And Please Explain To Me How Can Any Other Than The OriGinal TITHE TO OneGod Be Accepted In Any Other Way Than In It's OriGinal Form And In It's Entirety!

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I believe you! And I think that you believe it’s true. But I have a question for you. How does what you do here on BPN serve and honor God?
Actually, there is no where in the NT that any of the apostles instructed the church to pay tithes - neither is there a request for the NT church to pay tithes.

Jesus spoke of tithes but that was before He went to the Cross and the New Covenant began.

What we are to give is for the poor and the church. And there is no set percentage on that.
So I Gather That You Are One Of Those That Disregard The Old Testsment And It's Teachings? Are You Saying That The Tithe Is No Longer Required? What Is Happening To ALL The Tithe Being Taken?
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" So I Gather That You Are One Of Those That Disregard The Old Testsment And It's Teachings? Are You Saying That The Tithe Is No Longer Required? What Is Happening To ALL The Tithe Being Taken? "

Its sort of odd that we are deluding ourselves (because of our tradition) there is no where the apostles instructed the New Covenant church to give a little tithe - I think its much more than that now.

By OT standards you give just 10% and you are fine....thats Old School.
I wonder if this question is posed out of a way of not being obedient to the Word of God, the entire Word? Do you think questioning or posing a interpretation changes the Word of God in anyway, whether agreed upon or not? Where is the conclusion of God said it, I believe it and that Settles it? Extracting from any of the Word albeit OT or NT, exclusion of any is a work of disobedience. Just the mere fact that it is stated in the bible anywhere it should be excepted, no matter where it goes or who you're giving it to. The fact that you're giving it to prove God....His Word say prove ME. It doesn't matter where it is going or who you are giving it to, it is not our is to prove God. Whether it was animal sacrafice or money, because even when the animal sacrifice was not able to be brought to prove God in the OT it was exchanged for money and the money was given. It is God who will deliver the attention to the receiver of the tithe who do not use it to advance the kingdom here on earth. We must all remember, that man is an imperfect creature and will not obey at all times, but it is his creator that will deal with that situation, and situation means anything contrary to the Words of God.

Those that are disobedient in their giving of their tithes, who rob God as stated in Malachi, will reap their reward and we don't know what that would be other than the orignator of this law. We cannot adjust the Word of God nor change the fact that it is either believe it or not and that is your right as the creator has given us so freely....but Woe to the ones that don't. It is ironic of how some of the Word of God is believed without question, then some is questioned.

God said it, believe it and that settles it! Just pay your tithes and prove Him.

In Love, Sis. Denise
Sis, it's so much more than a piddly ol 10% now.

Have you read anywhere, once the church began on the day of Pentecost, where we were only to give God 10%?
And even if that were so - do you see anywhere it tells us to give to any BUILDING program?
Or for the preacher's new WHIP?
Or for a $400,000 or $300,000 or $200,000 home?
Or his wife's new breast implants or breast reduction or liposuction or to get his son out of jail or for a trip to Cancun?

When did Jesus go on vacation or Paul go to Tarshish to take in some sun with the saints money?

That money that was collected by the elders - was collected FOR the saints ----> who were poor.
You know ---> FUBU

But back to the issue at hand - 10% is nothing to crow about.
This is why I asked the question. Is this post posed out of a way of not being obedient to the Word of God, the entire Word? Do you think questioning or posing a interpretation changes the Word of God in anyway, whether agreed upon or not?

All those forementioned things that you mentioned regarding what people are doing with the tithe money in many churches, God will deal with them. It is the tithers place to prove God in their lives...God loves a cheerful giver, not a giver who is wondering where it is going. A good mans feet are ordered by God and the road that God has planned before the foundation of the earth will come to past. Let not your heart be troubled for if you believe in God...know that ALL His Words are true. God shall repay. So the collectors of the tithes and what they do with it, if they are not doing what they are suppose to do, which is to advance the kingdom of God here in the earth....woe to them, God will deal with them.

Be Blessed, Pay your tithes, and don't worry about what man can do to you or with your tithes, because God knows everything. Worry about what God can do. Fear no man...know that when you are obedient to Gods Word, He shall take care of you and yours.

Focusing on something you cannot do anything about, takes your focus off what you suppose to be focused on which is the will of God.

In Love, Sis. Denise
Actually - if the elders are doing OTHER than taking care of the body and spending it on themselves - that person thats kicking out the money NEEDS to LEAVE that assembly.
Go where they are doing what the early church did.

But there is NO instruction to give just 10% for the NT church.
Nowhere. Nada. Nunca. Nein.
No there is nowhere in the NT that gives instructions, other than Jesus saying He did not come to do away with the Law, but to fulfill it. Jesus came to do the Will of the Father and obey the Law also, Grace Mercy was the mission. We still should obey the Law, but Mercy provides us the opportunity to get it right. We are suppose to be Holy...the Word of God say not to look to the left or the right, which is Righteous or Self Righteous....but in the center of that is Holyiness. We can make all the excuses of why we shouldn't obey the Word of God, but Gods Word still is the same today, yesterday and everlasting. It does not change because we disagree or agree. If the elders are doing OTHER than taking care of the body and spending it on themselves, the person that is paying their tithes should not be focused on that, their focus is to seek the kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Leaving the assembly is not the answer, for God has to POWER to use anyone as an example. Just be obedient to the Word of God and let God show His wonders. Don't get hung up on people, it is not flesh and blood that we fight against. It is the principalities of evilness, but we are suppose to believe that God is more powerful than a man taking money and not doing what he is suppose to do with it. (See how an activity of an evil one can take your mind off the power of God) don't allow the enemy to make you disobedient to the Word of God. The Word of God instructs us to give 10%, and if your heart desires to give more then do so, but don't focus on who you are giving it to, you give it to prove God, that's it and thats all. Don't allow the adversary to distract you from proving God with thoughts of a mere man doing some with your money...ALL things belong to God. Fret not thyself because of evil doers, for they shall soon be cut down like withering grass...Trust In The Lord and do good....that is the Word of God. Psalms 37.

In Love, Sis. Denise
"...If the elders are doing OTHER than taking care of the body and spending it on themselves, the person that is paying their tithes should not be focused on that, their focus is to seek the kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Leaving the assembly is not the answer, for God has to POWER to use anyone as an example. Just be obedient to the Word of God and let God show His wonders. Don't get hung up on people, it is not flesh and blood that we fight against..."

Sister Denise,

No, one should not waste their time with blind greedy leaders.
They need to to attend where the leadership is doing the will of God with their time and the saint's MONEY.

If the blind lead the blind - they all fall in the ditch.

No...leave that assembly and go where they are serious about serving God and loving the Body of Christ.


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