I think it is very important that preachers of today need to be seminary trained .

i say that because there are no more dumb folk in the church and i feel that it is a sad day for the preacher if he has somebody in the congregation that knows more about the bible than the preacher. Also i feel that if the pulpit is dumb then the pews are dumb.

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....this is good McDonald...I hadn't thought if on this wise. I can tell you from experience, even today, EVERY time the Dean of our School of Theology opens his mouth -- I hear GOD....the revelation is soooooooooooo deep, and it is couched in knowledge and understanding...God has invested Himself in this man's psyce and is responsible for his genious....people clearly hear God in his preachment, council, and in his classes. But the Dean is responsible to for his own study, and self development....

I see your point clearly here...there is no garauntee that there is any more "spirit" in our pastors or teachers than in those pastors, prophets, and teachers in the seminary...WHERE one teaches has nothing to do with the anointing. This is a really good point...I have been enlightened....thanks for sharing.

Bishop H.
How about we shut this discussion down. THIS discussion is the longest on this preaching network. We all said our peace. Its starting to become annoying.

If you want to believe seminary is a must for Christians, then go ahead.

There are people that disagree with that, such as myself. Seminary is not neccessary. All it takes is a determination, focus, and persistent, to become biblically literate.

Lets discontinue this conversation.

God bless
While I agree with those that state the power of the anointing is essential, there is absolutely nothing wrong with ministers of the gospel attending seminary. No one would underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit in the preaching ministry. Jesus states, without me, you can do nothing. Schooling provides more tools for the men and women of God. There was a day that you could just pick up a bible and start preaching. Our people have evolved. There are lawyers and doctors in our congregations. There are children that aspire to be used in ministry. Seminary did not teach me to preach, but it taught me to how do exhaustive study. Paul tells Timothy to study. A lot of errant doctrine is being preached as a result of those who do not have the ability to compare texts, understand who or why it was written and the relevance of the text to our day.
2Pet 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 2Tim 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. Doesn't say you have to go to seminary to receive that! Not saying going to those schools are a waste but am saying I can get what I need from the scriptures (God). If you feel schooling makes you better understand God's Word then so be it for you. You don't have to go to school to do exhaustive study in God's Word, it should be something that is done and cross referencing each and everytime you study His Word. It's not a dead book you read once.
Since preachers do not need to be educated, but only depend on self-study, their pastors (who also do not need to be educated), and on the Holy Ghost --then all medical doctors, called of God and gifted with healing, should not attend school either. They should be self-educated, taught by another doctor, or just let the Holy Ghost teach them...I'm sure we'd ALL love to put our lives in the hands of those types of doctors....LOL....LOL (it would sure be a cheaper co-pay).

My Beloveds, I'd have to agree with MarcQ....this IS getting rather stale...we obviously will never agree, so "let us hear the conclusion of the WHOLE matter, FEAR God and keep His commandments....this is the WHOLE duty of man." The truth is NONE of us REALLY know what we're doing, even WITH the Holy Ghost--we are always being challenged by the Holy One to stretch, expand, evolve, and change (especially with regards to our coming into DIMENSIONS of His truth).

Love all Yall...
Bishop H.
Oh my, my dearest Ach Moreh....OUCH!!!

Sorry, I cannot purport to know all of what I am doing....only that I must solely depend on the Spirit of God, and what I have been taught to lead me....and He cannot lead me beyond my willingness to mature and go into areas unknown (of myself, of others, of truth, and of the spirit realm). Truth is multidimensional, so are people.....ALL things come from Him. So many things are yet hidden..."for the things that are in secret belong to God, but the things that are revealed belong to man"....walking by faith does not connote that I must always even KNOW...but that I obey what I BELEIVE the Ruach is saying.

If I know everything that I am doing in my calling, then I have already maximized....but as Shaul, I have not already attained... I doubt that I am even close. This is not some issue of false humility, but one of fact. I know more now than I did 10 years ago, 20 years ago, LAST year....and this means that 20, 10, 1 year ago, I was not called? Because I continue to learn, mature, and evolve - YAH did not call me? WOW!

There are soooooooo many people who know far more than I do....this is why I continue to submit myself to mentors, and even my peers....because they have had revelations, experiences, and some expertise that I do not yet possess. Perhaps you and others know what you're doing regarding your entire divine assignment, but I do not....and I ain't closing up shop either....lol...unless He tells me to....and I am certainly not closed to the idea. Just as King Yehosephat said...."...we do not know WHAT to do by reason of this great multitude--but our eyes are on YOU..." THEN came prophetic instruction---after the Leader, the one in authority, admitted to not knowing what he was doing.

We will probably not agree on Theological issues.....but I would not dare assume that YOU are in error or decieved...this is a low blow! I firmly believe that truth and spirit have dimensions---they are constantly being revealed. The heavens declare the glory of God--whether by nature, through humanity, theophanies, wisdom, spirit, or of word....He keeps revealing Himself to me.

I just learned from another learned preacher about VA state law and some federal laws about offerings and tithes. All this time, I was doing what my pastor taught me to do...in fact, many of the churches I have preached in do the exact same thing.....the laws have evolved, and some I was completely oblivious to. CLEARLY, in this regard of church administration, I did not know what I was doing. So I should close up shop? YAH (see, there I'm saying it over and over--ROFL) did not CALL me? WOW!

I will not defend whether Yah called me or not....that was so FAR below the belt I cannot even respond to it.

Love you back Dearest Ach....but that was LOW even for my brother--LOL...Brothers ALWAYS give their sisters a hard time, right? I STILL say, let us fear YAH, and keep HIS commandments--THIS (ONLY) is the whole duty of man.
Ach Moreh, now you know I was just messing with you.....and trying to explain what I meant by not knowing what I'm doing. On the "fa-real".,...this is the way me and my natural brother cut up with each other....and then we fall out laughing. Did you really think I was going to leave a response to me that was THAT heavy out there without rebuttal like DAT?

On a serious note, now that you have ellaborated, I am understanding more of what you were saying....kind of like you woudn't send a child to do an adult's job? Am I on track here with this? If I am, then this indeed true.

I think you should know by now Dearest Brother when I am REALLY offended....I'll e-mail you personally....LOL

As I said to my Bro. John, doing what I do, and knowing the LITTLE I know (hehehe), we get banged up quite a bit out here --(most prophetic people do)....it comes with the job, goes with the turf, so my skin ain't THAT thin.

I am a former athlete (though you'd hardly know it now--LOL)....when I was in college, I was running a basketball game with the fellas. One of them clipped me because he was checking me like a man. The brothers admonished him about checking me so hard because I was a "girl"...The brother exclaimed, ".....this ain't no gender game, it's a basketball game, she's OUT here ain't she???--if she don't wanna be played like everybody else, then she need to just play the girls". I got up off the floor, cleaned the blood off my face, and once I stopped seeing stars--lol--I got back in the game, helped win it,THEN went to the emergency room for a broken nose. Seemed harsh, but I learned a powerful lesson that day. If you're going to be out there, then you've gotta be played like every body else....I only broke my nose playing with the fellas--but broke my ribs and an ankle playing with the sistas---so see, it really doesn't matter WHO we play with in terms of gender or of players. We're all out here---and we are ALL being attacked because we're trying to play ball.... really, my skin is not that thin.

I was REALLY messing with you (as I thought you were doing with me)....but look at the RICH dialogue that is evolving....Ooooh, I like this one Ach..."we are moving FORWARD in the knowledge"....this is the same as I meant by "dimensions of truth"....

oh, and you KNOW I am curious about these lifestlyle issues we disagree upon....start the thread Ach---PLEEZE....this is getting exciting....

One last thing--how YOU know where to put the band-aid when there ain't no boo-boo? ROFL

No joke, I love yall....lol
what makes you think we want to talk to you now... LOL.. j/k bro. (you know I'm in the corner just reading all of the chitter chattter amongst the sanctified, holy ghost filled and fire water baptized saints up in here.

I'm loving reading the dialogue.

(ok, going back corner with my popcorn and kit kats)
that's when I turn around and see John and ask, "was that YOU singing off key during praise and worship" LOL
ROFL.....priceless Rev! I am enjoying you all today very much....quite refreshing to experience the genious in your wit....that was TOO funny....STILL LOL
I love IT Pastor Tracy--you are too funny...that was Good Sis.


P.S. Did you ever get rested from the other day?


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