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Well Im sure you will start off with the fact that the first Christians were not Christians at all? but Palestanian Jews smitten with Jesus of Nazareth? and the concept of redemption through faith? They saw nothing disloyal or disruptive in themselves being Jews for Jesus.
Of course the slide states that Jesus was not a Jew? probably because of the recruitment of non-Jewish converts. who insisted that circumcision was weird.

Of course our early Christian brothers had a hard time of it , because of the internal bickering over who, exactly Jesus was, as is brought out in the slide. He is not this, He is not that.

The most early Christian doctrine was formulated as a defense against total in coherence, .

Now it doesn't take a genuis to recognize that the holy people spoken of in the bible began their lives on the continent of Africa, that has been minimize on purpose for the execution of slavery, yeah they knew the people they were inslaving were those spoken of in the holy scriptures.

The ones that Yahweh, had made a covenant with, through Abraham, the right, for himself and his seed to dwell in the Land of Canaan (Palestine) When Abraham acted in faith an settled on the other side of the Euphates earning the name Hebrew(from an ancient word meaning "the other side".)

Orthodox Hebrews try to uphold all of the ethical and practical imperatives of tradition, handed down in the Torah and Talmud. the Sabbath candles every Friday night, in the temple early the next morning, don't travel , telephone, touch money, or pose for pictures WHICH I SEE YOU MOREH AND JAMES BOTH HAVE DONE. use seperate cooking utensils for meat and dairy dishes....... I'm sure you two have adapted many of the everday ones to suit modern life.

Do you own Sabbath candles? See my sweet lil James, there is no way today you can keep all of the Torah! it has been fulfilled, through the gospel of Jesus, when HE stated it is done, the veil ripped. We are under a new covenant ,today, graduating from the schoolmaster.

Most of what you said concering the laws were traditions/talmudic, and NOT written Torah. the Sabbath candles every Friday night, in the temple early the next morning, don't travel , telephone, touch money.... All of those are traditions, and NOT written Torah.

Yahweh says we can keep all the Torah. Yeshua fulfilling Torah does not negate the practice of Torah! Thats lawless Christian doctrine. We never graduated from stop obeying Torah. The Torah is still apart of the new covenant(Jeremiah 31:31-34 & Hebrews 8:8-12). To say that we are no longer under the Torah for obedience is to fail to understand that Torah still stands in the new covenant, and is commanded.
Evangelist Atha, why do you go to church on Sunday, or prayer meeting on Wednesday, bible study on Friday? Why do you even pray and fast when it all has been fulfilled? Why do you not steal or kill or intentially worship other gods? Torah has been fulfilled. Why do you evangelize or teach our young to honor their parents when the law has been fulfilled. Does fulfilled mean we no longer do what Abba commanded of us? Please study the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 and learn that Yahushua or Jesus as you call him did something wonderful with Torah. He gave us spiritual context and deeper obligations to it. In the days of Mosheh (Moses), we were not to kill which our foreparents understood as taking the life of another. Under the Master Teacher as you call him, we learn that it is much deeper than that. We cannot kill a person's vision, or her reputation or his or her inner being. These are things that our so-called Saints do everyday inspite of Yahushua being your Schoolmaster. Not one jot nor tiddle was taken away but Spiritual accountability was added. This is how it was fulfilled by our Savior. Why do you have communion once a month? To remember Yahushua, I suppose. But the sacrifice has been fulfilled.... so why re-enact this over again each month? I would think you do this to remember what Abba has done for mankind.- He gave His Begotten son so that you can be saved, if you would only obey His Command.

All practicing Hebrews do not agree with me, but Sis when I obey the commanded Feasts of Abba YAHUWAH, I do so in Spirit. I read all Torah in Spiritual Context via the Ruwach HaQoDosh (The Holy Spirit). I remember the purposes and fulfillment of each sacrifice and I bless Abba in remembrance, re-enactment, and prayerfully with greater righteous living to present to Him. His sacrifices today are a contrite heart and broken spirit.... these are examples of Yahushua's teachings to us on the Mount.

One more point, I must share and again many will not understand this as well. The slide says that Jesus was not a Jew. This does not mean he was not a Hebrew. Keep in mind that there was no letter J when he walked the earth. So obviously there was no Jew but this is too deep to deal with now. If you really want to understand this and Brother James I want you to read this book as well... , please read..The Thirteenth Tribe by Koestler. Borther Koestler is an orthodox Jew today and he explains that his people who are Israelis in Israel today are not descendants of Jacob but are the Khazars. This is an area of history that I am still studying but according to his study, the political climate forced the Khazars to adopt a religion...the two big forces were the Muslims (Iraq) and the Christians (Roman Powers). These forces took over all others killing them to join their religion. Well, it appears that the only other option was what was left of Yahudah or Judah where they were and the Khazars adopted Yahudah and formed what is know today as Judaism. They have their Talmud and many traditions that are not of Abba's Torah. This is what the slide was referring to... We know Yahushua was Hebrew, descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob... and down through Yahudah's lineage. No question there! I am praying for you evangelist because Sis you are so close to the Truths... Please pray for Yah's understanding and meditate with His Holy Spirit with Isaiah 40-50. There are great blessings there as well. The Sermon on the Mount also. Trust that Abba will have you travel on a covered bridge towards His Truths. Shalom ... Shabbat Shalom... With Love.
It does not settle in the Hebraic context alone, for Paul was a Roman citizen and did not force the Gentiles to turn Hebrew, but converted them to Christianity. Did Apostle Thomas cause people to turn Hebrew in Asia? Did John do so? Even Peter the Apostle to the Jews, when ministering to Gentiles, did not do so.

Every knee shall bow and tongue confess that the name of

YESHUA- Hebrew
JESUS- English
JESUS- Spanish
عيسى- Arabic
Ιησους- Greek
shinkyuu- Japanese

The Creator of all tongues would not be offended in the speaking of HIS name in any tongue HE created. That would be backward of HIM.

Its not about "turning Hebrew", rather, understanding the SCRIPTURES in their Hebraic context.
Paul did not limit them to a purely Hebraic thought of GOD. Did he do that on Mars Hill?

He sure did do that on Mars hill. Yes, He used some Greek Philosophy on the Greeks, but He was showing them that its not about a God that is unknown, rather, a God that is known. Paul the Pharisee spoke to them with the understanding of Yahweh from Torah, and his fathers.
True, but he also had to be able to relate to their culture. GOD is not the GOD of the Hebrew mind, but of all creation.

He related to them FROM Hebraic understanding. There's no getting around this lol.
Should I care? Do I serve a god that cannot speak, or a GOD that formed all the languages Himself?

Allah or other false gods can only be understood by the one culture that they were born from, therefore their name is understood only from that tongue. The True and Living GOD YHWH, and HIS Son JESUS are the Creators of all cultures. GOD was not born from someone imagination, but quite the opposite, and therefore HE is understood in any tongue you mention HIS name in.

Revelation 17:15 "And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues."

Revelation 7:9-10 "After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands, and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb."

I never said that he didn't. I never can deny that. I wasn't trying to deny or get around it. What you however are trying to deny and get around is the fact that GOD relates to us on more than the Hebraic sense, and HE allows us to relate to HIM on more than the Hebraic sense, because HE is the GOD of all creation. There is more to knowing JESUS than speaking Hebrew/Aramaic, my friend.

Tell me buddy. How can one know & understand Yeshua APART from his Jewish context???????????????????


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