Is this what is meant by denying self, picking up His cross and following Him.......

Calling Attention of the Body of Christ

Consider how filled the church was last time you were there. Now ponder how many of those people would show up if their family declared that they would kill them if they attended?

Rifqa Bary started her 17th birthday off at 8am in an Orlando Courtroom. She is around 4’8 and 80lbs (1 Corinthians 1:24-25). Raised in the Islamic faith she prayed to God to find out who he really was, “if you’re Allah—tell me or Jesus—let me know and I will worship you”. She has accepted Christ and her father threatened he would kill her if this was true. She asked to learn more about Islam and that bought her time…but inevitably her faith was discovered through a Christian book her mother had found while her father was away from home.

This is her testimony....

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Scott, how powerful, I have actually seen this and heard testimonies of young people becoming dead to their parents. This is a frequent extreme, as well as the many that just fear the isolation, that death symbolically is imposed on them, from their families, we need to pray, support hese children and pray for those that are placed by God to operate refuges for these children.
Joh 15:18 "If the world hateth you, ye know that it hath hated me before it hated you".

Amen brother Cheeks. I learned about her this past Sunday after I spoke about missions at a church that supports missions and missionaries. . I've heard stories like this too numerous of times and daily and really all it does is makes me ashamed of myself for not fully getting involved as much as I could. I live in Orlando and this has not even made the news as of yet here. There is more news on tv about Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton coming to Orlando than about this young woman's plight.

I can't wait to finally meet her since she will be at this church once everything has been set up but she is in hiding. So yes please pray for her and others who are fearful of their vey lives and being persecuted and hated for dishonoring their family for Christ's sake. Their only crime is that they love their Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

I know that God will use her as a mighty instrument to impact the Kingdom of God and to infect the kingdom of hell.
Will this end in yet another honor killing?

It was when her father was informed by members of the Noor Islamic Cultural Center that his daughter was an apostate, that Rifqa bolted.

I hope that Ohio make the right choice, they only have one shot at this to get it right, because this girl only has one life.
God help all people being persecuted for Jesus's sake.
Hallelujah Praise God!
What Does Islam State:

They desire that you should become infidels as they are infidels so that you should be alike. So do not take any of them for friends until they emigrate for the sake of Allah So if they Turn Away so seize them and KILL them wherever you find them , and do not take from them as friends or helpers" Quran Sura 4:89 (Direct Arabic to English Translation confirmed in Quran translations of Khan, Shakir, Sherali, etc. As we know others have added words and insights outside the Arabic text to make it more appealing for Americans)

Bukhari (84:64-65) - "Allah's Apostle: 'During the last days there will appear some young foolish people who will say the best words but their faith will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have no faith) and will go out from (leave) their religion as an arrow goes out of the game. So, wherever you find them, kill them, for whoever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection.'"
Lord Bless this sweet child. This is real persecution and I pray the Lord's protection on her life. Some young people will go as far as to wear a Jesus t-shirt and think that is enough. This young woman brought tears to my eyes. My husband's eyes got watery as well so you can see how her testimony can be very effectual. Lord protect her. Amen.
Amen EW, don't forget the all encompassing evangelistic fish decal on the bumper of the Lexus (an old lexus not to mess up the new paint)... And she's not talking about muslims in Pakistan or in Iraq or in Syria. She's talking about Muslims right here in America in Ohio. Now she's here in Orlando and they don't know what to do with her. And the Muslims are very serious about their faith. Blood in and blood out, like a gang.

The question is how much do we as Christians love our God as much as these muslims do? They will kill in the name of their God. Could we lay down our lives for ours?

So where's the "Health, wealth and happiness" Gospel in this? My Bible says, "Those who live Godly will...SUFFER." But I guess preaching that won't get the money that folds to afford those bentleys and private jets for the "Super Stars" of God...LOL When a muslim receives Christ, they lose their inheritance, family, status, jobs and may be imprisoned and martyred for Christ. Their crime? They love their Lord and Savior, til' death due us part.... Can we drink from that cup? Its coming....Persecution is coming, are we prepared?
Brother Scott:
I hear you. It is coming. Lately our focus has been on the rapture and whether it's pre, mid, or post tribulation. We have been doing and in depth study on this and sadly many church folk are not even thinking of the end times. The focus is too much on having a good time.

Anyone who finds themselves LEFT BEHIND, will have to prove how much they love the Lord, just like the girl in this video. It's not going to be as simple as showing up to church with our bible tucked under our arms and our hat leaned to the side. It will be decision time. Deny Christ or die. I wonder how many will give their physical life for Christ and refuse to deny.
Yes very true...If these are the "last days" as everyone keeps telling us, as well as the signs of these times, shouldn't the church and church leadership prepare the sheep for persecution and how to stand when a Muslim puts a sword under our necks and demands us to deny our Christ? Or worse yet, put a sword under our childrens neck and demands us to deny Christ or their heads come off? How do you think we will fare? I think you already know the answer..Many will DENY their Lord and Savior. The prosperity Gospel with its lies and deception will be exposed in these times of great tribulation. As a former and devout muslim I know how seriously they take their faith. Do we? Their is no compromising the tenets and precepts of their quran and what is required of them. They have already accepted the price, even to death if need be. They are only seeking paradise with allah, while most of us seek the comfort and pleasures that this world encompasses. Which is a direct afront to Christ and all those who followed Christ in the 1st century to carry the banner of Christ with a penalty over their heads. There is a cost in following Christ. Is the slave greater than the Master?
True Ew! This video is heart touching! I am Praying for her protection. This is a wake up call for
the Church How many people today profess Jesus Christ and Yet Deny His Name In water Baptism?
If People don't want to Serve and Live for Jesus Christ Today they will be forced to make a decision when Grace will not be an option anymore. Like you said Deny Christ or die. The Facts are Real...
Food for thought.
Praise God.

Prayers has been answered this young lady will NOT have to go back to her parents.

What an awesome God we have!!

Click below fro more info.

Rifqa Bary has given a reprieve


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