Friends, I’ve written a lesson on this topic (Missionary Dating) but it is always good to see what others are saying or experiencing. Needless to say, I was a bit shocked when I came across a particular website specifically designed for Christian women who want to date unsaved men for the purpose of converting them to Christianity. Doesn’t this strike you as a bit… well… odd?

“I want to use my beauty for GOD, and want to encourage Christian women (my sisters in Christ) to do the same, according to the Great Commission.”

The above quote is from a website that I came across the other day as I was looking at other’s comments on evangelistic dating or Missionary Dating. The quote seems innocent enough…even inviting. But where I found the quote was/is terribly alarming. And as I continued reading the information on the website, I had to just pray for the person who created it.

Well, it didn’t stop there. Here’s another quote:

“…it helps that you're good looking. Romans 12:1 says "to offer your bodies as living sacrifices." Since our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19), it makes sense that we should use our beautiful bodies to glorify HIS name, the Holy Spirit will work the strongest since He's in our body, right? That's the best position to be in!”

Oh my!!! What an interesting and ERRONEOUS interpretation of the scriptures!

Another quote from this disturbing website:

“Not only can we date hot guys (as only hot Christian girls could do), but hopefully we can lead them to God and help them get saved them from the burning fires of Hell… Jesus saves through hooking up with cute heathen guys!”

Holy Spirit, please lead this young lady into the truth of the scriptures. Open her understanding to your will and YOUR way of doing things Father God. And for the young lady who created the website, I must lovingly say to you PLEASE do not lean to your own understanding. In ALL your ways (even dating practices) acknowledge God and HE will direct your paths dear.

In my next posting, we can take a biblical look at Evangelistic or Missionary Dating so that we can have the mind of Christ on this particular issue.



Tracy Curtis, Founder

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I Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NASB)

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Is it a really bad joke? If not, it's the devil. Same lust demon (and demon of disobedience), different "script".
Are you serious? Lust is lust. Doesn't matter if the person is saved or unsaved. There are players looking in the church and out of the church. I'm a single pastor and there is no way I can use that to justify lust or wanting to be listed after. This is a problem in the church especially for singles like me who want to be married, live holy and prosper in God even as our souls prosper. Although the Bible doesnt teach on dating (cause it didn't exist), we as a church should not be so gullible as to believe such foolishness. MARANATHA!! EVEN SO COME LORD JESUS!
Oh my Pastor Neal... you have hit on something... the bible does not teach on dating...why? BECAUSE IT DIDN'T EXIST. This is soooo true!

But since we live in a society where there is such a thing, we have to glean biblical principles for the unmarried. After all, in the area of romantic relationships, the bible deals with married or unmarried. The "unmarried folk are those who never married (virgins), those who are divorced, and those who are widowed.

The danger that many unmarried Believers fall into is the pitfall of making marriage a "golden calf". They are so focused with being married that it consumes their thoughts and they both consciously and subconsciously meditate on it continuously. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be married, so please don't mistake my comment for me saying there is something wrong with it. But like anything that we obsess over, it becomes idolatry.

For those in leadership (male or female), marriage has its' pros and cons. For me, what I enjoy most about being single is that I can totally focus my energies on my biblical studies. I can go to school, study long, stay up late when I want, eat when I want (which is more of me not eating and not cooking since it is just me in the house in this season), etc.

But if I were married, my devotion would HAVE to be divided. And rightfully so, I couldn't be on the phone every night ministering or online whenever I wanted day or wee hours of the night diligently searching the "highways and byways" for those God would have me minister to, or regular late nights of writing on my laptop, or going wherever I wanted to go. That would not be respectful to my spouse because it would be excluding him from my life choices. I couldn't not cook and not eat on a regular basis because there would be someone else in the house and it is good to brake bread together. Also, I would have to be submissive to my husband's biblical position of authority in our home. I couldnt' just run around making decisions on my own. In a marriage, there is Us not ME and that is the difference.

The unmarried who have been living single for some time, don't always count the cost of getting into that beautiful covenant relationship. Not only are you allowed to have sex (with God's approval), but once married you have companionship, covering, strength (two can put 10 thousand to flight...), you get to be a living example of Christ's relationship to the church, oh and so much more.

Do I want to be married... oh heaven's yes! I think there is nothing better than a true covenant relationship, but am I running after my Boaz....nope... I'm content in whatever state I find myself in. Do I go out on dates.. of course...selectively...but yes. I'm not mean about saying no to a fella but I don't just date anyone. After all, dating is not just hanging out with friends. The purpose of dating should be the end result of marriage. If we are just going to hang out, then we are not on a date, and I'm ok with hanging out with a new friend...we just have to keep it real...LOL It's either a date because we are interested in one another or we just want to be friends. (and oftentimes, a date may end up with the two becoming friends and nothing else, and that is ok)

But in the topic at hand... Missionary Dating... the deceptive practice of "dating to deliver" or "flirt to convert" is not God's way of doing things. It is intentionally manipulative and is a trick of the enemy and corrupts the work of the kingdom.

Did I forget to tell you guys that there is actually a WEBSITE for women who are willing to "flirt to convert". It is a dating site for "saved" women who want to date unsaved men for the purpose of using their womanly ways to persuade the unsaved to come to Christ... I stumbled upon the site when doing some internet research on missionary dating and I was literally FLOORED!!!

close ya mouth my brotha....you might get flies in it LOL


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