Do Christian women have a right to dress sexually provocative and say that the brothers need to control themselves? Can we truly dress how we want to dress?

Many young women wear this during church services, in the choir and doing their so called praise dances.

It is my believe that we are not to become a stumbling block for our brothers. Many sisters are quoted as saying that is his problem if he can’t contain his lust and we already know that some men’s minds are going to go where they are going to go.

According to the following scripture can a woman truly excuse her sexual dress and provocative behavior. Should a Christian woman wear anything that may cause her brother to fall.

For the record I am not talking about brothers who would be tempted by anything walking but those who struggle daily because of being exposed to underdressed women, media overexposure and so on.

Romans 14:13 KJV
Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.

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Give them a chance? I understand that concept...but how do you do that? Don't tell them that their dress could be a distraction...then after awhile you tell them? NAAAA...Just as you teach a person about the blood you teach them about Yah's instructions on's in scripture so why would you not teach scripture?

Are you agreeing that if a young women comes to church dressed provocatively and sexually alluring, no one should say anything to her? And I am not speaking of new converts but woman who are long time members. This is what the discussion is about. No one is saying discriminate based on any attire but where do we draw the line on allowing the overrun of sex, lust, and sensuality into our churches. In many churches you can go and get a sneak peak at all kinds of body parts but I hear to many saying, let God deal with them, yet the brother with the lust problem has to suffer in the flesh till these women decide to cover up.

Early on in the discussion some have said not to say anything to young women dressed like sex goddesses and now finally someone else agrees with that nonsense. I guess as long as we have churches who allow this they will do this.
No, the point that I was making was about favoritism of clothing in the church. God is the judge, not man.
Yes God is the judge and he will judge any Leader or Pastor that allows these things to go unchallenged in the house of God.

If a leader allows sensuality to linger and a brother or sister falls for it, that lost sheep's blood will be on the hands of the leader and those who choose to turn the house of God into a flesh, freak, factory.

God does not tolerate mess in his Church and his judgment has already begun. He has winked for a long time at this mess, but now it's time to pay the piper.

God Bless.
True, but give a person a chance to get cleaned up first if they are still babes in Christ. In my church some members do wear these garments you are speaking about, but I haven't seen anyone pointing the finger at them. Our minister is concerned about getting people saved.
Dear Sister,
Did I say point the finger at them? Do you consider the mothers of the church to be wrong if they tell some one how to dress appropriately? Notice, I said women who are long time members not new converts.

What excuse do you have for the women who know better but choose to dress and behave this way? What if a brother or sister who is trying to be delivered from lust falls as a result of seeing someone half dressed?

Are the elder women to just keep quiet and allow things to go from bad to worse?
I am not going to get into a debate on this subject, we have to accept everyone in the house of our LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. While we were yet sinners, CHRIST died for us. GOD accepts everyone in his kingdom, miniskirts and all.
Yes, no need to debate but I must inform you that God does not accept anyone into the kingdom as you have stated. The bible says without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.

In order for any of us to be accepted in the Kingdom of God repentance must take place because God requires us to be holy.
This is what's wrong with "church" you think saying a prayer is "getting saved" scripture tells you what it far removed from Yah's instructions that you allow people to do as THEY please....Yahshua even told a woman to go and sin no more....not take your time and it will be alright...that is a false teaching of scripture...obviously you have to teach before a person learns...

The funny think is...MOST OF THE TIME...a sinner would not even think about wearing some of the things that we see today...but the so called christian has been the leader in if the christian that runs around the church can wear it and nothing is said then why can't I...

How did the Most High deal with this...He nipped it in the bud...I used to wonder why would he make instructions on how we dress? So we would not have to have conversations like this....but when you throw out Torah you throw out the essence of Yah and obedience to Him.

The world made pants for women so it's ok to wear...mmmmm no I don't think so....

Yes brother Anthony,

Many times topics about sensual dress usually fall on deaf ears because many can't or won't make the connection with clothes and sex. I can't believe that in this day and time we are still making excuses for not covering up in the house of God. Too many times I see women playing the dumb role, such as,'"I didn't know my over exposed breast would bother anyone", or " I didn't think the brother would be bothered by seeing my thighs, after all, it's just skin.

People stop making excuses for this type of behaviour and start teaching young women that with holiness comes modesty. How can you live holy when your body is a billboard for sex, lust and lewdness. Let's stop acting as if it's not a problem in the church because it is.

I am glad to see brothers, like brother Anthony, telling it like it is. After all, who better to express the distraction of how women dress than the brothers. And for those brothers that say nothing, it's because they like it, like Brother Anthony and Sister Credit said.
That might be true for some but the main reason is if you try and instruct a person on how to dress, they will move.....WITH THEIR MONEY!!
Bro Watson, some men like it some don't, lets not get holier than thou, clothes have to do with the lack of knowledge that one is purposed to be the temple of the Holy Ghost. when the Mother's teach that (and a great many of them do) then you see a change. For the men as well.

Clothes have little to do with sex, if you are on a hookers walk, they are advertising their bodies, they are in business, ITS ABOUT THE MONEY, not sex. This is field that I do counseling on, it's NOT low self-esteem that makes a woman strip, quite frankly it takes a lot of esteem to bear ones self in front of others. The issue is a root problem, the lack of love, abuse, molestation, they are fighting back the only way they know how.

And for them to have to walk up in a church and be mailigned by others mouths, is why thy don't come. In this instant I'm glad some of the self-righteous choose to stay at home and not assemble.

Some people have hangups about sex and everything they see is about sex. They need just as much help as the ones they point a finger at.

Psalms, you don't have the authority to instruct anyone about their dress but your spouse


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