At many carnivals you will find a booth with a palm reader or a fortuneteller or someone who says they will tell you your future ... For a nominal fee of course. For some who pay the price it is a novelty...a carnival experience that is just as exciting as the roller coaster ride, the cotton candy and smoked turkey legs, and the fun house. But for others, it is a serious decision. They will base significant life choices on what is told to them by these persons.

I noticed that we do the same thing in the Body of Christ.

Have you noticed that many people flock to prophetic conferences or try to position themselves in a seer/prophets path in hopes to get a "reading". They run to the conferences with offerings in hand in hopes of hearing a word from God from the seer/prophet. They hope that somehow that Lord will give that person insight to their situation and information will be shared that they can use to make difficult decisions. Others go for the novelty and entertainment of signs and wonders. To them it is a spiritual sideshow.

Is this really the role of the seer/prophet?

Are the prophetic gatherings nothing more than a sideshow for spiritually starved spectators?

Have you ever had a person give you a "word from the Lord" and it didn't come true?

Or have you only had great prosperity prophesied to you but never gloom and doom? Where are the prophets like the ones we read about in the Bible that will tell you the true things that will happen to you...those things that don't sound so good but in fact tell of hard times, times of testing and trying, or possible discipline from the Lord if you don't straighten up and fly right? Where are those prophets...spokespersons of God?

Why don't we hear these types of things said at "prophetic conferences"?

Something was said to me by a person who doesn't even go by the title "prophet" and I KNEW it was God speaking to them. Why? Because they spoke details about my PAST, present, and what would happen in my future if I didn't make certain decisions. I didn't know this person at all and they knew specific details about my past. I did not seek them for advice, didn't even mention things that were in my heart when we met. But in the same pattern we see in the Bible, God will send someone to you to speak to you when you either can't hear God speak to you Himself or are willingly ignoring God.

Will I run to a prophetic conference just because that is what someone chooses to call it... Most likely no. But will I listen when I recognize God using a willing vessel to come across my path in Biblical pattern... Well you be the judge of that.

Am I totally against prophetic conferences? Eh, if you choose to go, I won't condemn you. I just know how God typically deals with me and it is always in accordance to the Biblical pattern.

Feel free to share your thoughts on thr topic.

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That has nothing to do with her gift.That was about the identity of King Saul and Samuel the Prophet/Seer. It was a scream of shock and fear of the law of death to all fake Prophets given by Saul.
Laura why do you say that? If it is someone o both know and trust then I would allow it. But I won't necessarily run to a conference just bcuz it is called a propjetic conf.
Interestingly enough, Prophetess Laura, your Prophetic forefathers were sought after far and wide in the days when the School of Prophets was respected, and YHWH was worshiped. Similar to the way that fortune tellers were sought, the Prophets/Seers were sent for by both Princes and Poor men. Likewise, the Apostles were sought after by rich and poor men just like Apostle/Prophet JESUS of Nazareth was. Once they (foolishly) replaced the Apostles and Prophets with Bishops, their audience was sought after in the days of the "Holy Roman Empire".

Prophetic conferences go further back than you would think or even allow.
Isn't that what you are doing, not that you have to go to conferences, but I was interested in why you wouldn't, YOU state you are a prophetess? do you not speak words over individuals?
Lump all Prophets in the same basket? Technically speaking, you've done that already.
Hey guess what... This weekend I was invited to a prophetic conference by someone who will be speaking at it. How ironic!

But again, I both know and trust this person so I will go to support them but also I'm curious to see what the others who will be speaking will do and say.

The conf is this month so I will come back to this discussion and tell you how it went.

I will go with an open mind for whatever God may or may not do. I won't go all full of negativity and criticism...even though I can be critical at times (smile).

Love you guys - TTYL (talk to you later)

Oh one more thing...Laura what do you do as a Prophetess? I'm not trying to be critical or judgmental...just curious as to what you do. I don't like to lump everyone in one barrel but I do ask questions for clarity and understanding. You don't have to answer if you are uncomfortable with my question.
How is it that you are not a Prophetess that stands for speaking a word from GOD over the people, and yet you say you are here to "build up the Body of Christ"?

When the sister asked you of your particular assignment as a Prophetess, you gave the most vague of answers. ALL MINISTERS are to build up the Body of Christ. I too am curious as to what your particular role is within the Prophetic Guild.
Let it be heard then.........
QUESTION--If Seers/Prophets of the OT were spokespersons for God, then who are the "ambassadors" for Christ in the NT? And why are both mentioned in the NT?
That question was asked and I wanted to present it to BPN.
Circus sideshows is exactly what comes to mind when I think of Prophetic conferences. Do we actually think that the Holy Spirit is a partner to this? Let me get this straight. If a conference is to be held December 1, 2009, the Holy Spirit will hold all messages for any given person and wait for them to show up at the conference. Highly doubtful. What we see at many of these events are those with familiar spirits or divination, but not the Spirit or power of God.


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