I think it is very important that preachers of today need to be seminary trained .

i say that because there are no more dumb folk in the church and i feel that it is a sad day for the preacher if he has somebody in the congregation that knows more about the bible than the preacher. Also i feel that if the pulpit is dumb then the pews are dumb.

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You know what, you guys remind me of the Pharisees in Matthew 12. Running behind adding your two sense on what you think God can and cannot do!

No offense, but its the truth! LOLLLLLLLLL
I didn't mean it as a literally interpretation of the scripture! My brotha, My brotha. Hey, I'm not the most eloquent person and I don't pretend to be! But, STOP THE MADNESS! I was speaking in the context of the "Religiously Educated" debating things continuously, and going as far as debating them with our Lord!

Let me ask you a really simple question, "Do you think the gates of heaven will be closed to those who worship on Sunday? Do you think the gates of heaven will be closed to those who worship on Saturday?" Obviously, I'm going to assume that your answer is NO, considering that we are now in the "Grace covenant." (I didn't know the EXACT thing to call it!) So why does it matter?

Let's go further into Matthew 12, to me all this debating is doing nothing but dividing the house of God. I've seen you go as far as say that someone's undershepherd is a false teacher! Come on now.....we all need to get on one page! Focus on the true matter at hand, SAVING SOULS DURING THESE FINAL DAYS! And saving those souls by being obedient to the Heavenly Vision God gave each and everyone of us individually!

That's all I want to say.........God bless you all! ~Agape!
Why does it seem to me that Christians don't like to hear others opinions or views when it doesnt' coincide with their opinions or views? True I don't like it when there are personal attacks but how can we understand one another if there is no dialog and why can't we agree to disagree if it's in love and respect. I know for a fact not everyone agrees with what I say when I post and that's fine with me and I do appreciate it to start the dialog process so we can reach out to one another and reach and understanding of one another even if it's not in agreement. I don't think this site is just for warm and fuzzy feelings all the time. Just my 2 cents opinion. God bless.
This is very true. Jesus was speaking of the Gentiles, grafted in.
Just curious---what proof is there in the text that Yeshua was actually referring to the gentiles? Hmmmmm....I know this is what we have always been told, but now I am starting to wonder.....who are the gentiles for REAL....check an older version of the KJV Moreh....Genisis 10 reveals the first usage of the word Gentile....and who they REALLY are...it's surprising (: .....it is the descendents of those called Gentiles in Gen. 10 that Shaul actually preached to--also calling them gentiles....see, now you done gone and opened a can of worms...lol

Check it out and let me know what you think....you should seriously think about starting that thread.
hmmmmmmm.....when I researched the descendents of the Japethites in Genesis 10....these were essentially the territories that Shaul was sent to....don't you think that's interesting given the fact that in the NT--it is he who uses the term quite a bit??? I think it came to mean those outside of the Yisraelites later on---especially since Abre-Ham was said to be a gentile. The term (meaning stranger or foreigner) has almost became almost derrogatory..yes TOO MUCH for this site....you are TOO funny....lol

Shalom to all my Hebriac Mispochah...Shalom Ach Moreh
Wasn't anyone not considered an Israelite considered a Gentile and not just white Europeans as we think of today but any that weren't of the chosen lineage.
All I know Moreh, is that I ain't no Gentile....LOL....now if you go there, you KNOW you are going to get blasted....and so will I for even discussing such a thing. ...now Moreh, then WHO are ALL those folks residing in Yisrael that we are told to bless with our money and prayers....ok....now I done opened a can of worms. You really need to start another thread....this is definitely not seminary stuff here....LOL...but honestly, I probably would not ever question any of what we have been taught had I not gone to seminary....I'll continue to take those tools given me there, other resources (including G_d's people), and prayer to dig---I know that I will never know all truth, but I do need to know all truth that I need to know to please G_d in my divine assignment.
So are you saying that what we have learned in school is just MESS??? If we can get all directly from G-d Himself, then we do not need ANY 5-fold ministers at all. Wow--that's deep. I guess I shouldn't have gone to school to learn how to be a psychologist either--I could have gotten that on my face for that knowledge too.....and saved me a whole lot of time and money...lol...all I can say is WOW.

There are many who do not believe in G-d as I do, but they too have value, and I have learnd something from them....I will agree with you on this tho MarQ--we definitely need to spend more time fasting and praying and seeking the Lord....you won't get any argument out of me there for SURE....all I can say is WOW....Mamma didn't tell me it was going to be like THIS when she told me to get my education....
I was taught by my pastor and bishop FIRST for 15 years....you are right. I went because my bishop insisted that I needed to go. For what EVER reason, most of the other preachers at my church were not prompted to do so....I went out of obedience to my leader....but I did NOT see the need... for years, I just would not go....I couldn't get with the program. I didn't even think it was being disobedient to my leader, but it was! Then one day, he told me "you don't know WHAT the Lord will call you to do---you say now that you will never pastor---get your degree so whenever He DOES call you to do something else, you don't have to get ready, you're already in place". That convinced me.

I thought I would be a teacher and evangelist the rest of my life. I am glad I obeyed.... He died suddently 3 days after I applied to school....how crushing...and now I am pastoring and training 5-fold ministers here and abroad--BOY, am I eating CROW---lol. But Moreh, I agree we should be taught by our leaders first-- but somebody had to teach them...even the prophets of old went to schools of the prophets. Even if we all got everything from G_d himself, we would still have to have some systemmatic way of studying and teaching these things. Plus, we'd all get different revelations in some regard or another. I don't get it---probably never will....so as I said, I'll let you guys have it....lol...a sista knows when to bow out gracefully.,...lol

My goal is to bring more 5-fold teaching there to the seminary that I graduated from-- I would like to teach there, rather than teach undergraduate school....neither of which I could do without the proper credentials to do so....we reallly did not learn a lot of doctrine in school....we were exposed to different schools of thought --but not forced to choose. So I am not sure how people can generalize to ALL seminaries based on their own experience. I think being exposed to how others think and believe makes us more tolerable and tolerant, and more apt to dialogue with those who do not believe as we do. If we are closed to everybody not like us, how can we ever learn from each other?

Ach Moreh, I am aware that the word God literally has no meaning....its origin is of uncertain affinity. I am also aware of the conspiracy to categorically remove the revealed names of God from our "Bible". I do this so as not to offend others-- but it seems I am doing so anyway. I have seen you use it too, have I not? I cannot blast every thing and every body and expect to be effective or to learn from them. Oh Lord, your "prophetness" is coming out Moreh...lol...I must become all things to others (that I am permitted by Yah to become) so that I might win Christ....

well our dialogue is getting extensive here....don't want to HOG the thread....hit me up by e-mail if you need to.....thanks.
I thought (and maybe I'm off base) that the prophets (if we are speaking of the prophets of old) weren't formally educated but chosen and educated by God. God spoke through these men such as Samuel, Elijah, Isaiah, Moses and all. What school are you speaking of when you say a school of prophets please? Thanks.
John, do you know the judgment on a prophet whose prophecies do not come true? It's not a slap on the wrist that's for sure.

Also, what is meant by "educated". I ask because many knock seminary training which is just training on God's word yet we forget that God's word, before written on papyrus was literally a spoken word passed down from teacher to student from parent to children from the teachers in the synagogues to the priests in training. "seminary" (for the lack of a better descriptive word) was a way of life for the priests. The priests were supposed to know God's word, the were supposed to know the laws that governed the lives of the people from finances to relationships. Do you think they were asking one another should they be "learned" men back then or did they go Nike and JUST DO IT..


ok that was my 2 cents, my 10 cents was free. LOL

(off subject, I'm a little miffed because my cat chewed my back cushion and my favorite shoes. I hurt my back lifting some chairs -- superwoman and all. I was raised with dogs as pets; so why did I break tradition and become a cat owner? Well, I wanted a cat because it is a mostly independent animal. Dogs can be too dependent. And their intellect doesn't match a cats. Would it be wrong for me to kick him out...LOL j/k I love my little Oscar)

By now you should know that I didn't mention that just to be witty and divert your attention. I was raised Christian and realize that there were sooo many who were satisfied with the milk of the word and had no desire to grow up to eat the meat of the word. So, I broke tradition and dared ask God to help me be dependent on him but maintain independent thought from the traditions of men. I am not a humanist nor do I believe in an all inclusive and tolerant religion. I'm just a word woman who always asks the question,,,why.

I say this because I see a hunger and a thirst in you that God will most definitely satisfy. Keeping asking questions....continue to seek God and you will most definitely find Him... He's a little too big to hide ...LOL

The more we learn about the Lord, the more we see things as He sees it. It becomes little A-HA moments like when God opened Elisha's eyes so that he could see the army of angels that were surrounding He and Elijah.


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