Being here a short while, I've observed the same scenarios that are prevelent in many areas. Christians still asking the same questions and observing the same faults.

1. Can a woman preach
2. Can women wear pants
3. I' m saved but don't have to go to a church.
4. What about gays
5. Do you forgive a bro/sis that has committed adultery, and all other sexual perversions
6. The church does not do this or that

For a babe on milk, good questions that we should expect. BUT when, James, Moreh and some others address issues of the law, The Torah, and then others bring up tongues, divine healings, reconcilliations of marriage, The Trinity, the responses are between two or three?

Why do ones find it easier or more attractive to comment on sins that they can perceive with their eyes, and not on issues that can't be seen?

That is my question!

I have to say to those that go further than the obvious that maybe we don't always agree however I appreciate the challenge that inspires me to study more to show myself approved a workman that will not be ashamed. Elder Williams, Luckett and Culbertson, Trevor and others I can't recall at this minute and my lil Bro James and Moreh, thank you for the meatier discussions.

Be Blessed


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Amen to the rift closing!!!!! Who is Dr. Shine???? rofl
OK, thanks, and let me lay it on out here, Dr. Dollar, I have heard preach on more than prosperity as well.
LOLOL I call it a song and dance performance, a floor show.

I try to image Jesus running the isles and jumping over the benches (pews) when He preached in the synagogue (Luke 4:16-22), or when He jumped from rock to rock while preaching His heart out on the mountain side (Matthew 5:1-2), or Paul running around the room (sanctuary) and up and down the stairs preaching an all night praise and worship service (Acts 20:7-11).

Now, I fully realize that there are a great many people who find "exuberant" preaching to be refreshing and energizing. I cannot and will not fault that! What I do "fault" is the continued "holy feel good" preaching that is all fluff and no substance, consisting mostly of repetitive religious sounding mantras.

Is there a time and place for "whooping, hollering, snot'n, spiting, with all kinds of shaking going on"? YOU BET! But, a constant diet of such "party time" preaching I think is a poor substitute for serving up the meat of God's word, so that it might be ingested, meditated on, and put into practice as a life-changing spiritual growth process for the people of God. Trying to live on a "holy feel good" service experience when one's life is going down the tubes just doesn't get it for me. I want an intimate relationship with Jesus and a solid foundation in the word of God to bolster my faith in an almighty God.

But then again, that is just the ramblings of one old mountain man.
Ramble on mountain man, lol, you are right nothing replaces the gospel! and all of it's substance.
Thanks Pastor - but I am truly not called to be a "pastor", according to the notion of what a modern day pastor is expected to be. I am, however, a "serious student of the Bible" and by right of age alone, qualify as an elder within the extended body of Christ. As such, I love to share some of the insights I have gained over the years with others, especially with those who would teach our brothers and sisters in Christ concerning spiritual things.

While having had folks assign me religious titles and offering me ministerial "positions" within the formal church world, I find that just answering whatever call our Lord makes from day to day is more than I can easily handle.

The truth? As I posted on another forum, generally I am known more for making waves than for producing calm waters. Even so, thank you for the thought. My ego loves all of the recognition I can get. LOLOL

You know what? Many of these whoopers and hollerers think they ARE well educated, prepared and anointed. Unfortunately I know a few... They're the Rev Dr.s. And yep their preaching is watered down. It is so sad, that even though some folk know somethings off they have been in one spot too long and "cant leave". They miss out on opportunities for transformation too
You know I can't receive that statement in my spirit, for the word of God states "on this ROCK I will build my church" the church is "rock solid" yes there will always be wolves in sheeps clothing, but no weapon formed against the church shall prosper.

It is not a voice of theology that is needed, but the Power of the Holy Ghost

So if they're mimicking, let them keep on, and I will be prayerful that one day "the church" will be able to say "they are playing anymore"
I mean't NOT playing anymore, not a sure sign of denial, but one of hope in Yeshua, theologians sometimes forget that. (smile)

Yes, exactly! Rather than find their identity in God, they get their spiritual DNA from some other old time preacha, who seems (by the offsprings' preaching style and substance) to have stronger spiritual genes than the Spirit of God Himself.

"They have mastered the art of preaching from the one that they sat under as budding preachers. They have failed to find their own ... voice"
Interesting comment in ministering I know I have my own voice, but I'm sure I reflect some of the teachings I received from others as they follow Christ, isn't that what we are suppose to be doing reflecting Christ?

Mastering the art of preaching is something a wolf would have to do, not to say that refined men and women with education are all wolves but the gift was there before the knowledge

we all do to some extent reflect teachings we have heard, they're built in our foundation when we're under tutors... but growth should not be stunted. At some point we mature beyond what we were fed as babes, and develop in ministry having a distinctly separate identity, refined and defined by God as we grow up in Him. This distinctly different spiritual DNA is also built in as we grow, to pass along too. The point above was that so many attempt to preach Christ with little to none of Christs' spiritual DNA built in them. Instead they take more after their earthly ministry fathers, whooping, singing the sermon, etc.

Paul implied that we do strive for the mastery, and our prize is an incorruptible crown (1 Cor 9:25).

The gifts were there before the knowledge, as you say. And, as you know, gifts are given are without repentance, but does this mean they are fully mature at the time of (new) birth? or that we're born again knowing how to flow in them? So we grow in grace in these areas too, and it further enhances our spiritual DNA in Christ. In process, God seasons us and binds it all together with measures and levels of His anointing, further proving our spiritual DNA in Him.
The gifts were there before the knowledge, as you say. And, as you know, gifts are given are without repentance, but does this mean they are fully mature at the time of (new) birth? or that we're born again knowing how to flow in them?

I like the way you put that! and yes I agree that ones have to mature,

I am personally very humbled by our foreparents, there is an ole saying "the world has grown wiser and weaker"

an indepth understanding of that adage is obvious as we see today those things in the world that we abhor as christians, not that they haven't always been here, but that they are no longer hidden but laid out proudly.

with all our knowledge we must have an understanding, and sometimes that understanding comes from just good ole fashion faith and experiences.


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