What do you guys think about it? Does Jesus mind?

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...I've seen a variety of flags erected to the nations at conventions. I always thought the purpose intended was to show a prayer outreach to the nations...

I could see that. I surely could.

..."I've also seen the American flag hoisted on various pulpits. On the one hand, I thought it honorable towards our soldiers during 'wartime,' which is now,..."

Nope, nope. I cant see that.

"...I've seen those right-wing derelicts lift up the U.S. flag as if it is synonmous with God..."

Yep, yep. I have seen that. It was scarey.

Really Newview? You don't see a 'patriotism', you know, 'send off to the war areas as something the church could lift up if a group of our Christian brothers and sisters have been called up to go to Afghanistan?

See, I kind of like it, in that setting. Sending them off, praying them off, and someone singing Ray Charles' version of 'America the Beautiful, with the flag waving'. It's kind of like a beautiful send off 'anointing' for their safety.
"Really Newview? You don't see a 'patriotism', you know, 'send off to the war areas as something the church could lift up if a group of our Christian brothers and sisters have been called up to go to Afghanistan?

See, I kind of like it, in that setting. Sending them off, praying them off, and someone singing Ray Charles' version of 'America the Beautiful, with the flag waving'. It's kind of like a beautiful send off 'anointing' for their safety."

I dont have a problem with the nation honoring the soldiers that go off to these very very dangerous corners of the world in service to this nation. I think parades and holidays and cakes baked in their honor or sandwiches named after them is delightful. Have at it. They go off to fight for this kingdom and I think this kingdom SHOULD honor them and more importantly pay them well. They suffer alot.
But showing that honor by putting the flag on the altar - has nothing what so ever to do with God and his holiness.
Because remember - they may fight for the benefit of this nation but they are dropping bombs on Christians living in the countries that its at war with. God has nothing to do with this in my opinion. All governments of this world are at ENMITY with God.

There is a saying - Kill them all and let God sort 'em out.
It sounds all pithy and cute. But No.

I'll give you one better.
Do you think the Lord wants the flag of a nation that allows the killing unborn babies by the thousands of thousands of thousands?

I mean I could give a whole list of things - wicked things this country is into and what it stands for and what it sanctions but you probably know better than I do.

However - if someone has as a 'marker' (flag) of the nations that they have missions or something to that degree I could see there being one (somewhere in the church).

Otherwise - if it ain't to honor God and ain't about God and ain't for God - may His name be blessed forever - then it should not be there.
Oh Newview, my mistake. I was speaking of having a flag pole in a corner somewhere. I didn't mean on the altar. However, that leads to another question, would i put the flag on the altar to have it prayed over? Yes, yes, I would put it before the Lord.

If ever a nation needed prayed for this is it. I would anoint the flag and ask the Holy Spirit to move on the Nation touching the hearts of those in high places to do His will.
I would pray that Yahshua would quicken the righteous in the nation. I would pray that God's Spirit be poured out throughout the Nation that many lost souls would come to Him.

I would also ask forgiveness for all the sins of the nation just as Daniel did for the Jewish people of his day. I would ask forgiveness and repentance to come upon the women who commit abortions. Let's face it, it's their fault. It's time for personal accountability as the women will stand before God for their sins, and not so much the Nation for the fact is, as 'we the people' comprise up the nation, and, 'we the righteous people, work and pray to for women to stop aborting their unborn, then before a Just God the nation i.e. 'we the righteous people' are not sanctioning abortion.

As well, we have a President who has called for a program to be implemented that would reach out to women and girls to stop them from committing abortions. Nobody gives our President credit for this and in fact, his offer was not reciprocated by the wretched right-wing factions. However, others have reciprocated and is working with the President to find a way to stop the excessive amount of abortions.

As Obama is the leader of the nation that shows he is not sanctioning abortion even though he may not agree to tear down this 'high place' or medical procedure called abortion. As I have said, before, there are a myriad of ways to go about ending abortion. Let us pray and work to that end.

So you see, in that way, the prayers of God's people are being answered. As for America's 'military' dirt, well you who also possess the same wisdom of GOD as I, are very much right about that. However, there is little we can do about past evils. At least, our outcry has the President working to pull our soldiers out of that anti-Christ, end-time economic headquarters that Bush and the Republicans built up. Praise God for small steps. We've just got to march onward and upward ever occupying until He comes.
"...Let's face it, it's their fault. It's time for personal accountability as the women will stand before God for their sins..."

As they say......Hollah!

"...As well, we have a President who has called for a program to be implemented that would reach out to women and girls to stop them from committing abortions. Nobody gives our President credit for this and in fact, his offer was not reciprocated by the wretched right-wing factions. However, others have reciprocated and is working with the President to find a way to stop the excessive amount of abortions..."

I always learn something about the President from you :-) I did not know that.
Bless his heart.

"...So you see, in that way, the prayers of God's people are being answered. As for America's 'military' dirt, well you who also possess the same wisdom of GOD as I, are very much right about that. However, there is little we can do about past evils. At least, our outcry has the President working to pull our soldiers out of that anti-Christ, end-time economic headquarters that Bush and the Republicans built up. Praise God for small steps. We've just got to march onward and upward ever occupying until He comes..."

Hey who knows - we keep it up, Obama might start preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom on live TV. Sounds like a big deal - but with God all things are possible. :-)
But I know the day he starts telling everybody on live TV they are going to hell if they dont have Jesus - is the day he will be kicked out of office. Hah Hah!!

"Oh Newview, my mistake. I was speaking of having a flag pole in a corner somewhere. I didn't mean on the altar. However, that leads to another question, would i put the flag on the altar to have it prayed over? Yes, yes, I would put it before the Lord..."

THAT I dont mind. Yes put it on the altar to be prayed over......then get it off. It should not be there to be honored like you would a scripture on a banner.
But may everybody pray over it indeed. Cause this nation is in a tizzy. God is able.
Hey who knows - we keep it up, Obama might start preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom on live TV. Sounds like a big deal - but with God all things are possible. :-)
But I know the day he starts telling everybody on live TV they are going to hell if they dont have Jesus - is the day he will be kicked out of office. Hah Hah!!

Keep praying, who knows what would happen! So far, unfortunately, this is the type of preaching that is coming out the pulpit of President Obama:

Too bad that people that are for America being Christian are viewed as being evil, otherwise statements/sermons like this would get much praise from the saints....

"Keep praying, who knows what would happen! So far, unfortunately, this is the type of preaching that is coming out the pulpit of President Obama:..."

Thats why its incumbent upon YOU to be on a mission of prayer and fasting for this Barack and even maybe penning a letter to him as it relates to his salvation and his family's soul salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Remember with God ALL THINGS are possible because He would have all men saved.

And I really wish you would stop saying things like Obama is not a Christian - maybe he is not as far along as you or as deep as you but then maybe some think the same thing about you....That you are wordly and carnal. Surely you have something to come up to.
But just like the Lord is ever washing you and renewing you and you grow in Him. Is it possible that Barack is on a pathway as well?
Ha! You are sooo right! He'd be run out of office if he did begin to preach the gospel of Christ and to boot, his main antagonists wouldn't so much be atheists or people of other religions rather, it would be those same right-wing hypocrites staked out on FOX-NAZI headquarters. They'd rail, 'he's not sincere, he shouldn't be talking religion, he should be running the country..etc.' They are pathetic...lol... Amen?
"...As well, we have a President who has called for a program to be implemented that would reach out to women and girls to stop them from committing abortions. Nobody gives our President credit for this and in fact, his offer was not reciprocated by the wretched right-wing factions. However, others have reciprocated and is working with the President to find a way to stop the excessive amount of abortions..."

There is also another big way to stop the excessive amount of abortions: MAKE THEM PERMANENTLY ILLEGAL!!




Trevor, you're going have to let that go!

Many kings in the Bible didn't tear down the 'High places' but some were still considered good kings by God (1 &2 KI.).
They made it illegal, but not-so-Pro-Life Clinton and Obama like to reverse these actions. Did you remember that making it legal was Obama's FIRST act as President?

Nevertheless, it would be pointless to argue such a righteous cause with you, for you don't agree that it should be illegal, and probably wont for a long time.
People were having abortions throughout the entire Reagan, Bush Sr., and Little Bush's time in the White House. They DID NOT make it ILLEGAL.


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