Karen Pfeifer


Benton Harbor, MI

United States

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International Mega Harvest Ministries
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  • Malibongwe

    The purpose of God is what sustains the universe. His wonderful mercies and his ever lasting grace. Networking is what im here for, so feel free to message me women of God. God bless.
  • Rev. Kelvin D. Hall

    We are having a program that same weekend so we will not be able to attend. Pray for us as we will be praying for you. Keep me informed o any other up coming events. God bless your heart.
  • Pastor Dr. Netreia D. Carroll

    Would love to be apart. Just call 8583804238
  • Pastor Keenan S. Wilson

    I am a male,look at my profile,other then that our Fellowship would love to be a part
  • Apostle J Y Smith

    Grace and Peace Minister Karen Pfeifer I will gladly accept the challenge to move to the nest dimension in the things of GOD for the Kingdom Sake. I will certainly interceed on behalf of your business and the Women OF Destiny that they walk in divine direction and purpose.lets stay connected my prayer that the Jehovah Jireh will open the door of opportunity for my visit to your next event for praise worship and fellowship agree with me. I appreciate you. Thanks. Shalom.
  • William J. Bass

    This is Jeff Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. We just recently launched a new 24/7 online gospel radio station. Please go to the following link to listen to it. www.praise2go.com After you check it out please e-mail me at ptriplec@aol.com and give me your thoughts and comments. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.
  • Min. Jamaal K. Bivens

    I'm a man of God looking to connect with people interested infulfilling their purpose in God
  • qamar

    "But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer." Peter 4:7


    Genesis 45:5-11:-

    5. Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life. {nor...: Heb. neither let there be anger in your eyes} 6. For these two years hath the famine been in the land: and yet there are five years, in the which there shall neither be earing nor harvest. 7. And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. {to preserve...: Heb. to put for you a remnant} 8. So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt. 9. Haste ye, and go up to my father, and say unto him, Thus saith thy son Joseph, God hath made me lord of all Egypt: come down unto me, tarry not: 10. And thou shalt dwell in the land of Goshen, and thou shalt be near unto me, thou, and thy children, and thy children's children, and thy flocks, and thy herds, and all that thou hast: 11. And there will I nourish thee; for yet there are five years of famine; lest thou, and thy household, and all that thou hast, come to poverty.
  • Rasel Mpuya Madaha

    Thanks a lot Karen. I appreciate. Please tell me more.
  • joshlee ulysse

    standalone playerQuantcast
  • Minister Tony Stallings

    Hello Karen, Just wanted to extend a hand of friendship to you. Please enjoy one of my personal videos from my Motivational Series Entitled, "The Other Side"


    Red Ribbon
  • New Deliverance Outreach Center

    Red Ribbon
  • Rev. Dr. Grace Akande

    I Love to be there if not far from Milwaukee.
  • Sally Williams

    Please contact me at 317-748-0701, I will be serving in the South Bend area and would love to have a booth at the Gospel Fest on August 7th.

  • Rev. Sam Mack

    Please send me more info about that gospel fest in southbend, ind please
  • Apostle Mona Lisa Miller

    I know this is going to be awesome. Hope to be there with my kids.
  • Gladys Dark

    Nominated by whom Karen?? Please tell me more about your message, and also is this the "original" Essence magazine organization. Tell me what is involved?


  • David C. Penn, Ed.S., Ph.D.

    Thank you Karen for the invitation and I humbly accept the nomination. I have visited your website and signed in according to the instructions. I look forward with great anticipation towards hearing from you.

    David C. Penn, Ph.D.
  • Bishop Dr. John Blouin D.R.E.

    Thank You and May God Bless You
    Bishop Blouin

    Greetings, in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

    One of many videos created by me using Adobe After Effects CS4 and Sony Vegas 9.0 and rendered in HD 1080P.

  • Darwin Ali, Health and Wellness

    Greetings Karen,
    "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth" 3 John 2 (KJV)
    Please join us for our next Business Opportunity Presentation this Sunday at 5:00 PM, PST. (6:00 PM MST, 7:00 PM CT, or 8:00 PM EST.)

    Use the link below to register for the meeting and dial in to 218-339-7777, access code 8013190#. As a courtesy to others on the call, please place your phone on mute after the introduction and remain on mute until the meeting is opened for questions and answers.

    If you are unable to join us for the meeting, you can listen to most meeting 24/7 by calling in to 218-339-2487. Use access code 8013190# and use the date of the meeting as the recording ID, mmddyy#. (Example, for August 19, 2009, use 081909#.)

    I look forward to meeting with you!

    Darwin Ali
  • Pastor. Dr. Debra Tate D.D.

    Thank you for becoming my friend
    Father I thank you for this wonderful vessel that you have ordain to do your bidding, Father guide her and empower her with a fresh anointing gift her eyes to see that which can not be seen in the spiritual realm. Father keep her cover with the blood of Jesus her and her family in Jesus name amen!

    Do you have needs; or special prayer request? Just leave it (them) here: http://listbuildingtogether.webs.com/apps/prayers/ and we can pray together. "The effectual fervent pray of a righteous man availeth much!"
  • HGM OutReach

  • calvin L. Page

    Amen Karen. I am Calvin Page leaving you a message. Be blessed and have a powerful day.
  • Deborah Eabron Bailey

    Is it possible for me to set up a booth @ the event for my business?
  • Jean-Bosco Nsabimana

    I am Nsabimana Jean-Bosco from Bujumbura Burundi .I am Director development in our church Christian life assembly and I am Legal represanative run a Ministry carring the needy Hope Center for Orphans Children,here we assist Widows and orphans by putting them in hosts famillies and we try to get school fees,food and cloths to them.We used togo to evangily Prisons,because one they came out they shall testly what Jesus did for them,we also manifest the loves we have to them by giving them soap and Bibles ,we thank God
  • Abraham Israel

    Good Day My Wonderful Love One!. A Brother ask me if i had did some studying on Lord & Jesus? I appreciate his question in regards to Lord and Jesus. Because people just don't ask that Guestion or Study it to know; Will You Do "2 Timothy 2:15" To Know The Truth?; Moreover Here Are The FACTS; When you look in the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible or the King James Hebrew/Greek Key Word Study Bible, Under the Reference Lord there is a Hebrew Reference, 3068 יהוה which is YHWH. And concerning Jesus, go to the Greek Dictionary in the same Reference book there is a Greek Reference 2424 Which will take you to the Hebrew Reference 3091 which is Joshua,
    which will take you back to the Hebrew Reference 3068 יהוה which is YHWH. Note,When you read and apply the principles of 2 Timothy 2:15, You will know these FACTS; That Joshua,
    Jesus, Isaiah, Lord, Jehovah, Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-nissi, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehoshaphat, Hoshama, John, Tobiah, Jonathan, Eljehoenai, Jah, Bedeiah, Yah, Jaaziah, Elijah, Jehu, Eliah, Jaresiah, Jeshua, Jehoahaz, And other Names or Titles Will ALL
    take you back to Hebrew Reference "3068 יהוה YHWH" Come On Look And SEE; Moreover, I come in truth. All I ask is that you consider to Study the facts and be blessed. And go and Wake Up~Wake Up~Wake Up Your Family and continue to be blessed. Praise Yahweh, Your Dear Brother King Abraham!
    Delete Comment

  • bob hickman

    karen, I have a question about the conference coming up in south, bend. I have a powerful book out and I would love the opportunity to advertise it there, or pay to have done or, sit at table or booth and make people aware of it... is that possible... if you want to see book, just clik on link, then, book link -
  • Mavis Vaughn

    Good morning Karen:

    Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I visit the website and indeed I like it. My schedule is busy today, but I will call or write regarding the October 9th event in the near future. It's the place to be (~v~) You may contact me via my email at Soldiersofthecross7@yahoo.com Grace and Peace unto you until we speak again! Yours truly, Evangelist-Pastor Mavis Vaughn Have a blessed day!
  • Pastor Yolanda Thomas

    Praise the Lord Mrs. Karen,

    Thank you for the email, what a honor, I'm truly speechless. I have joined the web-site and will be keeping in touch. I really don't know what to say except thank you Jesus. It's funny because here it is I'm a preacher and lost for words.

    Pastor Yolanda Thomas
  • Evangelist Bonnie Baker

    Thanks for inviting me as a friend, Have a good day in the kingdom!!!
  • Pastor Darryl Miller

    Try it you will believe listen to this from my church
  • Pastor Yolanda Thomas

    Hi Karen,
    I am able to attend the Black Essence awards. Thanks
    Pastor Yolanda Thomas
  • Apostle Gene Harrison Jr

    OMG are you serious, if so thank you ao much i am speechless god is so good. i will follow the instructions
  • Tallevette Mueller

    Praise The Lord I am honored to be nominated for such an extinquished award please send more info as to what I have to do.
  • evangelist pastor susie houston

    iam glad to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston

    The New God’s Ultimate Weapon Video Ministry

    For information on getting your own church video opening presentation built in Adobe After Effects CS4 and rendered in HD 1080p, see my video, below, for more information.
    Also, you can e-mail me at turnerjrarlee@yahoo.com or call at (870) 250 - 2926.


  • mareda duncan

    I have recently completed my Rhinestone Crystal Hat Collection, also my Jewelry Line. to view or purchase any of my designs please go to www.myspace.com/mjddesigner and click on the word pics. If interested leave me a comment I will get back with you with a response as soon as I can. I accept payments by cashiers check and money orders only. shipping and handling is free
  • Nia Imani

    Thanks Karen, I look forward to serving with you. Peace and blessings

    hello woman of God just wanted you to check out my site for all your Church wear needs and After five attire. the Name of my Business is Holy Garment Apparel Shoppe

    my website is www.holygarmentapparelshoppe.com
    motto : Step Into Roaylity The Royal Look

    well thanks so much I really appericated a great deal and I will try to post it on there as well.

    i am going to send u the contacts as soon as possible.
  • Lady Vee(DivinelyFavored)

  • Pastor Tracy Brown

    Hello Karen this is Pastor Tracy Brown I just recieved your e-mail if you could please fill me In on this award . Its nice to meet you may God Bless You .....
  • Pastor Tracy Brown

    Hello Karen its nice to meet this is Pastor Tracy Brown I just received your e-mail please write me back and fill me In on this award . Thank You .