There has arisen an issue concerning the details of the New Covenant that our LORD and Savior YESHUA/JESUS has won for us by HIS blood and grace. Therefore, we are opening this discussion and starting it off for the edifying of the saints and the settling of the matter:

The subjects for this debate are along two lines:

-Jeremiah 31:31 and Hebrews 8: Do we still stand on the Torah?
-the Seal of the New Covenant: Is it still Sabbaths, Feasts, and Circumcision, or do we have a New Seal?

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Sorry, but false Prophets have little input on the issues of the Kingdom. You make the LORD JESUS out to sound like a created angel, hired for the job. You honestly sound like a mutant cross between Jehovah's Witness and Judaism. You truly know nothing of GOD and His Son.(Yes I said it, you are a false Prophet, all the way to the core!)


You STILL haven't even answered the question! Even that false Prophet YahsNiviim took time to give his answer, and you rejected it! Thats a shame! As I said, I have answered all of your questions up until this point, but every time I present an issue that you aren't willing to answer, you say that same line. The buck stops here! You will either answer my question as you once said you would:

"Trevor, I tell you what. Let us start this debate.. You can defend how you want, and I will defend how I want. I will answer all of your questions, and you will answer mines. Have an OPEN mind, and let it all out on the table. Deal?" Reply by James Pierce on July 16, 2009 at 8:34am

Now, if you are going to hold to your word, then you own me an answer. Not tomorrow, and not in another forum. A FULL ANSWER right here, and right now.

I think you are playing games now. I've been answering your questions. You have recently avoided my questions. I am not going to be playing any games. Can you answer my questions....

Why are you excluding the Torah from the new covenant when Yehwah decreed it?

How is it possible that Yeshuah, our Torah keeping Messiah, has a covenant to love one another as He, according to the Torah, loved us, spoke a different commandment than what Yehwah said to love your fellow man as yourself(Lev 19:18)??
>...Just face it christians are lawless people who are shopping cart believers who chose what they will obey and what they will not.
There is a big difference between you and me. I worship YHWH you worship g(a)d

If you feel that way about the Christians on the board in particular and Christianity in general - Why are you here?

How dare you disrespect the God that we serve!
Take your teaching to the muslims - they need something better than Muhamed and you just may have what they are looking for.


Many times a man's battle is on his own platform. Its in his own household. Christians claim to know and love Yehwah, and his son Yeshuah, but their actions disprove their claims. The call for many of us Messianics is to place Torah BACK into Christianity! MAY YEHWAH'S WILL BE DONE IN CHRISTIANITY! IN THE NAME OF YESHUAH, AMEN!
Brother Pierce - what it looks like your saying is that its just an in-family argument/debate on peripheries.

YahsNevim - told 'believers in the Messiah' that they are worshiping a different god and the god that they serve is no God indeed.

If he kept it to how badly were served God that would be in-family squabbling but he put down our GOD.

He said his 'god' is not our God....thats not being of the same household of faith.
However I respect his honesty.


Im speaking on terms of "claims." I agree with Niv when he said Christianity has a different god than we Messianics. I was speaking on terms that Christians believe they will take part in the new covenant.
YahsNiviim's comment really don't count for much as far as Christianity is concerned. The true believers in Christ do not say that HE is not GOD. The true believers do not say that "His blood didn't do anything". As far as HEaven is concerned, you're on the outside looking in......


As for your questions to me, I wont answer another one until I am clear on your view on the deity of Christ! That is far more important than the new covenant debate itself. Such information is key to the entire discussion. There is no other way around it because out of all the people here, I have bent over backward the most. I answer questions and they get ignored, then I'm expected to answer the same question again and again, and my questions are dodged or answered vaguely. Even my ministry office has been questioned yet I never tried such an attack for validation.

You come as a fraud, talking Bible but not talking with the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT at all. You come talking about JESUS but not talking as if you know Him, so lets lay it out here and now! Either answer my question, or step out of this discussion on the account that you refuse to speak on the deity of Christ which is the foundation of the new covenant itself. A true believer always should be ready to discuss this, so enough games: where do you stand on the deity of the Messiah?

Create another forum. I stand on my statement. If not, then I guess we will have to end our debate.

No, answer right here for all to see! There is no other way.......

Yehwah bless you with his truth of obedience. Create another forum, or there will not be a debate. If you come again stating you will not create a forum, then I will not respond to you.

This debate, for you at least James, is a done deal!

If im inviting you to create another forum about Yeshuah's deity so that I can openly discuss my views on it, then why do you insist on believing that I cannot declare it? This is the same ignorance you are using for the new covenant & Torah. Even though Yehwah has decreed Torah in the new covenant, you insist on saying that the Torah is not in the new covenant.

That, my friend, smells like ignorance... lol. You're a joke. I'll let you have your glory, and say all the things you want, because its all going to be out of anger, ignorance, and down right stubborness. Please, do not respond to this, because it will only glorify your ignorance, stubborness, and anger. Anyone who's watched our debates can come forth and attest to your antics. Lets keep the new covenant forum, the new covenant forum, and go ahead and create a deity of Yeshuah forum. If not, then we just wont debate :)



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