Polygamy... Is it scriptural, or does Yah forbid such?

What speakest thou?

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James I get it, I get it.
I am going to redo the post for you:

Why isnt Jesus telling us that from the beginning - when things were GOOD - that it was one man for one woman enough of an explanation for you?
Thats perfection and it's exactly what the saints strive for.
And for all LAW KEEPERS ---> it is the LAW which is now written on the hearts of every saint.

By your argument - just because God legislated it (put some rules around it) He must have been down with it.
And if thats the case - it would be the same with slavery and making Eunuchs by other men.

I think God addressed it as being a fact of life among mere ungodly fallen men...but it was/is not God's plan
GOD did not start it, that is true. God did not forbid i, however. Neither can be refuted, simply because both are true.

There is something about Apostolic decrees that people have yet to truly understand. A man can make a decree and it shall be established as law for all so long as GOD is not against it (Job 22:21-30; 1st Corinthians 7). Moses practiced this, Queen Esther practiced this, the Apostle practiced this, and there is no way that this can be denied. Polygamy does not go against GOD's ultimate plan. In fact, GOD utilized it within HIS plan for us!! If it wasn't for polygamy, the very Nation of Israel might not have existed!

Yes you can say that man started this stuff up. That cannot be denied. However, can you bare the fact/truth that GOD not only did not rebuke it, but utilized it within HIS plans for us, and even blessed others with it? The fact of the matter is that if GOD legislated it, then GOD IS down for it. You have to be plain ole' practical and ask this question: would GOD legislate anything HE was not down with? Would HE regulate and cosign something that went against HIS morals and opinion? If so, then GOD isn't as sure minded as we give HIM credit for being then is HE? If so, HE's just like you and I then. This would make the Almighty, All Wise, All Knowing GOD a double minded man, therefore unstable in all HIS ways using sovereignty to justify HIS mistakes!

Is this the picture you paint? Your response will be crucial, so choose your words carefully....
Yes you can say that man started this stuff up. That cannot be denied. However, can you bare the fact/truth that GOD not only did not rebuke it, but utilized it within HIS plans for us, and even blessed others with it? The fact of the matter is that if GOD legislated it, then GOD IS down for it.

It appears to me that just because God regulates this lifestyle and uses it does not necessarily mean that He's all for it. God can and will take what is unholy or unrighteous and turn it into good.

For example: if you send your son or daughter who is of age to drive to the grocery store to purchase a carton of milk because your special receipe calls for this type milk and he/she came home with a can of pet milk. What would you do? Would you rebuke him/her and punish him/her for not obeying your instruction? Or, would you take what was purchased and use it and add whatever extra ingredient necessary to obtain the flavor you desire for this particular dish. The end result - the dish you prepared with the can milk taste great and you are acknowledged for preparing a good meal. And, it still does not delete the original ingredients of the receipe.

So, it may turn out the others may use can milk in the future, therefore, you will instruct them to use the added ingredient to obtain the desired flavor that will come as close as possible to the original flavor so that all who partake of this dish will be satisfied. And, because it is your original homemade receipe, you are still acknowledged for this wonderful dish.
Bad analogy Chaplain! Improvisation is one thing, but what is at stake here is compromise. When did you ever see GOD compromise??? The fact of the matter is this: GOD is not one to compromise at all. HIS word is HIS word, and HE won't fold like a normal man would in order to "make the best of it".

To use evil means to co-sign evil use. We are to follow HIS example. If HE starts using something that HE calls unholy to get the job done, then why can't we? If thats the case, then why rebuke the drug dealer who honestly thinks hustling is the only way to make money and feed his child? What about the pimp and prostitute? There was a saying that two wrongs don't make a right. That saying STILL applies.

Ishmael was illegitimate, therefore GOD told Abraham to send him away. David's son from Bathsheba was illegitimate because it was born from sin, therefore GOD took him. GOD regulated polygamy because HE saw nothing evil in it. If it is evil, then all the men and women born from polygamy were to be counted as illegitimate. The ONLY ones that see this as being evil and sinful are the people on this blog and those of a non-polygamous society. In that case, Romans 14 comes into play for such.

When Joseph's brothers turned on him, was that not considered evil doing? Yet, God took what the brothers meant for evil and turned things around where they and their families were saved from the famine. Is this what you would call compromise? Or, is this what you would call using evil means to co-sign evil means?
No, I call that making the best out of a bad situation. Did GOD legislate what they did though? Not at all!

Did GOD legislate polygamy? Yes HE did. Polygamy was never considered a bad situation in anyway shape or form until Roman culture deemed (not Christianity) it heretical.

I have not dodged anything. I simply answered it, but of course Keith was looking for another response.

I think your reasoning here is faulty. Yah accepts polygamy because HE GAVE INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO MANAGE SEVERAL WIVES. Where is the repentance of man in this? 2 Sam 12,"And I gave you your master's house and your master's wives into your arms and gave you the house of Israel and of Judah." What did Yah do? He gave what? Why would Yah give sin to David? Why would Yah purposefully give David many wives so that David can commit fornication?

I agree that Yah did not "institute" polygamy, but one thing is for sure. HE HAS NO PROBLEM WITH IT. And that's a clear fact. What He does have a problem with is certain circumstances of polygamy, such as taking a rival sister as a wife in addition to her own sister, and not providing for the wife you least love. Other than that, Yah has no problems with this.

I can say the same thing about you that you accused me of . . .you are soooooooo against me. Therefore, I don't look for you and I to agree on anything.

Peace in Jesus

Well I am not against you at all. I am only against what you're saying. Address what I stated above... if you can.

I stated my point, which was the fact that God did not institute polygamy.

You stated yours which was, God did not forbid it and He also provided rules pertaining to multiple wives.

I have no further comments.
Good Post Bro. Zadok


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