Hi believers, well, I used to watch Perry Stone's weekly show. I delighted in his teachings on the relevance of the original Hebrew customs just as I delight to hear sincere people anywhere enlighten us to Christ's magnificent truths that was first 'cast to the ground' by the Roman entrance into Christianity and second, carried on to this day by the European/American white religious hierarchies of the world.

Yes, Perry was my man. For the most part, he did not abuse his platform to promote right-wing politics as that which is the 'will of God.' Well, I only started watching him this year so if he had, I wasn't aware of it. Throughout, the months I watched him, I did hear a flicker of right-wing gibberish here and there, but for the most part, I thought he did an excellent job in using 21 minutes to teach on the Bible before using the last 9 to pimp the cost of his videos. Yes, he peeked our curiosity with 'bits of the truth' then told us if we wanted to learn more of the Word of God's Hebrew ancient relevance we'd have to pay for it. Such is life!

Within the last month or so, I have had to altogether stop watching both, Perry Stone and Jack Van Impe. Their fangs are out, and it's against none other than our beloved President Obama. Oh, and now, according to 'Perry Stone, It's also against blacks who voted for him. Yes, Molech, Obama and Black People' was the topic of his 7/26/09 rebroadcast shown on the Christian Television Network.

it seems, Blacks are impoverished because we supported Obama. We are not Christ-like according to the racist, demented mindset of these crippled, blind, bigots. According to Perry, Obama signed a bill that would support 'worldwide' abortion. I doubt if the bill was signed to do that and would love to hear Obama's side of the signing in of this bill.

Well, anyway, that's where Molech comes in. He had a big statue of Molech on his television show. Yes, just bought a big old evil Idol statue and put it on his make-shift stage platform. He then explained that during ancient Biblical history 'Molech' was the 'false idol' that the evil masses sacrificed their children upon which of course, wrought the wrath of God. He's right ofcourse, according to the Bible that's exactly what happened and should have happened to any people who purposely slaughter their children in the name of a false idol. (Lev. 18:21; 29:2-5).

Perry declared that when Obama signed this bill in question, it was tantemaunt to 'throwing children to the fire of Molech.' Yeah, no kidding, he really is warped enough to believe such nonsense. For the record, there is no government forced abortion in America. Obama nor any righteous person advocates women aborting their babies. No 'throwing the babies to the Idol Molech' can compare to what those people did in the Bible Nor is it right to twist Scripture to make it seem that 'one is promoting Molech' and baby killing. It is wrong. It is sniful. It is evil to do such a thing simply because one doesn't agree with the idiotic stance of the Christian right when it comes to resolving the issue of abortion.

For the record, I pray women will keep their babies and know God will provide a way for them if they call on Him. I do, I sincerely do. God bless the babies in the womb.

Anyway, there is more than one way to resolve the issue of abortion. The way to end abortion is to do a mass out reach to women who are committing abortions. It is NOT to curse people who vote Democrat and believe the issue of abortion can be resolved OTHER ways. It is the Christian right who has failed to utilize those other common sense ways and instead chose to unleash a spirit of 'hate' upon Democrats who will not warp their mindset to see things the way the Christian right perceives them.

Yes, it is the leadership of the so-called Christian Right who are the real 'evil' in the land, in as much as they decided to use the issue of 'abortion' as a political football to entice their masses to vote Republican. They have sinned greatly before God as they took a 'demonic' stand and unleashed it as the only way to resolve the matter of 'abortion.' Where's there outreach to women? Why not bombard the television and radio airwaves with truths' of God's love for women and the baby in the womb instead of 'hate Democrats' because they are 'liberal' and want abortion to remain on the books? Why not call out the women who are freely carrying on in this matter? They are the ones who will have to answer to God for committing abortions. The Christian should be addressing women and not a political party who they don't like. God's wrath is upon the Christian right for not taking some of those millions they get and building 'baby towns' where mothers can go to live and get schooling and job opportunities in order to take care of their babies.. Etc.

Dear people, do not let the 'satanic' stance of the Christian right deceive you. For that is what they are, 'deceivers.' At least, with regard to this issue. Christ is not a Republican or Democrat. Christ did not call us to put our faith in a political system. Indeed, throughout the Bible the religious, and political systems are denounced by Christ. Whereas the Republicans and their filthy mouthpieces with the likes of Rush Limbaugh are 'blessed' by the so-called Christian right as the answer to all America's woes, the bulk of which the Republicans brought about.

This is why many of my posts denounce the so-called Christian right and their wicked, ungodly, political stance that has wrought the death of our soldiers who were illegally sent into Iraq/Old Babylon to build it up for the Anti-Christ. At least, that's what Perry, Jack Van Impe, and that ridiculous Hal Lindsay have been preaching for decades. It's now a historical fact, Bush/Cheney and the Right wing in these end-times, lied and deceived in order to build up Old Babylon as the economic headquarters of the soon coming Anti-Christ. This blatant glaring truth is never, do you hear me righteous people, NEVER spoken against by the Christian Right.

However, Obama has been blasted subtly and now overtly ever since he took office. Well, spiritual warfare consists of fighting our enemies where they aim at us. The Christian Right is the one that is using 'politics' as a weapon to promote their right-wing satanic hate. We true believers must then counter it by using ''the truth of God's word to show up their 'political' deceit.

Perry in mad, deceit, decried every believer who voted for Obama. Correction, every 'BLACK' believer who voted for Obama. He said, nothing to the millions of whites who voted for him. He inferred, we voted because Obama was black. Well, not exactly, we voted because we were horrified at Bush/Cheney and the Katrina catastrophe. We were horrified at the open attack on the Middle Class that was causing blacks to lose jobs. We voted for Obama because he declared he would get our beloved soldiers, too many of them African/American, out of Old Babylon/Iraq that Perry and the other speakers all say will be the 'economic headquarters' of the Anti-Christ. We voted for this intelligent, sincere, man who spoke upon 'change' and when blacks saw that whites were willing to give him a chance, we voted enmasse for this black man and his beautiful black wife and daughters. You betcha' we did. We voted, and in so doing, prinicpalities of white hatred was hurled to the ground. We a people whose ancestors' were slaves could do no other in the eyes of a Just and Mighty God who alone, pulled this miracle off. Oh, yeah, Praise God we voted! Praise God, Obama won!

Nonetheless, according to Perry Stone, 'we African/Americans are 'bad.' We are not of God.' In this case, he strongly decried the 'poverty' among blacks as a result of us voting for 'bad Obama.' Bad Obama did not out of a spirit of satanic greed, bring this country to near economic collaspe, rather bad Bush/Cheney and the right wing did this evil of which Perry did not rail against.

Bush/Cheney went after the middle class to altogether alleviate it. God's word repeatedly states that 'he is the father of the poor, widows, orphans, working class i.e. wage earner,' and to attack them is to attack God. This is what the Republicans did during their eight year reign and the Christian Right blessed this 'evil' before God, Yet anything Obama does to straighten it out, is cursed as anti-Christ. Naw, their not racist. That's sarcasm, ofcourse.

Listen, unfortunately the church has not dealt with the demonic spirit of racism that is entrenched in the heart, soul, mind and spirit of white America, or at least, the bulk of them. Perry doesn't realize that his stance is that of an arrogant, hell-bent fool when it comes to politics. He's of the madness of the Christian right. They are not 'right', they are 'wrong' and the god of this world has blinded them to the madness about them.

I was flipping the channels last week and dared to stop to hear the mad mutterings of Hal Lindsay. He actually, with a satanic glaze proclaimed that 'Liberals look at he, and his republican brothers like Rush Limbaugh and dare to call them racists, when they are not racist, rather, the Liberals are.' Well, In the first place, 'liberals' aren't the only ones to look upon their racist nature for what it is. Whew! See what madness has overtaken them?

God has turned them over to a reprobate mind because they refuse to yield to the truth. Instead, it is none other than the Christian right who unleashed this division in America when they wrongly took their 'hard-core' stance via making abortion a political football, in order to pimp right-wing politics.

It is therefore incumbent upon believers to speak against their madness lest their twisted voices be raised to do more satanic damage than they have done in the last 8 years. Again, there has been little to NO condemnation of Bush/Cheney and the Republicans who murdered our beloved soldiers when they illegally sent them in to build up the Iraq/Babylon economic center for their soon coming anti-Christ. If anything, that's offering 'our children to the fire of Molech"

Yet, Obama signed a bill, of which we all should wait and hear Obama's and the Democrat's reasoning as I am sure it is sound and was not designed to 'slaughter the unborn' to that big old Molech Idol that Perry convenienly got his hands upon. Obama is about elevating all the masses. The Republicans were/are about elevating the rich at the expense of the masses. The Republicans are responsible for the millions who lost their jobs. As we follow the news, we see, people are so broken by it that there is now an increase in mothers and fathers killing their children and themselves. Perry nor the right wing would never, ever rightly blame the Republicans nor denounce their 'white' followers as 'bad' or 'anti-Christ' or 'not of God' for voting for all this evil unleashed by Bush and the Republicans.

Yet, our beloved President has barely held the reigns of power 6 months and Perry Stone is now using his show to promote 'hate' for Obama and dare accuse black people who voted for him to be 'out of the will of God.' He is mad, satanically mad.

Yes, wrath is coming upon America, for sure, unfortunately our beloved country with good opportunies has been decimated by the Bush administration. They sold America to these foreign enemies who have sinisterly brought in their army. I, once heard John Hagee proclaim, 'you have probably shaken hands with a terrorist and don't know it,' meaning, that's how many Bush/Cheney administration allowed to come in here. Yes, for love of a dollar, those satanic possessed, greedy males would sell this entire country to foreigners.

All these Republican evils are blessed by the Perry Stones, and other poor, deceived souls of the Christian Right. As so, we must withstand their madness. As anyone in their right mind could see, Perry was waaaaaaay out of control. They are mixed up and deceived to the core. They use Scripture, NO, they 'abuse' Scripture in order to promote their madness. Black people as you can see, that madness is getting waaaaaaaay out of control as this man, Perry Stone has decided that his right-wing warped mind is right ergo, we BLACKS ARE DECEIVED AND NOT OF GOD.

This arrogant, wrong, defiant stance if continued could very well lead to a race war. It will break up the black churches with good sense, from this white barbaric false church mentality that is deceived and deceiving. I'm telling you, Perry Stone openly declared his warped stance as 'right' and as so, blacks who voted for Obama are now seen as the enemy.

The answer is to 'cry aloud and spare not' in order to show up their satanic lunacy for what it is. Such a dangerous disposition must be destroyed. People please comprehend that this is a very dangerous 'racial' stance this foolish man and the Christian right has taken. We, as blacks, must counterattack as if we don't, it will very much lead to 'division' for no one in their right mind is going to agree with Perry and the Christian Right's outlook on the matter of Obama and abortion. They are wrong! They always were! They went about this matter via promoting hatred of 'liberals', 'democrats' and any and all who refused to buy into their mad stance as the only way to deal with abortion. Now look where their evil mindset has come to, 'open attack' on black people and Obama.

This hateful stance could lead to one of their nutcase followers seeking to hurt our dear President. It could and probably already has begun to lead to 'division' and 'racial tension.' The Bible says, ' there is a way that seems right to a man but the end thereof leads to death'. This 'leads to death' way is the mindset of arrogant, self-righteous, ignorant Christian right leaders with the likes of Perry Stone. I reitierate, it is a real dangerous disposition that Black clergy must arise, unite and denounce. The weapon of our warfare is 'truth'.' Speak the truth against the Christian Right's hypocrisy as it will demolish them and save lives.

Black people, Perry, who I once adored, showed his true face and it was stenched and entrenched with the demonic spirit of white racism of which he hurled against 'we black people' who RIGHTLY voted for Obama. People wake-up!
'And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free' Let's let it this time, let's full-force unite and let it!

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Barak Obama is NOT the beloved man you think he is! A "Christian President", and yet:

-he allows the first invocation prayer at his Presidential celebration to be offered by "homosexual Bishop" V. Gene Robinson
-his first move as president is to sign a bill that allows for the USA tax dollars to be used worldwide for abortion
-he is recorded mocking the Bible's code of ethics and moral laws
-he is viewed and saluted by almost every world leader, and endorsed by them to lead them into the "New World Order"
-he promotes plans that are pure Socialism

Barak Obama is no Christian man. Quite the opposite, he fits the description of the anti-Christ to the letter, according to eschatology studies.
Hi Trevor, thanks for your reply. Oh, I knew this day would come where we would meet up on opposite sides with regard to 'politics.' :-) Though I have nothing but the utmost respect for you I must 100% differ with you on Obama and I'll tell you why. The right-wing perceptions of him are coming out of a 'spirit of fear.' That same 'spirit of fear' that withstood Obama's ascension to office and flamed fans of racial hatred during the election. Remember, those white lynch mobs that were forming? Then there are those 'white lynch mob' that continue to rail and denounce Obama as un-American, not a real citizen, all of that crap that the likes of Rush Limbaugh incite.

So whenever, one is looking for true 'evil' one must look at the true evildoer who is often the 'accuser of the brethren.' heh..heh..excuse the pun. In this case, it is the Christian right who have shown themselves more of a pack of blood-thirsty, hatemongers than 'true believers.' If Obama as spoken derisively towards 'that' version of so-called Christianity, who can blame him, so have I, my friend, so have I, and 'all' with 'eyes to see' their ongoing hypocrisies, including Almighty God.

Let the record proclaim, the Christian right's leadership have done more to turn people off of Christianity than any openly avowed satanists could ever do. They have been blatantly racist, and cruelly manipulative in using their bully pulpit to pimp right-wing politics as that which is the 'will of God' when nothing and I do mean absolutely nothing could be further from the truth.

As said, if the 'right-wing' political party is that which pleases God, then God must have been very pleased when George Bush/Cheney and the right wing illegally went into Iraq and built up Old Babylon which according to the likes of these so named prophetic teachers will be the headquarters of the Anti-Christ?

Now, the person who paves the way for the living quarters of the Anti-Christ would to any rational person be looked upon as the Anti-Christ and as stated, those persons werre George Bush/Cheney and the Republicans. Not only that, they lied and deceived, Satan characteristics mind you, to bring about the illegal invasion into that Anti-Christ economic headquarter region of Babylon/Iraq.

That's where the sign of the Anti-Christ was i.e. George Bush/Dick Cheney, and that crowd. They fulfilled Daniel's 8:23-25 law as those who would 'transgress and prepare the way' for the ultimate Anti-Christ who would 'cast truth to the ground.' Yes, it was George Bush and the Republicans who 'cast truth to the ground' in order to build up the end-time economic headquarter of the Anti-Christ (Dn. 8:12).

That's the TRUTH why isn't that acknowledged? Because George Bush was a lying, hypocrite who built up the anti-Christ region while proclaiming himself a Christian? Talk about 'mocking the Bible code of ethics, if ever one did, that is it.' It is also, a fact that the Christian right's silence and support on what was pulled off right before the world's eyes is also 'mocking the Bible's code of ethics.' That's truth staring at you Trevor, we must deal with it.

Bottom line with regard to Obama's alleged 'mocking of the Bible code of ethics, reality is, most liberals, independents, and any and everybody else who do not agree with the self-righteous, arrogant, Christian right stance on any given issue usually are more turned off by these beings professing to be God's mouthpiece than turned off by the Bible's code of ethics.' It is the Christian right's hateful, shameful, disgusting disposition that does more to cause the code of ethic in the Biblle to be 'evil spoken of.' That's probably was what Obama was against, the hypocrisy allegedly representing 'Bible code of ethics and moral' moreso, than the Bible itself.

I've said it before, if I wasn't a born-again, spirit-filled believer who didn't already know my Heavenly Father and Savior, looking at all the evil pulled off by the so-called Christian right, I wouldn't want to be a Christian. To the 'eyes that see' world beholding them, they come off as the same demonic hypocrites as the whites who alleged themselves 'Christ-like' while tormenting and violating black people during enslavement and segregation. That's exactly how the world beholds them Trevor, exactly!, Can't then blame them too much for questioning such alleged 'Christ-like morals and Bible ethics' being represented as the 'voice of God' now can we? Who has the greater evil, the one blinded to 'hate' and 'question' the hypocrisy or the one that caused the 'hypocrisy' to be thought of as the 'morals and ethics of the Bible?'

As for Obama meeting the standard of the Anti-Christ, no, you've got that mixed up with the 'world being relieved that a tyrant like 'Bush and the right wing' have at last been brought down. The world cheered when these evil men of the right wing who came forth with a Satanic trampling of all the nations of the world were finally brought down. Yes, righteous people the world over who wanted America to be the 'great place' she is alleged to be, and many ways is, was finally brought down.

As for him being primed to be the anti-Christ, who told you or the Christian right that? Well, according to Perry Stone and Jack Van Impe, they are getting their information straight from "Henry Kissinger" who is a member of an ANTI-CHRIST organization called 'The Illuminati'. Yes, Henry Kissinger is also of Euro-American Jewish lineage and does not believe in our Savior Yahshua. Could he be lying to them as that's what the anti-Christ children do ya know, like their father Satan, they are liars remember (Jn. 10:10)?

Another thing, Obama does NOT fit the description of the Anti-Christ as can be verified by all these lying prophetic teachers, the Anti-Christ will come out of the '10 nation European confederacy.' He will also be 'part Jewish' and they have, made no mistake in inferring the 'olive complexioned,' type of Jew from the line of Ashkenazi and Sephardim. In other words, they would not even think to think of a black-skinned, Jews of West Africa, Ethiopia, and everyone else.

So again, Obama does NOT fit this description of the Anti-Christ in any way, shape or manner! Now granted, this Anti-Christ ten nation confederation looking upon the phenomenal of Obama who our God raised up could very well be looking to use his popularity to 'pimp' their evil, no doubt about that. However, you know what? The Bible tells us that during David's reign, some 'restless, worthless fellows' joined David's group as they didn't like Saul (1 Sam. 22:2). It also tells us that God gave David many an opportunity to 'avenge himself against Saul' but David wouldn't do it which made the 'worthless men' around him very angry' when he didn't do it (1 Sam. 24).

In other words, what the enemy means for evil with regard to Obama, God means for good. The men around David were not as spiritual as David and had their own agenda but it was God with David whose agenda prevailed. In like manner, this 10 nation group having seen how Bush and the Republicans blew it, and looking for a way, for this whole satanic scheme of theirs' not to fail as a result of Bush and the Republicans blowing, would turn their eyes to Obama who came out of 'nowhere' and won the election. Would you being saying 'Hilary is the Anti-Christ if she had won?' She would be promoting the same things Obama is,.

As for Obama's estachological views, well we all have different takes on the Word of God, just look at the various voices upon this very board to see that. It doesn't make us 'deceptive' because of our take on God's word. In like manner Obama is entitled to his views on the 'Word of God' and its' in-depth meaning. We are to daily pray that He will be better enlightened as he yields to the Holy Spirit. Believe you me, if ever there was a case of a man believing in the God of the Bible, this is it in that I assure you Michele his black wife, his mother in law and family are all calling on Jesus to protect her husband's life. She may not know all the estachological mishigosh, but as a black woman, I guarantee you this, she knows,'to call on Jesus Christ' to protect her and her family from the mad rantings of the so-called Christian right whose words are stirring up 'nutcases' who would dare to 'kill Obama' in the name of Jesus. Oh yeah man, he's a Christian, if ever there was one, he's one and ther fervent, effectual prayers of righteous black people are going to 'keep him one' no matter how white devils are trying to 'pimp' him to get ou of the mess Bush got them into.

Remember, the 10 nation confederacy were angry at Bush as they saw HIM as blowing their agenda. They went along with this whole 'build up of the end-time Babylon economic center of the Anti-Christ' that Bush/Cheney, Rumsfeld pulled off as Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rove types assured them that they could pull it off. Went it went awry these same anti-Christ brothers were angry at them. Moreso, it got worse as the United States was now 'hated' the world over and the Islamics were arising and that was very threatening to this 10 nation's confederation's evil plans.

In all these matters, it seems to me, white clergy of the Christian Right, and the Republicans are imore aligned with the Anti-Christ than Obama. Obama came forth as a result of the prayers of the righteous who were oppressed by the Republicans and the Christian right. Remember God's word says, 'He's coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle, a church doing exploits' if the Republicans had had their demonic way, that church could not exist as the Middle Class would have been altogether alleviated with the result being oppression of the masses, like in pre-Civil rights days would have occurred in America. Also, the rich, white male elitist of the Republican party would have full, un-checked power as they would have met their goal of successfully stripping the masses of all ability to fight back. What I mean is, they went after unions, affirmative action, the right to sue big business, and every other saftety net God had used true righteous people to put in place in the first place in order to stop the ruthless, satanic oppression of the 1% white male elitist who were violating everyone in America with the blessings of the so-called 'Christian Right' or the equivalent thereof, prior to these rights being put on the book.

So you see, the very Christian right people denouncing Obama as the Anti-Christ fit the description of Anti-Christ over Obama and get this, they are fool enough to tell us that they are getting their outlook on last day events, not from the 'God of the Bible' rather, the Anti-Christ people such as Henry Kissinger who is a member of the satanic "Illuminati' group who they themselves, proclaim are Anti-Christ.' Whooosh!

Okay, that's my counter take on your disposition. Ball back in your 'wrong' court. :-_ Love ya, in Christ my brother, love ya, in Christ.
Never was a big fan, but even he had his good points.....

The fact is, none of you all hated him until the Stock Market fell in..........
Ms. Elaine, now you know I love ya, right!?!?! LOL! True, I always knew that this would be the battle grounds for us, so lets get it on shall we?!

First: I'm no Bush fan at all. I know where he brought us. I know what he did, and probably know a little bit more about him than most. His family roots are tainted and his life is no different. They gained their family wealth the old fashion banker way: by robbing the American people! Prescott Bush was a manager of a leading bank in NYC back in WWII. Interestingly enough, this bank was cited as to be a place where Nazis laundered their money. Presott Bush just so happens to be Dubbya's grandfather! You think that they are the only bad bankers? How about these names that have controlled this country since before WWI: Rothschild, Warburg, Morgan, Rockefeller

As far as Henry Kissinger, he did not talk with Perry Stone and Jack Van Impe at all. Its what he said on camera to all to see and here that caught Christian's attention. He supports Barak and endorses him as literally "the next world leader". When it comes to the Illuminati, the Billdeberge Group and other societies, they are very real, and very much so in power. This world system is ran by bankers and certain world leaders. WWI, WWII, Vietnam, and this war we are fighting now are total embarrassments to "democracy"! There are many that have done evil just as well, and Barak is on their side my dear! Socialism is their game, and Barak is their newest leader. They also have enslaved the workers of this nation by the "Central Banking System" that you and I know as "The Federal Reserve". The FED is NOT federal at all. It is a private organization that the government borrows the nations money from. It was the FED that installed what we call "federal income tax", which are literally illegal. No court law has ever been passed to create this tax at all! Did you even know that you really don't have to pay federal income tax!?!? Where do you think this "bail out money" came from? It came from all that federal income tax money stored up, not for a rainy day, but for their own greed. The government had to literally borrow your hard earned money from the FED to pay for bad loans that the bankers created. I know this not only from studying it, but I used to work in mortgaging with two banks for a short time. I seen them rob people and heard people crying on the phones. They even tried to get me in on it! This is bigger than you think, my friend. The FED is ILLEGAL. It was NEVER in our founding fathers wishes to get the FED up and running. In fact, America left England for that main reason, religious freedom being second on that list:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies...If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency.. the banks and organizations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their father conquered."- Thomas Jefferson

"If you want to remain slaves of the bankers and pay for the costs of your own slavery, let them continue to create the money and control the nation's credit "- Sir Joseph Stamp

This aint about race, this is about world power! If you want to control nations, control their money and get the people on your side! Barak Obama is installing what is called "Socialism". Socialism is when you allow the government to control the economy and health care without competition. It is competition between real market rivals that benefit the people, not a national health care plan! Competition creates better plans for the people. The U.S.S.R. had the same plan that Barak is bringing in! As far as "taxing the rich", by world standards, almost all Americans are considered "the wealthiest people on the planet". If you have a refrigerator, running hot and cold water, TV and the like, you are statistically among the wealthy on this planet! Barak is taxing the wealthy, but the wealthy by Socialism standards is $250K a year. That would basically be a success full business owner. It was GOD that showed us how taxes should be properly done with the tithe: each person, be it poor or rich, would tithe a tenth of their increase. Regardless of financial standards. He didn't lower taxes for poorer people, he just raised taxes for richer people, evening the gap. It doesn't make things better, just brings everyone on the same playing field of poverty. The average American, boy and girl included is in debt by a few thousand dollars! There is more to say on this issue, but I'll post a few video clips for that......

Now for the Anti-Christ Equation:

Where did you get that crazy idea that Anti-Christ:

-the Anti-Christ will come out of the '10 nation European confederacy.'
-be part Jewish

There is NO scripture references for such, however I can pull MANY to back up my points. Where shall we begin:

-Anti-Christ lineage: the Anti-Christ will not be part Jewish at all. On the contrary, the first typology of the anti-Christ was that of Nimrod. He was an African world leader (sound familiar?). Nimrod was called "the hunter" in our English, but a better translation of the ancient Hebrew says that he hunted men. Funny thing is, Nimrod was a world leader that though he was against men, the people loved him and followed him (sound familiar?). It was mighty Nimrod that raise up the most corrupt cities in world history, two of which you are familiar with: Nineveh, and Babel, the future capital of Babylon. It was during Nimrod's day that the great tower of Babel was being built. World history on Nimrod says that he took an Arrow and shot into the air, declaring war on the Kingdom of Heaven and GOD Himself. This is what got GOD attention!

-The Second world anti-Christ figure in the Bible was Pharaoh of Egypt (Moses' day). He was a great world leader from Africa (sound familiar?) and the only ones that hated him were the Jews he enslaved.

-The third anti-Christ figure I can name is the king of Babylon. You said that Anti-Christ must be a part Jew, but the Bible says that "Babylon the Great" will rise up. No Jew would lead Babylon.

-Your attention should be placed upon last centuries great Kenyan Prophet, Johanwa Owalo, the founder of Kenya’s Nomiya Luo Church, and who among the Kenya people of the Luo religion is believed to be a prophet similar to Jesus Christ and Muhammad, and who in 1912 made this horrific prophecy about the United States:

“So far have they [the United States] strayed into wickedness in those [future] times that their destruction has been sealed by my [father]. Their great cities will burn, their crops and cattle will suffer disease and death, their children will perish from diseases never seen upon this Earth, and I reveal to you the greatest [mystery] of all as I have been allowed to see that their [the United States] destruction will come about through the vengeful hands of one of our very own sons.”
“Visions of the Great Nyasaye, A Study of the Luo Religion in Kenya”, Order of Sorcha Faal, Sister Mary McCrea © 1915

I am not of their faith, but the words are true regardless.

-No evil Hebrew leader was a world leader at all. The one Hebrew that was loved by world leaders was King Solomon. Was he a type of Anti-Christ? Of course not!

-Yes there will be a coalition of nations, but you say ten European Nations as if it clearly says so in the Bible. Thats is a prophetic speculation. The ten will not all be European. Have you forgotten that that most of Europe is unified now? Did you know that North America is ALSO unified as is now officially called the North American Union? The fact is there will be ten national heads. The U.N. clearly shows that it is coming together. There is no indication that he will be born from Europe, however there is full indication that he will run these nations as its leader.

-No man in history was celebrated the way Barak Obama was when he gained office. Statistically, he's even more popular now that JESUS!When the nations come to together for a one world government, it will be Barak that they place in power. No Jew will ever be accepted as a world leader simply because most of the planet HATES Jews!
Whoa, great knowledge, great, impressive, knowledge indeed! Hmmp, well, what can I say to that!LOL! Okay, here we go, when I stated, '10 nations' I meant it, in regard to the 10 figureheads as spoken of in Revelation 13:1; Dn. 7:7-8). You are right, there could be countless nations ivolved with the 'ten' being the main figure head. I never meant to infer otherwise.

Now, for that Kenya prophecy, 'Whoa!' Where can I get a copy of that prophecy? Interesting to say the least, but what religion is that? Could he mean the destruction of 'racism' will be what Obama will wrought? For sure, that would send factions of racists in a frenzy where they decide 'it's our racist way or no way' which would cause civil war to erupt? Think about that.

Okay, you said, 'no one has been so received as Obama,' but like I said, those filthy powers that be were in fact, in a uproar over all the negative destruction that Bush brought about. Their economic system almost collasped. When Obama took the reigns of power Bush had presented to Congress an ultimatum, 'give the bankers a blank check for the bail out.' So how does that make Obama the Anti-Christ if he had to come in and yes, as you pointed out, the system is set up where we are illegally paying the FEDS, but since it is, Obama had to 'bail them out' without the blank check that Bush wanted to give them? That's not his fault. What if he had come in and said, as you well pointed out, 'it's un-Constitutional to pay taxes, I'm going to change that system'? They would have run him out of office.

As for the North American Union, yeah, I know that's already in place right here in the U.S. That's why those damnable Middle Easterns now have un-checked power to do the evil they are pulling off. In other words, the Constitution has already been trampled underfoot and the system is now set up where Canada, Mexico, and all the others have access to Americans. They themselves are Anti-Christ agents.

See, the thing is this, I know that our God will have a 'church without spot or wrinkle' arise and do end-time exploits. (Eph. 5:27; Dn. 11:32). I know this! It will push back a lot of political, religious, etc. evil. Sort of like when the angels 'knocked down the wicked men who came to arrest Jesus' (Jn. 18:6). It's sort of like God will be saying, 'yeah, ilk the next 7 yrs. are yours' Satan, but we'll be back to Earth, make no mistake about it, we'll come back victoriously.'

Now, that said, like you said, a great evil is already set up i.e. the North American Union. Their filthy hands can be felt in the U.S. This I know. Which, by the way, this is why I advocate African/American believers pray for a end-time pouring out of the Holy Spirit as that's the only way we can unite and survive. For sure, the secular black/Kush will be at the 'feet of the Anti-Christ' thus says, Scripture (Dn. 11:43).

Now, as such is the case, could it be that Obama is the instrument God is using to bring about that end-time church revival that will do exploits? Indeed, it could. Yes, Obama was received like no other but then again, U.S times were in a 'panic-stricken' way where the world was predicting a 'worldwide economic' collaspe caused by Bush, who by the way, I am glad you are not a fan of.

I was speaking against Perry Stone and the Christian right's 'adoration' of Bush who did much evil while 'THEY' not you personally thank God, but 'they', lifted up Bush as upright. The Republicans have done much evil, they brought about the North American Union now set up, sold this country out to foreigners, and yet, the Christian right hurls that evil as that which is Christ-like? That's what I'm against, their lying deceptions.

Oh, and with regard to the 'anti-Christ' being part Jewish, thanks for the 'semantical' correction in that what I meant was the 'false prophet' who is with the Anti-Christ is he, who will be part Jewish or so has been the right-wing, so-called prophetic teachers speculation (Rev. 13:11-17).

Anyway, yes Obama was worldwide received but for what? He is a phenomenal. He is a articulate African/American man who loves his African/American wife and children. He came out of nowhere just as the rapture of the church will seemingly come out of nowhere. Just as the end-time move of the Holy Spirit will ignite a 'church without spot and wrinkle' including, and specifically, the 'racist wrinkle' of the false church or Christian right as it is called.

Don't get me wrong, I believe they have wonderful people in their group who are quite sincere, I just know that their wicked doings are as Anti-Christ as the literal man, himself.

In that respect, Obama could be a Heavenly send, in spite of the 'prophecy' of the Kenyan man. Or, as said, 'he could bring about the destruction of white racism' which will cause racist 'demonic-possessed' whites to erupt. The news reports are already showing that they are buying up guns like never before. In fact, gun sales are the only business that excelled during this economic collaspe.

As for where I get that the Anti-Christ will come out of the European Union, well, I, like those so-called prophetic teachers I named, get that part from the Bible as it said, out of the '10 horns' will come 'one speaking boastfully' (Rev. 13:3). Yes, it also says, 'the world will admirer him' but check this out, it wasn't Obama who came forth speaking boastfully, rather, he spoke humbly about 'unity' and bringing America back up to a respectable world power.

It was Bush and his forces who came forth speaking boastfully, but since Bush is such a idiot by nature, I knew that he could NOT be the Anti-Christ. He was led by that wicked Cheney who boasted of 'conquering' and they conquer, old Babylon i.e. Iraq while letting the true mass murderer Osama Bin Laden live to taunt 'we the people' with video threats of doing it again.

As so, it must needs be that Obama is a forerunner to what the Anti-Christ popularity will be like, but that anti-Christ is NOT Obama no matter what they are priming him for. As so, my point with regard to Perry attacking we blacks who gladly voted for him is that he is wrong and his racist comments are dangerous in that it could cause racial tension to heighten, and the nation erupt in violence. I don't want to see this, as for one thing, blacks are not prepared for it.

I believe the Holy Spirit will cause a 'holy' explosion in the near future that will knock back their evil, and cause 'righteous' blacks to arise and do exploits. A part of those exploits may well be, preparing a hiding place for the inevitable destruction that is already in place. If I'm hearing the Holy Spirit right, this is the only solution and we should pray to this end.

Okay, I hope I didn't miss a major point that I wanted to get in with regard to your excellent but I think, 'wrong conclusion' with regard to Obama. Albeit, he is charming, but no so charming that I can't resist him. I heretell the Anti-Christ will be just that, eh? :-)

Very interesting piece indeed! You are very knowledgeable when it comes to secret societies, ancient and modern world power, and prophecy concerning this. In the future, I will be studying secret socities of yesterday, and modern. Its soooooo much to our country that is shrouded in secrecy. I heard that most of our presidents were handpicked... not by the people as the consitution preaches, but by secret societies with agendas! This world is corrupt, but as revelation says... BABYLON WILL FALL!
Yes they were hand-picked! It was a crying shame as to how this thing played out.......

Oh how I WISH that racism were our main problem! If it were, then we'd be alright! However, racism can never be that big of a fuel when the true goal is world domination. Its impossible actually. Therefore, racism is not the problem. In fact, the opposite it the true fear: one world unity. Now its not a problem to be united. Unity is powerful indeed, but under whose leadership? Thats the problem: who is commanding such power? Barak is not a man of GOD at all. No man of GOD would sanction abortion. If racism and black power were so big then why sanction abortion? If you want to help black, then ABOLISH ABORTION! Abortion is the #1 killer of african/americans all time. We have lost more people to abortion than we have to murder, drugs, cancer, H.I.V./.A.I.D.S., accidental deaths, suicide, and all those others combined! Truthfully, being pro-black automatically should mean that you are ANTI-ABORTION!

As for this money meltdown, believe it or not, it was all planned! When an alligator hunts and kills its prey, it doesn't bite it to death, it drags it under and drowns their victims. Both breathe air, so both would drown if they stay under too long, but the difference maker is "who can hold their breath longer". Likewise, when bankers want to eliminate other competition, then they drag them under and drown their victims. Both have the potential of going belly-up, but the question is which bank can out last the storm? Which bank is this benefiting, and which is it hurting? Those bankers I mentioned earlier are alligators in the banking field. By dragging the stock market under into the river of debt, they have drowned their competition. Why didn't they kill each other off? Alligators don't eat each other! They may fight each other, but they are not hunting each other. The bankers received a major "bail out" from this crisis that they made, and where did the money go?!?! They bought other banks, they paid their own debts, and they gave the Board members multi-million dollar bonuses. Now you can say "this is Bush's fault"! I would have to half-agree, because yes he was apart of it, but such things were going on and being done since before WWI. How do you think "Black Friday" came about? Who do you think the "Great Depression" helped? In the Chinese language, crisis literally translates out to mean "opportunity". If all people are dying of thirst, the only one that will benefit is the one that owns a well! This is what the FED has done to us, not just Bush. Bush walked into this system and took advantage, pushing it along. So what if he looks like a bad guy, he's not a politician, he's a business man! He never has been! I can thank Bush for two things though:

-He was against abortion;It was Bush's abortion plan that Barak Obama lifted
-the Church had seen more prosperity than it ever seen under any President when Bush came in. No other President before him gave the Churches so many opportunities to prosper with grants and food pantries.

Even with the money that he gave to churches, however, it was hush money.

The Church should NOT be supporting people like them at all, but you have people saying Barak is the next best thing to a HOLY GHOST revival. About 8 months before I ever heard anything about Barak Obama, GOD spoke a word to me that I gave to my Pastor. GOD told me that "change was coming and the Body of CHRIST will celebrate it, but its not of ME. They will celebrate it but will soon regret it. Change is coming." Later on, I unlike many others, actually prayed this prayer: "FATHER, what do you say concerning this election? What do you say concerning Barak Obama?" He didn't leave it up to a gut feeling for me to decide, nor did HER just leave it to propaganda. GOD gave me a few scriptures in a weird way in a specific order:

1st Samuel 8:
Hosea 8:1-4
Genesis 8:21-22
Exodus 8
Matthew 8

Then as I closely examined, every 8th Chapter was speaking about the year 2008! Then when I finally listened to him, I remembered what GOD said about "change". I asked GOD for wisdom on this matter, and I was lead to start studying eschatology once again. Then I heard many more Prophets speaking up and out against Obama and this government/money system. Tell me, is there a justifiable reason for a Christian President to use a "gay Bishop" for the first invocational prayer of his presidency?
the same reason Jesus (and I don't liken the President to him) went to to the tax collecters house. The bottom line is "Can anything good come out of Nazareth" your own people will be your biggest hindrance.

There is nothing that points to President Obama being the anti-Christ. Perry and Impe, missed the mark.
Oh Praise God for you Altha or I wouldn't have been able to get back into this post. The Holy Ghost knows what He's doing. Okay, first, love ya for coming and thanks for replying to that video as with this cheap piece of computer I'm on does not allow me to see the U-Tube. That's okay though, as I always call it 'cheap' but at the same time this little 'cheapie' got me onto this site to meet so many wonderful believers to pray with.

Now, TREVOR listen, if you have a written script for me of the video I'll be glad to read it. However, as I prayed to our Savior the first Scripture the Holy Spirit brought to me was 'the man of sin will not be REVEALED until AFTER the church is taken out and in fact, it is the Holy Spirit who is restraining him' (2 Thess. 2:6).

As for what you said about, 'no preacher would allow abortion' darlin', there are believers who have actually HAD abortions. You can't measure a man's heart with regard to what a WOMAN does. Again, it is 'women' who are choosing to commit abortion. So what about them? Are they the Anti-Christ? They are the ones who will stand before the judgment seat of God not our beloved President who if, he were anti-Christ according to your standards, then he is the second anti-Christ because the first would have been the Supreme Court who established 'Roe v. Wade.'

Surely you can't be basing the 'Anti-Christ' standard on the issue of abortion, lest with your reasoning all the women who have committed abortions are the Anti-Christ.
As I said in my original post, I am pro-life but do not believe taking the medical procedure called 'abortion' off the books as the answer to the many abortions going on today.' The answer is an outreach to women via television, radio Internet, music, street ministries, billboards, you name it. The problem with the wretched Christian right is they unleashed a additional spirit of 'abortion' by attacking the Democrats who like me, and like God do not believe the political arena is the answer to resolving the high abortion rate.

If that were the case, then the Republicans are all Anti-Christ (which as far as I'm concerned the devious, hypocritical fiends are) but the fact is, they held the reigns of power for 8 yrs. in the white house, 6 yrs. in the Senate and Congress and did nothing to end abortion as it is still on the books. So they are the Anti-Christ.

You can't measure Obama's views on abortion which by the way, he, like ME, is for reducing the abortion rate by other means other than outlawing the medical procedure called abortion. Again, if preachers had done their job and blitzed women with the 'love of God for their true worth and the worth of the baby in the womb' then there could be a thousand clinics on every corner and it wouldn't matter for women wouldn't go into them'.

You just made me realize that the reason preachers are jumping on the political world is because they themselves are guilty before God for they have failed to do their job with regard to properly outreaching to women with regard to NOT committing abortions.


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