Infidelity & Cheating in a marriage...If a child is born as a result, should the spouse except the child?

If a child is born as a result of infidelity and cheating in a marriage should the spouse accept the child? More and more this is a topic amongst believers and non-believers. It is very touchy because many feel that the child being innocent in all of this deserves to have both mom and dad. What say ye?

For the sake of discussion and because this is the most common scenario, we will use the husband. Please understand what you are asking to suggest that a wife accepts her husbands child born out of infidelity. I do know of case where the wife did accept this and the husband ultimately ended up leaving her for the woman whose child he fathered.

In saying that, is it wrong if a wife decides to play the role of Sarah and demand that her husband send the woman and her child packing with no further contact.

Genesis 21:10
Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac.

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Fugett I was born into this world as a BASTARD. Besides They wouldn't hear you say that. They are bastards. That is what the bible calls them. I look at the word for what it means which is why I know that I was born a bastard.

You keep misunderstanding me. I am referring mostly to the fact of how THE OTHER WOMAN WILL PLAY INTO THE RELATIONSHIP. She is really the only factor that can destroy the marriage.
That is a spirit of fear, the other woman should not strick fear into your heart.
So then we should all just move in together and be one big happy family, right? A woman should just trust her husband to be discreet the next time he and the other woman are trapped together in her bedroom, right? LOL

All kidding aside, I don't see it as fear if a wife don't trust a WOMAN WHO HAS ALREADY had a child with her husband born out of infidelity.
EW, good discussion, this has left the issue of the child, I'll start another thread.
The issue of the child will always involve the other woman if the other woman is not willing to retreat.

The main question is, is it healthy for the marriage when a relationship is established with the child and the mother remains in the equation.
In the equation how? if he still sleeping with her, kick his butt to the curve.
I agree with that statement.... Fugett. ..still sleeping with the other women... OH My Gosh...
hello?! AMEN
Ah Ha. Sometimes when the man is dealing with the child these things can happen because of her presences. If they do as Sarah did then Abraham will have not dealings with the other women.

The point is to try and save a marriage because it is not just the wife who suffers but the children too and if keeping the other woman and her child in the equation will kill the marriage then a choice must be made.

Them or his wife and kids.
Sometimes keeping the other child around dooms a marriage.
The main question is, is it healthy for the marriage when a relationship is established with the child and the mother remains in the equation.

.. There is no way that marriage can healthy... First the marriage vow been broken., another child was concieved in sin.. Now you have to deal with the Other woman and child...The husband time have to be shared with the other child.... But there has been cases that the Husband had start spending more and more time with the Other child and woman then later on he leave his wife

this is a sticky situation.....
and the reason he leaves his wife is they never work out what their problem was or as Toni stated the wife degresses to a point where he despises her.

Sticky is the word


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