God has taken and gone at great lengths to bless us who believe. First He saved us from the penalty of sin, second he sealed us and gave us the gift of His Spirit, third He provides us with grace and mercy so that we can have the favor to minister and win the lost to His Kingdom. As you can hopefully see God is a great investor, and as His servant/child He has invested or deposited a lot on the inside of us.

The challenge for us as believers is to do what we can to make sure God is getting a return on the investement/deposit that He has made in our lives. It is just like the stock broker who has invested, he buys and sells based on which product is giving him the greatest return. How this works for the believer is based on the amount of fruit you bear as a result of the work of ministry that God has given you opportunity to do or called you to.

Your ability to give God a good return on His investment in you, is based on your willingness to serve, your obedience to His word, the passion for worship, the depth of your relationship, and being able to identify and then exercise the gift of God He has deposited in you.

Make sure that this day God gets a great return on His investment to you, and then enjoy the increase and harvest that it brings to your life and to the Kingdom. Have a blessed and prosperous day in the Lord.

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