go of women being used mightily by God. As well, prophecy says in the last days, 'God would pour out His spirit on our sons and DAUGHTERS' (Joel 2:28-29). God said, the 'daughters' i.e. females i.e women would prophesy.' Well how can women prophesy i.e speak the profound truths of God if they are not allowed to 'speak or preach' in the church? Besides, in the New Testament this prophecy was fulfilled as Scripture makes mention of the 4 DAUGHTERS of Phillip 'prophesying' (Acts 21:9; 2:17). Again, the 'letter' i.e. 'written word' killeth but the Spirit through it 'actions' towards women gives life and truth with regard to God's will for women.

As so, on Pentacost, the Holy Spirit sure didn't believe women couldn't preach as the Holy Spirit came upon men and WOMEN and both were heard to be speaking the wisdom of God (Acts 2:17).

Not only that, prior to pentacost it was 'women' who were the first to know of, and speak the might and praises of God with regard to the Messiah's entrance on planet earth. Whereas, disobedient man was unaware of what was going on with regard to prophecy. Just read Luke's account of Elizabeth and Mary whose Hebrew name is Miriam. (Luke 1:39-56;) The fact is, the man Zachariah was stricken deaf and dumb for his 'unbelief' but not so, with the women. They with a loud voice, proclaimed, preached, annouced, and praised God before all of heaven for the miracle messiah that was now on Earth residing in the womb of young Mary/Miriam (Lk. 1:18-25).

Also, know this, it was women alone, who were the FIRST to know of the resurrected Christ (Matt. 28:1-11). It was none other than angels of the Most High, and Jesus himself, who commanded 'WOMEN' in the form of Mary Magdalene and the other 'women' to PREACH the first resurrection message (Mk. 16:1-8). The fact is, the might and righteousness of women gave them the strength to go to the tomb with intent to fulfill the Hebrew burial laws of God come what may, soldiers or no soldiers.

Whereas, the men were all cowardly hidden away. However, the women's fearless strength caused them to be the FIRST to PREACH of the resurrection. How then can preacher's erroneously preach that 'women must be silent, can't speak or preach?' The fact is, Paul must, have meant something else as he himself, often commended women preachers.

There was priscilla who was called an apostle right along with her husband (Acts 18:2, 18.26; Rom. 16:3). Phoebe was called a 'servant' but the Greek word for 'servant' was 'minister or preacher' (Rom. 1:16). Oh, and what happened to the many women on Pentacost who were baptized in the Holy Spirit? (Acts 2:17). Do you think they just kept silent after that day? No! It would have been a sin if they had. Instead, they too, went forth 'preaching and teaching.' We know that there were active spiritual groups run by women as Paul came upon the woman Lydia (Acts 16:14). Of a surety, she and the women with her were baptized in the Holy Spirit (Acts. 16:14-15).

In all these matters, please know of a certainty, that the 'letter' of the word taught erroneously has been a violation of God's will with regard to women. Women, like men, were ordained by Jesus/Yahshua Himself, to "go into all the world and PREACH' the gospel' (Mk. 16:15-18).

Bottom line, as all are baptized in the Holy Spirit, then 'all,' meaning both men and 'women,' should preach the word of God to a lost and dying world. We should not forsake the assemblying of ourselves together. We must come together as righteous men and WOMEN to preach, teach, prophesy within the church (Heb. 10:25).. It is the will of God. As such,, who can withstand it and prevail?!

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Brother West,

You wrote:
Did not in any way dismiss Adam form anything.

Yet you refuse to address the issues of it, we are supposed to just overlook the evil. That's a problem.

You wrote:
Who said her confession meant nothing??????

Then what does it mean as you still say both the man and the female was punished. Both cannot be true, yet Eve would have suffered the consequences of the effect of sin in the world, but as a fully confessed and now honored individual emerging from the fallen garden, punished by God absolutely not. An unconfessed Adam alone was punished.

And how can you subscribe meaning to the confession of Eve in 3:13 and yet dismiss the lack of confession by Adam? If confession means anything then the lack of one in the face of sin must say something also, there must be repercussions to follow, hence we have a very punished Adam and a most honored Eve. And is the Foreknowledge of God dumb? Would He have elected to elevate the man fully knowing the lack of the man's confession to come in a fallen world, and then to subjugate the female according to his design despite the fact that he would go on to honor her alone as the only rightly confessed person emerging from that garden? Hear what you are saying.

You wrote:
Yet sin did not enter in by her sin/ it did when she so enticed Adam to eat from the tree....

This is such a HUGE misrepresentation of word but according to the design of the enemy consistent. Why not attack the character of the female, her true garden identity had already been destroyed? Give me word on what the female did to "entice" an already present Adam into eating the fruit. All the word says is that she gave the fruit unto her husband also who was with her. That's it, no shaking hips, or pursed lips. Further, if the man even desired the female so much to begin with why so long for a baby? We don't have a child until post-fall. If Eve as "hot-mama" couldn't seduce him to at least "know" her pre-fall, where does all this talk about her being a tart come from? And what was wrong with Adam anyway, what took him so long? I don't think you should discuss sexuality in the garden when all you have to stand upon is a man left completely alone in the garden with a very naked woman whom you present as hot to trot as well, and yet we have nothing in terms of word or a child to prove his physical desire for her pre-fall. It is certainly not my desire to detail this any further, but the suggested reality of what we might have here is clear. I am not saying it is true, but just like I ought not to attack the man in such a way, neither should you, in a glass house, begin throwing stones either against the female in such a way. For you it is a losing argument as the word itself proves what was true for the female. Yet getting back to what is directly at hand, what you are lodging is casebook character attack only not rooted in the word.
Answer this

If God punished the man and did not punish the Woman and the serpent
Woudn't that make him partial??????????

One sin goes punished but I like you/so even though you sinned I won't punish you just the rest of them..........

Don't need foreknowlege to know a LIE...................

You say she was exalted/yet her desire would be for her husband/interesting isn't it.
Names had nor do they have any significance here.

Genesis 3:16- unto the Woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception: in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be for thy husband , and he shall rule over thee.......

Foreknowlege or not she was /and still is punished as you say Adam is..........

Notice that you said she didn't give life by herself...."yet he would go on to FATHER every child belonging to Eve....

Without Adam it wouldn't be possible now would it??????????
You wrote:
Names had nor do they have any significance here.

Now Brother West, there you go again making excuses for that man Adam. Since when don't names and identification mean anything, particularly when we are talking Old Testament? You want to come at me again with that? I know I don't have to go into the detail of biblical history to remind you about the importance of names, otherwise I guess God was just wasting His time in changing a "Jacob" into an "Isreal" and in calling a "Saul," "Paul" instead. How can you even say this given what you know is required to study and then rightly teach the word? How many other things have you been dismissing along the way? The history and the meaning of the language suddenly means nothing to you? Well I don't actually believe that, but this is what I mean about the trap one falls in when they seek to defend and justify the actions of an unconfessed Adam. Don't do it. Just say no.

Genesis 3:16 only represents the "sorrow" of an Eve now compelled to birth children spiritually bound for eternal damnation, this even despite her call as "mother of all living." It equated to utter trajedy. The multiplication of conception equated of course to no change, except that now a compelled and punished Adam would finally learn to "get busy" which he before, as the evidence of no children proves, had not before. What was really going on with that? Anyway, moving forward, even God cannot compel or command one to "desire" anything. It was a prophetic statement only speaking to a changed Adam in the future. Eve was fully aware of all that Adam perpetrated against her in the garden, yet the will of God for Adam to be her husband had not changed. She was however devastated and the very last thing she desired was to be with a rebellious, and even murderous unconfessed Adam. Eve would only begin to "desire" Adam after Adam began to rightly "cleave" to Eve (Genesis 2:24). Cleaving for Adam was achievable by command (check the Hebrew) but achieving "desire" by command is not.

You wrote:
Foreknowlege or not she was /and still is punished as you say Adam is..........

I also love the way you just dissed the foreknowledge of God. Help Jesus help.

You wrote:
Notice that you said she didn't give life by herself...."yet he would go on to FATHER every child belonging to Eve....

Without Adam it wouldn't be possible now would it??????????

I said that Adam would go on to physically father every child belonging to Eve (what are you reading) yet he was not also respectively acknowledged and called by God as was Eve as "mother of all living." Adam should have received the title/reward from God as "father of all living" yet he did not. The reason for this is that Adam received a demotion and Eve received a promotion in the garden. She alone emerged rightly confessed and called to be of the "living" by God, not Adam. In fact God would not even speak the title an unconfessed Adam really earned in the garden as He does not speak the evil over His children. But if Adam was not recognized by God to be of the "living" then guess what? I guess I won't say it either.

I know this blows your spiritual mind, but it blew my mind too after all the church put me through as a woman. It's all right there in the actual word. I don't make this stuff up. But you keep clinging to tradition and see how far it gets you before God.
Adam could not be the Father of all living seeing as how he was created by the true and living God/ what are you reading.

you say God does not speak evil over his children. Now I really want to know what you are reading?????

Better yet who are you listening too..

Matthew 23rd chapter disputes that statement.

Have you not read where Christ told some that they were of their father the devil....

You cannot and therefore will not be able to prove your point.........
Brother West,

You wrote:
Adam could not be the Father of all living seeing as how he was created by the true and living God/ what are you reading.

Word itself in 3:20 states that the female is "mother of all living." It is a spiritual title not also earned by the man Adam. It is not a title (hello especially as given by God) to surpass God in any way, it merely speaks to the full identification of who was really who and what was really what in the garden and that despite anything the "man" had to say about the female. As an aside, it is good that you have not asked me why I consistently refer to the man as "man" and not the "male" as that is a completely different conversation, one which I am sure you cannot as of yet handle. Back to the point, the title/reward alone respectively earned by the female and not the man in the garden spoke to her true garden identity as even confirmed now by God.

And further, God does not speak evil. Even in your example, Christ was simply stating the reality which was true for them. What you are forgetting to apply is that post-fall a before rebellious Adam did see a change, he did in fact finally rightly submit to God, yet even this was only after the tragedy of witnessing the full effect of his mindset in the death of Able by Cain. Cain did not just "pop" out of nowhere, he learned from his father. God knew a future Adam would come in right alignment, which is why he did not identify even a garden Adam as a child of the devil, but what Adam was doing in that moment otherwise gave God cause to identify him as such and yet he did not.
You say alot yet scripture does not back you up at all.....

New aged doctrine if anything..........

He could not have been the Child of the Devil/ For God formed him from the dust of the ground/and breathed his spirit into him(I guess that is not good foreknowlege)

You say word itself in 3:20 states that the female is "Mother of all living"

yet the bible says Eve was called mother of all living by her Husband/
So are you saying that Adam was speaking for God............
You still have not answered any of the questions put forthg/

Cannot/or will not??????????????
Dear Brother West,

The point is, even as 2:23 proves, he did so wrongly regarding the female and deceitfully also engaged in actions of subversion regarding his own name as well.

In fact, that it was given to Adam to name in the garden by God was by assignment only and first purposed as a test. God knew the man would be challenged by the righteous identity and therefore also greater level of garden authority the female actually would have in the garden, God therefore allowed Adam to practice and to even prove his ability to rightly name the animals of the garden according to the will of God (which he did) to therefore then also prove, that when this same Adam failed to rightly name the female it was not due to a mere unintended mishap. That Adam would exercise a decision not to be obedient to God in rightly naming her "Eve" and not "Woman", and the actual mind-set of a rebellious Adam is proven still more given his audacity to even change his own name from "Adam" to "Man", a name which was God-given directly to him. Yet you say this means nothing, and then you question me?
Where in scripture does it say he rebelled (I KNOW FOR CERTAIN IT IS NOT IN GENESIS 2:23/ STOP SPIRITUALIZING AND TAKE IT FOR WHAT IT IS..........

Where do you see that God named her EVE.........come on scholar girl i know you can't LOL
Since you know so much about the Foreknowlege of God/ what do the days coming pertain???????????????

How Can He be calle Father when there is one who is your Father.......
Maybe that is a false church doctrine too you........

So you presuppose that Adam as aome others you may know/ had the power to just make Children at any time???????????

What Languauge did Adam Speak?/ What nationality was he?? answer from scripture so that my feeble little mind can handle it LOL

What verse do you read that God named her Eve/the Mother of all living????
Are you now calling falllen Adam God??????????

Please explain how Adam did not confess and Eve did????????


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