I think it is very important that preachers of today need to be seminary trained .

i say that because there are no more dumb folk in the church and i feel that it is a sad day for the preacher if he has somebody in the congregation that knows more about the bible than the preacher. Also i feel that if the pulpit is dumb then the pews are dumb.

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I'd love for you to show us, Moreh.
I'd like to know where you get evidence that the original Hebrews were african. I know the Ashanti tribe of Africa have Israelite Origins. How do you know that you are of that tribe, or of hebrew origins? I hope you are not going by just the color of your skin, because I knew several MHI's that went by their own skin color to judge their origins.

El Baruch, Shalom
This sounds interesting, but I am still skeptical. I will look into this brother. By the way. I think that the Israelites came from Shem, and that, down the line, they mixed with the sons of Ham, and that may be why many Jews were dark skinned.

I know that Ethiopians, many of them, are of Hebrew descent. All in all, its interesting, and I will look into it more later on.
Sure, that'd be fine. You can send some stuff. I watched a video on youtube about these things. very interesting.
First if you are going to check out what he said to me then check what I said to him!

Next, please go back to page 11 and see what I had to say directly to you! I am not afraid of you nor your beliefs! I am from East Saint Louis, Illinois you need to do some research on my city!
Your standard is your standard and my standard is my standard! What I meant by smorgasboard is that there several different religions and denominations! People have a right to believe what they want to believe including you!
Further no one has said anything because it is not worth it! I do you just seminary! I eat the fish and spit out the bones! For me you just have more bones!
My point is EVERYONE has right to believe whatever they want to believe! And know that I am not defensive! I came different to you than all others that I read even showed that some of your positions that I agreed with, but you just attack then say you are not attacking. You are not my authority. You can only judge for yourself what is right or wrong! You can't make a case and then try and force me to accept it!
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
LOL I like the way you handled him. He's so busy attempting to prove his religion he doens't recognize he is being combative.
I believe seminary training may prove helpful to a great degree, but Jesus' model of discipleship mentoring is far more advantageous. I meet people all over the country who put their ministry confidence in their seminary training and think to myself how shameful it is. There are those who line up their degrees behind their name; careful not to miss one - for their pride is in what they have accomplished academically. In addition, I find a new breed of pastors whose preaching is polished, mechanical and... powerless because they have no true divine call to accompany their investment of time and money in seminary. This is a fundamental problem.

The Apostle Paul was extremely well-trained, but he denounced his training in favor of divine guidance. Of course, he took advantage of certain knowledge in certain situations; but he absolutely made it known by the time he spent in Arabia after his conversion that his preparation for the Christian ministry came from God who debunked the myths his formal training had instilled. On the other hand, the Apostle Peter was among those regarded as unlearned by the religious leaders of their day, but with one distinction: it was apparent they spent time with Jesus. This confirms what Paul said to the church at Corinth when explaining why he did not put great effort into eloquence - that your faith would not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

There are many preachers I would like to encourage to pause from the work and seek some good training, but to say across the board that all preachers need to be seminary trained is like saying everyone needs a class on how to love those dear to you (pardon the analogy). For some people, it will be natural as the spirit of God come upon them for the task. For others, we must be informed through education in order to not defeat the purpose of preaching in the distractions of our own ignorance. However, let everyone of us be mentored with the understanding that the gospel distribution system is a relay race that extended from Jesus' earthly ministry to the time in which we are now graced to serve. It does not need to be reinvented which means we all will gain immensely from those who served well before us...regardless of how God might improve certain ministry efforts through us.

Erwin Scofield
My thought is that all who have a call on their life need some formal training, whether it be seminary, mentorship, or self-study, but all three require listening to the voice of God.


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