Questions for the Hebrew Israelite Brethren and Sisteren...

Why are you guys of the Hebrew Israelite denomination so caught up in the flesh - OT, OT, OT. Have you guys ever been effected by that which is spiritual?

Do miracles ever happen amongst your congregants - like other wordly happenings - things that you can't explain and yet don't contradict the word of God?

Do you guys ever speak in tongues under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost? and if so Have they been interpretated and if so - what were a few of the messages?

Does the Lord ever give y'all visions? Daytime visions?

When there is sick among you - has your elders been called to anoint the sick with oil and pray for them and you see them miraculously healed?

Are there any-any-any white people in any of your congregations? or have there ever been any at one time but are now gone?

Do you guys believe in the resurrection of the dead?

Do you sing songs? If so - name at least 5.

Do you dance for joy in the Lord?

Are there any in your congregations who prophesy on things to come? - if so - please share a few.

When I read yall posts I often wonder if there is any joy and anything spiritual going on in your assemblies. It does not seem so, but there could be alot going on and you guys are just not sharing it with us.
And if your goal is to convert - you really need to step out and say something that the board can know or at least surmise that the God of Heaven steps out of Eternity and deals with your group(s).
I dont want it to seem that I am asking for a sign but I guess I am because the early church brought with their doctrine power and demonstration.

Otherwise - to me at least - it seems that what you brothers are sharing is stagnant.
And I say that out of love. I really enjoy scrapping with you guys over many of the subjects but when it gets down to business - outside of the OT - there is a dead pool effect going on.

Besides striving about the Law - share with the board how God deals with you guys mightily.

In Peace

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Yes they are referring to the 10 commandments. Of course Jesus fulfilled the law. That is the whole duty of man.

Not only the 10, but also the rest of the Torah. The 10 commandments does not include incest, beastiality, consulting spirits, etc. So, are we free to do such abominations? of course not, because ALL the Torah is summed up in 2 commandments. So, its just not the 10 that are, but ALL the Torah.
The commandments of love was for your protection. It was never "against us".
The law of Moshe was not "against us". You are trying to apply what Paul said to the law of Moses when in reality he was talking about the takanot of the pharisees. Remember that Paul WAS a pharisee.
Why won't anyone answer my questions?

Why are all these keep my commandment scriptures in the old testament, and the new testament?

Can you get 3 days and 3 nights from Good Friday Evening to Easter Sunday Morning?

If you don't answer these questions, Mr. Preachers, then I will assume that you want to teach a lie.
So scriptures like Mark 16:17, and the power demonstrated within the book of Acts are fictional or old fashion to you now.......
How can you tell me that I am not a Christian, and you do Pagan things?
Hi Saints,

There are more than 50 Threads on this board about strivings of the LAW...please jump in over at anyone of those other threads. Thats why I started this thread to see if there was any power and demonstration of miracles and such within the Hebrew Isralitish groups.
So please on this thread I want to keep at the miraculous and hard to unexplain or in a word 'spiritully organic' wonderments.

So Hez,
I asked about the miraculous happenings amongs your believers and you said a guy stopped doing things he was doing before. Thats good but I there are many denominations that have that testimony, there are people that joined the military or went to college or found the love of a good woman or went to jail for a couple of weeks - but more importantly, thats not the miraculous I was speaking of. Share with me something that would make even unbelieving sinners go WOW.

You said that you knew of one brother that spoke in tongues (not earthly I am assuming). And what was the interpretation of what he spoke? Or if it was just to himself - are there any in your group that speak in tongues that ARE interpreted? I'm not saying that you guys must - I am just wondering if there is anything happening that is NT miraculous within your groups.

You said you had dreams - but does that Lord work within any of you to have visions while you are awake - something to let the congregants know that we are dealing with spiritual matters that cant be explained - things that make you get goose bumps - the sublime.

You said the you guys dont call for the elders of the church when there is sick among you because that died with the Levitcal priesthood. Then why did James tell the church to indeed call for the elders when there was sick among them and they would anoint them with oil and the Lord would heal them?
Does that not give you pause - that there are no elders that have the faith to do what the Lord says and go on and anoint your sick. So you guys have no faith in the NT miraculous.
Do you think that this may be a symptom of so, so, so relying on the OT that you dont have the power of the NT saints?

You say that you do have whites in your congregations...and that surprised me - I am sorry for thinking that your denomination was black centered. I was wrong.

You say you sing songs from the book of Psalms - so you guys are given no new songs by the Holy Spirit. You have never been drawn to sing Jesus's lovely name in your songs? Please tell me you guys sing songs using His name.

I am glad that you have joy- to the point that you dance (whether in church or in the privacy of your homes)

But please address the other topics. Thanks
repost,(i thought you weren't going to talk about the law but if you are is this reasonable)
what I'am saying is, all that you qoute is correct ,but concider the matter ,could pauls reference to the law be the "sacrifical law",
in a earlier postyou said " THE LAW MADE NO PROVISION FOR REDEMPTION" but this is exactly what the sacrifical law was,
Leviticus 4:1And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
2Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a soul shall sin through ignorance against any of the commandments of the LORD concerning things which ought not to be done, and shall do against any of them:
3If the priest that is anointed do sin according to the sin of the people; then let him bring for his sin, which he hath sinned, a young bullock without blemish unto the LORD for a sin offering.13And if the whole congregation of Israel sin through ignorance, and the thing be hid from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done somewhat against any of the commandments of the LORD concerning things which should not be done, and are guilty;
14When the sin, which they have sinned against it, is known, then the congregation shall offer a young bullock for the sin, and bring him before the tabernacle of the congregation.

22When a ruler hath sinned, and done somewhat through ignorance against any of the commandments of the LORD his God concerning things which should not be done, and is guilty
23Or if his sin, wherein he hath sinned, come to his knowledge; he shall bring his offering, a kid of the goats, a male without blemish ;
27And if any one of the common people sin through ignorance, while he doeth somewhat against any of the commandments of the LORD concerning things which ought not to be done, and be guilty;
28Or if his sin, which he hath sinned, come to his knowledge: then he shall bring his offering, a kid of the goats, a female without blemish, for his sin which he hath sinned.

key in these verses is"sin through ignorance " which is if you don't know no better /// saying instead of killing you ,you bring a lamb without blemish to redeem yourself ,and sin no more
but the people took it outta content ex:proverb 7 the crafty harlot ,it is clear that the lord institued this sacrifical law ,for ignorance ,but the harlot, says lets commit the sin i already have my sin's like premeditate sin, the lord from the garden only required man to obey his voice ,hearken unto the voice of the lord thy
god,so the people then said ,hey i can sin(break the law) and go under the blood of the lamb without blemish ,

and i would ask you to concider: how the lord change not? you still need the lamb without blemish and the preist, inwhich yahshua forfills both of these. this law which is a by law, which is called the works,deeds,or ordiance of the law ,which came in to play if you broke the law
Why are you guys of the Hebrew Israelite denomination so caught up in the flesh - OT, OT, OT. Have you guys ever been effected by that which is spiritual? n/a bad wording---
why do you guys feel like we have to do everything the lord commandments???/and why do you guy live byevery word that proceedeths out the mouth of the lord,and not just the NT like everybody else(or the rest of us?)
Do miracles ever happen amongst your congregants - like other wordly happenings - things that you can't explain and yet don't contradict the word of God?

Do you guys ever speak in tongues under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost? and if so Have they been interpretated and if so - what were a few of the messages? n/a bad wording---
why is it that when a person jumps up, and babble's a bunch of stuff nobody understands,you guys(you black hebrew israelite)don't think it's from the holy ghost??? because a tongue is anothe language not sanceless babbling
Does the Lord ever give y'all visions? Daytime visions?yes
When there is sick among you - has your elders been called to anoint the sick with oil and pray for them and you see them miraculously healed? don't do the oils, if read more scripture you wouldn't either

Are there any-any-any white people in any of your congregations? or have there ever been any at one time but are now gone?yes they're white people (gentiles), no they land and stick with the truth

Do you guys believe in the resurrection of the dead?(yes i believe Yahshua rose)

Do you sing songs? If so - name at least 5.1choosen of israel/2 new jerusalem /3wash me /4thank you /5your truth
Do you dance for joy in the Lord? not at the class everybody head be in the book / but @ the feast of the lord yes

Are there any in your congregations who prophesy on things to come? - if so - please share a few.(sista if we can get pass the milk ,we can get into the meat of the scripture, where we can show you things the "LORD" has reveal to his is going to happen here on earth who is who and what there end is

When I read yall posts I often wonder if there is any joy and anything spiritual going on in your assemblies. It does not seem so, but there could be alot going on and you guys are just not sharing it with us.
And if your goal is to convert - you really need to step out and say something that the board can know or at least surmise that the God of Heaven steps out of Eternity and deals with your group(s).(sista the lord is clear
(Amos 3:2) You only have I known of all the families of the earth:

(again this is not about race this is about know who is who ,so you can understand who you are reading about /// also i appreciate the (s) behind group because hebrew is a tongue(language) israelite is a nationality ,and as in any other nation there are different followings, we are not one group(thank you sista newview for that "S") but it becomes clear who is not, who is following the scripture(simple by there fruit) I personally think alot of (recently found) israelites don't get it @all the vain arguing ,ways that clearly say this person is not working in the spirit
I dont want it to seem that I am asking for a sign but I guess I am because the early church brought with their doctrine power and adultous genaration seeketh a sign(((funny))) the sign in is that the 1's calling themsevles israel have some knowledge in the scripture, alien to secular beliefs but think, sista "here come these people screaming keep the commandments , repent keep the commandment, god is our god ,let us return to him ,these people are being stoned (as far as being cast out ,just look how your tread sets us apart like we are "the foolish ones and all we are saying is, the same thing all the prophets said ,jesus,as well as paul, everything is laying on how you obeyed the voice of the lord thy god (everyword that proceedeth) (sounds like a story told in the scripture huh)

Otherwise - to me at least - it seems that what you brothers are sharing is stagnant.
And I say that out of love. I really enjoy scrapping with you guys over many of the subjects but when it gets down to business - outside of the OT - there is a dead pool effect going on.

Besides striving about the Law - share with the board how God deals with you guys mightily.

Concider the matter???
From your answers - it would seem to me that you the Hebrew Israelite denomination lives by the letter - sure enough. But the scriptures say letter killeth but the spirit maketh alive. See what I am saying.

To begin with:
Tell me - why dont you guys follow James instruction to the church to call for the elders to annoint the sick?
why would you assume we didn't ???


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