Pastor Arlee Turner Jr.


Glasgow, Kentucky

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Glasgow (Bowling Green)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Assistant Pastor
Church Name:
Bread Of Life
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
My name is Arlee Turner Jr. and I am currently the Senior Associate Minister and Sunday School teacher and assistant to the Church Administrator at Bread Of Life Ministries in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin. I am also a member of the UFCCM Midwest Regional Ecclesiastical Staff and the UFCCM Midwest Regional Public Relations And Special Events/Resource Minister. I was a former alchoholic, crackhead, pot smoker and womanizer...a convicted felon and an ex-convict. I was born again in the Arkansas Department of Corrections Brickey's Unit in Brickey, Arkansas in February of 1997. There I was given my divinie commision by the Lord Jesus Christ to teach, preach and pastor and that commission is based on Ezekiel chapters 2 and 3: "...I do send thee unto them; and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God. And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear...yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among them. And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house. And thou shalt speak My words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for they are most rebellious." I have been separated unto the gospel of God, concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; and declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: by whom we have recieved grace and apostleship, for obedience the faith among all nations, for his name.
Favorite Preachers:
John McArthur, Charles Spurgeon, The Rev. Matthew Henry, Dr. Tony Evans, Dr. Charles Stanely

Comment Wall:

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  • Evangelist Tabitha S. George

    Praise the Lord Pastor Turner,
    May the Lord continue to bless and keep you...

    Love ya...
    Evangelist Tabitha
  • Jackqueline Bennett

  • Dr. Bernice Small

    God Bless You! I enjoyed the video.
  • Evelyn

    Pastor, this was awesome. I am going to post this on my Facebook page for men to see and their wives. Truly all we want is for them to love us, respect us, want us, protect us and honor us. Seriously.
  • Dawgelene

    Great video! Thanks!
  • Darryl Anthony Scales

    Thank you Psator Arlee Turner Jr. for sharing the info on the video, you are right most of the things here are hard for most men, because their not honoring Gods commands on the institution of marriage according to Gods law. My testimony, I once was in that position. I cheated on my wife about ten years ago, and by the grace of God we are still married today for past 19yrs. I admit it put her in shame, hatred and misery and at he same time I was'nt saved at that time. Thank God she had a praying grandmother that told her dont let the devil take your husband from you. And one day I got down on my knees and prayed to God to forgive me of my sins and adulterous ways, and I went and got my wife back, it was'nt easy work but I told her that I asked God to forgive me and then I asked her to forgive and she did. But the best part was when after I did that I told her what ever happened when we were apart and what ever you did doing the time we where apart with who are whoever I dont want to know what happened I've already asked God to forgive me for putting you in that situation. And we've been best friends since. You see instead of prying into what I put her in I just simply said I dont want to know and dont care to. Just like God says He will put it in the sea of forgetfulness thats what I did. And that since I have given my life to Christ Jesus we have been living our life to the full. " All Praise Be To God ". P.S. I would love to get a copy of the video for our mens ministry. And thank you once again.
  • Susanna Simmons Baker

    Marraige is sacred and the bed undefile. This is a good time to help couples to renew the vows and bring fresh love into 2010. The teaching you did is an excellent tool for just that. I am inspired to pull the ladies aside and strenghten them with the Word of God. You are a blessing. Keep on receiving from the Lord and sharing it with others. God Blessing from Pastor Susan
  • Givonni Jackson

    The Battle For Your Mind
    I like that title because we are either under the influence of satan or God, there is no half stepping according to the word of God you are either cold or hot, you either love one are hate the other; and yes satan is always on his job trying his best to control the mind however we must stay prayed up so that we will always be under the influence of Gods will always rebuking satan every chance we get.
  • Givonni Jackson

    Woman: How To Love Your Husband
    I am not a wife yet however i have been bless to have a dad as a Bishop and have seen first hand from my mom what a good wife in the lord is all about; i remember many teaching from the bible concerning husband and wives ...i have also read up on it for myself so on that note i will be looking out on what it is you will be challenging the wives...when it come down to being a good save wife to her husband i am open to learning new things ...God bless you.
  • Apostle Saundra Baylor (FL)

  • Tinikka Smith

    appreciate the comment, but i just got divorced. my prayer is that he does for her what he didn't do for me.
  • Guardian

    Hello my friend
    Have a Blessed Day
    From Guardian

    Nat3ddesign Graphics
    Guardians Tag Ministry

    Nat3ddesign Graphics
    Guardians Tag Ministry

    Nat3ddesign Graphics
    Guardians Tag Ministry

  • Prophetess Felicia

    hey man of god.. how are you doing on today

    Visit WomansAndMansFaithOfGodMinistries
  • Pastor Darryl Miller

  • Givonni Jackson

    Now thats real.
  • Alliah Seri

    hello pastor Arlee!!!!!!!
  • Dr. Charles Easter

    Although we try to get a word daily sometimes we run out of time to search the scriptures and sometimes we want to hear a word from a preacher and we can't.You can now go to and hear messages of inspiration from men of God.We want to enrich your spiritual experience daily through
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • DianeFridayFundraiserSpecialist

    Thank you for sharing and friend request...May God Bless you!

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  • Delia Tasic

    thanks for adding me in this site
    God Bless
  • Shon Hyneman

    Thanks for the short film! Are you a movie producer? If there is anything you need, let me know.

  • Pastor Eric Tolbert

    Pastor Turner,

    Love the video promo's, Great Job. Keep moving forward in the kingdom. Thanks for stopping through to the page, Let's stay connected!

    Pastor Eric
  • Prophetess Latarjah Dean

    You are very welcome! God bless you!
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Rev. Charles Z. Daniels

    To God be the glory, I watched one of your videos and thought it was a movie. You have a great gift that god has given you, to produce great short mini films. I pray that God keeps his hands of protection on you and family.

    Rev Charles Z. Daniels Jr
    Everygreen Missionary Baptis Church
  • Hardest Working Woman in Credit

    If you have any credit questions, feel free to email me or call me at 321-287-0987.
    Author, Regina Littles (Book Promotions/Packages)

    Join me on Facebook.


  • Archbishop John W. Baines, Sr.

    I was reading your info pertaining about the software i am guessing it will do the same if one video their servce and then edit it through this software correct? also do it all works together and what is the normal time it takes to edit a 60 min video? and is there special equipment needed other than the software and computer?
  • Alliah Seri

    hello pastor Arlee
  • Devon Long

    On Tuesday night at 9 o’clock P.M., I will be airing on my radio show to bring the word of God to the people of God. I invite you to tune in, and I would be delighted if you did so. There are two numbers to call in to and you can go online and listen, however you choose is fine with me. You can call in to the conference call line or the radio show line. The conference call line is 605-475-4825 access code 351799# and the radio line is 914-803-4781. If you choose to call in I encourage you to use the conference call line, so that you can be active, and if you choose to listen over the internet just message me or post on my wall what you thought of everything. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Or if you have my number merely call me and tell me what you thought. I can be reached at I am online at

    Yours In Christ,
    Devon J. Long
  • Alliah Seri

    Red Ribbon

  • Anthony McCardell

    Hello Pastor Turner, How are you doing? I love your video''s and would love to network with you, My site is Go to 24/7 Gospel by the way I build websites and would sow a seed into your ministry to help you promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Pastor Darryl Miller

    Making Dreams a Reality
  • build2win2010

    what real video! thank you
  • Deborah Butler

    Red Ribbon
  • Ricardo Miller Ministries

    Dear Bro Turner Jr,

    Check out our latest video and see how we are "Raising the Standard in Reaching Children"
  • Dr. Kay

  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Evangelist francis David

    My Dear pastor
    Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.when i see you i heart is told me this is a man of God and he is blessed in the lord. so i am so happy to see you. God is told me to invite you in the pakistan for the preaching and healing in pakistan. i am so happy.this is God wish. my name is Eva Francis David Our Ministry name is (Gospel Evangelical Org&Ministry) also working in Sunday school and working for the orphans and widows. God is blessed me for this work. we are preaching in the musliam aries. I am full time in ministry.our wish to work with you in pakistan sunday school and church planting. so we have a hope and faith God will do these. thank you so much God bless you. your in Christ
    Evangelist Francis David
  • Minister Kendal Richardson

  • Apostle Dr. Elizabeth F. Jackson

  • Apostle Dr. Elizabeth F. Jackson

    Red Ribbon
  • Pastor Derrick Watson

    What an awesome witnessing tool!!! I was completely in awe at how God used you to put this all together. Many lives will be touched by this video and many souls will be saved. I pray that it is ok for me to show it to my Youth Pastor where that he can use it to get the attention of some of the youth in our area that he is trying to reach. Thank you for allowing God to use you in this way.
  • Tracey Strother

    Visit Gospel316 GOSPEL316.COM; home of the new TV show, “Gospel316.” Join us in a celebration of faith and independence; as we launch the “Gospel316” Showcase Series! Gospel316 features independent gospel singers from around the world; and this weekly program will start airing this fall. Check the Gospel316.Com site or your local cable listings for program times and details.
  • Rev. C. Bernard Flemming

    Saw the video, great work artistically but a bit dramatic for my taste. I understand the need to combat false teachers, however, we should attack the teachings not the teachers. Stay above the fray and not come off as they do.
    Just my humble opinion
  • Myrina K. R.

  • Pastor Glyniel Washington-Garner

    Greeting Friend!!!

    I am stopping by to say Hello!! . I have some news that I want to share with you. I have a Custom Tailored clothing website that you design the clothing the way you want. Design suits, shoes, shirts, jeans and accessories. Take a look at my site and buy a suit or shirt. The prices are great!!

    Urbane Threads

    Glyniel Washington Garner
  • DianeFridayFundraiserSpecialist

    It's So Hard To Give Away Cash!

    Today's show, Keeping It Real & Moving Cause We're Giving Away $$$$

    Today, on was to promote Friday & Kaley Refund Service & The Sisterhood Wombman Queendom. They were blessed by Dallas Mini Mart, Dallas, NC in their fundraiser with a food donation for West Africa and will need funds for shipping cost. As a token of appreciation, Calloway ~ 'I Wanna Be Rich' was the theme song for the show. We wanted to give back to the US & PR citizens provided they came on the show, called-in, or Emailed us and say , ' I Wanna Be Rich-er' or 'I Want Cash'. As a follower-up, I decided to do some calling; what I found is that everyone was out or the lines were busy...Do you think they heard me coming?LOL I did get a holt to a Mr. Richard W Ely in Albany, GA. He was too busy to hear Good News and said he did not want...the Cash. So all you relatives of Mr. Ely, go to him and tell him you 'want' the $281.69! Lets do lunch again on Sept 21st at 12 Noon EST!
  • Dr. Trannie Roberts





    In selling your book, your paintings, jewelry, or other crafts items?  If you are I have great news for you! I will be hosting The Omni Presence Artists & Authors at the COBO Hall in Detroit Michigan and at The North Dallas Sheraton Hotel in Dallas Texas.  Tickets on sale now, vendor’s space also available.  When calling for more information please state which event you would like to attend; call Ms. Brittany Pauling @313-957-9822 (

  • Evangelist Ed Kimbrough

    From 13yrs of Crack & Condemnation to 15yrs of Flowing in Favor!