Can someone please show me in the Bible where this is permitted and explain the text?
Truly, I have been inspired by all of the comments and insight that have come from many of you!! I wanted to open a discussion that would stir the hearts and minds of many and I did. I can see that it is man vs woman and should not be. My question still remains,,,about Women Bishops!!!! The Bible does not co-sign this. I really believe we all are hung on titles. Whatever you do,,,do it all in the name of Jesus. I wanted to make some points and say some things, so that it would stir your knowledge up and cause you to proclaim what you believe. I can say,,,I have walked into many churches,,,and without sayiing a word or opening my mouth,,,,how can these men detect, discern, or sense that God has a call on my life. AND,,,WHAT, call is that? Glory be to God,,,you see many of us should make sure that our scripture references that we are using to back up your point,,,is not contextual customed to fit in your box of beliefs. My statement to this was about,,,women Bishops,,,and I for one don't agree with the TITLE,,,but I believe that a woman can teach the Gospel,,,and if the HOOP is naturally in her when she delievers,,,then hoop. Whether you want to call it style,,,whatever,,,,we all have our style. So,,if I come to some of your churches,,,I can get turned off by even the way some you hoop or TEACH. Everyone is voicing their beliefs. This is a very sensitive topic,,,and women we must make sure we are wise virtuous women,,,one thing is for sure,,,we are MASTERs at multitasking. If God,,,called you to Sunday School, Evangelist,Prophet, then you must remain a help at home. Men,,,i believe if your wife works, has to take care of kids,,,and does servant service to her local Ministry,,,it just WONT kill you to assist her at home. This is one statement that needs constant understanding and research. Our prayer should be that the LORD will enlighten and reveal to us his truth,,,NOT YOUR OPINION or CONVINCING. You see,,he that wins a soul is wise. We must make sure we ALL speak wisely. God Bless You All And thanks for the replies and the most of all THE WORD!!

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Those are not examples of "adding to the Law", but examples of going to extremes.

Umm, yes they are. Read Mark 7. The Pharisees were adding to the commandment of Yahweh. The washing of hands were a commandments of Yahweh according to the Pharisees. They condemned, just as they condemned Yeshua and his Apostles, all who did not take part in that. This is adding to Torah, Trevor. Its not so much so as going to the extremes, rather, adding to Torah is sin.

Its no need to condemn them of not taking part of their commands if the Pharisees did not consider their commands as part of the commands of Yahweh.

Mark 7:6-8:

And he said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written,

“‘This people honors me with their lips,
but their heart is far from me;
7 in vain do they worship me,
teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’

8 You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.”

9 And he said to them, “You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to establish your tradition!

These men held their traditions as Yahweh's written Torah, and this was one sin that Yeshua, here, was accusing them of. They made their traditions doctrine, which in other words, Torah. We shall not add or take away from Torah, rather, careful observe all that is written.
Yolanda Burton, you said:

"The text said,,,,Deborah being a Prophetess, led the children of Israel. My point is she WAS a leader. I am sorry,,,,I still believe in women Evangelists and Preachers,,,,,and the like. I am sorry for you men that have traditional outlooks on women. Yep, we are to be keepers at home,,,but if the Lord has a call to Minister on your life,,,,DO IT! I mean,,,,where would church be without the WOMAN,,,,,,THE MEN SURE AINT COMING,,,,You talk about fruit,,,,Where is the fruit from the men,,,at least I can say,,,,the woman is TRYING,,,to have some kind of effect on the body of Christ."

Rest assured, men of GOD have and still do produce fruit daily. The thing is there are more women than men in this world as it is, and therefore, more women in the body of Christ. It is hard to get men to fill the Churches, but when men come, they come with force (if they're faithful)! Same can be said for females women......

You are right, Deborah was a leader of Israel. Thats was not opinion, or titles, but her GOD-given position. Women can lead, preach (which actually is to evangelize), teach (which is the pulpit speaking) whoever GOD sets them in authority over. Its interesting to note that we always refer back to that "husband of one wife" thing said by Paul to Apostle Timothy, however there is one small area ignored: Paul gave the same qualifications concerning the Deacon, yet we see a female Deacon in Romans (Phebe, Romans 16:1-2).

I guess they skipped that part, Evangelist!

If the female was to not do such things as a commandment from GOD, then what is the punishment for such?
Brother Trevor,

You said:

"You are right, Deborah was a leader of Israel. Thats was not opinion, or titles, but her GOD-given position".

GOD-given position?

If it is GOD-given position, then show me the biblical reference.

Also, tell the role of Barak in Israel at that time!

Please, do not lead the women astray!

God will hold you accountable for that!


Bro. Germain
" I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant[a] of the church in Cenchrea. 2I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been a great help to many people, including me".

Romans 16:1-2 (New International Version)

our sister Phoebe, a servant...


Bro. Germain
Bro Germain are you not a servant? Did not Christ proclaim in

Mark 10:44 And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.

Being in servitude does not mean that one does not lead in that capacity but to the contrary must seek to serve the more
Its interesting to note that you quoted Judges 5 verse 15, where it says that the princes were with Deborah, no the other way around. That indicates that Deborah took the lead as judge over Israel.
In answering the call, Deborah became a female military leader, study the history of our indigenous women, it was not uncommon for them to be in battle alongside our men.


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