Illegal Aliens - Conservatives Say They Are Breaking The Law, Taking Our Jobs and Receive Free Health Care

If you knew a guy and his family was here illegally - would be for Amnesty?
Or would you want them to return to their country and get in line like other people that have been waiting?

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Get in line! My family has had to wait their turn to get into the nation when they came here from Trinidad-&-Tobago. They did it the old fashion, legal way. All should do the same.
Would you turn them in?
It depends......
On what?
Let me ask you this - If a brother that is apart of your assembly for years - he and his family have been living in the country illegally for years. He left abject poverty and snuck his family in to be able to take care of them. He is a solid Christian and family man - his wife is a good woman - stays home takes care of the babies - children are the most obedient gorgeous children you have ever laid eyes on - and it was you who brought them to the faith.
But he has sinned in that he is here illegally.

What would you do? Would you vote for amnesty if you knew it would keep them in the country?

Oh yeah the toddler twins call you Uncle Trevor because you are their Godfather :-)
Newview, what catches my attention is:

-"He left abject poverty and snuck his family in to be able to take care of them. He is a solid Christian and family man....."

-"....and it was you who brought them to the faith."

Those are the ONLY two factors that mattered to me amongst all that you said. Cute kids, and nice wives are not what would sway me. Under such circumstances, I would see what I could do for him, be it help him stay legally, or help him get in as he returns to the country he's from, while supporting him over there as a missionary. Other than that, you are asking me to do what is wrong. That in itself is a sin.
I was just being funny about how cute the kids were... :-)

Would you turn him in?
I already answered that......
Newview, that's a very sympathetic picture you just painted. Now, what if the scenario was the complete opposite? What if the guy was a criminal who managed to sneak into this country and continues to commit crimes because it's the only way he knows to survive especially since he grew up in this type environment. So, for him, crime is a way of life. Would you turn him in?
What if the guy was a criminal who managed to sneak into this country and continues to commit crimes because it's the only way he knows to survive especially since he grew up in this type environment. So, for him, crime is a way of life. Would you turn him in? a NY minute (which I hear is 7 seconds).
I know a beautiful intelligent (sometimes I question that) young girl thats seeing this Jamaican guy - he treats her terribly and she is pregnant for the second time. He is married. She's working 2 jobs in her 8th month of pregnancy and the doctor wants to give her a note telling her employers to give her less hours because she is high risk. So she went and told her boyfriend and he told her that in no way could she not work less hours because bills needed to be paid (he does not work). So they are to revisit the doctor to compell him to reach a different conclusion about her taking off from work.
HE, I would like to turn in to the authorities.
Well, obviously with all the 'lawn people,' and household Latin American servants, Americans are not 'turning in Latin Americans.'

However, there is grave danger in the Latino explosion. Many come out of communist, godless lands and are in reality the very same 'hierarchal' 'kiss-you know whats' that would allow them to be the first in, and, the least likely. to give a darn about U.S. law.

Americans have been goodhearted and NOT turned them in, but the fact is, many are let in and are a part of the drug cartel revenge hitters. This is why we in Texas are ever discussing the explosion and the ramifications thereof.

A sinister 'oil-servant' faction of Latin Americans are here and they do NOT mean America any good. However, it was George Bush and the Republicans who for 'love of an dollar' let them in, so there
Good point and it does appear to be a Latino explosion right here in Texas. And because of this, being bilingual (particularly Spanish as the second language) is becoming a basic requirement in the job market.
I can see you and Sister Elaine feeling that way. You guys are right 'in it' - 'in it'...

But as Obama stated - the 'powers that be' are having us attack each other 'minority groups' and he told us not to fall for it.

I am from the east coast and the influx may not be as heavy as where you guys are but I cannot see willynilly not having a heart for people wanting to feed their families.

If I lived in squalid conditions and my family is hungry and all I have to do is SNEAK into that country to do some kind of menial job to feed them...Look out America - here I come.
Would I be breaking America's law - yeah - but I couldn't watch my children dig through trash dumps to get their clothes or scraps of food.


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