Bishop Keith & Myrtle Johnson

Tappahannock, VA

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Assistant Pastor
Church Name:
Grace & Mercy Outreach Ministries
College Attended (optional):
Liberty University, Va Commonwealth Univeristy, Trinity University
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
"Conquering the Kingdom of Darkness with the Word of God"
Love God and His people unconditionally.
It's our desire to see God's people set free, healed and delivered.
Intercession and deliverance are my hobbies and Worship Music is my favorite.
Pastors alongside my wonderful husband, we are one, Bishop Keith Johnson, Senior Pastor/Founder/Overseer. God has a plan for the lives of His people and it is our desire to help them attain it.
Favorite Preachers:
Bishop Keith Johnson
Anyone carrying the TRUTH according to the HOLY BIBLE!!!!!!

Comment Wall:

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  • Ambassador Vanessa Ann

    I am fervently praying for you both honorable Pastors Keith & Myrtle.

    Counter attack the enemy and his evil devices against you! He will not win nor gain any control of what God has already rendered victorious and put the due possession of your inheritance in your hands!!! God is in the midst - TRUST - He has not forsaken. War the enemy to his defeat - this battle is already over - his tantrum (huff, outbursts, frenzy, agitation) will only last as long as you give note to it.

    I war for your victory as I know you will war for mine. We are one in the spirit and will defeat all enemies with the bond of kingly friendship, power and dominion!!!

    Your faithful sister,
    Vanessa Anne Gray


    Greetings to you man of God, is nice to extent a hand of friendship followship to you, how are you and the ministry overthere?

    God bless
  • Hardest Working Woman in Credit

    If you have any credit questions, feel free to email me or call me at 321-287-0987.
    Author, Regina Littles (Book Promotions/Packages)

    Join me on Facebook.


  • Prophetess Delisa Lindsey

    Psalm 115:11-15 Because you fear the Lord and trust in Him, He has become your help and shield. He is mindful of you and will bless you and your house. The Lord will increase you the more, along with your children. You are blessed of the Lord which made heaven and earth.
  • Joseph B. Omosigho

    The trials you both are going through is but for a while, be strong, your victory is near, but let each of you focus on your calling and be united in help the other in their area of weakness. God is preparing a table for you, soon you will seat down and eat while your enemies watch you grow from your ground zero into a couple of honor and grace. Be strong, Be trong my belove. God bless.
  • Prophetess, Estella King

  • Archbishop John W. Baines, Sr.

    Greeting Pastor and Sister Johnson,

    It is a blessing to have friends in the Lord. my His blessings over take you. Please visit my site Please let me know your thoughts.

    His Grace Presiding Bishop John W. Baines, Sr.
  • Pastor Nathan Lennon

    You are invited to visit ( to hear true Apostolic preaching.

  • HOPE - Psalm 43:5

    THANK YOU for the invite to be friends. Have a wonderful weekend!
  • Prophet Michael D. Millner Page!

    Kingdom Greeting,

    Great Man and Women of God i am so Delighted that you all took
    out the time just to be my friend.

    Now may he contniue to forever pour out his divine favor over ya

    Listen, let's stay in touch so that we can further advance the

    LORDS WORK IN 2010!!!!!!!!

    From Prophet M. D. Millner

    Of Pompano Beach Fl.
  • Prophetess GayNelle

    God Bless you Man and Woman of God. Thank you for the invite. May you both prosper in every way and be in good health even as your souls prosper.

    Much Love
  • online mega ministries internati



    IN GOD.


  • Prophetess, Estella King

    I pray that you will have a bless week in the Lord!
  • Prophetess, Estella King

    Great at and mighty is our God, truly God is good, I pray that your day went well.
  • Apostle Johnnie L. Clark

    Grace and Peace,
    I pray the blessings of the Lord for you and the ministry God has entrusted into your hands.

    i like traveling and preaching in foreign countries,please consider inviting me to your country through your church for any Gospel mission of your choice,
    You are blessed.
  • Prophet Dr. Arroyo B. Sanders

    Blessings Pastors, I am honored the Lord has willed our paths to cross. I pray that all is well and that God is doing mighty things in your lives! Feel free to call upon us if you need anything. We will try our best to help in your mission and vision that God has laid upon your hearts.
  • Ambassador Vanessa Ann

    MAY YOUR CELEBRATION OF PASS OVER CREATE A OPEN HEAVEN OVER YOUR LIFE! May you pass over from darkness to light, from void to fullness, from lack to prosperity, from poor to rich, from hurt to healed!


    Why we celebrate the PASSOVER LAMB OF GOD ~ JESUS
    By Chuck D. Pierce and Robert Heidler:

    "Behold the Lamb!" It's no wonder Paul writes "Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been slain!" Passover is about Jesus!

    He came as the LAMB of God!
    His Blood redeems US!
    By His Blood…judgment turned away!
    By His Blood…the power of the enemy is broken!
    By His Blood…we are released from bondage and oppression.
    By His Blood…we are set free to enter into God's Promise!
    Passover is the "JESUS" Celebration! The more you understand Passover, the more you appreciate Jesus! If you don't understand Passover, you have a hard time fully understanding what Jesus did. As you celebrate Passover, you are declaring your faith in the power of His Blood and His redemption. That's why one of strangest things in the world is that Christians all over the world have accepted satan's lie that Passover is not a "Christian" thing! Satan tries to steal away Passover, because he knows the celebration of the Blood releases power! When the celebration of Passover was stolen away, the power left! But when Passover is restored, the power RETURNS!

    The Good News is—God is RESTORING Passover! All over the world churches are again celebrating Passover! And the POWER is returning! We invite you to celebrate the power of Jesus' Blood. We invite you to join with Christians all over the world in the restoration of Passover. Join in proclaiming: We are REDEEMED by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB, out of the hand of the enemy!
  • Apostle David George

    More Blessings Beloved Minister, I may not know why I was invited to this ning. I think it was for me to share my experiences on missions here inthe black nations.
    Please note that we need to change this Killing terend by muslims here by leading them to Christ, otherwise all the black preachers here would be killed and the Gospel Stoped in Nigeria, the most populated Nation in Africa holding 1/4 of the entire 600 Millions in 58 Countries.
    Please pray for us here, I know you are aware of several JOS and Bauchi State Crisis, and in most Northern Islamic States in Nigeria and other Countries. Please pray, Move you Missions Focus back to basics, Raise some Bibles and send for Evanglism, Come and plant your Church to minister here, Help the needy and Sponsor a missionarary already in the field here. We need you today. Please, Please write back to us and let us feel encouraged.
    Apostle David George
    African Missionaries Network
    118, Rumuola Road
    P O Box 16231
    Port Harcourt
    Rivers State
    West Africa
    Email: or
  • Christian Promoter Shawn Papi

    SIGN UP & JOIN & FELLOWSHIP WITH US! We can promote your next church/ministry/business/community events, etc through our 10k + Network!

    Please review our new Christian Social Promotions website at: www.HEYPAPIPROMOTIONS.NING.COM
  • Ambassador Vanessa Ann

    I speak to every situation that has been held up & stagnated by satanic forces. I release heavenly judgement against every demonic activity assigned against my life in the Name of Jesus. I COMMAND immediate destruction against every contract which has not been validated by the Lord Jesus Christ who is my intercessor and my defense!

    Lord my Father, as I go forward declaring your Word ~ I shall run into intended blessings, kingly favors, promotions, approvals, overgenerous preferential treatment, gifts, awards, recognitions, talented brilliant highly-skilled aides/help, grants, pardons, support, advancements, approvals, ridiculous acts of kindness, plentiful rewards, favorable judgements, instant cancellation of debts, maximum benefits, extended courtesies, exceptional service, zealous assistance, devoted confidants, divine connections, friendships, committed suppliers, enthusiastic promoters of my destiny, fanatical prayer warriors, considerable advantages, special considerations, reinforcements, & happy returns ~ all assigned to meet me on my journey!

    I bless Your Holy Name JESUS my God & King! For You have all Power in heaven and earth! I thank you for the turn-around in my life! Father God, You preserve the faithful & plentifully reward the proud doer of Your Word. You give strength to the weak, and You are my HOPE! Thank you, for I shall have the courage to do Your assignment with your grace and the help of Your Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen.

    God bless you saints of God as you speak your world into existence! You are a true king of God in every sense of the word! Walk in it! It is your inheritance in Christ Jesus our Lord. You have been given lordship in the earth as a representative of our Heavenly Father. You were created to create! AGAPE love!
  • Dr. Berkley Dickerson

    What a poweful Team in christ you are. As you encourege the body of Christ to become open and naked before a just God, that will rewarded us according to are work's be strong in the lord and in the power of His Might. Be Blessed.
  • Dr. Stephanie Aaron, Pastor

    Thank you great woman of God for the friendship and looking forward to great and mighty things; Iron Shapen Iron!!

    Check out NY's #1 Christian Hip Hop and Gospel RnB & Reggae radio podcast, Official B.O.S.S. Radio
  • Bishop G. N. Sanders

    Have a great Sunday! Keep us in prayer! Love ya!
  • Apostle Tracey Smith

    God bless your ministry!
  • Apostle Sherman D. Farmer

    God bless you Pastors....I too thank God for the connection and look forward to the fellowship.

    Agape Eternally,

    Apostle Farmer
  • Cathy Rivera

    Thank you for you friendship request Pastors Keith & Myrtle Johnson. I apologize for the delay but my laptop was out of commision for a little bit. I am honored to receive your request. Many blessings in the Lord Jesus Christ. Sister Cathy
  • Bishop L. A. Reed


    Thank you for the friend request. May the blessings of our God continue to abide with you.

  • Pastor Darryl Miller

    The Coalition is offering an one of a kind opportunity to 100,000 churches and non profits this years to add a tremendous amount of revenue to your church or non profit and its members. THIS IS A FREE TRANSACTION. NO INVESTMENT REQUIRED.
    Please take 4 min to watch this announcement.

    Thanks you,
    Pastor Darryl Miller
    Chairman of the Board
    The Coalition
  • First Lady Angie Hill

    God Bless you both. I hope to be keeping in touch with you! I will be praying for you in the ministry.
  • Yolantha Harrison-Pace

  • Apostle Lois J. Parchment

    be blessed pastors, i delighted u accepted me as friends..
  • Claude James Sr.

    Praise and glory belong to him and us nice to get to know U Pastor Claude James
  • Apostle S. Yvonia Williams

    Blessings and increase to you both, thank you for stopping by.
  • The Apostle

    Pastor, I would like to speak with you about the play tht I would like to bring there. Add me as a friend.
  • Apostle Vasiliki L. Daniels

    Blessing to the both of you in the agreement of oneness in Jesus Christ,
    Lets stay intouch, for God wants to bring HIS people in oneness as well; as the body of Christ instead a dysfunctional body.
    Lets pray that the Sons and Daughters of God come in oneness as a marriage, (smiling)
    God bless you as oneness in HIM Amen.
  • William J. Bass

    This is Jeff Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. We just recently launched a new 24/7 online gospel radio station. Please go to the following link to listen to it. After you check it out please e-mail me at and give me your thoughts and comments. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.
  • Apostle J Y Smith

    PraiseElohim from whom all blessings flow. Grace and Peace Mighty man and woman of God. I am so blessed to be divinely connected to prayer warriors gatekeepers and those intercessors of strategic warfare against our enemy. Thanks for the contact, I will unite to pull down strongholds and join the pray call. join us wednesdays 9pm cst 10pm est 1605 475 4333 access 397168# Shalom jys
  • solomon poshan kumar

    Dear beloved in Christ !Thank you ~ for taking time to read this letter. I am Pastor Solomon Poshan Kumar from India. And for learning more about our work within rural villages of south India. BHADRACHALAM BIBLE SOCIETY (B.B.S) is a Christian organization (registered under A.P. Government societies act 1350) with a real heart & vision to reach rural villages with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to provide practical care and social works.

    B.B.S is a relatively new organization that is committed to holistic Christian mission and is concerned about people, including their spiritual, physical, mental, social well being, in light of the great commission of Jesus Christ and the biblical mandate. Our primary work at this point of time is village evangelism and our secondary work is providing a vital level of social service and also working and encouraging other independent rural village pastors.
    We are experiencing much blessing and seeing rapid growth in the districts we are currently working in as a result of being committed to the Lord's ministry in these areas, but as we enlarge our hearts towards this new work we realize how important it is that we seek the help and outside support of likeminded people who want to share in accomplishing these important tasks! We need to sustain the evangelism and social works we have begun in a variety of ways and so if you feel you are able to help and take seriously the task of praying and encouraging please pray and help us.

    Please consider how you could participate at this time. We at B.B.S are passionate about serving the Lord in this new mission opportunity and we need His help through His people to pursue and explore ways of coordinating our efforts as we seek mission partners.
  • The Apostle

    Pastors, you can reach me at 254-466-0809 and we can talk more about the play. Thanks!
  • Apostle J Y Smith

    grace and Peace Pastors Keith and Myrtle Johnson I tWhank God for your Intercessory Prayer Ministry,we need the Lord to breathe on the Body of Christ a praying spirit. I am an intercessor also for God's people. Stay on the wall. I solicit your prayers for the Apostolic Prophetic Summit 2010 July 22-24 in Atlanta Ga. I will pray for your ministry and will meet you at the prayer altar 5 am Shalom JYS.
  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

    Praise Him! So glad to have you as friends, we have instructed by the Lord to offer 24/7 prayer the months of July_August The vessels of GOD give so much of themselves to others that we sometimes become depleted. send a request to our page. Holy Ghost Powerhouse
  • Herb Robertson

    Band website builderQuantcast
  • Pastor Eric Tolbert

    Grace and Peace, just stopping through to send you Kingdom Blessings!!! I pray that all is going well with you and your ministry. Stay blessed and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Let's stay connected for the Kingdom. God Bless, Pastor Eric
  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams

    from Pastor Teloria Williams
    God Is still on the THRONE

  • Apostle J Y Smith

    Grace Peace and Blessings Pastors Keith and Myrtle Johnson Thanks for prayers for the conference in Atlanta. there was a great outpouring of the Holy Ghost. Praise reports and testamonies are stil coming. I am standing in agreement for the work HE (Father) is perfecting in your life. The Prayer Line @5:00 am what time zone ?cst or est let me know. Thanks Shalom JYSmith
  • Apostle J Y Smith

    Grace and Peace Pastors Keithand Myrtle Johnson Thanks for your prayers there was a great outpouring og the HOLY Ghost. signs following the anointed WORD of GOD. I anticipate joining your prayer call Thanks . Shalom J Y Smith.
  • Supt.Robert Tucker

    Jast stop to show some love.GOD bless.