Al·le·giance: devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause

De·vo·tion: religious fervor : piety : an act of prayer or private worship

I believe so many have been tricked into worshiping a flag. What do you think?

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Yea, thats me! LOL Yes we knocked heads before, but just because we disagree doctrinally on certain issues, doesn't mean we disagree on ALL issues! A blind man can see that the government is crazy!

What happened to our deity debate, and the new covenant debate?
I knew you were going to ask about that.....

The new covenant debate is getting no where because neither side will yield, and alot of your "teammates" will not keep it real. Questions have been asked towards me numerous times and they have been rejected as not being answered simply because the person didn't like the answer I gave. I, however, have asked for answers to alot of my questions, and had to wait literally days for a simple answer after repeated requests. That debate is below me, because it has become insulting.

The Deity of CHRIST Debate is not a debate, but a comparison. I have yet to do the proper research for your last comment. I wasn't just going to leave it unanswered.

At least you finally came out as being honest by not knowing something. I admire and respect that. I shall leave it alone until you come back with the proper research, but thats IF you come back.

You just played yourself with that one kid. When I know something, I say it; when I don't, I say it. People have a problem with someone whose educated. I don't know it all, but whats wrong with the desire to know it all!??! I'm not always right, but I'd like to be one day. After all, WHAT PERSON IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WANTS TO BE WRONG!?!?

I have answered all your questions and challenges honestly. Be real and just admit that you don't respect my answers, but don't say I wasn't honest.

I respect your answers. I just do not agree, but I await your research though.
Hey Trevor,
Are you familiar with the alleged H1N1 virus scare and possible quarantine issues coming in October? Also, they are said to be considering STATE BORDER CLOSINGS to confine everyone to their own states and keep us in Check. Sounds like Marshall Law to me.
Great post,some fail to realize when they ask for your allegiance,they're asking you to choose.Those who have the mind of Christ,know that this is a conditioning of the mind.As the world grew from it's infancy,domination began to be the objective.Now that it's completely out of hand,wars and rumors of wars exsist.we all just need to go backwards,to understand our future.God created this world and all therein,to pledge allegiance to a flag is excepting a false god,to guide you,we can't serve two masters.The things of this world constrict and confuse the reprobate mind.As if we the usa knows whats best for the world.Allegince leads to devotion,and our focus is suppose to be on HIM,only after the 2nd coming will we see the error of or ways.TO THE CREATOR,GOES MY ALLEGIANCE!! Ps.119;133- ORDER MY STEPS IN THY WORD:AND LET NOT ANY (INIQUITY) HAVE DOMINION OVER ME.
Amen Brother,
Why is that so hard for people to understand? We can't pledge allegiance to a flag made of cloth with our hands covering our hearts and one hand extended towards the flag and say it's not worship. It amazes me how someone (a christian) could say that they'd die for our country but they wouldn't die for the sake of the gospel.

We as a people are in a deep snoooooze right about now. TIME TO WAKE UP PEOPLE. Our government do not care about it's people, if they did they wouldn't have hundreds of thousands of FEMA COFFINS AND BODY BAGS AND CONCENTRATION CAMPS ALL OVER THE PLACE.
-Our Healthcare is under attack HEAVY:They study to get cures and come out with "treatments" and pills with worse side effects that the disease itself! Swine Flu was no accident (don't make me go there!).....
-Our Economy is under attack HEAVY: Socialism is being installed, bankers are being placed at the top positions of the nation, the FED has more power than ever,car companies are now majority owned by the Government and the list goes on....
-Food is under heavy attack HEAVY: Poisoning and rationing are being done to regulate the amount distributed and therefore keep population under control and keep consumers consuming. This was done during the Great Depression and WWII....

Need I go on?
Yeah Swine Flu was engineered. How can you not get swine flu by eating pork but you can get it through some strange airborne element? The FEMA coffins and body bags are a clear indication that these folks have something up their sleeve. The soldiers have been training for civil unrest in the event of the need for Marshall Law. They are said to be planning to bring in UN troops to keep us all in line.

The food is not only being rationed but tampered with (GMO's) They currently have a bill that may make it illegal to grow your own food and or raise your own healthy livestock. And let's look at child immunizations, in America. These were put in place to make kids sick and more submissive to Government rules by the time they are adults. If they make it that far.
you're on to something

you have got to check out http://www.naturalnews.com

its got inside info on these issues and many more. Its a good source of info on natural remedies too for whatever ails you


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