Would You As Pastor allow Homosexuals To Frolic In Your Church?

Vermont has just okayed what they call "same sex mariages". It is very sad that we humans who are supposed to be the most intelligent creatures on earth, dont even understand or appreciate the sacred purpose of marriage. The reason why God instituted marriage is for reproduction, plus nothing, minus nothing. The sole reason why we are created male and female, or exibit some form of sexuality is to reproduce. If we didnt have to reproduce after our kind, we wont have any devices for sex. Angels dont reproduce and as such are sexless beings. Everything else God put on earth comes in pairs of male and female. Even birds know this. Have you ever gone bird-watching and seen two male birds weaving a nest and trying to raise a family?
You dont have to be a rocket scientist in order to understand that another man's behind was neither designed by God nor evolution for sex. The anus is not a sexul organ, period. So that if you want to use a body feature designed to accomplish one task for a completely senseless one then there is something wrong with your perception. You are like the man who sees a deer and calls it an elephant. Something is wrong upstairs!! What is the purpose of a so called same sex marriage. Sexual pleasure so they speak. But pleasure is not the purpose for sex.The pleasure part is secondary. God made sex pleasurable, why? Because if it had felt like surgery, you would have to hold a gun to your partner's head to have children. Homosexuals have taken the "purpose" out and are going gang-ho after the "pleasure".WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT PLEASURE-SEEKING IN THE LAST DAYS?
As A pastor the only way I would allow a homosexual in my congregation if they understand that homosexuality, just all other deviations , is wrong and they came to church to seek help like all of us do. But if a homosexual shows up in church all cocky and full of gay pride and trying to peddle his ware in the church, I will chase him out with a baseball bat!!! lol!
You just said "wow, he hates homosexuals!", right? Wrong. As a pastor you cant hate anybody because of their sin.It will be like a Doctor hating a patient because the latter has a form of cancer the Doctor dreads.But if the patient tells the Doc, "Leave my cancer a lone. I was born with it, and I am proud of it." Well, then get out of the hospital! I dont hate homosexuals, I hate homosexuality. You dont hate the sinner, you hate the sin. You have to hate the sin enough to be able to help the sinner. On the other hand if you love the sin, you yourself might just get caught up in it.I consider it a disgrace to the human race that we allow behavior that even some animals shy away from.

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Sin and Abomination, are too different things, lying and same sex relationships are far from being the same. Though the Chiefest of sinners, he didn't have Sex with members of the same Sex. Get it right sister,

Blatant Homosexuality is different, Abraham Lied, yet was not found to be of some other mind-frame.

And you can only hit one at a time............
Let me share something with EVERYONE here and whomever would like to address it, please do. For years, I was in a church under a "false prophet" (who needs not to be named, he's deceased). Because of that, I have questioned ALL of the teachings I've received from him for all those years. What I have said here is what I learned from the man I speak of.

SO, I'm "ASKING" again. If I am wrong, PLEASE, show me/teach me the "TRUTH" as it is. Again, I will say, "I" am not afraid to be wrong. If I've received false doctrine, so be it. Some of what I was taught, I have now learned better since my RELATIONSHIP with God has grown, but this is NOT the case with everything that was drilled in me.

Anyone want to answer with a BIBLICAL explanation versus an attack?
Thank you for a respectful response. I do ask for understanding before I study the word, however, what I said "here" on this post was what I was "taught" not my own understanding. Although it seems everyone is attacking Bro Marq for his beliefs, no one has thought that this could be the case with him, rather than him BEING Gay. Folks are SO quick to throw stones (especially on this blog) as if they have NO sin in their own lives and never have. That's sad and heartbreaking. If anyone would like to question my walk with God or my relationship with God because of what I DID say here..go right ahead. Just remember to look in the mirror. For ANY man to be on this CHRISTIAN network using profanity is rediculous to me. THAT doesn't get the point across. It causes division and then before you know it, it's battle amongst the saints instead of the spiritual war we SHOULD be fighting. Whether ANYONE in the bible was Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual or whatever, regardless, JESUS saves. I DO believe that IF a person sincerely repents, turns from their wicked ways and seeks God, they can be saved never to go back into THAT sin again. I've seen this in MY life. Gay, I've never been. A drug dealer , liar, thief and drunk...that was me. That was who I WAS before I gave my heart and life to GOD. If anyone would like to DISCOURAGE a saint, a babe in Christ or even seasoned Christians who may have had some false teachings, THIS is the way to turn them AWAY! SO JUDGMENTAL!
Be Blessed.
Sister Tarmeque, what you have said provides a better understanding. I assumed you had gotten your information from a church leader that was providing false doctrine and now you have expressed that. I pray that my responses to you weren't taken negative because it is never my intentions and the reason being is exactly what you have expressed here. IF we who claim to follow Jesus Christ are beligerant or boisterous in our replies to others it will push them farther from God rather than draw them to Him. Also if there are individuals new to Christ viewing these hostile communications they will not see those with a Christ-like character but those with characters they want to get away from. You and I have the same background (I have expressed/shared my past from day one on this site) and there is nothing to be ashamed of because the enemy tries to put shame and guilt in us. We have been forgiven so leave it in the past. I sold drugs, stole, had women in the streets, just did everything in the streets because it was my life and all I knew in the 60's, 70's and early 80's. I didn't get my first JOB until I was 36 years of age. It was my lifestyle that drew me to Christ because I came from a family that trusted in Him where I didn't just as you did. What I'd like to say to you is we can't believe anyone just because they have pastorial credentials. Please believe that Satan attacks the church real hard and has his implants. The Bible tells us that scripture is of no private interpretation. The spirit judges all things. As you are seeing (I too allowed it to happen) you just rely on the Spirit to guide and teach you because He will, I am a witness. The Spirit will teach you, draw you to true believers that have more knowledge than you in His Word and at the same time allow you to see and recognize those that are false in delivering His message. You just keep believing that you are learning from the Spirit and that you aren't so unknowledgeable and trust that deep feeling you get in the pit of your stomach whether what you study you are interpreting because it's not you it's the Spirit. Before you study/read ask God to shut down your wisdom, knowledge and understanding and bless you with His and He will, I guarantee it. God bless you my Sister in Christ and don't let attacks deter you either because though this site says it Christian, we don't all act that way all the time. IT's simply because we all need to understand being a Christian means renewing our minds and our character to be Christ-like. After all we represent Him so we need to remember that in all things.
we sometimes read and remember the enemy will put the wrong things in our minds as well this is why we must network with each other or someone who is on a higher spiritual level to seek truth and understanding,,someone just comming into the body dont know everything and much of anything,,some one who is not properly taught cant teach,,medidtation with the spirit as well as a RELATIONSHIP with the father ,,NOT RELIGION BUT RELATIONSHIP AND HE WILL SHOW YOU ALL THINGS,,NOW I POSTED ABOUT DAVID AS WELL BUT I HAD TO LEAVE THIS SITE AND PRAY AND repent FOR GETTING UPSET BEFORE HE GAVE ME SCRIPTURES ON THE MATTER..PEOPLE CREATE THERE OWN IDEOLOGY TO ACCOMMADTE SIN AND OTHERS IN SIN,,THIS IS HOW THE DEVIL WORKS DISCORD AMONG THE BRETHEREN..BUT I SAID AS WELL AS MINISTER TRACY THE WHOLE SIN IS TO BE ADDRESSED BUT THE TOPIC HOMOSEXUALS THAT IS THE DART BOARD ON THIS MATTER NOT THE REST OF THE SINS...LISTEREN THE BOOK ON THE SONGS OF SOLOMON,,THE LITTLE FOXES DESTROY THE VINE..ITS THE LITTLE FOXES THAT IS DESTROYING OUT WALK NOT THE BIG FOXES BUT THE LITTLE ONES

Sorry for all my replies and I am glad you got an understanding
I am not understanding why with THIS issue this scripture is not spoken about truthfully.
I am not understanding WHY we can "assume" about some things in the Bible but when it comes to THIS issue we have to take what the Word says?
Like I have been saying and continue to say- the church (the black church especially) is inconsistent and hypocritical.
NOWHERE in the Bible does it say that women can be pastors nor bishops BUT the have used the Word to SAY that the Word has allowed this ALTHOUGH NOWHERE IN THE BIBLE [AS REV. LUCKETT HAS STATED] IS THIS SAID TO US OUTRIGHT!!!
If that be the case, why are we allowing women pastors and bishops?
See, you can't have it both ways.
You won't get an answer because there is no answer.
I find it hilarious.
The church is worse than the government- lies, deception, greed, elitism, and cover-ups and all this in the name of God.
I think what it is, is that you won't get a response because most will run from that question because they don't like the kind of rebuttals not favorable to them. I guess my problem if that's what it is, is that I don't have that fear of backlash from anyone if I'm speaking from God's Word. I know in the Bible God used women as Prophetesses but I never saw where they were preachers, ministers, bishops or any leader in church period. I just know that it says the man should be the leader in his house but it said if the woman is a believer and her husband isn't she shouldn't get rid of him (paraphrasing) because she may save him. Now (in my own words) I'm sure there were (as today) strong female believers that were over other women in churches and I believe that women can witness to others but as far as being leaders of a church, I just don't know and I'm being honest. I would think it would be ok for them to get up in church and witness about the Lord's blessings and testify to members about what God has done for them but to preach as one teaching the Word to a congregation is another matter. I don't find it in God's Word. I also don't feel you need to be ordained by the state to be a minister either and be controlled by the state and having to do and preach what they say you should or you can be removed either but you see that also. I've said in the past I've been around real men of God that were taught by the Spirit and not college that knew His Word better than those that attended college. No down play on you that have gone to school because I've been down that road so don't take it as a slap in the face please. You know MarQuiese, I think most men shy away from that in fear of rebuttals from their wives and women in their congregations and fear of being disliked. I just try to match things up to the Word and if it don't match then it don't fit.
"I just try to match things up to the Word and if it don't match then it don't fit."

My point exactly.
I have YET to read a scripture that says God has "ordained" women as pastors and/or bishops.
I was always told if God tells you anything it will line up with His Word and He will not do anything OUTSIDE of His Word.
That being the case HOW can we "assume" one thing about one issue but will completely dismiss anything else that we choose NOT to agree with?
The scripture regarding David and Johnathon is right there in PLAIN english!!!
Not only is it there but SAUL HIMSELF knew this and it was recorded in scripture.
If we can question that then there are hundreds of other things in the church/doctrine that need to be questioned because I don't see scripture to make it right.
MarQuiese please understand I'm not arguing just expressing my response to you on the matter of David and Jonathan. We can't view things how they are today in context with things in those days. It was ok for men to kiss men and hug men but it didn't mean the kiss was the kind of kiss a man gives a woman. Even in the NT is says to great one another with a Holy kiss. I kiss my father and my brothers and Christian brothers but not as I would a woman in passion if that is clear. They simply had a brotherly bond that surpassed the love they could have received from a woman but it wasn't sexual as we think of. Just like Ruth and Naomi this was about a woman who loved her mother-in-law so much she refused to leave her to fend for herself, it wasn't sexual. Help me to understand your meaning/interpretation! Saul using the phrase of Jonathan's mother's nakedness was meant as an insult to Saul in the fact that Jonathan seemed to love David to the point of defying Saul in that Saul wanted David killed because of Saul's jealousy in the fact that God chose David over him. I just can't see the thing that you see and I've read it numerous times believe me and not only since this post but I've read the bible from front to cover more times than my youngest daughter's age and she's 38 years old. But explain to me why you feel there is a homosexual realtionship in the meanings of these verses. Thanks and God bless.
I know you can't see and none of you will see it and at this point I know the truth about the scripture, you and the rest of these inconsistent hypocrites.
I was just told that it is okay for a woman to pastor and be a bishop ALTHOUGH the Word did not say this. So this person is knowingly and willingly going against scripture [and anyone else who is agreeing] but when it comes to this scripture the proof IN scripture is not enough.
I'm done with it but don't think that I will ever take you or any of these reprobates seriously when you can knowingly and willingly disobey scripture [believing a lie] and disobeying God about one thing but will lie, deceive and try to find every possible reason not to believe the truth when it is right before your eyes.
I am done with it.
It's sad that you will admit to disobedience rather than admit the truth.
Be blessed.


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