Are You Auditioning for a job to preach where God has all ready appointed and sent you?...

Should you have to send an audition tape or CD to go into anothers church to preach the gospel when you are chosen and called of God?

Do you believe as I do, that those that are spiritually filled with the Holy Spirit should know and have a decerning Spirit to know those that are like spirits laboring in the vinyards of God together? ...and dost the doors are open to advance the Kingdom of God as they join in partnership.

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Thank you and God bless, Kevin Vaughan
Dr. Holiday,
How do I view this message? Sounds interesting to me.
Thank you,
Louis J. Guarine

Note: Here is the original message..its at the top of the screen.


Should you have to send an audition tape or CD to go into anothers church to preach the gospel when you are chosen and called of God?

Do you believe as I do, that those that are spiritually filled with the Holy Spirit should know and have a decerning Spirit to know those that are like spirits laboring in the vinyards of God together? ...and dost the doors are open to advance the Kingdom of God as they join in partnership.
My sister I believe if you are walking in the Will of God He is the one who apoints and anoints for your season. It is our mandate to every be in Spiritual tune or have a Spiritual discernment when God sends out the assignment to be ready to walk in your calling. Auditioning "NO" every thing I do and say I want God to get the Glory.
And God LOVES You and so do I.
God loves the person hates the actions. As Ministers (SERVANTS) of the gospel let us show compassion & love even when we are in disagreement with the actions of people No where in the Word of God have I seen Jesus attack but in love corrected, casted out demons in the name of "JESUS" every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that He is LORD. My hearts desire is that we draw those that are living a lifestyle outside of the Will of God. There is alot of things God don't like, when we look at SIN as being SIN and not putting one over another then I believe we as "SERVANTS" we will be able to speak, decree & declare with authority and things will change. Be very careful less the very hole you dig for someone else be the very hole you fall in. God Bless you and remember it was the LOVE of God that draw YOU. Allow the Love of God to be seen in you and through you that it will draw those that are not of the same faith.
Minister Margaret Denise Jones,
I agree.
Thank you,
No I don't hate you, but just as God does, I hate the sin. Brother I love you and you just seem to be hurt and quite obviously, you're going about it the wrong way. Remember.. hurt people hurt people. Please delete all your comments from this site. Its very disrespectful.
Mr. Christopher,

Only God can change a man and God does this through His Word. Give the bible a chance by reading it to hear God. If you really listen expecting to hear from God, then because He is merciful and loving, He will change your life and thoughts. God's Word has never failed anyone. Taste and see that the Lord is good. He loves you and so do all of us on this network.

But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. 2 Timothy 2:16
How right you are Timothy. That is truly the absolute truth.

But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. 2 Timothy 2:16


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