What happened to music with meaning, music that told a story, gave a testimony? Music that gave the listener just as much to consider about salvation and the condition of their soul as The Preached Word did? ...... Do we "really" need to "stomp", twist, jump all around, up & down to get the attention of young people today?..... Amazing Grace touched me at only 8yrs. of age, why can't that "same" Amazing Grace touch the hearts of the young today?.....Oh and by they way, I'm only 46....(Not old-old yet) :-).....What happened?

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Praise God for the solid words of wisdom.

We have to continue praying for our churches, our pastor and our ministry leaders. We pray that their decisions are spiritually led. We pray that their vision is one that God has ordained. And we pray that their steps are divinely ordered. We pray that the commited continue contributing to Christ and His Church.

In far too many instances, the goal is aimed at growing the church instead of perfecting saints.
We are here, all of us, to reach the lost. But we are also here to edify the body, to glorify God, to manify the name of Jesus. We've built these cathedrals, some of us, and hope that the unchurched and unsaved will keep coming and keep contributing to help us pay for them. And so the demand is to attract and impact the young adult who are in the workforce. Then to cateur to their wants in music and limitations in timeframe for the worship services. Meetings are held to see how the church can be more attractive. Some of it may be fine; but there comes a time when the church has to be the church. And if we're not going to be the church, we need to close our doors and take the sign down.

The leadership is looking at what is marketable and what has wide spread appeal. In some cases, the seasoned, skilled, trained musician and directors are forced shallow visions their purpose. And sadly, some are now a mere shadow of what they use be and are suffering in silence. Their purpose has been redefined and their function has been confined to that of a glorified flunky. For some, this would not be a transition, because they don't know any better.

I've been asked to do many things by leadership that didn't make sense on any level. When I asked for understanding, I was told to make it happen or make room. I was once told that speaking against inappropriate dress or attire was inappropriate. And so, for a season I remained and was silent. But thanks be to God for deliverance. I said more by leaving than I could have ever said while staying. I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I can't serve under a intellectually challenged leader. Some things come down to common sense and common courtesy.

Music is suppose to enhanse the worship service, just like icing enhanses the taste of a cake. Music is not suppose to be the cake and the word of God is not suppose to be the icing. While the music will draw you, it take the word of God to keep you. So why would anybody want to grow a church of 10,000 plus and have the headaches of the 9,000 because they are not saved. The bible says judge ye not, but it encourages us to be fruit inspectors. What a shame to have reduce the Lord's work and Will down to a hour 1/2 event on Sundays. There is so much more to this that we are called to do and it has to be taught and encouraged.

I wish the the humble musicians locate the humble preachers and let the haulty musicians and preachers be subject to one another's company. LOL. The Lord God is the highest form of intelligence, so that should require us to act like we have a little.

Be blessed and look for ways to bless others.
You have once again spoken a truth...a truth that most Pastors will deny...because churches now are engaged in the pratices of "marketing".....churches are now competing against each other for "members"...for sure in these times of economic instability...I peruse a site called LoopNet...that sells properties,and there are more churches for sale now,than there's ever been.Churches are engaged in direct-marketing promotions,such as mail-outs by targeted zipcodes,radio and TV commercials,....what has happened to God's "marketing"plan...going out in the highways and the hedges,and compelling men to come......the church is now in competition for Sunday......and who is the competition???football,basketball,baseball,the line-up of new TV shows,TV churches are now asking for your dollars,gambling casinos,theme parks........it's all out there...why you think so many churches have went away from the 11:00 hour to earlier times,2 and 3 services.....all geared to people's schedules,needs,desires,to accomedate and compete.
Well I know one thing...as long as God gives me breath.....I will be doing those old hymns until it's time for me to take my dirt nap.......those old songs have power...and they will never die.....I play everything from ole to new.....but those old songs...they might not sing them as often,but they will still be in my repetoire-Be Blessed
I thank The Lord for "EACH" and everyone of you that have choosen to participate and leave your thoughts to this discussion.....You ALL have left such BEAUTIFUL comments....May The Lord RICHLY & FERVENTLY Bless you ALL!!!!....I would like to "thank you" Min. Traey Marshall for such a deeper REVEALATION to the "message" that The Spirit of The Lord is attempting to deliver in this question...."Is Today's Music Really Gospel"?......You are SO RIGHT in your statement that music is meant to "ENHANCE" the service, not "BE" the service....Which brings me to comment on "your" remarks Pastor Divine....I understand that being a pastor AND mother of 3 young adult children that you would probably be just a little bias toward the younger generation....I too have 2 young adult sons AND a teen-aged daughter....So if "anyone" should understand the "stomping", jumping & shaking from side to side....I should...HOWEVER!...there also needs to be A CAP (or limit) to all of that....Young people need to understand that...THAT IS NOT WHAT LEADS TO SALVATION.....(which is what MINISTRY should ALWAYS be about)....no matter WHAT generation we're in.....God says "HE" changes NOT....just like the constitution which states that we ALL were "supposed" to be born with certain unalienable rights & that ALL men(kind) were "supposed" to be created EQUAL...well!...guess who changed a lot of that?...MAN!!!....Well it's also the SAME with the Lord.....WE decided to push Amazing Grace (& others like it) away....There is a NEED to "TEACH" the young people....that whereas "MAKING ME WANNA STOMP" may feel good "FOR THE MOMENT"....They need something a little more SUBSTANTIAL to lean on when ADVERSITY arises.....Look at our teen mortality rate of kids KILLING THEMSELVES because they're being bullied or being called fat or ugly at school....Where was their SELF ESTEEM?...Where was their FAITH in knowing that GOD LOVED THEM REGARDLESS?.....Please! don't get me wrong....I like SOME of the contemporary songs...I too am a pastor AND a gospel recording artist myself....I'm just saying "WE'VE" allowed things to get "too far" out of hand....and only WE can bring it back to where it was MEANT to be....God Changes NOT!!!
I'm glad you asked this question. I'm totally disappointed with what we've done with music that is supposed to be a form of reverance to God. We have turned it into an entertainment circus. I'm a Christian Rapper and it was difficult for me to get exposure because of the music genre, but when people found out that I was not an entertainer, but a Minister through music, it stunned them. My dissappointment came when I noticed that I was on rosters with gospel singers and speakers and I turned out to be the unlikely one to actually exhort people simply because of the Word I delivered through of all things...rap. Gospel music is a form of worship and it's not to be made into a wild party or a competition. Thanks you for sharing. I have a video on this subject I will be uploading too.
God Bless You Minister Campbell AND your ministry.....That's all I'm trying to say.....Not that anything is wrong with contemparary or instrumental or even rap gospel music....But! what I am saying is to let the Music STILL EXEMPLIFY the NAME of Jesus!.....There MUST still be a message....(for how can they hear "without" one)....Jesus said.... If "I" be lifted up...."I'll" draw....Let's allow the music to still Lift "JESUS" up, not the BEAT.....I think if we keep in mind the music was intended to be a PART of the service and not the TOTAL service.....We just "might" get this thing right!.. :-)
Hello there! I'm new here but I couldn't help but comment on your post. I am young only 21 years old and I must say that most of the gospel music today really ministers to me, I mean, some of us young people can't really relate to the older music like what my mom listened to (not saying that I don't apperciate it). Some of the gospel music today from the younger artists is what reaches out to me and other young people that I know because honestly, some of them will listen to that before they even think about listening to the older music. Most artists like Canton Jones, William Murphy, Tye Tribbett etc, all have worship music that we can relate to. Growing up I would all ways hear the gospel music that my mother used to play and since I wanted to listen to something different I didn't like it, so of course when I heard it, it wouldn't catch my attention. But, I don't knock down the older gospel music I just believe that when we worship we should do so in spirit and in truth and everyone does not worship the same, there is no set way to worship as long as we are truthful.
God Bless You my sister B Sam and my deepest apologies for not being on the site for soooo long.....Ministry and a not so cooperative computer at times keep me pretty occupied....But let me respond now because, I'm not saying that today's music is "bad" or anything like that.....What I "DID" say is that we should NEVER allow the MUSIC to be the service....and I believe that because the MUSIC sounds so SECULAR that young people today have a tendency to "replace" THE WORD with "music" because the music makes them "FEEL" good.....Music is good, but music was NEVER intended to BE the service....it's meant to just ENHANCE the service.....and when we allow music to be the main attraction in the service, then the WORD becomes VOID... and THAT'S where we lose our power....Yes a song is good to lift us up in spirit when we're feeling down or low.....But it's THE WORD that gives us the POWER to "overcome" whatever it is that has us feeling that way......Now! the problem I'm having with the music is when it sounds so SECULAR you can't tell the difference from a Keisha Cole song and a church choir song.....A Nicki Manage and a praise team song....and young people are shaking their rumps in the church as though they're in a night club.....We have lost "reverence" (respect and honor) for the things of God and have come to the point of "compromising" too much in my eye (and I'm sure in God's eye also).....The church has lost a lot of her power because we have compromised TOO MUCH.....I'm not knocking a song with a beat or a dance.....I'm just saying....IT STILL NEEDS TO BE "HOLY"....There just ought to be a DIFFERENCE in the way a song sounds that meant to "love on God" from one that's meant to "love on or satisfy the flesh".......God Bless You reeeeaaalll Good Lady of God!

Dr. Wynelle Jordan Alexander, TH.D
Jordan Crossing Outreach Ministries
iam glad to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston
iam bless to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston
I am in agreement. Thehymns ofthe church have a meaning and they can touch theheart. The advent of Kirk, Ty ,Mary Mary have the young people in the church and once we get them in the chrch we can introduce them to the hymns. If this music is bringing theyoung folks to christ then so be it.
I thank u God's People for your response to this topic & I thank The Lord that we can discuss matters of the CHURCH in such a decent & orderly manner....however...to "your" response to this topic Sis. Lily Miller I would like to add that...I KNOW & am FULLY aware of what society has deemed as "A Change Of Times"..however!!..I am also minded that WE AS BELIEVERS should be AWARE of the schemes & deceitfulness of the ENEMY (satan) why?...because WE serve a God who has PROCLAIMED that HE CHANGES NOT!!! (Malachi 3:6)..so then WHY should WE?..."IF" indeed we call ourselves serving HIM??...If you ask me THIS is what brings about sooo much "controversy" within the church body....Eeeevery body has THEIR OWN way of how things should go when it should ALWAYS be about how GOD wants it to go...NOW!!..don't get me wrong..I'm not saying that the songs that stomp, jump, run, scream & clap are totally WRONG!!...but what I AM saying is...they OFTEN (& more so than not) give our children the WRONG concept of what CHURCH (& "THE" church) is all about...and I'm talking from experience..because I've seen it with MY OWN EYES....Once the "MUSIC STOPS"....the kids go to sleep, or start texting on their phones, or even LEAVE out of the service....NOW! they're MISSING the MAIN concept of what CHRIST is reeeally all about..."THE WORD"...which is why "I" say...don't MISLEAD them in the first place....give them the necessary "FIRST" (which is THE WORD) ..THEN!!... add all the other things!!
The Word we ought to believe says that...it's THE WORD that SAVES....and how can they HEAR unless it's PREACHED? (not sung) (Romans 10:14) -- (Rom.10:8)=But what does it say? - "THE WORD" is near you!!!...Not the song!!...We put TOO MUCH emphasis on the music...Have you forgotten it was the chief musician that was kicked out of heaven because HE TOO thought the music was more significant!!
The music is suppose to be an "enhancement" to the service...it's not meant to BE the service!!!......PLEASE PEOPLE OF GOD!!!....Lead (even the children) in with THE WORD!!...why do you think we have so many of our children still killing themselves AND each other & getting into so many other things they have no concept of (drugs, teen pregnancies & diseases)....WHY?...because they don't have a WORD to KEEP them when they fall into these situations...,Church KNOW THIS if you don't know anything else...Music makes you feel good "for a while"...BUT!!...The Word KEEPS you for "EVER"!!....Amen & God Bless!!


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