Rev. Kenneth R. Jenkins

63, Male

Savannah, GA

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Associate Minister
Church Name:
First Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church
College Attended (optional):
Savannah State University
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Poet, Playwright and Freelance Writer, Minister, BlogTalk Radio Host, TalkShoe Radio Host, Devoted Husband.

My desire is to teach others what God has given to me and in hopes that they will take that what was taught to them .
Favorite Preachers:
Rev.Dr.Billy Graham
Rev.Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr
Bishop T.D. Jakes
Evang. Jimmy Swaggart
Rev. Matthew S. Brown (Spiritual Father)
Dr. Oral Roberts
Marvin Winans
Rev. Sammy Lewis (Deceased) *Inspired me to become a Minister.
Rev. Charles H. Singleton (Deceased) * Influence and inspiration of my life
Elder James Davis (Deceased) * Influenced and inspired me in Ministry
Rev. Jonah E.German, my cousin
Rev.Gerald Jenkins, my cousin
Evang. Shanna Jenkins, my cousin
Rev. A.L. Thomas (Deceased) My great grandfather
Sis. Blanche Thomas Jenkins (Deceased) My grandmother
Pastor Freddie Hebron, my former Pastor and beloved friend(Deceased)
Dr. Datha E.Thomas, my former Pastor and beloved friend
Rev. Joseph W. Jackson My former pastor
Rev.Dr. Clarence "Teddy" Williams My former pastor
Rev. Andre J. Osborne my pastor.

Comment Wall:

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  • Supreina

    Thank you much, Keep me in your prayers.
  • Jeffrey York

    thank you
  • Dr. Sandy Murphy

    Hi- bless God for your interest. I will be setting up a conference call soon to provide more details for your Chapter. Keep me in touch with your ministry and I will do likewise. I'm facing some computer issue right now, so if you don't hear from me when you email me that's why.

    Thanx 4 the birthday blessing. I'm new to this site but moreso new to these computers so my responses may not be as timely as they should. Prayers To Your Ministry, Sis. L. Jones
  • Kellyann M. Langston

    Thank you!!!
  • Prophetess Katrina Y. Nelson

    Thank you!
  • Prophetess Katrina Y. Nelson

    Thank you !
  • jamika

    I know i am a few months late but thanks for the birthday shout....Take care!
  • Tracy Lawanda

    Greetings Man of God,

    I pray that you are having a wonderful day in Yahweh.
    I thank God for you, and the ministry with-in you. Continue... to do the will of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Agape and Shalom be with you,
    Tracy Lawanda
    Servant of the Cross/Prayer Warrior/Certified Chaplain

    My Motto:
    "A new morning is a new beginning to get it RIGHT!"
  • the Bishop George H. Richardson

    Thank you
  • Deloris Burger Brown

    Thank you for the Birthday wish, I really forgot that I was a member of this site. God Bless you is my prayer..
  • Gwen

    Thank you, minister Jenkins for you rlovel birthday wish. Thankd god for you and I always pray His continued abundant blesings upon you and yours.
  • H Randy Stephen II

    Greetings I am in the Columbus area
  • Patti Allred

    Thank You So Much!
  • Elder, Dr.Virginia Booth

    Thank you for the Birthday greetings!!!

    God Bless~~~

    Elder Virginia
  • Apostle Leroy Hargett

    Thanks for the birthday greeting man of GOD!
  • N'ZI Amani Germain



    Oral sex is stimulating the genitals with the mouth, lips and tongue, by kissing, sucking, licking and nibbling. Many people use oral sex as foreplay or a substitute for intercourse, because it can be just as important and enjoyable as full sex. Some people prefer gentle oral sex, with plenty of kisses to the areas around the genitals first, whereas others favor a firmer approach!
    We’ll have to look more closely at those health risks.
    Although there is no risk of pregnancy, you can still catch some very nasty infections.
    Many sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as gonorrhoea, herpes, hepatitis B, chlamydia and HIV can be transmitted through oral-genital contact. It's also possible for a woman to pass thrush to her partner, while they perform oral sex. If a male ejaculates in his partner's mouth during oral sex, then the risk of catching an STI becomes higher.
    If you have any sores or cuts in your mouth, you should avoid oral sex. Also, don't brush or floss your teeth right before you have oral sex. This could tear the lining of the mouth, and increase your risk of catching any viruses that may be present.


    This is what many people think:
    Indeed, some people think that Oral sex is not a sin as long as you complete it with intercourse. It is not considered sodomy but foreplay then. Oral sex is morally permissible between mutually consenting husband and wife as a form of foreplay or afterplay. So first orgasm (women's that is) oral, second intercourse.
    Of course it is okay, you are married first of all and oral sex has nothing to do with the fact that you are Christian...if you are married you can do whatever you want to do as long as your partner is comfortable with it of course. It is ok to kiss those sexual areas, but not to actually swallow the semen.
    According to those people, no where does the Bible forbid it or discuss it. There is no biblical evidence that it is a sin against God for a husband and wife to express love for each other in this way.
    “If it’s with the one you love. Some scholars say that the Song of Solomon contains poetic references to oral sex. Such a reference, as one example, would be Song of Solomon 4:16,” Come ... blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits."
    HOWEVER, other people think that oral sex is a sin since it provokes the spilling of the seed, while sex is only for procreation. Oral sex does not enhance procreation, which is the only reason a Christian should be having sex. Oral sex and anal sex are both prohibitive of procreation and therefore ARE SINS. After all...if God said "go forth and multiply" (by way of sex), and you're a Christian, and your sexual practices don't advocate procreation, why bother having sex? Shouldn't you remain celibate until you're ready to have a child?
    A strict interpretation would indicate that oral sex is a sin, as the act would not be for procreation (and would be considered sodomy). Either be a Christian or don't, but don't pretend the religion is in favour of sodomy. Oral sex is morally permissible as long as you do not judge other people for committing sodomy. And many Christians do just that. They judge others for sodomy while being ignorant to the FACT that they do it too. What is the natural use for the mouth? It sure isn't for sex...Natural use (Romans 1).
    Those people also think that there is no proof that the text in Solomon is referring to "oral" sex. Not at all.

    Brothers and sisters in Christ, we note that the views on this issue are divided. There are arguments in favour of oral sex whereas others are against that practice. So, let's first see the opinions of some theologians about oral sex before answering the question above in light of the holy Bible...

    Please, go to the forum(Preaching and teaching) or my blog post and aswer my questions!


    Bro. Germain
  • Richard Hampton

    Thank you for your thoughtfulness on my birthday. Be a blessing!
  • LaFonde R. Jones

    Thank you for your the birthday wishes on my birthday. Peace and blessing!
  • Peggy Joseph

    Thanks a Million!!!!!
  • Charles N. Watkins

    Thank you Man of God for the Birthday Greeting you left.It's a blessing to half a century (50) and still going strong in the things of God.Peace
  • Exetta (Spiritual Sniper)

  • Sis. E

    Thank you so much!

    God Bless you man of God and many thanks for the B-day wishes . Be encouraged and may you receive all that you need on your journey. smiling
  • Evangelist Lisa Kyles

    Have A Happy Blessed Birthday
  • ElderJeffery Jones

  • Glenn Tip Nabii Davis

    Jeremiah 1:5 (KJV) Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Happy Birthday Brother Kenneth
  • Dr Ben Christopher Don

    Thank you Man of God.

    I appreciate the prayer and friendship.

    God is haking thing up for you positively from now.
  • Minister Anthony Allen

    Thank you Man of God... Bless U
  • Bro. Steve Harris

    Hello there hope you are well and you add me as a friend. Hey I have some information about our Church Growth Conference here in Los Angeles in Jan and would love for you to come, let me know..!!

  • Abraham Israel

    Shalom, My Good Dear Brother! I Love You As My Wonderful HEBREW Brother! In Fact All So Call Black People Are The Hebrew People Of The Holy Bible Read(Genesis 14:13) Here We Fine Abraham Is A Hebrew; And If He Is Your Forefather What Are You?. When You Study The So Call Black People History And Hebrews History It Is The Same; The Names Was Just Change, You Can Make A List Of All The Names We Been Call And Answer To; You Have To Wake Up And Study The Truth About Our Real Name Of The Most High God "YHWH" Which Means YAHWEH; That Was Taking From Us As His People, We Where Cut Off By Yahweh Himself; (Read Gen 15:13, 1kings 9:6-9 Acts 7:6) Really Read And Study What I Am Saying Am Telling The Truth. He Is Wakeing You And I Up To Wake Up Our Love ONES!

    Note: Now Yahweh Is Bring You And I Back Onto Himself, Thats Why His Name Is Being Talk About More And More And More! It Will Not Go Away, It Will Only Get Biger And Greater In The Thy Earth. I appreciate you giving me your time to touch on Biblical thoughts and then also to share with you some of my study and research. Moreover, I want to mentioned to you the type of books that would be a must have in considering to formulate your Biblical Library. Moreover, these are some of the books that would cause one to move from a comfort zone, to an intense Biblical High! Praise Yahweh! Now these are some of the books that are recommended:

    1. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
    2. King James Hebrew/Greek Key Word Study Bible
    3. Inter perter Bible Dictionary(set of 5)
    4. Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of the Bible
    5. Webster's Collegiate or Random House Dictionary
    6. Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale
    7. Guinness Book of World Records, copyright 1985
    8. Jerusalem Bible
    As a Note: The Guinness Book of World Records talks about the letters "J' and "V" as being the newest letters added to English Alphabet, which is post Shakespearean 1630. So the letters "J" and "V" are only 379 years old. Also In The Hebrew /Greek There Is No Letter "J" Take These Bible Tools And Look And See; All "J"s Are a "Y" And All "V" Are a "W" In The Hebrew: Praise Yahweh! We Can Do All Things In Yahweh! It Is A Wonderful Time For Us To Be Here This Day! Note: Most Rev, Preachers, Evangelist, Churches, Artists, Ministries, Prophets, Prophetess, Men And Woman Who Say They Have Been Call By The Most High God Yahweh, Don't Even Call Him By His Real Holy Name; And On Top Of That, Those Who Know Want Even Tell Those Who Don't Know, His Real Holy Name Is YHWH Which Is YUD-HAY-WAW-HAY That Saids "YAHWEH". Look It Up: For Yourself "YHWH" And Then Tell The Truth, If You Are From The God Yahweh Of The Hebrews And Bible, Ex 5:3, Ex 9:1, Ex 9:13, When You Know The Truth Tell It And It Will Set You Free! Praise Yahweh! Great Are U! Note: Gather as Many Different Bibles and Dictionaries to HELP Build Your Library. Praise Yahweh!
    Blessing! Your Brother Abraham
  • Dr. Jean Howard-Hill

    Subject: A Need For Men and Women of God in Politics!

    Dear Preachers and Those in Ministry:

    I need some bold preachers to go with me into the lion’s den!

    I am a veteran African American Republican who in 1979, God sent into the Republican Party to bring about change and to bring down the walls of prejudice and call the party back to the place of its original birth as the Party of Lincoln.

    This has not been an easy battle. I have shared those experiences in the book I wrote, Black Eyes Shut – White Lips Sealed ( Yet I have stood against all odds, and now it is time to take it to the next level.

    What I have seen is that the racism, mean spiritedness and the foolishness that is within the Republican Party is mostly at the top. Those who rise to the top, in most cases are the perpetrators. But when you go to the grass roots level, this almost is not there or it is in lesser degrees. Many at the grass roots level are those who believe what we believe, work with us and even share sweet fellowship. However, when you begin to get involved at the party level, this is where the demons of racism rear their heads and stand as gatekeepers.

    Having taught American Government, State and Local Government and International Politics and Culture of Non-Western Countries as a political science professor at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, I understand government at all levels – even globally. I know what it will take to break the hold and to get pass the political gatekeepers. Sit-in and protests will do absolutely nothing! Even prayer alone will not suffice. But with the power of prayer, as well as the wisdom of God, we have to move into both parties and carve out a place for ourselves as Americans, if we want to share in America’s political power base. Yes, this means moving even into the Republican Party.

    As the national chair for the Black Republican Women Organization, I began back in 1987 recruiting African American women into the GOP, who were not willing to be tokens, but who could retain their blackness.

    Presently, I head the National Republican African American Caucus. It is a unique republican organization because it allows African Americans to be a part of a collective body that can and will bring about change. Our goal is 1.5 million by 2012, and 500,000 in 2010. You may ask why so many? It is because political strength is in numbers! In politics, believe it or not, it has very little to do with color. It has to do with numbers and the ability to write the check. If you can show you have a substantial number of people who can stand as a voting block, and have the ability to finance your own cause, then you become a significant player within the political landscape. This is the ONLY way that we gain and retain political power. This is how we as African Americans get to the table, have a voice and place ourselves in appointed and elected positions. This is how we stop some of the foolishness that is going on in politics.

    As an African American Republican, I proudly voted for President Obama in the general election. But his ability to win was because he was able to get beyond the gatekeepers and become a political player within the Democratic Party. Now we have to do the same thing within the Republican Party!

    Having said all of this, I need men and women of God who will join with me to fulfill this mandate, and will join the NRAAC and even begin local caucuses. I don’t want everyone! Because it is important to remain political players in both parties. We need to be in the Democratic and Republican parties. I just need a significant number of praying people, and those who are strong and can take a stand for what is right to come into the Republican fold, so that our voices are heard.

    I ask you to go to the NRAAC website at and see what we are all about. Then pray about this and see if you are one of the ones who God is saying, “I call you to take a stand on the other side (the Republican Party), so that you can make a difference.”

    Also see if perhaps God is calling you to serve in a leadership capacity. In November, we will be making new appointments of regional and state chairs, and advisory board and national board members. If you are interested, and decide to become a member, you may submit your name, bio/resume for consideration.

    I look forward to those of you who are godly and truly believe in justice and compassionate, yet self-responsibility and responsible government, joining our ranks!

    …And for those of you who already are Republicans, we welcome you to the family of African American Republicans.

    Let’s ALL go forth, and make a positive difference regardless of which party we are in!

    Feel free to e-mail me at or, and to pass this e-mail on. Tennessee also has a state caucus at The websites for other states should be up by the end of October 2010. We welcome members from all states!

    Look forward to hearing from you and even seeing you at the April 9th – 10th NRAAC Conference. Our theme: Setting the Republican Agenda to Include People of Color.

    In His Service,

    Dr. Jean Howard-Hill, Nat’l Chair
  • Alex

    Do you want to pray together using Skype?
  • HGM OutReach

    Life's Results
  • Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m.

  • Pastor Stephen T. Nichols

    What's is going on in the kingdom of God? The world and the church is coming together like never before. Is it God's will? Is God pleased with the way things are going in His body? Check out this powerful video by G. Craig Lewis. It's a true eye opener!
  • Angela Doreen

  • Pastor M.Truss-Barber

    Hello Min. Jenkins,
    Thank you for sharing that discussion on Hip Hop in the church.
    His Servant,

  • rev/dr joan b-gosh

    Red Ribbon
  • Pastor Ben Eretabe

    Thank you Minister Jenkins, I appreciate your friendship. The oil of God will not run dry on your head in Jesus name.
  • Willie White

    Minister Kenneth Jenkins:

    As a Christian and Educator I do not believe "Hip-Hop" is a place for the church as it is God's house and He will add to the church as He see fit. Christians must be careful of Satan and his tactics. Give him a ride next he will want to drive and will do so if given a half a chance.

    Willie White
    Good Shepherd Writing and Publishing LLC
  • Maafa21


    Please check out Maafa21 and consider showing it in your church or community center:

    Routinely called “stunning,” “breathtaking,” and “jaw-dropping”Maafa21 meticulously chronicles the links from slavery to Eugenics and abortion. Maafa 21 shows, without exception, how African-Americans are the targets of the social elite. One African-American pastor and 1960’s civil rights activist said, “this film connects the dots in a way I never really understood before.” Another said that for the first time in his life he has a tool to educate the African-American community about the abortion lobby’s real agenda. Maafa21 was the featured film in the March 2010 Jubilee Film Festival in Selma, Al.

    Shocking fact:
    In a recent New York Times interview , Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told Emily Bazelon that,"....I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of"

    Maafa21 shows just what "populations" Justice Ginsburg was talking about:

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  • House of Praise Ministires

    Red Ribbon
  • House of Praise Ministires

  • evangelist pastor susie houston

    iam glad to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston
  • evangelist pastor susie houston

    iam bless to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston
  • Pastor Nathan Lennon

  • Medaline Philbert

    May God continue to inspire you to touch & win souls
  • Bishop J. Donald Edwards, II


    There is a revolutionary new company taking shape in the our midst. Headquartered in Bellevue, WA - just across Lake Washington from Seattle - is a new kind of business that is founded and lead by a visionary team of mobile, media, political and technology executives setting out to change the face of social commerce with a platform unlike nearly any in the market today.

    Rumored to be the next Facebook -  Solavei is taking the world by storm.  I'm a founding member and we would for you to join us.  Timing is everything and there is still time for you to be a part of the fastest growing company in the US.  Let's take ministry to the marketplace. This 5 min video tells the whole story:  

    After watching  goto and provide your email for more information.


  • miss blessing

    DEAR friend,
    i am very sorry if my message will be a kind of embarrassment 2 you since I do not know you in person or have met U before,i will like you to contact me through my email box(blessingcole1515/@y/ah/o/o.c/o/m)so that we can know each other better and exchange our beloved friend Remember the distance or age does not matter what matters is the love we share with each other.i am waiting to hear from you soon,thanks and God bless you my beloved friend,i love you.