I think it is very important that preachers of today need to be seminary trained .

i say that because there are no more dumb folk in the church and i feel that it is a sad day for the preacher if he has somebody in the congregation that knows more about the bible than the preacher. Also i feel that if the pulpit is dumb then the pews are dumb.

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Very well said my Sister.....keep touching lives and shaping minds....thank God for certification.
I have clearly understood and have read everyone posts, but allow me to say that any preacher that is worth its salt should want to be continuous leaner a seeker of knowledge. Many people receive a call but along with a call are a call to preparation, and that comes through getting more knowledge of how to share the word of God so that all people can grasp and be able to say something about God. I believe that seminary is that place that you as the preacher learn so that you can go out and empower others, you can't empower somebody if you don't know you’re self. We have got get out of the habit of saying the Holy Spirit this and Holy Spirit that, don’t get me wrong I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit; but the Holy Spirit cannot give you what you have not first deposited in yourself. God created seminary for purpose I believe that everything God created is good, if we say we love God so much then we aught to want to go to place that God has made and learn, so that we can be all that God has intended and created for us to be in his ministry; it’s about anointing coupled with knowledge. Go to seminary but don't loose your burning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This debate about going to seminary is ongoing, and is continuing to be unncessary. I have compiled books that I am currently studying(without attending seminary), and it would greatly help anyone.


Here is the list of books that will get you on the start.


Basics Of Biblical Greek Grammar By William Mounce

Basics Of New Testament Syntax By Daniel Wallace

Greek Grammar beyond The Basics By Daniel Wallace

The Complete Vocabulary Guide To The Greek New Testament By Warren C. Trenchard

Graded Reader Of Biblical Greek By William Mounce

New Testament Syntax By Daniel Wallace & Grant C. Edwards

Morphology Of Biblical Greek By William Mounce

The Greek New Testament (UBS)

Invitation To The Septuagint by Karen H. Jobes And Moises

Septuaginta by Alfred Rahlfs And Robert Hanhart

The Use Of The Septuagint In New Testament Research by R. Timothy McLay

An Introduction To The Old Testament In Greek by Henry Barclay Swete

Grammar Of The Septuagint Greek by F.C Conybeare

Koine Greek Reader by Rodney Decker

Greek-English Lexicon Of The Septuagint


The Cannon Of The New Testament: Its Origin, Development, And Significance By Bruce Metzger

The Text Of The New testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, And Restoration By Bruce Metzger

The Early Versions Of The New testament: Their Origin, Transmission, and Limitations By Bruce Metzger

Manuscripts Of The Greek Bible: An Introduction To Paleography By Bruce Metzger

Textual Commentary On The Greek New Testament By Bruce Metzger

The Text Of The New Testament An Introduction To The Critical Editions And To The Theory And Practice Of Modern Textual Criticism by Kurt Atland & Barbara Atland

The Text-Critical Use Of The Septuagint In Biblical Research by Emmanuel Tov

The LXX Version: A Guide To The Translation Technique Of The Septuagint by Staffan Olofsson


Dictionary Of Jesus And The Gospels By Joel B Green, Scot McKnight, and I Howard Marshall

Dictionary Of New Testament Background By Craig A. Evans and Stanley E. Porter

Dictionary Of Paul And His Letters By Gerald F. Hawthorne, Ralph P. Martin, and Daniel G. Reid

Dictionary Of Later New Testament And Its Developments By Ralph P. Martin and Peter H. Davids

Dictionary Of The Old Testament: Pentateuch By David W. Baker and T. Desmond Alexander

Dictionary Of The Old Testament: Historical Books By Bill T. Arnold and H. G. M. Williamson

Dictionary Of The Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry & Writings By Tremper, III Longman and Peter Enns

Social World Of Ancient Israel: 1250-587 By Don C. Benjamin and Victor H. Matthews

Dictionary Of Biblical Imagery By Leland Ryken, Jim Wilhoit, Tremper Longman, and Colin Duriez

Figures Of Speech Used In The Bible: Explained And Illustrated by E.W Bullinger

Dictionary Of Major Biblical Interpreters By Donald K. McKim

Historical Handbook Of Major Biblical Interpreters By Donald K. McKim

The Old Testament: Text And Context by Victor H. Matthews & James C. Moyer

Ancient Near Eastern Thought And The Old Testament: Introducing The Conceptual World Of The Hebrew Bible by John H. Walton

Old Testament Today: A Journey from Original Meaning to Contemporary Significance by Andrew E. Hill & John H. Walton

More Than Meets The Ear: Discovering The Hidden Contexts Of Old Testament Conversations by Victor H. Matthews

Studying The Ancient Israelites by Victor H. Matthews

Old Testament Parallels by Victor H. Matthews

The Social World Of The Hebrew Prophets by Victor H. Matthews

The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament By John H. Walton, Victor H. Matthews, and Mark W. Chavalas

The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament By Craig S. Keener

New Manners And Customs Of The Bible Times By Ralph Gower

Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Manners & Customs: How The People Of The Bible Really Lived By Howard F. Vos

IVP Atlas Of Bible History By Paul Lawrence, Alan Millard, John Walton, and Heinrich Von Siebenthal

Introducing Early Christianity: A Topical Survey Of Its Life, Beliefs & Practices By Laurie, Ph.D. Guy

Backgrounds Of Early Christianity By Everett Ferguson

Church History Volume One: from Christ To Pre-Reformation: The Rise And Growth Of The Church, Intellectual, and Political Context by Everett Ferguson

Introduction To The History Of Christianity: First Century To The Present Day by Tim Dowley

Christian Jihad: Two Former Muslims Look At The Crusades And Killing In The Name Of Christ By Ergun Mehmet Caner

Between The Testaments: From Malachi To Matthew By S. Kent Brown and Richard Neitzel Holzapfel


Beginner's Guide To New Testament Exegesis By Richard J. Erickson

Biblical Greek Exegesis By George H. Guthrie and J. Scott Duvall

Exegetical Dictionary Of The New Testament By Horst Balz

Exegetical Fallacies By D. A. Carson

The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction To Biblical Interpretation By Grant R. Osborne


Philosophical Foundations For A Christian World View By J. P. Moreland and William Lane Craig

Introduction To Philosophy: A Christian Perspective By Norman L. Geisler and Paul D. Feinberg

Philosophy Of Religion By Norman L. Geisler and Winfried Corduan

Come, Let Us Reason: An Introduction To Logical Thinking By Norman L. Geisler and Ronald M. Brooks

Body & Soul: Human Nature & The Crisis In Ethics By James Porter Moreland and Scott B. Rae

Biblical Ethics By Robertson McQuilkin

Ethics: Approaching Moral Decisions By Arthur F. Holmes

Kingdom Ethics: Following Jesus In Contemporary Context By Glen H. Stassen and David P. Gushee

Readings In Christian Ethics By David K. Clark and Robert V. Rakestraw

Cries Of The Heart By Ravi Zacharias

Universe Next Door By James Sire

Renovation Of The Heart: Putting On The Character Of Christ By Dallas Willard

The Spirit Of The Disciplines: Understanding How God Change Lives By Dallas Willard

The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life In God By Dallas Willard

Making Sense Of It All By Thomas V. Morris

Moral Relativism: A Reader By Paul K. Moser & Thomas L. Carson

A Christian's Guide To Critical Thinking By Henry A. Virkler

The Theory Of Knowledge By Paul K. Moser, Dwayne H. Mulder, And J.D Trout

The Gagging Of God By D.A Carson

The Truth War: Fighting For Certainty In An Age Of Deception By John MacArthur

Encountering Religious Pluralism By Harold A. Netland

Can Man Live Without God By Ravi Zacharias

Deliver Us From Evil By Ravi Zacharias

The Real Face Of Atheism by Ravi Zacharias

The Grand Weaver By Ravi Zacharias

The Lotus And The Cross: Jesus Talks With Buddha By Ravi Zacharias

The Lamb And The Fuhrer: Jesus Talks With Hitler By Ravi Zacharias

Sense And Sensuality: Jesus Talks To Oscar Wilde On The Pursuit Of Pleasure by Ravi Zacharias

New Birth Or Rebirth? Jesus Talks With Krishna

The End Of Reason By Ravi Zacharias & Lee Strobel

Beyond Opinion: Living The Faith We Defend By Ravi Zacharias

Walking From East To West: God In The Shadows By Ravi Zacharias

The Philosophical Challenge Of Religious Diversity By Phillip L. Quinn & Kevin Meeker


Jesus Among Other Gods: The Absolute Claims Of The Christian Message By Ravi Zacharias

Faith In Conflict: Christian Integrity In A Multicultural World By Vinoth Ramachandra

Unveiling Islam: An Insider's Look At Muslim Life And Beliefs By Ergun Mehmet Caner & Emir Fethi Caner

Islam Revealed: A Christian Arab's View Of Islam By Anis Shorrosh

Answering Islam: The Crescent In Light Of The Cross By Norman Geisler & Abdul Saleeb

The Formation Of Islam: Religion And Society In The Near East, 600-1800 By Jonathan P. Berkey

More Than A Prophet: An Insider's Response To Muslim Beliefs About Jesus & Christianity By Ergun Mehmet Caner & Emir Fethi Caner

Voices Behind The Veil: The World Of Islam By Ergun Mehmet Caner

Islam For Dummies By Malcolm Clark

The Costly Call: Modern- Day Stories Of Muslims Who Found Jesus By Emir Fethi Caner & H. Edward Pruitt

The Costly Call, Book 2: The Untold Story By Emir Fethi Caner & H. Edward Pruitt

Prophet Of Doom: Islam's Terrorist Dogma In Muhammad's Own Words By Craig Winn

Out Of The Crescent Shadows: Leading Muslim Women Into The Light Of Christ By Ergun Mehmet Caner & Emir Fethi Caner

God's Rivals By Gerald R. McDermott

Unmasking The New Age By Douglas R. Groothuis

The Making Of The New Spirituality By James A. Herrick

Awakening Of A Jehovah's Witness: Escape From The Watch Tower Society By Diane Wilson

Arius: Heresy & Tradition By Rowan Williams

I, Witness: The Shocking Insider's Story Of Jehovah's Witness By Daniel Clark

Apocalypse Delayed: The Story Of Jehovah's Witnesses By James Penton

Jehovah's Witnesses: Their Claims, Doctrinal Changes, And Prophetic Speculation. What Does The Record Show? By Edmond C. Gruss

Crisis Of Conscience By Raymond Franz

Index Of Watchtower Errors 1879 To 1989 By David A. Reed

How Wide The Divide: A Mormon & An Evangelical In Conversation By Craig L Blomberg & Stephen E. Robinson

Mormonism For Dummies By Jana Riess & Christopher Kimball Bigelow

Out Of Mormonism: A Woman's True Story By Judy Robertson

Mormonism Unmasked: Confronting The Contradictions Between Mormon Beliefs And True Christianity By R. Philip Roberts

The God Makers: A Shocking Expose Of What The Mormon Church Really Believes By Ed Decker & Dave Hunt

The Mormon Conspiracy By Charles Wood

Catholicism For Dummies By John Trigilio & Kenneth Brighenti

The Gospel According to Rome By James McCarthy

The Roman Catholic Controversy By James White

Roman Catholics And Evangelicals: Agreements And Differences By Norman Geisler & Ralf E. MacKenzie

Letters Between A Catholic And An Evangelical By James G. MacCarthy & John R. Waiss

Reasoning From The Scriptures With Catholics By Ron Rhodes

The 10 Most Important Things You Can Say To A Catholic By Ron Rhodes

Talking With Catholic Friends And Family By James G. McCarthy

A Concise History Of The Catholic Church By Thomas Bokenkotter

Buddhism For Dummies by Jonathan Landaw

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Hinduism by Linda Johnsen

An Introduction To The Baha'i Faith by Peter Smith


The Resurrection Of The Son Of God By N.T Wright

Jesus & The Victory Of God By N.T Wright

Matthew For Everyone: Chapters 1-15 & 16-28 by N.T Wright

Mark For Everyone by N.T Wright

Luke For Everyone by N.T Wright

John For Everyone: Chapters 1-10 & 11-21 by N.T Wright

Acts For Everyone, Part 1 & 2 by N.T Wright

Paul For Everyone: Romans: Chapters 1-8 & 9-16 by N.T Wright

Paul For Everyone: 1 Corinthians & 2 Corinthians by N.T Wright

Paul For everyone: Galatians & Thessalonians by N.T Wright

Paul For Everyone: The Prison Letters: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon by N.T Wright

Hebrews For Everyone by N.T Wright

Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense N.T Wright

The Challenge Of Jesus: Resdiscovering Who Jesus Was And Is by N.T Wright

Surprised By Hope: Rethinking Heaven, The Resurrection, And The Mission Of The Church N.T Wright

Christians At The Cross: Finding Hope In The Passion, Death, And Resurrection Of Jesus By N.T Wright

For All God's Worth: True Worship And The Calling Of The Church By N.T Wright

Paul: In Fresh Perspective By N.T Wright

The Climax Of The Covenant: Christ And The Law In Pauline Theology by N.T Wright

Following Jesus: Biblical Reflections On Discipleship by N.T Wright

New Testament For Everyone Gospel Set by N.T Wright

Lord And His Prayer By N. T Wright

Evil & The Justice Of God By N.T Wright

Judas And The Gospel Of Jesus: Have We Missed The Truth About Christianity? By N.T Wright

Following Jesus: Biblical Reflections On Discipleship By N.T Wright

The Last Word: Beyond The Bible Wars To A New Understanding Of The Authority Of Scripture By N.T Wright

Gospel According To Jesus: What Does Jesus Mean When He Says," Follow Me?" By John MacArthur

Jesus Remembered(Christianity In The Making, Vol. 1) By James D. G. Dunn

Beginning from Jerusalem (Christianity in the Making, vol. 2) By James D. G Dunn

The Perspective On Paul By James D. G Dunn

The Theology Of Paul The Apostle By James D. G Dunn

New Perspective on Jesus, A: What the Quest for the Historical Jesus Missed by James D. G Dunn

The Christ And The Spirit: Pneumatology by James D. G Dunn

Jesus, Paul and the Law: Studies in Mark and Galatians by James D. G Dunn

Unity and Diversity in the New Testament: An Inquiry into the Character of Earliest Christianity by James D. G Dunn

The Moral Vision of the New Testament: Community, Cross, New Creation, A Contemporary Introduction to New Testament Ethics by Richard B. Hayes

Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul by Richard B. Hayes

I, Issac, Take Thee, Rebekah: Moving From Romance To Lasting Love By Ravi Zacharias

Knowing God By J.I Packer

Hard Sayings Of The Bible By Peter H. Davids, Frederick Fyvie Bruce, Manfred T. Brauch, And Walter C. Kaiser

In Search Of Confident Faith By J.P Moreland & Klaus Issler

In The Company Of Jesus By Bill Donahue

Jesus Made In America By Stephen Nichols

Why Churches Die: Diagnosing Lethal Poisons In The Body Of Christ by Mac Brunson & Ergun Caner

Jesus Christ: Teacher, Servant, And Savior By John Stott

The Logos: The Truth ... According To God's Mind by Alfonso J. Fernandez

Contextualization In The New Testament: Pattererns For Theology And Mission by Dean Flemming

Jesus: Uncovering The Life, Teachings, And Religious Revolutionary by Marcus Borg


Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge Of Intelligent Design by Barbara Forest

Darwin On Trial by Phillip E. Johnson

Defeating Darwinism By Opening Minds by Phillip E. Johnson

Reason In The Balance by Phillip E. Johnson

The Wedge Of Truth by Phillip E. Johnson

The Design Revolution by William A. Dembski

Intelligent Design by William A. Dembski

The Privileged Planet by Guillermo Gonzalez

The Biblical Basis For Modern Science by Henry M. Morris
Great book list, they would be extremely helpful in making anyone who went to seminary much more ready for the experience, but if one were not able to go at this time, they would help with self-study, but self-study does not equate to the seminary experience!
Well said....the brother should have kept his opinion in the first person. HE does not need to go to seminary, but he cannot tell others WHAT they need to do to walk worthy of their calling, or WHAT they need to do in humble submission to their God and to His call to rightly divide the word of truth.....HE didn't need to go....I don't know if he is a pastor or not--but my bishopric demanded that I go, and so did my ignorance! The self-taught are in breach of the very scripturual principles they purport to have made themselves expert in. This surelly does not equate to BEING taught....again Bro. McD., well said.
My Brother....please do not waste your time arguing with folks who have other agendas on this forum other than to have community, share and learn from each other, and to fellowship with other preachers....it is getting STALE and it really is poor stewardship of our time.....don't get drawn out into the debuncle....some of these things we are instructed to avoid because they increase to more ungodliness, and they gender strife". I am not HUGE fan of Shaul (Paul)--but he was SURE right on those issues--LOL...I don't know about you, but my time will be better spent making sure I don't cheat my people on Sunday (the NON-sabbath---hmmmmm, if we are true shabbat observers, we sure should not be on this forum WORKING or ARGUING---it ain't holy)....lol

Peace my Brother.
Why are you not a big fan of Paul?
2 Peter 3:15-16: And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, 16 as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.

It seems to me that even Peter found it hard to understand some of Paul's writings.

I would not say that Paul condemned the oral Torah. That is a misunderstanding among many. Paul did not, and could not condemn what he followed.

Romans 7:12 - So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.

Galatians 3:19 - Why then the law? It was added because of transgressions, until the offspring should come to whom the promise had been made, and it was put in place through angels by an intermediary.
Aah ok. I understand now. I agree that Paul, as well as Y'shua, condemned traditional torah material.
I believe that it is a sad day when we use the word dumb when referring to Gods chosen men and women of God as well as Gods sheep. It's not that I don't believe we as Gods mouth piece should be more prepared but the Holy Spirit knows more than anyone on this planet because he is the Spirit of God. Yes seminary school is important.but sometimes there is so much training that the Holy Spirit has to sit on the side lines as man moves in his training rather than allow God to take full control.
You know friends, sometimes we believe that we have to choose between direct and indirect teaching from the Holy Spirit. We really don't. Either, Or and Both are absolutely profitable to the man or woman of God. One of the most important ministries of the Holy Spirit is to reveal the truths of God's Word to the heart of the believer. Just as the Word of God was written by men who were "moved" upon by the Holy Spirit, He is still the author of the book. Certainly the author of a book is best able to explain what is really meant by its contents. What is especially wonderful is that every believer can have the Author of the bible as his/her personal teacher and guide. Jesus took his disciples to seminary where he was the professor who taught all classes. But He promised them that when He left, He would send another (one who is the same as He) that would teach them ALL truths.

But it doesn't stop there.... we don't get this intense internal seminary study with the Holy Spirit for nothing. We forget the great commission, that we are to TEACH as well as preach when making disciples. (Matt 28:18-20). Not only that but this is seen throughout the book of acts (Acts 2:42, 5:4, 11:26) We get so focused on being "spiritual" in our learning that we miss the "practical" of the anointing. LOL

Jesus not only taught His disciples how to win souls but He taught them how to teach/disciple others. What difference does it make if a person decides to go to seminary to increase their knowledge of God's word, it's history, it's geography, the original languages, the cultural differences etc.? Can not the Holy Spirit be present in such a place as a .....seminary? I thank and praise God for the men and women who are being "moved upon" by the Holy Spirit to illuminate the scriptures to those believers who have a thirst for more knowledge about God's word. I praise God for the libraries that were kept by the learned men in biblical days so that we could have the information available to us today. Do we think that the only thing the Holy Spirit is leading men and women to write is the closed canon?

So friends, should a person chose to be educated by the Holy Spirit directly or indirectly through a servant of God...give glory to God! Seminary is not a must have but a good to have. It is no different from us being thankful that we no longer have to go to a little house on the prairie school where all grades are in one building. It is no different from us being thankful that we are now being taught biblical principles by men and women who can read vs those who couldn't. What happened back then was what had to happen because it was all they had and the Holy Spirit perfected their weakness.

Formal biblical training develops a thirst for....more knowledge about God. At least it does for me. I experience BOTH direct training from the Holy Spirit who leads me to answers to questions I haven't even asked. LOL And then through my instructors, my professors, skill is developed and discipline enforced through the abundance of work and studying required.

Man, I was doing a lesson just this weekend and couldn't get passed the first page of homework questions because the Holy Spirit kept leading me to another path. He led me to the noted conflict and history of Hellinistic Jews vs native Jews. Acts 6:1, 9:29 & 11:20. I was found myself asking Him why was He highlighting this word ... or bringing it to my attention while I was trying to do home work on leadership...LOL Oh man...it became a four hour study of the Holy Spirit just leading and guiding me into the truths of the scripture pertaining to the cultural differences between the two sects and then He showed me how we have the same problems in modern day Christianity. It was awesome!!!! The Holy Spirit was gracious and gave me strength to stay awake and finish the rest of my homework which was plentious to say the least.

(sorry I get long winded when talking about the Lord. Have a good evening everyone)
To true!

I have a book called, Power through Prayer and Purpose in Prayer by E.M.Bounds.

There have been countless testimonies of men who were led by the holy spirit through prayer in the book.
But it is a true resource to use to be able to learn from and acquire an understanding on prayer and how some of the best ministers of our era subjected themselves to the Will of Yah. The most important lesson it taught me was. Preparation of the Spirit. That is what the entire 2 books are about.


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